If I knew I was going to lock him up in the dark room, why did I give him medicine?

I was so lonely after taking this medicine, it was all a waste, it was numb, I really wanted to make him spit it out and give it back to him, it was a rare reward that can only be obtained by clearing the level perfectly.

Bai Weiran stroked his chin, squinted his eyes and looked at the young man by the pool.

"I said this classmate! Don't you think about your studies and future?"

This melancholy young man loved to deal with the harem before, and his thoughts and energy were spent on love and sex. Every day he was depressed thinking about who he loved, and how to escape Xia Yanle's halo of genius. On the right way, studies and internships are like mud bodhisattvas crossing the river, and it is difficult to protect themselves, all relying on Xia Yanle, who he said [isolated control], to escort him.

Now that he has left the small black room, Xia Yanle doesn't care about controlling him anymore, she only wants his life, and thinks of all kinds of ways to kill him every day, if it wasn't for Bai Weiran's protection, Qin Yun has never been able to die since he came out forty times.

Sure enough, there is no quiet time in this world, only other people are carrying the burden for you.

Xia Yanle worked so hard to kill Qin Yun, and Bai Weiran worked so hard to save Qin Yun's life, what is Qin Yun doing?

#Query Qin Yun status#

Oh, it's so embarrassing, he's melancholy and messing with the harem again.

Bai Weiran didn't understand. Seeing that the final exam was coming soon, he was still a student, so he was a little bit worried, okay?Do not read books at night to prepare for the exam. On this late autumn cooling night, I went to the swimming pool and waited for someone to date. I only wore a pair of swimming trunks and a bath towel to pose with a melancholy profile. How about shooting a blockbuster?

He didn't need to touch it to know that the water in the pool must be cold.

Because the scumbag's lips turned white from the cold.

Just like this, I still feel depressed and uncomfortable, and become a poet, murmuring.

"On a late autumn night, the icy water is like your eyes—"

Bai Weiran: ...If you are sick, you can wear clothes when you are cold!

"Are you looking at his weakness?" Bai Weiran asked Xia Yanle.

He no longer regularly appears by Xia Yanle's side, he only stops Xia Yanle when she commits a murder, and then talks to her briefly during this time.

Xia Yanle leaned against the wall, not denying it.

No matter what she does, the masked man will stop her.

No matter how ingeniously designed the plan or the outrageous way of death, he would be like a child playing a game, and it would be wiped out as soon as he raised his hand. Over forty kinds of plans have passed, but now she has a strange sense of absurdity.

I don't know whether my efforts are for killing Qin Yun, or for this brief conversation with him after the plan failed.

He is special.

Doesn't belong here anywhere, like a netizen.

But it is much closer than netizens.

There are things we cannot confide to those close to us, but we can confide them to those we have never met.

"Well, because he is very common, there are always precedents to refer to in common cases, and there are always data to track. I don't like special cases."

"Exactly. People who do research want to believe in the data, and don't like exceptional cases."

Not to mention doing research, he is also, whether it is in game operation or research and development, if there is a problem with the data or the server reports an error, that is the bell for overtime work.

"The book you gave me, I think is very good, is there anything else?" she asked.

She finished reading "On X Language"?

Sure enough, no matter what world the top academics are eager to learn.

"Shall I bring you "Zhuang Xzi"?"

"Is there anything interesting about that book?"

Bai Weiran picked a familiar example to show her.

Question: There is a tortoise that is three thousand years old. Do you think it would rather be wrapped in brocade and placed on a temple to be worshiped by people, leaving its skeleton after death to show its dignity, or alive and dragging its tail in the mud? ?

The answer: Of course it is dragging its tail in the mud.

Xia Yanle pursed her lips and smiled.

"Then bring me this book, it's interesting."

Bai Weiran was very moved, and decided to bring her the copy of "Zhuang Xzi" that Yu Mengmeng had stepped on at least a dozen times at home, and finally the sick and delicate girl discovered its beauty.

Xia Yanle turned to leave, but Bai Weiran called her to stop.

"Aren't you going to close the cable? When the power is restored during the day, be careful not to electrocute other innocent people."

Xia Yanle glanced sideways at him.

"It's the same as packing things." She said in a naughty tone.

"In the same place, whoever can't stand the mess first will clean up first."

"Compared to me, whoever cares more about human life will collect this cable." She paused.

"Obviously that's not me, is it?"

He walked away leisurely.

Bai Weiran: ......... It's broken, she really knows how to handle people.

Forget it, it was a matter of little effort anyway, as soon as he stretched out his hand, the cable disappeared from the side of the pool immediately, and everything returned to its original state.

He took one last look at Qin Yun, shook his head, took a step back, and disappeared into the darkness.

The autumn wind that is about to enter winter is bleak, Qin Yun is shivering by the swimming pool, guarding the false invitation, waiting for someone who will not come, and imagining one after another evocative scenes of field battles in the swimming pool——


Weiran giegie is still carrying the weight of the scumbag

He really, he made me cry, I want to vote for him every month!

. :?(.ノω\.)??.

Chapter 34 I hate you, thank you!

Bai Weiran and Guoguo are in a meeting, and they are watching the projected work schedule in the small conference room.

"In this way, the schedule for the first half of November is too tight. Put the five character data tests in the second half of the month, and leave more time for the animation side to polish." Bai Weiran instructed

Guoguo hesitated.

"So there's too much work in the second half of November, and your share is so high...Are you okay, are you going to stay awake for half a month?"

Bai Weiran replied that it was all right, but Guoguo was still worried.

"My big boy, the project is all fake, and the project belongs to the company in the end. Even if we work hard, the boss who makes a lot of money from the project will at most pay a few months' bonus. Now the life in this business is not as good as before. , the boss is getting more and more stingy, you really broke your health, how much can medical insurance help? A few months of bonuses are not enough."

Guoguo has always felt that Bai Weiran's working hours are too ridiculous.

Recently, he has been working more and more hours of overtime. He can't see him off work, and he comes to work early. There are even rumors in the group that no matter what time you send him a message in the middle of the night, he will basically reply quickly.

Damn, you don't sleep when you go home, you start cultivating immortals, right?

Faced with Guoguo's earnestness, Bai Weiran smiled helplessly.

"...I'm really fine. Do you think I look like someone with trouble? Don't worry, I slept well. "

Guoguo took a closer look at him, his face was indeed glowing red, and he couldn't see any haggardness of cultivating immortality.

"...That's right, but according to the normal physiological needs of human beings, your sleep time is still wrong, and you can't see it for a while, and it is definitely not a good thing in the long run."

"Good mother, thank you Guoguo mother!"

Bai Weiran said hello, Guoguo immediately jumped up and threw him with a pen.

"Who is your mother, are you taking advantage of me?"

Bai Weiran grabbed the pen with an innocent face.

"You first say that I'm your big brother, I'm not wrong to call my mother!?"

"That's different!" Guoguo's face was full of anger.

She called Bai Weiran so big, it was to take advantage of Bai Weiran's status, but Bai Weiran really called her mother, and she was called old - how could it be repaired, she couldn't allow being called old!

Guoguo flew two more pens, ran out of ammunition and food, and then cursingly revised the schedule amidst Bai Weiran's apology.

"At the end of the day, you can choose any of the two values ​​before, and now you won't be so tight." Guoguo said, eyebrows and eyes raised, and sighed.

Bai Weiran has been interviewing for new values ​​for the research and development project.

In fact, there were really two people who thought they were good before, but there is no shortage of job opportunities for capable people. If you want to choose someone, they may not want to choose you. The first one finally chooses to accept the application of Nan'e, and the second one is willing to go to the next life Le, the problem is the teammates backstab.

Sheng Nan told the human resources that he was short of value, and he asked them to provide good values ​​first. After all, he was in charge of the company's head operation project, holding the bulk of the company's turnover. To be honest, the salary of the research and development project was earned by them. Come here, I really don't have the confidence to speak up in front of Daddy.

Katsuo snatched the value that was promised to come in.

The other party was also a little surprised, but the operation of the project was good, and the salary and bonus offered were higher. People always look at the money, and the other party agreed, and finally transferred to Katsuo's project smoothly.

Cut off the beard fiercely, making Bai Weiran's busy work for a while.

Now it is getting closer to the end of the year, and it is the super off-season of recruiting. Everyone wants to finish the New Year's performance before leaving. It is very difficult to find people at this time, and there are no interviews.

"Do you think this is Dong Zhengyuan's idea for Shengnan?" Guoguo stopped typing on the keyboard, and asked Bai Weiran in a low voice.

"Such a despicable method seems to me to be Dong Zhengyuan's handwriting."

Bai Weiran looked down at the phone, and distractedly replied.

"……It does not matter."

Guoguo let out an oh, and said no more.

An old friend and old colleague, she also understood the meaning of Bai Weiran's words.

First of all, the done deal is done, and it is useless to talk more.

Secondly, regardless of whether it was Dong Zhengyuan's suggestion or not, Shengnan has already robbed people. If a person can be instigated, it means that he is willing to use this method in his heart. There is nothing to whitewash him and say he is innocent. As an adult, you should always be responsible for your actions.

Looking at the two points together, Bai Weiran's conclusion is - it's not important.

It's not important to pay attention to who came up with the idea, and pay less attention to such trivial details.

He looked up at the projection screen.

"...Anyway, if they snatch it once, can they snatch it a second time or a third time?"

There is a fixed number of functional people required for a project, and it is impossible to cut them off endlessly in the future.

Guoguo glanced at him, speechless admiration.

Bai Weiran is really too steady.

"Okay, let's check the schedule one last time." She said, while rolling the scroll wheel to the top, the two of them watched along the way, and turned off the screen projection after making sure it was correct.

Guoguo got up holding the notebook and thought of one thing.

"Why are you not at your work station recently, what happened?"

Because Xia Yanle carried out the murder plan regardless of day or night, Bai Weiran had to monitor her situation at all times and stop her at any time, so he often disappeared at his work station from time to time.

"Well, something." He smiled.

Guoguo froze for a moment.

"...A niece again?" Your relatives are so good at giving birth?

Bai Weiran thought for two more seconds this time.

"No, not my niece." He said, pursed his lips, and pushed the chair back to its original position.

"is a friend--"

He walked out of the conference room, and Guoguo, who was behind him, was holding a notebook and tilted his head with doubts.

Bai Weiran, who walked out of the meeting room, went back to his work station, carrying a bag of apples, and turned into the men's toilet, closing the door and locking it.

In the next second, it appeared on the edge of the sea cliff, and the sea breeze was rustling, with a salty smell.

There is a tree planted on the edge of the sea cliff. It is a tree species that Bai Weiran has never seen before. It has small leaves like laurel leaves and flowers with white petals and yellow stamens. The tree is two meters high, and Xia Yanle sits under the tree in a simple suit. , leaning against the trunk, quietly closed his eyes.

This is the grave of Xia Yanle's biological parents.

In this world, monuments are erected and tombs are erected from time to time, and large-scale construction is carried out, but people are buried with trees after death.

Bai Weiran also specially researched the origin of this custom - there is a creation myth in this parallel world, the world is originally a chaos, a sapling was born in the chaos, this sapling is small but strong-willed, it wants to To break through this chaos.

But it is just a sapling, not a knife, not an axe, not a magic weapon, and it can't divide gold and break rocks, and fight to break the sky.

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