"That's right, comrades, you don't have to be so excited, don't be so excited!"

Yale also quickly stood up and opened his hands in front to signal everyone not to get excited. He waved his hands with a smile on his face to signal everyone to calm down.But in the current situation, how can those cadres calm down? The cadres who support the radical faction all look filled with righteous indignation, and those cadres ordered by Oleg are also pretending to be indignant.Everyone pretended not to understand what was going on, took advantage of the fact that voting was anonymous, and acted together.

"If I am elected, I will also respect the suggestions of comrades. Comrades, don't worry, I will give you a satisfactory administrative policy." Yale shouted.

"Go down to Yale! You weak old thing!" A radical young officer stood up and threw the newspaper in his hand in a ball.This move also aroused the support of other radicals, and all radicals were venting and throwing things in their hands to express their protest.They recognized Ticheren and Oleg, but they really couldn't recognize Yale.This guy has always advocated compromise, and apart from being useful in education, he can't be accepted by the radicals at all. This is tantamount to betrayal, and a group of members have betrayed!

"The meeting is over, the meeting is over!"

The comrade in charge of presiding over the meeting hurriedly took other people out to protect Yale with open arms. This guy is now strongly resisted by the radicals. In fact, he can’t blame others. Whoever made the southeast fight with the Brave Government at the critical moment, this guy was in the past two days Are they still promoting compromise? With so many votes today, it is hard not to make some radical members feel suspicious, and even suspect that Yale may be a little dirty, and they have already talked to the local warlords or the government of the brave.

"The situation is not optimistic." Sun Boyang stood in front of the hall and watched Yale go down the steps under escort, and watched the radicals led by Ticheren still discussing how to deal with the vote and the situation.Oleg and other officers looked confused, as if they didn't know what to do.There was chaos outside the main hall. People from various sects and organizations were discussing the results of the vote. They were obviously too surprised by Yale's number of votes.Although Ticheren still has the advantage in the number of votes, the number of voters will be further reduced in the second and third rounds. At that time, it is hard to say whether Ticheren can continue to maintain his advantage.

"Comrade Sun Boyang!"

After discussing with other members for a while, Ticheren turned around and saw Sun Boyang who was still watching in front of the door, and also smiled and stretched out his hand to wave to Sun Boyang and walked over.Sun Boyang likes this comrade very much. Although his views are still somewhat contradictory to Leszekeren, Ticheren is indeed the most staunch revolutionary faction in Demercotte and works for the people's welfare. people.Even the 'old revolutionaries' like Oleg often keep silent about these matters on the grounds that the military does not discuss other matters. Under Victor, the only one who can be called the leader of the revolution is Ticheren. up.

"You see, comrades are very excited." Standing beside Sun Boyang, Ticheren shook his head helplessly and said.

"There must be a problem with the number of votes for Comrade Yale. This problem is not caused by the counting of the votes, but by the people who voted. There should be many warlords and old officials who voted for him. All the votes for Comrade Leger have been cast." Sun Boyang took out a cigarette from his pocket and said to Ticheren.

"Sure, this is what I understood at the time." Comrade Ticheren nodded and leaned on the door frame with one hand.

"How are you going to deal with it? Getting Yale elected is likely to lead to instability in the government and uncertainty in the war trend, but with his current votes, even if he is still behind you in the second and third rounds of voting, he can still get it. Deputy Commander and other important positions." Sun Boyang asked again.

"It was voted by everyone, and we cannot object." Ticheren shook his head and said.

"Today I intend to persuade some officials and other factions to increase my number of votes. The fairness of the general election must not be violated. If I violate the general election and implement extraordinary laws, it will be a serious blow to my prestige and authority. , and it is very likely that future members will follow suit, and finally turn our revolutionary party into a revolutionary party that is no different from Mengkevik." Ticheren said after thinking for a long time with his hands folded.

"And if the two of us establish a coalition government in Yongdalim in the future, then the fairness of today's general election will be even more important. I don't want someone to destroy the unity of our two sides, and turn the revolution back into authoritarianism and feudalism." Cheren continued to explain to Sun Boyang.

"Okay, I wish you success." Sun Boyang saw that Ticheren had made up his mind, so he also extended his hand to shake Ticheren's hand.He is also very supportive of Ticheren's statement. A fair election is extremely necessary. No matter what, Yale is indeed selected as the top two. If this is the case, the extraordinary law will be rashly implemented, although it will be very beneficial to the Revolutionary War. , can strengthen the will to fight in the southeast, but in the long run, there are many disadvantages.If someone continues to follow this kind of action, the cooperation between the two parties will probably break down sooner or later.

"Today, I will go to the home of Comrade Quebec Van Buren of the Democratic Liberal League. I will lobby for you and get him to support you as the leader of the government. Comrade Ve Buren is still very open-minded. He also hates it deeply, and understands the importance of continuing the revolutionary war. I think he can support it, and there will be huge repercussions after fighting for it." Sun Boyang shook hands with Ticheren.

"Then trouble you. We still have one and a half days. When the second general election starts the day after tomorrow, we must get the majority of votes to ensure the stability of the voting situation." Ticheren chuckled and left in a hurry Go down, leaving only Sun Boyang standing in front of the hall.Sun Boyang looked at the scene where the crowd dispersed and extinguished the cigarettes in his hand, then returned to the hall and threw the cigarette butts into the trash can before falling into thought.It's really hard to judge what the future holds.

He doesn't know what the situation is now, at least it is confusing now, and everything will be clear until the second round of the general election.What kind of conspiracy is it?What kind of plan do you have?None of this actually makes sense.The current situation is still in the hands of the radicals, no matter how many conspiracies and plans there are, the radicals must be defeated.And wanting to overthrow the current radical faction in the palace is definitely not something that can be achieved by sitting on the throne of leadership.The radicals didn't care about this before, and the radicals don't care about launching another mutiny to clear out another wave of people.


"You don't know how many votes I got in this general election! I got a full 160 votes! I got the most votes in the entire general election except Ticheren. If this continues, I will lobby other factions tomorrow Then my votes will definitely surpass Ticheren's and gain an advantage. By then, you will be proud of your father!"

In an ordinary two-story house, Mr. Yale was sitting in front of the dining table, happily chatting with his son and daughter at home.He is very excited now. Today's general election is really beyond his imagination. He did not expect that he, who is in charge of education, will be able to take up such an important position as a leader one day.He was also very excited and cherished this opportunity.

The young children sat at the dining table and listened to Dad's speech, and the news that Dad was second in the election for leadership was indeed known to all the people in the city.The children were also excited about their father's future, chattering about how to deal with the future situation, and began to discuss the current situation in the southeast, scrambling to become father's staff.

There was a light knock on the door, and Mr. Yale's eldest son immediately got up and was about to open the door.At seven o'clock in the evening, the dinner ordered by their family should have arrived by this time.In order to celebrate Dad's future, it is still necessary to eat a good meal.

375 Marshal Oleg

"It should be that the ordered meal has arrived. Dad, my sister and I ordered your favorite blueberry pie and grilled fish for you with our wages. I will get them later. Let us celebrate with you." The eldest son stood up said with a smile.

"You and your sister's monthly salary is not much, so save some money. You both have a family and a family waiting, so you don't need to congratulate me as an old man with your salary. My monthly salary is 75 copper coins, which is still enough Flowers." Yale put down his knife and fork, wiped his mouth and said to his eldest son with a smile.

"How can it be the same, don't say that my current salary is only fifty copper coins, even if it is forty, I have to congratulate you, Dad!"

The eldest son walked to the door with a smile, pressed the handle and opened the door.The visitors were not waiters in high-end restaurants, but five weird men in cloaks and iron masks on their faces.Each of them wore a big hat and cloak, and their hands were completely tucked in black gloves, completely covering their whole body, not showing any possibility of exposing themselves to others.

"What are you guys doing?" the eldest son asked with a frown as he pressed his handle.

"Is Mr. Yale here?" The leading visitor asked calmly.

"My dad is out and not here."

The eldest son was determined to close the door and refuse the entry of these strange people, but the strange person in the head immediately pinned his legs to the door and reached out to press the door handle. Several other people also immediately broke the door and opened the door again. His son's neck silenced him.An assassin pulled out a dagger from his waist and stabbed it fiercely into the throat of the eldest son, splashing blood on the wall in front of the door and splashing blood on his iron mask, witnessing this criminal moment.

"What's the matter? Why is there such a big commotion?"

Yale didn't realize what was happening, he just heard the sound of chairs being knocked over and the door being pushed loudly in front of the hall door.Hearing the noise, Yale subconsciously stood up and planned to go that way. He thought his son was clumsy and probably tripped over a chair, which is why he made the noise.

"Cough... hiss... hiss..."

Yale's eldest son was still being controlled by two assassins, his throat sprayed blood like a faucet, and his legs were kicking hard to break free.But the stabbing of the two assassins made his resistance weaker and weaker, until his legs trembled violently and he kicked off, with his eyes wide open, he went to see the God of Hades.

"Son? Son?"

Yale sensed something was wrong, he stepped back while holding the kerosene lamp, picked up a short stick from the table beside him and looked forward vigilantly.After killing the eldest son, the assassins quickly rushed towards Yale. Killing the eldest son was just a way to kill Yale, which was their real purpose of this assassination.

"Who are you? Are you from the radicals or from the government of the brave?!"

Seeing that the situation was not good, Yale immediately threw the kerosene lamp in his hand, turned around and ran towards the kitchen to find his daughter.The assassin escaped from the kerosene lamp and chased Yale again, and Yale, who had no time to escape from the kitchen, was trapped inside.At this time, the broken kerosene lamp just ignited and burned the carpet in the living room, turning the living room behind him into a sea of ​​flames.

Yale saw that these people neither answered nor planned to let him go, so he could only brandish his short sticks to resist desperately, hoping that soldiers or other neighbors would rush to help.Two of the five assassins dodged left and right, dodged the short sticks and started a close fight with Yale, while the other assassins rushed towards Yale's daughter, drew out their daggers and were about to send Yale's daughter back to the underworld. .


Seeing the three assassins running towards him with daggers, the daughter also leaned against the wall and shouted to Yale in horror.Yale couldn't help being anxious when he heard his daughter's cry for help. He desperately swung his short stick to drive the two assassins away, but because of the assassin's dodge, he made a mistake. One of the assassins seized the opportunity and stabbed the dagger into the His heart sent him to meet Hades.At this time, the daughter had also been stabbed to death by three other assassins.Yale, father and son were all buried in the sea of ​​flames, and none survived, and died at the hands of these five assassins.

"Where's his wife?" An assassin looked back at the burning fire and then asked the other assassins. As soon as he finished speaking, he saw a white figure running towards the back door, avoiding them and asking for a way out .The assassin quickly waved his hand to signal the others to chase and kill the man. They smashed open the back door and chased all the way to the backyard. They watched the figure run outside and shouted for help.

The leading assassin decisively pulled out the short musket hanging from his waist and shot at the figure. The loud sound of the musket attracted all the people who were fighting the fire in front.Seeing more and more people around them holding candles and kerosene lamps, several assassins didn't bother to check whether the person was dead or not. They could only run to the right with their heads down, rushed out of the crowd and disappeared into the night.

"Ma'am, ma'am, how are you doing?"

Many brave people came over to help the fallen man to check the situation, and it was okay, the lady was only hit on the left shoulder, and did not hurt the vitals.People immediately shouted and carried the lady to prepare for treatment, and hurriedly carried the unconscious lady into the carriage and ran towards the hospital in the distance.


The Yale family was killed. Three of the four members of the family died tragically. Except for Mrs. Yale who was still seriously injured and unconscious in the hospital, all the others, including Yale himself, were killed.This news is shocking, the general election is going on, and the second round of the general election will continue tomorrow, but such news broke out again today.The fact that Yale was murdered as the second competitor must be said to be bad in nature, and it must be said to make people angry.

Demerkotney also stated that the criminal murderer must be investigated strictly, and the murderer who killed the Yale family must be found out.Huannei also immediately organized a detective team to investigate the cause of Yale's murder. Whether it was the radicals, the neutrals, or the compromisers, they all went to visit Mrs. Yale to express their sympathy.Many people inside think this kind of sympathy is enough, but in the eyes of some people outside, this kind of behavior is no different from eager to separate the relationship. Pai might not know.

"Yale was killed?"

Sun Boyang sat on the chair and put down the newspaper in surprise. He looked at his younger brother Sun Raul again to confirm that the news was true.After learning that the news was true, Sun Boyang also frowned and fell silent. It was a coincidence that Yale was killed at this time. There will be a second round of election tomorrow. No matter who assassinates Yale, it will undoubtedly increase the credibility of the election. It is difficult to convince everyone of the results.

"Could it be that the government of the brave did it?" Sun Raul asked Sun Boyang after finishing the news. He was wearing a black suit with a small badge pinned to his chest. Very aggressive, he is now much more stable than before.He began to think in many ways, and no longer acted recklessly as before.Of course, radical thinking is still radical, but it is more prudent in action.

"It's unlikely, at least assassinating Yale, a member of the Compromise faction, will not do the brave man any good." Sun Boyang stood up and shook his head while walking.

"Could it be that Ticheren did it? He can indeed do such a thing, and it is possible." Sun Raul asked again.

"It's impossible. Ticheren is not such a person. No matter what, Yale is not a rebellion like a warlord. He just compromises on his claims. It is impossible for Comrade Ticheren to take action against him." Sun Boyang continued shaking his head.

"Then it's hard for people to imagine who led this assassination." Sun Raul also said as he walked in confusion.

"The situation in the southeast is very dangerous." Sun Boyang said worriedly, looking out the door with his hands behind his back.


The second round of the general election was held as scheduled, Yale's death could not delay the general election, and the continuation must continue.It's just that it's hard to say how many people in the hall really voted this time. Because of yesterday's Yale murder, everyone was full of distrust in voting. To be precise, they didn't trust Ticheren.Yale is the second most powerful competitor, but it just so happened that it died tragically the night before. You say you didn't do anything, and it's hard for everyone to really believe that's the case.

What's more, Ticheren has a "convicted record". He once launched a mutiny to control the current situation, and it is difficult to guarantee that he will not have plans to get rid of Yale because his status is threatened.Yale's assassination is beneficial to whom, and only the new leader in Demercotte.Today, everyone looked at Ticheren with strange eyes. Although they didn't dare to say it, the atmosphere of distrust lingered in the hall, which made people feel depressed.

Faced with this situation, Ticheren couldn't argue with anything, and he had only one way to clear his suspicions.After discussing with other comrades for a day and night, he finally discussed a way to clear the suspicion. At this time, he was walking towards the podium with red eyes, looked at the silent seats and sighed, and announced so helplessly. messages:

"Due to physical reasons, I propose to withdraw from the leadership election voluntarily."

Ticheren looked at everyone after the announcement, and everyone felt that the news was reasonable and unexpected.Everyone started whispering, some nodded and some shook their heads, but none of them stayed. Everyone acquiesced to Ticheren's withdrawal from the election. Right now, this choice is undoubtedly the best choice to get rid of the charges. If it is really not Ticheren If he did it, then what he did was indeed correct and can be recognized by everyone.

Now that one of the two most promising candidates has been assassinated and the other has withdrawn from the race.The only remaining most promising candidate was Marshal Oleg, who was sitting on the seat with his arms folded, and the old god was there.

376 Oleg Commands

"Because of my health, I, François Ticheren Demercourt, officially announce my withdrawal from the leadership election." Ticheren announced on the stage with a gloomy expression.

"In view of the sudden changes in the situation and the current public opinion, I voluntarily withdraw from this general election, and no longer participate in the election and be elected. I hope you will keep your eyes open and be more careful about the vote you have. Comrade Yale Death is heartbreaking for all of us, please believe that someone else assassinated Comrade Yale, and we will do our best to investigate until we find out who is behind the scenes and let him receive a fair trial." Ticher Jin continued.

The people below whispered, Ticheren's move was indeed the best way to clear himself of suspicion.The death of Yale is really shocking right now. If it cannot be handled properly, it will be the same as not being a commander.Although many radical members felt that it was not worth it, they still watched Ticheren walk down the stage without stopping without saying a word, acknowledging the final result.

"The general election continues." Sun Boyang pressed his hands on the rostrum beside him and looked at the scene in front of him and couldn't help but sighed. It's a pity that Comrade Ticheren failed to run for office. With him in Demercotte, he will definitely go further They are turning towards revolution and democracy, but the current situation is settled, and Demercotte is doomed to have less than ideal reform results. With a person from another faction on top, how can Demercotte follow Ticheren's plan? Thoughts change.

Sun Boyang looked at the old marshal again. Oleg was still recharging his energy with his arms closed and his eyes closed, as if he still didn't care about voting.Oleg is a very difficult person to figure out. No one can tell whether he advocates radicalism or conservativeness.Say he's conservative, but he's been working with radicals.It is said that he is radical and he opposes excessive revolution, but if he is said to be a centrist, it seems that he does not just have such an idea...

"The Southern United Government is conducting a second round of general elections. The [-] MPs in the second round are now invited to vote for the leadership candidates. This vote is still a secret ballot. According to the results of the last round of elections, The four candidates automatically withdrew from the election. Comrades, you can start voting." Sun Boyang explained.

"Vote, vote, that's all." A member of the staff said with a helpless sigh.

"I can only vote for Marshal Oleg. I don't like the other factions. Others in my own party lack leadership. Instead of voting for them, I should run for office. In this way, only Marshal Oleg is suitable. It's gone." A radical member of Demercotte shook his head helplessly, who would have thought that such a thing would happen suddenly?Two of the original three major candidates in Huannei withdrew from the election, and now it is impossible not to vote for Marshal Oleg. Anyway, Marshal Oleg is okay, and he is indeed a qualified leader.

"Who are you going to vote for?"

"Vote for Oleg. He is the marshal and the most prestigious member of Demercotte. What's more, his political views are not so radical, and they are relatively stable and moderate. You don't have to worry about excessive revolution when you vote for him. I support him." Several people from other factions also voted.After more than an hour of voting, several democrats without a faction went to collect all the votes, brought them back and counted them together.In fact, it doesn't matter whether it is calculated or not. Oleg's prestige is not low, and the other competitors are just going through the motions.

"In the second round of the general election, a total of 320 four members of parliament voted. 230 members of Demokot, 30 members of the League of Democracy and Freedom, and 15 members of the Progress of Science. Ten members of the Republican Union, in addition There are 39 people from the non-dispute faction and democrats. Let Mr. Sun Boyang count the votes." It was still the host who handed the counting results to Sun Boyang and said.

"The second round of the Southern Coalition government leadership election, No.1, Rankimit Oleg, received a total of 190 votes."

After reading the first one, Sun Boyang actually felt that there was no need to continue reading. Oleg has gained an absolute advantage, and no one can compete with him anymore.He looked up at Oleg and Ticheren who were sitting in front again. The former had a slightly joyful expression on his face with his arms folded, while the latter put his arms on the handle and frowned, looking very distressed.The situation has basically been settled, what will happen in the southeast, it is not up to Sun Boyang to decide.


A total of six days of general elections ended in an instant, and Oleg was elected the second leader of the Southern Coalition Government with almost unanimous votes.There is no doubt that he is indeed a suitable candidate acceptable to all parties.Radicals believe that Marshal Oleg has been fighting all the year round and insisting on revolution, so he can be regarded as one of them.Compromisers and conservatives feel that Oleg is conservative and should be able to help them fight for some rights and protect their interests in the future.Not to mention the warlords, they even fully supported Oleg, hoping that he would become the commander that day and control the situation in the southeast.

"Aren't we going to the inauguration?"

Sun Boyang and Sun Raul rode horses side by side and walked out of the city, preparing to return to Zhongnan to continue their work.Sun Boyang looked calm, but Sun Raul looked puzzled.Demerkot has always had a good relationship with Leszek, and Oleg is still an old friend of Sun Boyang. Is it really okay for them to go back like this instead of attending the inauguration ceremony?

"It's not necessary. There are still a lot of big and small things waiting for us to deal with in Zhongnan. We don't have time to attend the three-day inauguration ceremony and the new government formation ceremony that will take more time. We have come to supervise them votes, that's enough. Let them solve the rest." Sun Boyang stretched out a hand to explain.

"Then we're going to reduce our contacts with the southeast in the future, have we given up on the southeast?" Sun Raul asked again.

"It is absolutely impossible to give up. Demercotte in the southeast is our important revolutionary comrade. We withdrew some members only for the needs of the south-central and southwest. The comrades who stay in the southeast will focus on developing in the southeast." Les Zeke, strive to develop a real Dongnan branch." Sun Boyang said with a smile.

"In addition, you still have an important task when you go back. This task is many times more difficult than the work you have done before. You will have a heavy burden in the future." Sun Boyang continued.

"I'm not afraid of any burden. When I think of the revolution moving forward, I'm full of energy. Brother, you don't matter what you say, I can accomplish everything brilliantly." Sun Raul patted his chest and smiled Said.

"You have to go back to study economics, learn how to manage money, and manage the country's market. You have to go back and learn these aspects with Comrade Alyssa. She is planning to rebuild the village collective. In addition, she also has plans to officially launch paper money and people. This is an important direction that is indispensable to the development of our revolution, you must study hard and build the future economy together." Sun Boyang said earnestly.

"Why are we rectifying these? We are not bourgeoisie, nor are we businessmen. Why do we have to rectify things like money houses? Besides, I think the current village collective is very good, and there is no need to change it." Sun Raul didn't care shook his head.

"There are also paper money, which is really unheard of and unseen. Brother, I have never heard of paper money. I think it's better to forget it. Everyone is using the current money. Why bother?" What about changing it?" Sun Raul continued to spread his hands and said.

"You, I told you to read more, but you just didn't listen." Sun Boyang smiled lightly and didn't reprimand him, but explained the truth to him very carefully.In order to keep the revolution alive, and to keep the times moving forward, the current currency and the affairs of the village collective are definitely not enough.It always needs continuous improvement and advancement to make people feel convenient and comfortable.

"You have to learn these things from Comrade Alyssa, you have to learn carefully, and finally come up with a set of improvement methods suitable for our Leszek to implement. Sometimes Comrade Alyssa may have different ideas from ours, you We must tolerate her and learn from each other with her. His attainment in economics is very high, and it will also benefit the revolution. Paper money is of great significance, and we must promote it. This can also be used in the future. Take the initiative in the struggle and revolution. Remember to learn more and ask more questions, don't be shy and embarrassing." Sun Boyang instructed.

"I'm not embarrassed. Since you have said so, brother, I will definitely study wholeheartedly." Sun Raul became serious after hearing that Sun Boyang attached so much importance to this matter, and he couldn't stop nodding, but he After recalling Sun Boyang's entrustment, he seemed to think of something again, so he smiled slyly again, staring at his brother's face without saying a word, as if he had seen through something.

"What are you laughing at?" Sun Boyang asked a little strangely.

"Brother, is Comrade Alisa's relationship with you unusual?" Sun Raul asked with a happy expression.

"What's unusual, it's comrades. What are you thinking?" Sun Boyang also smiled lightly and replied.

"Hurry up, Dad can't wait. Brother, my son can run and talk, and where is my little nephew again? I'm so desperate!" Sun Raul urged again.

"Let's talk about it, now is the critical period of the revolution, there is no rush."

After Sun Raul heard this, he also pulled his face down and became unhappy. Felicia was also unhappy with him. Felicia's face was full of anger, and his head was almost floating. A circle of white smoke came out, expressing the impatience at this time.


"I swear that I will fulfill my duty and work hard for the future of Yondalim. I will lead my comrades to unify Yondalim, spread democracy and republic to every corner of Yondalim, and realize the revival of the republic! "

Oleg stood in the middle of the stage to salute his inauguration wearing a generalissimo uniform, and countless officials and dignitaries witnessed this moment.At this moment, Oleg felt his heart surge, and all his troubles were forgotten.

377 In the whirlpool of rights

"Thanks to your approval, I, Oleg, took up the post of commander under your praise, and temporarily provoked the heavy responsibility of revolution. I hereby swear that for the sake of the revolution of the Republic and the establishment of a new democratic and free country, I will lead The whole army, the whole government, resolutely fight against the government of the brave without compromise. Democotte will never compromise, never admit defeat. For this reason, we are willing to shed blood on the battlefield until the reactionary forces in the north are overthrown rule."

Oleg was wearing a straight blue generalissimo uniform with a red ribbon on his shoulders, and with white gloves on his hands, he gave an impassioned speech to the officials, political and military officials below.His face today was full of joy, and he was completely different from his usual calmness.Ticheren below was just the opposite. He had a gloomy face all the time. Although he was also formally dressed to attend, he didn't show any joy at all.

Oleg's meddling made him extremely angry, and what made him even more angry was that Oleg didn't give him the right to take the position of commander after he got the position of commander.Now he is still the deputy commander and deputy commander of the Northern Expedition Army, his position has not changed, and he is still in that position.

Oleg never talked to him about these things after his successful campaign. He was extremely transparent in this general election as if he had been abandoned by the world.Those who know also understand that he is the actual controller of the current situation in the southeast, and he is the one who really has the final say on the entire southeast.Those who don't know have already been pushed out when he loses power.

"The Revolutionary War needs to continue. We still have to actively fight against the Army of the Brave, fight with them in the southeast, and connect with the revolutionaries in the Central South. We will never compromise, and we must concentrate all the resources of the entire government on the war. In During the war, other industries, agriculture, education, and commerce must serve the Northern Expedition first. Factories, fields, and merchants will all focus on revolutionary wars until the brave army is defeated and the republic is rebuilt." Oleg continued to be majestic Man said with a confident smile.

"it is good!"

"it is good!"

All the officers and officers of the army stood up and applauded Oleg's generous speech. Oleg's speech was also like a booster, basically confirming the continuation and unity of the war.Never compromise to establish a coalition government with the brave, this is Oleg's bottom line, and it also makes radicals and officers happy.It is estimated that only the old officials were a little unhappy, and the others, such as those warlords, desperately expressed their support and never said a word of opposition.

"During the Revolutionary War, because of the importance of unification, the development of factories, the changes in agriculture, the funding of colleges, and some other changes must be temporarily suspended. We must devote ourselves to fighting the brave, other changes, changes , as well as adjustments, have to be temporarily suspended. The government doesn’t have that much spare capacity to do these things. What we need during the war is stability, stability, and stability. Business adjustments are left to the businessmen themselves, and the government is inconvenient Intervention should allow it to develop freely so as to overtake Zhongnan as soon as possible.”

Oleg continued to talk to everyone with his hands on his hips and his fists. The businessmen who heard these words were all smiles, and the officials were also relieved and felt extraordinarily relaxed.Although the radicals frowned and dissatisfied, they also accepted Oleg's statement. After all, war is the most important thing, and it is really okay to let other aspects take a break first.

"Hmph!" Ticheren's face became extremely ugly, he stood up from the chair abruptly, glanced at Oleg, then walked out with a hum, without giving Oleg any face.Seeing Oleg like Ticheren was also annoyed, but because today is a very important day, he didn't get into an argument with Ticheren on the spot, he just forced a smile, changed the topic to people, and went on a stage.

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