After all, the old warlord looked at Oleg, and Oleg also nodded quietly, indicating that they were not in danger and could enter the palace safely.

"Then let's go first." The old warlord stood up and took the lead in saluting.

"Surprised the generals." Marshal Victor sighed helplessly again.

"Marshal! Marshal Oleg! How could you do this! Did you forget! We..."

Marshal Oleg's face immediately changed drastically. He strode forward, pinched Gordon's neck with one hand and lifted him up, leaned closer and said viciously.

"If you dare to talk nonsense, I will lead my troops to kill your whole family right now." Oleg said fiercely.

"It's best to take care of yourself. Now you are the only one who will die. If you dare to talk nonsense, it will be done, and your whole family will die too."

305 Difficult road ahead

"I...I..." Gordon said in horror.

"You take care of yourself." Oleg threw him on the ground impatiently, waved his hand to signal General Marsha to push him down, and walked over with Marshal Victor.

"Thanks to Mr. Sun Boyang for dissuading you this time, otherwise it would be a catastrophe." Victor thanked.

"This incident is indeed beneficial to Demercotte. Marshal Victor Victor, I hope you will seize this opportunity and integrate the southeastern province to benefit the Northern Expedition." Sun Boyang reminded.

"That's true." Victor nodded and replied after thinking for a moment.

"Gentlemen are frightened, the meeting will continue." Victor stepped onto the stage and comforted them after seeing everyone was seated.

"This conference aims to communicate with all progressives in Dalim and work hard for the cause of republic building in Dalim. Therefore, I, Demer Cotter, specially invite progressives in Dalim to participate in this conference. Make suggestions for the future direction, provide opinions and solutions.”

After finishing these words, Victor felt that his mood had recovered a lot. The mutiny just now was still in front of him, and Ticheren was sitting in the crowd watching him now.Victor really didn't expect that Ticheren would come out like this, let alone that he was almost going to kill.If no one can stop it today, then the turmoil in the southeast is just around the corner.

"What happened outside the hall just now?" A democrat asked the person next to him in a low voice.

"Listen to the movement, there must be a mutiny. Didn't you see those generals walking in dejectedly? The radicals must have gained the upper hand and asked those generals to compromise."

"Then do we still have opinions? There was a mutiny during the conference, and Marshal Victor didn't know what happened. Could it be that he couldn't even control his own garrison?"

"Who knows, the political situation in the southeast has always been chaotic. If it wasn't for his strong request this time, we would not be willing to step into this muddy water before the situation is settled. The forces in the southeast are mixed. Although it is said on the surface that the republic will be restored, but Everyone knows that Victor himself is extremely vacillating. If you ask me, the real democratic republic is actually not as good as the Leszekers next door. Although they say they want to be even, they are really fighting for the republic. "

"I still have a factory at home, how dare I curry favor with them."

The conversation of the people behind entered Felicia's ears without missing a word. She looked sideways at Sun Boyang with a serious face, and wondered if she wanted to ask what Sun Boyang was thinking at this time.

"Total." Victor on the Maoqi stand also lost interest, just read the manuscript according to the script, so he turned his head to look at Sun Boyang and asked.

"Huh?" Sun Boyang pulled out his serious expression and asked curiously. In fact, he didn't listen to Victor's speech seriously.Just kidding, at this time, who is still in the mood to listen to the speech?The generals are worrying about their lives, the progressives are thinking about whether they will be involved, the radicals are thinking about how to expand the revolution and democracy, and even the neutrals are weighing the pros and cons and considering the way out. Everyone has their own ideas. There is no one who is really listening to the speech seriously.

Sun Boyang was thinking about how the current situation would affect the revolution. The mutiny was carried out suddenly. In the worst case, the warlord troops from all over the country would directly counterattack desperately and set off a huge southeast rebellion.Once the worst result breaks out, the cause of the revolution will inevitably come to a halt, and may even be forced to retreat.Of course, this worst possibility is also relatively low probability.There are many neutral generals who guarantee that local reforms will not be carried out for the time being.That should not lead to a direct outbreak of a major rebellion.

The best ending is that the warlords from all over the country were integrated one after another because they were timid.The entire southeast worked together to carry out the revolution and local reforms to the end.But that kind of situation is almost impossible to happen. There are private armies and warlord forces in various places. It is really too difficult to force them to compromise without fighting.

After thinking about it, there is probably only one possible development.That is, with these warlords under house arrest, and then suspending the reform of the local area, first reorganize the frontline troops, and then integrate the entire southeast from north to south step by step.It can also be to first achieve a series of victories against the empire and then slowly reorganize the interior.Although these two situations will delay the progress of the revolution, the final result is good and must be beneficial to the revolution.

"In short, I don't think everyone is in the mood to hold this meeting." Comrade Mao Qi said in a low voice.

"After such an incident, who is still in this mood?" Sun Boyang replied with a chuckle.

"Should we also leave as soon as possible and return to Zhongnan? In short, I think the southeast is already a place of right and wrong, and we cannot stay for long."

"There is a saying that a gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. The situation in the southeast is very complicated, and there are more important tasks in the southeast. We should make plans earlier." Comrade Mao Qi suggested again.

"Yes, we really have to leave early." Sun Boyang nodded in agreement.

"The southeast is now like a big dye vat. Our stay here will not bring the slightest help to the revolution, but will make the situation more confusing. Comrade Moltke, you are going to Comrade Sun Raul tonight to help He reminded him to be careful in the future and treat the situation in the southeast with prudence. Once there is a major change, he must immediately report to the Central Committee." Sun Boyang whispered solemnly.

"I understand. Anyway, when are we leaving? Tomorrow? The day after tomorrow?" Comrade Moltke asked again.

"As soon as possible, we will leave tomorrow afternoon and return to Zhongnan from the Tianyang City area. It is under the control of the Northern Expeditionary Army, so there will be no accidents." Sun Boyang replied.


Marshal Oleg folded his arms and looked back coldly. He leaned back on the chair and lowered his head silently.Today's developments were beyond his expectations. When Kanticheren admitted that he had instigated the mutiny, Oleg's inner lining was almost soaked in cold sweat, and he was about to tremble.He thought that some of his actions had been exposed, but in the end, it was just a delusional mutiny by Ticheren, and there was nothing wrong with him at all.

Fortunately, Ticheren was stopped today and nothing bad happened.If Ticheren was really determined to kill, who would know how many of those warlords would confess him and drag him into trouble?Based on the situation at that time, even Ticheren would definitely take him down together.Fortunately, fortunately, the situation finally eased.Ticheren gave up the killing plan, agreed to house arrest, and only killed the most domineering General Gordon among them.This is really the best development direction for the situation today. If a major rebellion breaks out directly, it will lead to many unpredictable consequences.

"Marshal Oleg." General Marsha whispered as he sat beside Oleg.

"What's wrong?" Oleg asked General Marsha with a cold glance.

"Thanks to the mediation of many parties today, we can control the warlord troops on the front line." General Marsha congratulated.

"Don't get complacent too early." Oleg said with a cold snort.

"Marshal, I will definitely assist you in reorganizing those troops, and there will be no mistakes." General Marsha quickly assured.

"It's not just for this reason." Oleg frowned and whispered.

"The matter of General Alok is difficult." Oleg shook his head and continued.

"General Alok?" General Marsha also bowed his head in thought and stopped speaking.He is still aware of General Arok, Victor's diehard loyalist, he was the one who urged Victor to come to the southeast to take charge of the overall situation, and he was also the first batch of warlords to join the southeast government.Although this person still retains some territory, he is also an out-and-out warlord, but he and Victor wear a pair of pants. Strictly speaking, he should be called a Victor faction, not a warlord.

"Marshal Victor sent General Arok to preside over the unification work, and your task is to monitor him." Oleg said softly.

"But Alok will definitely not support us. He himself supports the revolution. If the radicals are willing to give him senior officials, he will not care if the revolution falls on him." General Marsha said anxiously.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Oleg asked dissatisfied.

"You are trusted by Marshal Victor and asked you to monitor General Alok. You don't want to be loyal to Marshal Victor, but think about your own interests?"

"I, Marshal, you know, I'm not that kind of person!" General Marsha quickly defended with sweat on his forehead.

"Okay, there's no need to say more." Oleg waved his hand coldly.

"It's just that everyone has their own aspirations, and I don't support those radicals. If you have ideas, it doesn't mean you are disloyal. It's just that you don't join the radicals."

"Yes, yes, Marshal, that's what I meant." Marsha quickly explained happily.

"Hmph, are you really following my lies?" Oleg snorted coldly in his heart.

"The villain who speculates on the fence, even if you defeat the radicals in the future, you don't even think about having any status." Oleg thought again in his heart.

"Marshal, I will definitely be optimistic about General Alok, and I don't want him to do anything special." General Marsha said loyally.

"That's the best." Oleg nodded and continued to look at the stage.

"What should we do with Sun Boyang? Should we take the opportunity to assassinate him, and then put the blame on Ticheren?" General Marsha asked hastily.

"Are you crazy?" Oleg was taken aback, and hurriedly looked around to make sure no one heard him before scolding.

"Sun Boyang's identity is extraordinary, and it's already reached this time, don't make any more trouble!"

"What's more, I already have an idea on how to deal with those radicals." Oleg said with a sneer.

"It's just that it takes a long time and you need to wait."

306 Each has its own reason

Although the Progressive Congress was disturbed by such a major event as the mutiny, it was destined not to proceed as expected.But when everything calmed down temporarily, the people attending the meeting still threw themselves into the meeting and started a fierce debate.

The situation where everyone was speechless as expected did not happen. At the progress conference, at the beginning, everyone was cautiously watching the direction and thinking about how to speak.After all, there has just been a mutiny, and everyone still has to think about the changes in the situation, and think about whether their speech will be fatal.

But when Ticherin came to power and began to explain his line, methods and war plan, those progressives began to raise different opinions one by one.All the progressives from all over the world and from different factions began to speak enthusiastically, began to refute each other's arguments, and praised their own views and lines.Sun Boyang still remembers that there were a total of twelve options in the first counting of votes that day, and all kinds of opinions gathered in it, which made Victor's whole scalp numb.Who would have imagined that in just a few years, there would be so many branches of the concept of a democratic republic, and they would all be mutually exclusive...

During the war with the empire, some democrats advocated peace and jointly established a federation with the empire to achieve the reunification of Yongdalim.Some people advocate another kind of peace, that is, to fully invest in the imperial government and follow the constitutional monarchy.Some advocated a quick battle, and advocated a decisive battle with the main force of the brave army as soon as possible to quickly achieve victory in the Northern Expedition.Others advocate slowing down the plan, first destroying various other forces, and finally attacking the government of the brave to realize the unification of Yongdalim.There are also those who advocate attacking the Southwest together with the Zhongnan government, first complete the unification of the whole South, and then plan to go northward at the same time...

They disagree with each other, and neither of them can argue with the other, insisting on sticking to their own views.They quarreled even more fiercely over the formation of the republic, almost to the point of rolling up their sleeves and fighting.At this time, they completely forgot that the mutiny had just happened not long ago, and the situation was still unstable. Everyone began to selflessly declare their own ideas, regardless of Victor's hints, and did not care about Victor's hints at all. , hope they support his idea of ​​this matter.Everyone was expressing their opinions and debating selflessly.

That's it, if you can regress on your own ideas, then for these progressives who are intellectuals, magicians, and officials, they might as well die.Their own thoughts and their own literary accumulation are their final bottom line.Someone wants them to turn around and change directions, it is simply harder than going to the sky.Some of them advocated the establishment of a federal republic to unite Central and South China, and the conquest of the Southwest and North would have less resistance, which was a win-win plan.

Some advocated the establishment of a completely unified republic, and even bluntly said in front of Sun Boyang that Zhongnan must give up autonomy, in exchange for a few more seats in the parliament.Some old people hope to re-establish a constitutional monarchy, thinking that there must be a king in the world.Some are even more extreme, advocating a firm control of the Northern Expedition Army, with the Northern Expedition Army as the core to rule the country.In the future, the idea of ​​a democratic republic can also be spread to other countries through the offensive of the Northern Expedition, which can also prevent other countries from interfering in joint offensives again.

All kinds of speeches and propositions were completely liberated at the Congress of Progress, which shocked not only Victor, but also Marshal Oleg and Mr. Ticheren.Little Victor even looked at those representatives with an unbelievable expression. He really didn't expect these people to have so many opinions.Only Sun Boyang had expected it a long time ago, and he answered Victor’s doubts with a faint helpless smile on his face. As long as his thoughts are untied, the contention of today’s schools of thought is completely reasonable and in line with the development of the times.

In Victor's plan, this progress meeting should be similar to the Quanyong Dalim General Assembly in Central South.Everyone should respect Victor as the core, and then unanimously agree with Victor's statements and propositions, and finally pass the meeting with a high vote.Even if he gained prestige, he could also unite these democratic progressives to his side.But I really didn't expect that these people...have a lot of ideas...

Sun Boyang will explain there that even at the Central South Conference, a very heated debate broke out among the members to discuss the future course of action.At the beginning, it took several days of continuous voting to finally decide on the current route. Because the Central South Conference was held in the interior, the discussion always revolved around the Leszek route.But if it is extended to democracy, it will be much broader.Turning the turn signal to the left is democracy, and turning the turn signal to the right can be regarded as a kind of bourgeois revolution.

This is also the reason why the Leszekhan Conference was able to vote for a route in the end, after all, it was in the inner city, with relatively few branches.Everyone reads Sun Boyang's articles to learn Leszek's thoughts. Even if there are differences between them, there is not much difference. In terms of direction, everyone will not have much meaning, and most of them are just discussing other minutiae.It is still in the initial stage of Leszek's thinking, especially since Sun Boyang was "used" after he perfected it, so it will be easier for everyone to be convinced and have no objections.

"However, it's hard to imagine what the next few conferences will look like. It is estimated that everyone will have more and more ideas and more opinions, right?" Sun Boyang thought.

This development trend makes Sun Boyang both happy and a little distressed. He has always advocated internal democracy and very much does not want Leszek to be unable to function once he leaves him.Therefore, he has also been cultivating the atmosphere of discussion in the company, encouraging members to express their opinions and discuss together.No matter how outrageous, it can be discussed.This can also enhance the independence of the scorpion, so that the scorpion will not revolve around him alone.That would be too dangerous. Now is the time of chaos. Anyone may be killed by a powerful assassin, so he must be prepared.

This is the best way to ensure the flexibility of the organization and ensure the long-term development of the organization.It can also ensure that the democratic ethos of Yan has been passed down and prevent major retrogressive changes in the future.But this is also what troubled him. Who knows how many strange lines and opinions everyone will come up with in the future?Will anyone advocate driving a car?Will someone betray the revolution?Betray the workers and peasants?This kind of situation must also be prevented from happening.

But probably not. Ensuring the democracy of the people should be able to prevent that extreme situation from happening.What's more, Sun Boyang has a beta plan.

After thinking about it, Sun Boyang turned his head to look at Felicia who was bored looking at the tea in the teacup on the table.Felicia seemed to feel something, and raised her head to look at Sun Boyang, her big orange pupils were full of doubts, she didn't understand at all that Sun Boyang didn't listen to those people's speeches but looked at what she was thinking at this time.

"Comrade Mao Qi, you must pay attention to your health." Sun Boyang smiled and turned to look at Comrade Mao Qi again.

"Huh?" Comrade Mao Qi also touched his head in doubt and looked at Mr. Sun Boyang, not knowing what Mr. Zong meant.

"Isn't it talking about smoking?" Comrade Mao Qi said after thinking hard for a long time before suddenly realizing it.

"To sum up, I'm afraid you can't blame me. You know, your smoking frequency is not inferior to mine." Comrade Mao Qi said with a smile.

"We encourage and encourage each other together." Sun Boyang also said with a smile.

"In short, you don't seem like someone who can do it." Mo Qi joked.

"If you say reduce, then reduce." Sun Boyang decided.

"If you can't reduce it, how about I treat you to dinner for a week?"

"That's what you said!" Felicia said vigorously, grabbing Sun Boyang's arm.

"It's a deal." Sun Boyang patted Felicia's hand and decided.

It is true that you should pay attention to your own health. Many comrades in the city have said very well.His physical health is not only his own business, but also his precious wealth.In order to protect your property, it is understandable to do something to protect your own health.

"You can actually reduce one task for other comrades by doing this." Mao Qi took out another cigarette and said to Sun Boyang with a smile.

"How to reduce it?" Sun Boyang also subconsciously wanted to take it out, but suddenly felt a cold gaze behind him, and withdrew it with an 'unchanged face'.

"Many comrades have added spices to your cigarettes, don't you know?"

"How could I know that every time I buy a few, I pile them all up in my drawer."

"That's right, some doctors and comrades have found many kinds of magic medicinal materials for this cigarette, and want to reduce the damage to the body. There are sunflowers, moonlight grass, silver bell grass..." Mao Qi Comrade said endlessly with examples.

"Stop, wait a minute." Sun Boyang was so frightened that he quickly destroyed the cigarettes in his pocket for Felicia. These medicinal herbs sounded more strange than each other, and they must not be ordinary herbs.If we continue to cultivate this 'hobby', we may lose a lot of materials.

"I didn't expect that a small personal habit would still cost comrades money and resources. I'm really ashamed." Sun Boyang sighed helplessly.

"Although these medicinal materials are not very expensive, they are also important resources of medicinal materials. This also shows one thing, I have to be more cautious about my personal 'hobbies'. This cigarette, I will smoke less in the future, and I will not smoke at all. realm." Sun Boyang said decisively.

"That's not the case. Comrades are doing this for your health, not deliberate bad behavior as you think." Comrade Mao Qi probably understood what Sun Boyang was thinking when he saw the expression on Sun Boyang's face, and quickly explained road.

"What's more, in fact, you buy cigarettes whenever you want every day, and you buy them from random cigarette shops, so comrades will not have the opportunity to add some ingredients to your cigarettes." Mao Qi said with a smile again.

"It's really a good idea!" Sun Boyang also laughed along with him.

307 Seeking common ground while reserving differences

The conference is destined not to end in a short period of time. At least judging from the fierce arguments of these gentlemen, I am afraid that there will be no four, five, six or seven days that will not end.Time is precious, and delay here is also a waste. After Sun Boyang proposed to Victor to return to Zhongnan in advance, he only attended another morning meeting and gave a short speech before preparing to leave.

"Mr. Sun Boyang, what you said is to build a republic with workers and peasants as the main body and a dictatorship of workers and peasants. How should we build it? If so, do we have to despise the rights of progressives, scholars, magicians, businessmen, etc., and prohibit them from speaking? What about it?" An old gentleman with a very long beard stood up and asked.

"On the contrary, on the basis of establishing a new republic with workers and peasants as the main body, we will also vigorously promote democratic government and support all practitioners to join in and discuss national affairs together." Sun Boyang replied seriously while standing on the stage.

"Workers and peasants are the main components of our country. In order to ensure that the democratic republic can be further advanced, and to ensure that the upper government will not be passed on to three levels, it is very important for workers and peasants to participate in national political affairs. We must not ignore that this accounts for 90.00% of our country. % of the population, and impose our blind thoughts on them." Sun Boyang made another gesture and continued to answer.

"Mr. Sun Boyang, you also said in the "Manifesto" that equalization of property is required, that is to say, factories can no longer be owned by factory owners, and farmland can no longer be owned by landlords. Do you violate what you wrote in the charter? What about property protection?" Another young man who looked very young and polite stood up and asked seriously.

"We have to deal with farmland in this way. We prohibit the sale and purchase of land, but distribute and use it uniformly. Throughout the dynasties, countless dynasties and countries must have serious problems with land when they finally perished. It used to be the strong oppression of the nobles The peasants below are now the landlords annexing the land of the peasants. In order to prevent this from happening again, we must try our best to reserve the land for the peasants and ensure that the tillers have their land. This is one of them.” Sun Boyang listened Reaching out to answer this question with a smile.

"The second is that we advocate the liberation of productive forces, not only to divide farmland equally, but also include production tools, seeds, etc. In order to liberate productive forces, we have formulated new laws and made new institutional norms, which must be It will be carried out. We will equally distribute tools such as farmland to landlords, and at the same time leave a portion for them to earn their living. You can see this in the specific land reform plan.”

"The means of production are different from private property. He is an important tool for social development and one of the cores of a stable society. This is why we decided to divide the farmland completely and prohibit buying and selling. We advocate that the means of production should be publicized. The production carried out above will continuously feed back to the society, providing the driving force for the society to advance. The means of production must not continue to exist in the form of capital and become a tool for individuals or a family to make money. Therefore, in Lesze In a country under Ke’s thinking, the means of production must be publicly owned and will not be used by someone for personal gain.”

"The same is true for the same factory, but we are not opposed to someone privately building a factory. As long as the factory meets the relevant legal requirements of the country, as long as the treatment of workers in the factory complies with the laws and regulations, and the factory conforms to the form of democracy, we are not opposed to it. We have no objection to the establishment of private factories. Even most of the factories that have been reorganized now have been changed step by step in the form of monetary compensation, stock adjustment, and inviting the original factory director to continue to be the factory director. It is definitely not directly confiscated, and absolutely It's not outrageous and unreasonable brutality."

"In Leszek's thinking, public ownership must replace private ownership. Even now, we are cautiously controlling the number of private factories and supervising and managing them. These are our propositions and our goals all along. Our Leszekers are the vanguard of the workers and peasants, and our political views must be more inclined to our compatriots of workers and peasants." Sun Boyang also added with a smile.

"Forgive me for having a hard time agreeing." The young man shook his head and said.

"Of course it's a good thing to disagree." Sun Boyang nodded indifferently and said.

"The development of society is always tortuous. Everyone has their own ideas and their own unique ideas. The progress and development of society is carried out in this kind of change. Countless people put forward their ideas and actively Constitute for the progress of society."

"Everyone puts forward his own opinion, and in this way, society will carry out a tortuous exploration, and finally, he will sum up in the thoughts of all people, and then embark on a road that has been honed and absorbed and improved, and thrive. develop."

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