In the original world, Yu Mengmeng studied in a high school near her home. She didn't need to take an exam, just applied according to the school district. She often asked for leave in junior high school, and it was even worse in high school. She stayed at home all day and did not go to school.

He even doubted the possibility of a teacher sympathizing with giving her water.

Bai Weiran stroked his forehead.

The score is so bad, and he still thinks of a scumbag——? ?

I'm your age, if my grades are so bad, I won't even be able to fall asleep, let alone thinking about someone I have a crush on!

When he went to work during the day, he put away all the games and asked Yu Mengmeng to study hard.

But he soon discovered that when he came back to check, the papers were filled out perfectly, but when he redid the spot check, he couldn't answer two of the five questions.

It turned out that Yu Mengmeng used the mobile phone Bai Shimo gave her to search for the answers to the papers online.

What a little genius, after searching and filling in the answers, the rest of the time he held his mobile phone and played ranking with people in the canyon.

The console game was out of play, and she switched to mobile games, and she was newly obsessed with pesticides for the dead.

Bai Weiran found out today that she confiscated her mobile phone, which can be said to have cut off the last lifeline of the Internet addicted girl, and she revealed her true colors and began to howl.

"Bai Weiran, how can you say such cruel words with your 37-degree mouth!?" She wiped her tears and sat on the stool, her small mouth was still very hard. These days, she sprayed pesticides every day and learned all the tricks of this world.

Bai Weiran sat on the sofa with his notebook in his arms while working, while monitoring her, and replied calmly.

"I'm also curious, how can your 37-degree hands fail to write a topic of this level."

"I used to have good grades, but you bullied me!" Yu Mengmeng cried.

She has repeated many times that her grades are not bad. Although she is at home for a long time, she has never failed the mid-term and final exams, and her grades have always been in the upper middle of the class.

Bai Weiran only thought she was arguing and did not accept it.

This is because the data of the two parties is not synchronized and cannot communicate.

It is true that Yu Mengmeng did not lie, but Bai Weiran lives in Great China, which is very introverted. The teacher shouted before the college entrance examination, thousands of troops crossed the single-plank bridge, and the memory of the last battle was engraved into the DNA.

Even if he believed what Yu Mengmeng said was true, Bai Weiran would not choose to relax his control over her.

Without him, this is the legacy of anyone who has been involved in the Chinese examination system.

"Bai Weiran is a devil, a great devil!" She cursed, wiping away her tears with one hand, and doing the math with the other.

It's getting faster and faster.

After a few days, Yu Mengmeng's guts quickly grew fatter.

She was most afraid that Bai Weiran would send her back, but she soon discovered that Bai Weiran was a master of what he said, and he promised not to send her back, even if he didn't write the questions well and was caught secretly playing games , he was angry, but no matter how angry he would be, he would not ignore her, and he would not say any threats of "If you are disobedient, I will send you back".

What's there to be afraid of in such a situation, let's go! !

Have the courage to make mistakes, catch them!

Seeing her blushing from crying, Bai Weiran's eyes became more rabbit-like, and felt pitiful and funny.

He got up slowly, and took out the braised prawns that he bought in advance from the refrigerator.

As soon as it was heated in the pot, the fragrance wafted out, her eyes lit up immediately, and she stopped crying.

Shrimp and crab are close friends, Yu Mengmeng likes crabs the most, but shrimp is not bad either.

As soon as he smelled the aroma of shrimp, he involuntarily raised his nose and swallowed his saliva.

After Bai Weiran finished heating up, she came back with a plate and sat down at the table.

Yu Mengmeng stared at her with a good eyeball.

Seeing him picking up a shrimp and peeling it slowly, his movements of peeling the shrimp are skillful and graceful. First, he twisted and turned to remove the head of the shrimp, gently sucked the head of the shrimp, and then began to peel the body of the shrimp and removed the legs. The shell of the prawn body is completely peeled off, and the tail end is pulled cleverly - even the meat of the tail is completely taken out, which can be described as a magic skill.

While peeling, he also popularized science.

"This is the base shrimp."

"Also known as sand shrimp and mud shrimp, it is a species of the genus Penaeus that is produced in the coastal shrimp family. Because of its delicious taste, high meat yield, thin shell and fat body, and rich flavor, it is common and popular here."

The loli girl nodded indiscriminately, she couldn't listen at all, she just stared at the white shrimp and swallowed her saliva, her little feet restlessly stepped on the ground lightly, her face and eyes were full of words - eat it for me!

But after the introduction, Bai Weiran calmly threw the shrimp into his mouth.

Yu Mengmeng: ...! ! ?

"I'll give you a question now." Bai Weiran said calmly.

"I'm going to take this plate of shrimp into the room to peel it now."

"After four and 10 minutes, I will eat the next shrimp, and the time interval will decrease. The next one will be two 10 minutes, the next one will be 10 minutes, and the next one will be 5 minutes. Go on at this rate, You can figure out how long it will take me to eat thirty shrimp."

"Whenever you're done, knock on the door."

"How much you want to eat depends on how hard you work."

"The capable eat more, that's the reason."

He turned around with the plate and walked away heartlessly, closing the door and locking it, leaving only the smell of shrimps filling the room and Yu Mengmeng who was deeply tortured in it.

She froze for two seconds before reacting, and made a fuss.

"Bai Weiran is a devil! Devil, devil, devil——!"


As soon as Bai Weiran crossed over, he was shocked by the scenery in front of him.

There are five people hugging a giant tree as thick as it is, standing solemnly and peacefully under the night. There is no artificial light to disturb it, only moonlight, old trees, and the hanging branches are covered with cherry blossoms. Powder petals are flying.

And Xia Yanle was lying on the branch of an ancient tree, with her right hand casually resting on her waist and abdomen, her left hand was hanging down naturally, her face was slightly tilted, her eyes were closed, her hair was like a black night flowing fire, either scattered or coiled across the branches Above, the black hair extended, merging her with the night.

As if being swallowed, or maybe she just emerged from the night.

Bai Weiran stood where he was, without moving.

"...What are you looking at?" She asked naturally without opening her eyes.

"I'm watching a movie in reality." Bai Weiran answered honestly.

All the pictures are so unreal.

Sure enough, art comes from life.

Xia Yanle just laughed and opened her eyes to look at him.

"Where is this place?" Bai Weiran asked.

He directly chose Xia Yanle's side, but he didn't expect that Xia Yanle was not in the room this time.

He glanced behind him, the antique wooden mansion, this is the backyard of the mansion.

"This is my grandmother's house." Xia Yanle smiled.

Bai Weiran remembered that Xia Yanle's introduction did mention this short paragraph.

Xia Yanle's mother is a rich lady, and Xia's father is a scholar with a high IQ. The two met at a reception. Xia's mother gave up everything for love and traveled all over the world. Until their death, they have always been a very happy couple. happy couple.

But that's all in the APP introduction, there is no more introduction to Xia Yanle's background.

Presumably because these have nothing to do with the task.

"Because grandma suddenly thought of me again." Xia Yanle smiled slightly and turned to look at the sky.

"I want to put a few more fish in the fish pond so that fishermen can catch them."

Bai Weiran remained silent.

This world has a very strict aristocratic system. Although the aristocratic class is gradually being eliminated and vain with the progress of the times, it is still in a transitional period between the old and the new. Catch the last bit of the end of the era.

Xia Yanle talked with Bai Weiran about her family affairs in her usual relaxed and calm tone.

Xia Yanle's grandmother is a stubborn conservative aristocrat, with an old-fashioned plot, because she is declining day by day, she wants to bring benefits to the family through the marriage of her children.

Even though the aristocrats are already in vain, there are still many emerging rich people who have admiration and longing for the aristocratic family background.

Xia Yanle's grandmother held a dinner party, inviting the wealthy people she liked, and all the girls of the right age in the family to attend the dinner party.

At this time, I thought of Xia Yanle, the granddaughter born to the daughter who defected from the family.

"Why do not you speak?"

"I just don't think you are someone who would come to this kind of banquet." Bai Weiran shrugged.

Xia Yanle smiled, her voice soft and waxy.

"No way, grandma ordered me to come. I succumbed to her family's deterrence and power."

"Smart people don't speak dark words." Bai Weiran replied to her.

A person who is not even afraid of death, what kind of family deterrence is he afraid of?

If you bother her, maybe this house can catch fire.

"I'm just a little free recently. When she calls, I'll treat it as a public trip. Anyway, I'll be picked up and picked up. When I come, I still take care of food, drink, and accommodation." She stretched her hands up, straightened her body and stretched her waist. It was only when the cherry blossoms were falling that I saw that Xia Yanle was wearing a gracefully tailored sleeveless black dress and a fluffy white shawl, surrounding her like a mass of snow.

He was silent for a few seconds.

There is no deliberate show off, but it reminds people of all kinds of adjectives.

He wanted to distract that attention.

"You are lying down, what kind of tree is this?"

"...Sakura tree, haven't you seen it?"

"I've seen it, but the cherry blossoms in our place bloom in spring, but the cherry blossoms in your place bloom in autumn."

"It's strange, how come the cherry blossoms bloom in spring? They should bloom in autumn. What's the point of blooming in spring? There are so many flowers in spring, and the blooming in spring doesn't stand out at all."

The two seriously discussed the topic of Chun Ying or Qiu Ying.

This kind of discussion is probably on the same level as the debate on which is better, sweet tofu nao or salty tofu nao.

It’s just that both Xia and Bai are high-end logic debaters, and they have read a lot of books, quoting from many sources, and abruptly discussed this life-oriented issue with the same serious academic attitude as how Blue Star rotates.

In the end, neither of the two could argue with the other, so they had to ask for gold and retreat.

"When I was young, my mother told me about the cherry blossom tree in my grandmother's house."

The 500-year-old tree naturally has some legends about it.

Bai Weiran liked to hear this.


People have been saying that I am in debt and not repaying it! (T▽T)

no!I have one more every day

Today there are three updates to show sincerity, now two updates are combined into one, and there will be one update later

Chapter 29 Can I have a friend like you? (three more)

The story happened 300 years ago. In this mansion, there was a maid who fell in love with a chef. The two got along very well. The chef was skilled. Everyone expected him to be the next chef, and so did he himself. think.

He made an agreement with his lover that when he became a chef, he would marry her in a grand manner.

It turned out he didn't make it to the head chef.

Before the previous head chef retired, he passed him and gave the position to another, younger chef.

The reason is: Although your craftsmanship is good, your conduct is not correct.

Working in such a large mansion requires not only craftsmanship, but also loyalty and care for the guests.

This chef is also a person with a hot temper, conceited in his craftsmanship, and his eyes are above the top. In a fit of anger, he resigned and left the mansion that day. He disappeared, because he was young and frivolous and angry, and forgot his lover.

The maid who knew the news was overwhelmed with fright.

Because she just found out she was pregnant.

"A month later, the maid was found hanged on the cherry blossom tree." Xia Yanle said, and gently patted the rugged tree trunk below her.

"I don't know if it's because I was abandoned and despaired, or because I was found out because I was pregnant, and I felt so ashamed that I hanged myself. Various speculations have always been a mystery to everyone's doubts, but people later said that the cherry blossom trees in the backyard can bloom. It's so gorgeous, it's stained with the maid's blood."

The night wind blew, and the branches of the cherry trees swayed gently with the wind. In the mysterious, mysterious realm, it seemed that there was an ancient ghost, staring at them sadly.

"I don't like the story."

"Then what story do you like? The whole family is happy, and the cherry blossoms are in full bloom?"

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