"Seventy thousand? You think too much." Oleg snorted coldly.

"I can tell you the distribution of ours very clearly. Our Demercotte is composed of officials, some enlightened nobles and enlightened gentlemen, as well as bourgeois factory owners and landowners who own assets, as well as those who are not proud. Yes, thoughtful literati, as well as a large number of young people, officers and soldiers."

"Although there are many young military officers and thoughtful literati among them, there is nothing to be afraid of. How many of them really pursue freedom and democracy, and think that everyone is equal? ​​I am afraid there are not many. Among them How many people learned from Les Zeke and fully understood the meaning of the revolution? I’m afraid I can’t say too many. These people add up to about 4 to [-] people at most, and they can’t even reach the terrible number of [-]. Oleg said, waving his hand.

"Among them, those who really want to reform know the truth of Ticher's benevolence, and I'm afraid there are not many who are willing to stick to it as a creed. Among the [-] radicals, there are also a large group of followers who just know about it and join them. They call themselves revolutionary officers or There are also a lot of members. The will of this group of people is not so firm. Once Ticheren’s radicals are labeled as illegal, they will shrink their heads one after another, or retreat, or express neutrality, or simply Come join us."

"We just need to get rid of their backbone, and there is no need to care too much about the side details. Whether those people settle accounts after the autumn or talk about it later, there is no need to expand the scope of attack and eat them all in one go. We only need to wipe out all the people in the army. Get rid of the key officers, especially people like Heath Weiss. The teachers of the military academy in the rear, some young officials who dared to go to the countryside to carry out land reform, and some literati who really decided the revolution Lost. Without these people, the so-called radicals are just like a joke." Oleg sneered repeatedly.

"And it would be easy to just make these people the first target of attack. It's just that it's not the time. I still need the timing I planned before doing it. I will get rid of these traitors in the palace soon. .These traitorous ministers who are close to the peasants and bandits, these guys who will harm the country will not be rampant for long. The orthodox Demercotte I represent is the master and successor of the country. The others will be wiped out and will cease to exist." Oleg continued to look up and said.

"Then what should we do about Sun Boyang? He has lived in Zhongnan for a long time, and it may be very difficult for us to assassinate him. Although he doesn't have any bodyguards around him, there is only a female secretary and a few permanent guards. If we find more Individuals can still assassinate him. But it is not easy to sneak into Zhongneng, especially into the government city. Their public security is very powerful, and they are ahead in this regard." The brother-in-law asked again.

"Since it's difficult to assassinate in Zhongnan, let's lure him to the southeast. No, no, he can't die in the southeast, at least he can't die so obviously." Oleg wanted to say this, but suddenly stretched out his hand hesitantly.

"If you die in the southeast, I'm afraid it will be a big problem. Even if the people under him are torn apart, the first thought must be to defeat us first. It is too obvious to die in the southeast, not to mention the current tense frontline , whether he can come or not." Marsha suggested from the side.

"Yes, we can't let him die in the southeast. It's good to be in the imperial capital. When the time comes, we will take down the imperial capital first, and the imperial capital will be full of fish and dragons. At that time, it will be much easier to assassinate him. Just in the imperial capital, then we will invite He came to participate in the establishment meeting of the coalition government, and then eliminated him while he was not familiar with the place of birth." The younger brother also clenched his fists and said.

"I don't know if the Leszekers in the imperial capital have been wiped out. If not, we have to find a way to get the list and then deliberately disclose it to the government of the brave." Oleg stroked his beard again and said.

"It's not necessary, the emperor doesn't know how many times he has been cleaned up, and the plowing three feet is probably gone. As long as he dares to enter the imperial capital, his female secretary and a few guards will try to block it." Assassin, hmph, wishful thinking!" My brother-in-law also said excitedly.

"The top priority is to completely annihilate the large army of the Brave Army." Oleg nodded in agreement and continued.

"As long as the army of the brave is wiped out, the war will basically come to an end."

"Marshal!" A guard walked in with his head held high and his chest held high.

"A magician has asked to see you. He claims to be the Archmage Gegroot, the Magister of our country."


"Do you think I'm down and out? Do you think that the general trend is over?"

Lao Yuan sat in the big tent and smiled helplessly. He leaned on the seat and felt powerless and unable to raise his spirits.The betrayal of subordinates, the fire in the backyard, the large-scale uprising of the enemy and the attack on all fronts.Bad news came to him one after another, which made him lose confidence overnight and became worried.He never thought that the situation would become like this, the worst would be to return to the north like Cao Cao back then to stabilize the rear and then make plans.Anyway, he has plenty of time and can afford it.

But I didn't expect that the war would suddenly change like this. If it was changed to the Three Kingdoms period, it would be equivalent to Xun Yu forcing Cao Cao to let go of his power at the critical moment of Chibi. Xia Houyuan rebelled and led the army of Shu to come. They revolted one after another.Why can't this make Lao Yuan impatient, he wants to be the second generation of the Tang Dynasty, not the second generation of the Sui Dynasty.

At this time, he seems to have come to his senses that this place is different from his hometown, and those routines are not applicable at all.The people here are all barbarians, and they have never even managed to centralize power.He is not a native of Yongdalim. Although he is a brave man with a noble status and no one dares to obey him, once he is involved in politics, no matter how noble and holy he is, his taste will change.If he is not involved in politics, everyone will coax him to respect him. Once he wants to intervene to "grab meat for meat", in the eyes of people, he is just another political force, and there is no longer any sacredness at all.

But what he least expected was that there were voices of rebellion in the army, and it came from his most trusted general.This undoubtedly made him even more unconfident, and even felt a little hesitant.Are you really about to lose?Are you really going to be knocked down and go into exile in other countries?

"No, you are still the supreme majesty." Pin Ke stood aside and said calmly with lowered eyebrows.

"You have a way out, just go back to the Demon Empire with Geglut, of course you don't care." Old Yuan said with a wry smile.

"No, I won't know the Demon Empire." Pinke said.


"If you really fail, I will travel to other countries to enrich my knowledge. I have already broken with the empire, and as soon as I return to the empire, I will be monitored. So I will spend the rest of my life in the north and will not go back gone."

"Then will you support the peasant bandits, or Demercotte?" Old Yuan asked again.

"I only support you now." Pinke replied perfectly.

"You have already given the answer." Lao Yuan sighed.

"What's so good about peasant bandits? Why do everyone like them so much? Does Sun Boyang really have such a huge charm? Isn't he just an ordinary person? I even have the power of majesty, with The long life is far better than others, and in the future, it can lead people to unify the entire north and fight against the demons, why, why don't they respect me as a brave man, but are willing to partner with that guy, Oleg, and Sun Boyang?" The old man Yuan said angrily to himself.

"Sun Boyang, if I knew I was in Wangcheng, I would have killed you. At that time, I only thought that you were a factory owner who was good at industry, and a good old man who was respected by all parties. I really didn't expect that you and Hong Ni would be the same They all look like anti-country thieves with evil intentions!"

434 Desperate

"It's useless for you to be anxious now. Let's regroup and prepare for the decisive battle. Maybe if the decisive battle is won, our army can still save us." Pin Ke reminded.

"No, it's all because of Sun Boyang that things have turned into what they are today! Without this utopian villain, it definitely wouldn't be what it is now!" Lao Yuan clenched his fists angrily and slammed the table, because the table followed suit with too much force. It snapped open.He really couldn't figure it out. Hong Yang's rebellion could be attributed to the fact that people couldn't survive. Hong and Yang were also down-and-out literati and farmers. rebel.But what about Sun Boyang?What's the matter with him?

Sun Boyang himself is the eldest son of the owner of a big workshop, he has no shortage of food and drink, and his family wealth cannot be said to be ten thousand, but he can indeed be called a big businessman.Later, he became self-reliant, pioneered the operation mode of the factory, and established the important magical mechanical assembly line of the new industry.It directly changed the industrial model and became the object of respect for all businessmen and bourgeoisies.

Later, he also hooked up with the bourgeois faction and became a core member of the bourgeois faction, and even served as the chairman of the interim parliament.If you want wealth, even after becoming the chairman of the parliament, he is still running various factories. If you want power, you have power. Whether it is Victor or the former His Majesty Alexander, they all value Sun Boyang and regard him as the most trustworthy. people to treat.

But such a person who wants power and wealth insists on choosing the third way, and has been walking like this.And it's getting better and better, obviously no one can suppress him anymore.This is really puzzling, why did he choose to do this?He is a master who has no shortage of food and drink, why should he sympathize with some untouchables?

"There will always be people like this. Some people talk about loyalty, and some people talk about serving the people. Couldn't there be someone with more ideas at this time?" Pin Ke asked.

"When I see him in the future, I must see what's going on in his head. How can he make such a stupid decision? Is this good for him? He will end his administration sooner or later, and his son will He can’t continue to be a general manager, so what’s the good of it? How dare he have such an idea? You must know that Hong Yang has also become king and emperor, and he is not called king like him.” Old Yuan still hated Said with itchy teeth.

"Come on!" Lao Yuan shouted to the outside.

"Your Majesty!" The soldiers outside the tent immediately came in and said.

"Find me someone to send the letter to Sun Boyang in Zhongnan! Tell him, as long as he is willing to submit to me, I can give him any title! You can be king! You can even sit on an equal footing with me. He is the brother emperor, he is the brother emperor! He has everything he wants, and his subordinates can also want titles and being kings! I am the orthodox of the country, why should he support Southeast as a rebel who divides the land and borders?" Old Yuan Excitedly pointing at the cracked table, he cursed angrily.

"Your Majesty, if Sun Boyang agrees, the sky will be full of pie." Looking at Lao Yuan's crazy look, Pin Ke couldn't help but said.

"Your Majesty, the generals are all here, are you just waiting for the decisive battle deployment?" Jackson opened the curtain and walked in.

"Let them in." Lao Yuan waved his hand feebly.

"Did you lose your temper just now, Your Majesty?" Jackson stepped forward and asked with concern.

"No, these trivial things are not worth my anger." Old Yuan replied coldly.

"It's just a group of cowards. Only groups dare to fight against me. They won't be rampant for a few days, and they will be defeated by us soon. I already have a countermeasure to deal with it, and I don't care about their every move now. "Old Yuan smiled lightly and shook his head pretentiously.

"That's good, Your Majesty, don't worry too much. Marshal Baizhen should be coerced by the people below. As long as the army is recruited from the rear, those coerced troops will be defeated soon. As for the western region, there And our demon allies, there will be no major problems, the peasants and bandits will not be able to fight. The rear will definitely be calmed down quickly, as long as these people are appeased, when your Majesty returns, none of them will be able to escape." Jackson gestured Said.

"Jackson, you are the most loyal to me after such a round." Old Yuan looked into Jackson's eyes and sighed.

"Jackson, I will make you a Duke, with the rank of Lieutenant General." Lao Yuan suddenly raised his voice seriously.

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your grace!" Jackson immediately knelt down on one knee and stroked his chest in salute.

"His Majesty."

"His Majesty."

"His Majesty."

The generals filed in, as well as the three Marshals Angore, Alxon, and McCarter, all of whom held their chests in a cautious manner and saluted Lao Yuan.Lao Yuan's emotions have been too unstable these two days, and no one dared to raise his eyebrows.Ever since the first part of the revolutionary army and the Bozhen part went to cut off the retreat of the army, many generals were not optimistic about this, and they were already planning to find another way out.Lao Yuan looks like he is going to die sooner or later. No matter how good he is, can he beat the combined 30-strong army of the two armies?

Instead of continuing to follow him on the road of no return, it is better to quickly find a way to talk about the wind and see who to surrender in the future.Some of noble origin began to collude with each other to serve as backup for everyone's family, and some of bourgeois and official origin planned to control the army and surrender to the southeast to take a place in the new republic.There are also a few people who are thinking about Leszekers in Central South. These people don’t know about the specific goals of Leszekers through those secret channels, and they also have some activities in their hearts. They are going to see Leszekers in the end what it looks like.

In short, there must be no hope for Lao Yuan. His best ending is to be forced to abdicate, and then become an emperor without real power and be emptied again together with his Yongdalimu royal family.Except for some officers and generals from the Yongdalim royal family who still don't want to give up on Lao Yuan, the banner bearer, and want to continue the desperate struggle, the entire brave army is alienated, and there are not many people who really have a heart with Lao Yuan.

"Generals, who can give me a detailed description of the specific situation of our army." Old Yuan Zhengzuo asked the generals sitting below in a dignified manner.

"Our Imperial Army still has a total of 27 soldiers. Two of them are stationed in the west, and more than [-] are rushing to the western corridor for support. There are still more than [-] elite troops in the imperial capital, and a total of [-] are still fighting behind." Marshal Arxon stood up and said with his hands behind his back.


"Then how many people are there in the enemy army?" Lao Yuan continued to ask calmly.

"Enemy army? The enemy army used to have 19 people, but now it has about 15 people. In addition to the more than 5 people who confronted our army in the east and Tianyang City, there is also a force defending the east buffer and the throat of the southeast. Excluding the total of 10 people, there are only [-] troops still confronting our army head-on."

"Oh, so our military strength is still superior?" Lao Yuan asked with bright eyes.

"It's true, but..." Marshal Arxun hesitated.

"But there are more than one enemy army. Your Majesty, the enemy's revolutionary army has mobilized. A total of 13 people from six legions have been deployed on the battlefield. There are two legions on the western front, and two on the front line of Tianyang City. One legion took the initiative to attack, not to mention there are two legions in the south-central region trying to cut off our army's logistics with Bo Zhen's troops. Our army's logistics is already in danger, Your Majesty, and a decision must be made early." Marshal Angorui stood up. Lisuo added.

"Our army's logistics are now facing a huge crisis. Nearly 5 enemy troops have already launched an attack. On the front line, it is said that their old brave men have also joined the battle and are on their way here." Angore continued Said.

"That's it, Your Majesty, our army is really in a difficult situation now, and the logistics and supplies are at best, and we can last for half a month." Arxun said with his head lowered.

"I see, you guys sit down." Lao Yuan didn't get angry, he just waved his hand calmly and said.

"Yes" the two said as they sat down and touched their chests.

"Everyone, we have reached the time of life and death!" Old Yuan Zheng shouted while scanning the generals around.

"The enemy's encirclement on three sides has already trapped us in the southeast and north. We have lost contact with the rear. It is impossible to contact the God Capital, and it is impossible to obtain supplies. So our army has reached the last moment, no If you fight to the death, you won't be able to survive!"

"It is nonsense to want to surrender. With their republicanism, we will not have any place in the future! What's more, many generals have killed many of their civilians, so it is even more impossible to ease Now! Now is the time for a decisive battle, and all troops must be mobilized. The troops in the direction of Tianyang City can be withdrawn, and the troops attacking the buffer zone in the east are also preparing to return to participate in the decisive battle. We will use the last full force In the decisive battle with the enemy!" Lao Yuan swiped and pulled out his Heaven and Earth Eight Directions Slash and shouted.

"The entire army is moving closer to the front line of Guangming City, ready to launch the final decisive battle on August [-]rd! As long as we defeat the main force of the enemy army, the remaining troops will be leaderless, and it will be difficult to form a joint force to continue fighting with our army. Now When life and death are at stake, generals, if this battle is won, everyone will be promoted to rank and receive rewards, no matter how big the reward is for meritorious deeds!"

"I will also exert my full strength, and I will release my poison spell to let the enemy know that the emperor's authority cannot be offended."

435 Rebellion Never Stops

"Do you want to release poison magic?" The faces of the generals immediately turned ugly and looked at each other. Although it is indeed the most critical situation now, it stands to reason that poison magic should be used.But the problem is that no one of them is willing to have anything to do with Lao Yuan at this time, and they are already in a state of going their own way in the face of a catastrophe, looking for a way out.Letting Lao Yuan play like this again now would basically hurt the enemy by one thousand and self-damage eight hundred.Regardless of whether the enemy will accept them after suffering such a blow, the uncertainty in this alone is also very tense.

When a person has a different mind, he will think too much, and he will worry about things that he didn't worry much about before.What if that guy Geglut quietly stabbed him in the back while they were leading the troops?That's a demon devil, what can't he do?

"For the existence of the empire, for the sake of the empire not being overthrown by the mob, and for the long-term stability of the country, I will use all means to deal with those rebels, and I will definitely not treat them lightly." Lao Yuan said with a sneer.

"Get ready, generals. After four days, our army will immediately prepare for a decisive battle."


"I also need to rest for a while. My spirit is not as vigorous as before, and I have begun to feel tired. With so many things on my body, even Superman will not be able to hold on." Lao Yuan watched the generals disperse Qu said to Pinke next to him.

"You can rest." Pin Ke nodded and replied expressionlessly.

"Why haven't I fully mastered the body yet? Why does his soul still exist?" Lao Yuan suddenly raised his head and asked irritablely.

"Didn't it mean that the elixir can gradually erase his spirit? But why is it still only me who has strengthened my dominant position and can suppress him at any time? Although his spirit is weak now, it still exists all the time. , Why, why can't it be erased, leaving me alone in this body!?" Lao Yuan continued to ask.

"You worry too much. The elixir must be useful. His soul is starting to weaken and shrink. This is the best evidence. These medicines are made from the top resources found in the forests of the Demon Empire. It is impossible for them to be useless." But he was taken aback by Lao Yuan's fury, but he immediately reacted and comforted him.

"Worry too much? I think it's you guys playing tricks that keep me in this state! Guy Groot must have done something?" Old Yuan said still very dissatisfied.

"It's only been a year since you took the elixir. How could it be effective so quickly? If you want to be completely successful within a year, it's really too difficult for us." Pin Ke explained.

"It's also..." Lao Yuan was startled and sighed after hearing this explanation.

"However, in just one year, I have reached the point where so many relatives and relatives have deserted me. I have done my best, and I have only been emperor for six or seven months from the day I was abdicated. It has only been a little more than half a year. I am really ashamed of my ancestors." Yuan lamented.

"In fact, if you are willing to give up your rights and retreat to the Winter Palace, the Northern Expeditionary Army in the southeast should not press you every step of the way. Although the Yongdalim royal family did not rule for a long time before, as long as they are willing to protect you, you can still continue Live as an emperor." Pin Ke suggested.

"Impossible, you underestimated them. They fought me this time with a determination to win or lose. Either I was sent to the guillotine, or they were wiped out by me. There is no other way to relax Opportunity." Lao Yuan shook his head and sighed.

"If I win, I will pass it on for generations to come and unify the world. But if I lose, I'm afraid I will also live in a foreign country and become a buffoon who lives by watching other people's faces."

"I'll rest for a while, wake me up later in the evening, I have something important to discuss with Geglut."

After Lao Yuan finished speaking, he couldn't stop shaking his head, but he still leaned on the chair with his head tilted and fell asleep.He needs a cushion and time to take it all in.Being helpless, he can only rely on this method to rest.

Lao Yuan just closed his eyes for a few minutes, then opened them again and sat up. His face was full of joy and joy again, which was completely different from the depression just now.Seeing the situation, he sat down with a sigh of relief, took a sip of water, walked outside the tent, waved his hand, and called Emily in.Let's enjoy this temporary moment of relaxation together.

"Kyoichiro?" Emily asked cautiously standing behind Pinke.

"It's me." Koichiro replied with a relaxed smile.

"Great, you're back!" Emily also cheered and ran over and threw herself into Koichiro's arms and said.

"Since I told her about your situation, she has less and less dared to touch you. Later, she only came when I called her." Pin Ke said with a light smile.

"During this period, I only took over three times in total, and this time it's only four times. This guy's spirit is really good recently, as if he intends to let me never come out." Koichiro complained.

"I've been thinking about you these days. Ever since I found out that you and him are not one, I've been very worried, afraid that something might happen to you." Emily said with tears in the corners of her eyes.

"Although the elixir Mr. Geglut brought to him is indeed useful, it is impossible to complete the effect within ten to five years. If you stop taking the medicine and take some similar medicine, it can still be reversed or even completely eliminated. " Pin Ke said with a smile.

"Now is not the time to chat about these things, let's talk about the current situation." Koichiro said to the two seriously.

"The current situation is not so bad. At the last moment of the army, he will soon use your power to continue the wanton massacre. If there is no accident, this battle will still be lost. The old brave man rushed to the battlefield again , your first opponent is him, and with his military experience and that silver dragon to help you out, you will definitely lose." Pin Ke also nodded and said.

"I have already felt the confrontation last time. I don't understand war at all. Although he understands it, he can't be as pure as the old brave man. He is not at the same level at all." Koichiro nodded and said.

"Then what should we do? Wouldn't Koichiro be bound to fail?" Emily asked nervously.

"There's nothing wrong with failure. Anyway, in my opinion, whether it's Demercott or Leszek, it's better to rule like this. Even in my hometown, that person won't directly rule the world. And When he was able to directly control the world and issue orders, he also caused serious damage to his former hometown. So I think it's okay to fail like this." Koichiro said indifferently and very open-minded.

"If you fail, you are likely to be executed." Pinke reminded.

"If I can destroy him together, then I am willing. Abandoning oneself to save the world is the choice that a brave man should make. I have read countless stories about brave men, and they all made such a choice without exception, then I It will never change." Koichiro replied calmly.

"You have really matured a lot. Compared with before, you are really mature." Pin Ke sighed.

"Hey, these are all learned from comics." Koichiro smiled happily.

"The war will break out in four days, and you should also recharge your energy and prepare early. Make some efforts and help at that time. There is a sentence I want to remind you, you still remember it is always lingering in your heart Is it the figure of that woman?" Pin Ke asked again.

"What?!" Emily asked angrily.

"I really don't have any feelings for her! I don't know what's going on, but her figure just lingers in my heart and can't dissipate." Koichiro explained helplessly.

"Although I don't know the specific situation, but according to the common arcane arts of our demons, it should be a kind of spiritual arcane art, which belongs to the type of mind control. Last time you gave Gaegroot your hair and nails, he It should be the use of those things to do mind control, so that you can never forget the figure of His Majesty. However, judging from your performance, this should only be a slight mind control. It just makes you have a good impression of His Majesty, and there should be nothing else Effect." Pinke explained.

"Look, I said that I can't change my mind, right?" Koichiro said with a smile, rubbing the back of his head.

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