But what Lanxing didn't expect was that Hestia interrupted him again before he finished speaking.

"No, Lan Xing, although you may look scary at first, as long as you get in touch with Lan Xing for a while, everyone will know that it's not the real you... Whether it's serious in the forge, or with other people Politeness during contact, or interaction with children on the street during breaks... But the only disadvantage is that everyone doesn't know your strength. If you know your strength, there will definitely be a group of girls chasing you! "

After finishing speaking, Hestia couldn't help but move closer to Lan Xing again, her whole face seemed to be on Lan Xing's chest.

"That's why! Lan Xing, did some girls discover your good points, so you have a girlfriend?"

Looking at the imposing Hestia, Lan Xing froze for a moment, then under Hestia's gaze... laughed?

That's right, Blue Star kept smiling in front of Hestia, or most people. This is a kind of social etiquette. This etiquette is maintained.

This also caused Hestia to rarely see Lan Xing's smile.

Why does Lan Xing laugh at such a time?

It's very simple, because Blue Star seems to have figured out something under Hestia's pressing step by step.

He has always kept a distance from Hestia deliberately. This distance does not exist in the first place, but is deliberately created by Blue Star because of his inner "respect", and because he does not belong to this world. The particularity led to a special sense of distance between him and the original Hestia.

And this is exactly what Blue Star deliberately produced.

But looking at the other party's expression of concern about his emotional life, for some reason, Lan Xing suddenly felt a strange feeling.

Unlike goddesses and family members, aren't they just like ordinary friends now?

Some secrets should indeed be kept secret from each other, but as friends, there is no need to keep some secrets, right?

In this case—————

"Goddess Hestia, it's better to hit the sun than to choose another day. There are some things I want you to see."

Undoubtedly, at this time, Lan Xing has made up his mind to take Hestia to his office and introduce Tiayou and Eve to each other.

But Hestia didn't realize what happened.

Why did Blue Star suddenly say this?

Chapter 5 'Hestia' 'Hmm~Blue Star~'

Hestia didn't know why Blue Star would suddenly take the initiative, but from Blue Star's eyes, Hestia could still see how determined Blue Star was when he made the decision.


During the initial daze, Hestia nodded with a smile on her face, and even her cheeks puffed up because of anger, she didn't know when she returned to normal.

It's just that when she was pushed away holding Lan Xing's arm as usual, she couldn't help being a little disappointed. Sure enough, the distance between the two...

But when Hestia felt a little bit lost, Lan Xing unconsciously slowed down and spoke alongside Hestia.

"Goddess Hestia, although I am your family member, I am also a little embarrassed..."

Hestia, who was originally a little strange because of Lan Xing's actions, brightened up after hearing Lan Xing's explanation.

She suddenly quickened her pace and ran in front of Lan Xing, leaning forward with her hands behind her back, staring at Lan Xing's eyes fiercely with her big bright eyes, with a teasing smile on her face.

"Blue Star...are you shy?"

Facing Hestia's tease, Lan Xing unconsciously looked away.

At this time, Hestia seems to have forgotten how full of "impact" his body is. Fortunately, he has made a lot of progress in the practice of ripples recently. He can not only adjust his breathing through breathing techniques, but also adjust his face. The blood kept him from blushing.


Faced with Lan Xing's serious response, Hestia couldn't tell whether what Lan Xing said was true or not, but no matter it was true or not, what Lan Xing said just now made her very happy.

Lan Xing has always been obedient to what she said. It can be said that even if she is naturally dumb, she can feel Lan Xing's respect for her from the bottom of her heart, but it is precisely because of this that Hestia feels It's a little strange, because maybe most of the gods would like a family like Blue Star.

But she is different!

What she longs for is a family that can be like a real family.

At this time, although Lan Xing was also rejecting her, he also spoke out his "inner words" to her, which was undoubtedly a major improvement in Hestia's view.

"I don't care! I said you are shy, Lan Xing~! That's why you are shy, Lan Xing!!"

Seeing Hestia who was laughing and running forward like a child, as if hoping that he could catch up, Lan Xing didn't know how to complain for a while, but in the end he couldn't help shouting at the other party.

"Master Hestia, you are going in the wrong direction."

Following Blue Star's shout, Hestia stopped and ran back to Blue Star's side and continued to walk beside Blue Star.

"Blue Star?"

"What's wrong, Lady Hestia."

"Isn't it about time you changed your mind?"


Faced with Lan Xing's puzzled expression, Hestia didn't know for a while whether Lan Xing really didn't know what he was talking about or was pretending, but just as Lan Xing felt that today might be telling Hestia some of her secrets. This is a good opportunity, and Hestia also felt that today's Blue Star seemed to be different from usual, so she couldn't help but take another step forward.

"It's the title of 'Master Goddess'~ Doesn't it feel a bit strange that you always call me that?"

"No, when I went to the adventurer's guild to register, the receptionist who introduced me to the 'familiars' in the guild specifically reminded me to be polite when facing the 'gods', especially the 'main god' I serve. ..."

Seeing Lan Xing's serious expression, Hestia realized that she had finally found the 'root of all evil', but now is not the time to pursue these matters.

"For the 'most' gods, this is naturally true. After all, some gods are a little narrow-minded, especially the 'flat-chested Loki', especially—— small-minded!"

Looking at Hestia with an unhappy expression, Lan Xing couldn't help but feel a little weird. After all, he had also heard about the grievances between his main god and the main god called Loki, and the two quarreled when they met. , but he didn't know the specific reason. After all, neither of them publicly said anything about the relationship between the two of them, and human beings don't dare to make up things between gossip gods.

And Hestia explained seriously after complaining about her old opponent.

"Just as humans have various personalities, so do gods. There are narrow-minded guys like Loki, and there are naturally big-hearted gods like me."

While talking, the other party patted his chest.

Seeing the heart beating because of the opponent's actions, Lan Xing couldn't help but nodded.

Indeed, it is very spacious.

But at this moment, Hestia suddenly looked at Lanxing again, which made Lanxing have to divert his gaze.

"So Blue Star, you don't have to care about calling this kind of thing. As I said, I don't care about such face-saving things. Blue Star, you have already proved your 'devotion' to me with your actions, so what do you call it? There is no need to be so formal, after all, in my opinion, my family members are the same as my 'family'~"

Looking at Hestia with a bright smile on her face, Lan Xing suddenly realized something.

Perhaps, the reason why Hestia noticed him, and why he chose to become Hestia's family, was not just because of those too complicated reasons.

Simply because two lonely souls who were also trying to find their family met.

That's it.

Looking at Lan Xing who was silent for some reason, Hestia was a little nervous. After all, in her opinion, Lan Xing was always serious. Perhaps such a request of hers seemed embarrassing to the other party?

After all, there is a gap between gods and humans————


At this moment, a somewhat deep voice suddenly sounded, causing Hestia, who was originally thinking of something, to stop instinctively.

She looked at Lan Xing in disbelief, as if she was a little surprised at why Lan Xing called out her name so easily.

But after the initial surprise she finally nodded with a big smile on her face.

"Hmm~! Blue Star!!"

At this time, Hestia, who was smiling all over her face, seemed to have forgotten her original purpose of following Lan Xing, and walked towards the office with a full smile beside Lan Xing.

At this time, Hestia told Lan Xing about her daily experience as usual, complaining or complaining, but the only difference was that Lan Xing, who usually just listened more, changed her words today for some reason. much up.

As the distance from the Blue Star Office got closer, the distance between the two was unconsciously pulled in until they stopped at a suitable distance.

The only difference is that this time Hestia no longer recklessly tried to approach Blue Star, but decided to act steadily.

In her opinion, one day, Lan Xing will completely open up to her...

Chapter 6 The Liver and Kryptonian Blue Star

People often have two sides.

The usual Tiayou looks soft, but at certain times, she becomes extremely strong, such as when the people she cares about are threatened.

Beyond that it's time to 'work'.


Accompanied by the strange voice, Tiyayou, who was originally sitting at the desk with a serious face, couldn't help showing an excited expression, because the 'ship suit' in front of her was shining with a strange light.

Due to the lack of necessary equipment, the production of the 'ghost drug' is only at the stage of paper verification. It can be said that it has basically stagnated, but the production of the 'ship equipment' is extremely smooth.

The most troublesome part of the ship outfit is making the 'ship outfit' itself, turning it into an 'arrow' and summoning a 'spirit'.

Among them, turning the finished product into arrows and summoning elves requires the use of another world's "Siren" black technology, but I don't know if it is because the design considers that he does not have this ability, so another compromise method is adopted , that is done by magic.

It can be said that there are advantages and disadvantages between this kind of ship outfit and the normal ship outfit, which are different from the normal ship outfit production process.

The advantage of normal ship equipment is that the production efficiency is higher, but the disadvantage is that the upper limit is basically locked;

The production efficiency of purely handmade ship suits depends entirely on the proficiency of the producer, but even if the efficiency is high, it is definitely not as fast as the speed of the machine, but at the same time, Blue Star can also modify the ship suit itself.

In fact, the modification of the "ship outfit" was only recently thought of by Blue Star.

Just like making the 'Hunting Horn' before, some blue stars could not be made at the beginning, or he would tell other people in the forge the parts that were not well made, and 'Hephaestus' started again after discovering the blue stars. When making some strange parts, I couldn't help becoming interested in Blue Star.

Perhaps Blue Star can only be said to be a 'serious hard worker' in terms of forging skills alone, at least in terms of forging talent alone, it is about the average value among the 'Hephaestus Familia'.

But what she really appreciates is Lan Xing's 'creativity' or 'wonderful ideas different from ordinary blacksmiths'.

So when she noticed that Lan Xing was forging some strange parts, she couldn't help being curious.

After all, she found that she couldn't figure out what Blue Star was planning to make.

That's right, even if she is called the "Goddess of Forging", it is impossible for her to understand all forging things, but the experience she has cultivated over countless years makes her at least able to guess every finished product even if she cannot accurately guess it. Approximate direction.

But after observing Blue Star's forging several times, she found that it was impossible to splice the parts forged by Blue Star together in her mind.

A completely unfamiliar product?

This undoubtedly aroused the other party's curiosity.

As the goddess of forging, Hephaestus naturally hopes to see the 'finished product'.

So she made a 'deal' with Blue Star.

The content of the transaction was very simple. After Lanxing finished her work, she would appreciate and demonstrate it to her, and she would teach Lanxing some 'forging' skills.

Sound weird?

After all, at this time, Blue Star is still borrowing the blacksmith shop under 'Hephaestus' for forging and learning, so there is absolutely no need for the other party to make a 'transaction'.

But she has never considered using other means, after all, she is the 'goddess of forging'.

She loves forging from the bottom of her heart, and takes care of every craftsman who loves forging. It can be said that even if Lan Xing is not her family, as long as Lan Xing shows enough talent in forging, she is willing to help Lan Xing .

The so-called 'deal' is not without the idea of ​​favoring Blue Star.

And what she gave to Blue Star was a skill to control the 'forging' skill.

The so-called 'forging' skill adds attributes and skills to the equipment itself. It does not appear out of thin air, but the original attributes in the equipment material are refined and strengthened through 'forging' through the forging skill.

However, it is impossible to completely control the specific effect, but it can be guided by certain skills.

This is the technique Hephaestus taught Blue Star.

The final result is that Blue Star turned all the parts used to make 'ship equipment' into magic equipment.

Even if the level of the magic equipment used as parts is not too high due to Blue Star's personal technology, it can be imagined that the attributes of the finished product are definitely far superior to ordinary ship equipment.

Of course...the funds invested are also expensive, plus the labor cost of Blue Star himself.

While Blue Star's battle strength grew rapidly, the funds invested also doubled.

If you use game terms to describe Blue Star's current state, it would probably be————————————————————————————

Fortunately, Blue Star's 'krypton gold (investment)' and 'liver (forging)' finally paid off today.

"Is it finally successful?!"

Ti Yayou, who was sitting at the desk, looked at the 'small airplane model' on the desk and couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

Simply making 'ship outfits' is not too difficult for Tiayo, after all, what Tiayo is only responsible for is 'assembly' and 'activation' is the responsibility of Blue Star.

But just assembling ordinary ship equipment is not too difficult a job, but if the assembled parts are all composed of various 'magic equipment', the difficulty will increase exponentially.

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