"Let's go back to the royal city as soon as possible." Wei Kener pressed Sansa's shoulders and demanded.

"No, I actually don't want to go back either." Sansa shook her head.

"That's it for us. Let's walk in the various provinces of Yongdalim, visit the famous mountains and rivers, and record them. In the central south, we witnessed the magnificence of Kunqi Mountain and the beauty of the Great Plains. In the southwest, we saw In the west we walked through strange forests. Later we will go to the north to see the snow-covered and the northern forests. Then we will go to the mountains in the east, and there we will end our journey. The journey brings to the end, and draws a successful conclusion." Sansa said imaginatively.

"When the journey is over, you have to live well, live well! We still have to look at the future and see what the future of Yongdalim will look like! Sansa, you will be as famous as me, by then We must let everyone who reads our geography know that it is compiled by Welkner and Sansa, they are the cornerstone and originator of Yongdalim geography, and we want them to be forever We will never forget us, we will see those students who study geography come to visit us, call me master, and call you teacher mother." Wei Kener said sadly while hugging Sansa.

"Okay, that's the best." Sansa said softly, leaning on Weikener's arms.

"We have to be more careful when we go to the Central Province. We have to be extra careful. It's not peaceful there. I heard that the country has been restructured again, from a republic to an empire. Maybe there will be more troubles." Shan Sha reminded Wei Kener in a low voice.

"Be careful, but it's okay. I don't think anyone will dare to attack us. After all, we are just a guy who writes a book, and we don't get involved in politics. Even if there are any changes, why should they arrest us?" Are we implicated?" Wei Kener comforted.

"Well, I'll sleep for a while..." Sansa closed her eyes and calmed down, falling into a dream.Wei Kener gently put Sansa down, and sat back outside the cabin again, looking at the endless river, wondering what he was thinking.

"Guest, are you going to the Central Province?" The boatman lowered his head and asked.

"Yes, I'm going back to Central Province. I have to see a doctor for my wife. He's very ill." Wei Kener replied with a nod.

"It's not very flat there." The boatman shook his head and said.

"We often encounter wind and waves on the river. I heard the magicians say that this is caused by the storm. Some storms can even be as big as the whirlpool in the river, which is astonishing." The boatman said.

"I feel like this is the current Central Province, like the eye of the vortex of the storm. It's not very flat there. If you plan to go back, you'd better be careful."

284 King City, National Capital, Imperial Capital

To say that it is the vortex eye of the storm is indeed not adulterated at all.At this time, the imperial capital is like the eye of a whirlpool. It looks calm on the surface, unexpectedly 'peaceful' and stable, as if all the turmoil in Yongdalim has nothing to do with this place.But the interior of the current imperial capital is actually an unprecedented undercurrent surging, and various forces gather here to wrestle in this capital.They are fighting openly and secretly, intending to strive for the greatest interests and strive for more power for their own forces.

A troop of army men wore black uniforms and walked on the street with big strides, from one end of the street to the other, as if they were invincible, and I had to call him brother when the king of heaven came.The fact is indeed the case, they are the bottom controllers of this imperial capital, all workers and small businessmen have to respect them, lest they cause a little disrespect to them, so as to cause endless troubles.

No matter how the times change, life always needs to go on.For the people at the bottom, changing the name from the royal city to the capital, and then changing the name to the imperial capital, is nothing more than changes in taxes, some taxes will be reduced and some taxes will be increased, and the overall will remain the same.During the Wangcheng period, the great knights would roar across the street to arrest bourgeois factions who might revolt at any time.During the capital period, they wanted to clean up the nobles and wipe out the remnants of the nobles.But now, the slogan of long live the empire has been chanted again, and they are scrambling to capture the revolutionary lords, and they want to take down all the revolutionary lords, wishing to search the entire imperial capital upside down.

The establishment of the empire did not bring about a relaxed social environment, but the censorship of speech reached its peak, almost reaching the point of putting a rope around its neck.The newspapers of each newspaper office must be taken to the Imperial Security Bureau for inspection before printing, and they must be read carefully by the so-called security officers before they are allowed to be printed.The soldiers were also renamed the Imperial Police. They sniffed the streets and alleys like hounds, trying to search for any traces that might have something to do with the revolutionaries, so that the imperial capital could truly be 'safe'.

A series of decrees of the Imperial Council came from here. Although they were issued by the Imperial Council on the surface, in fact, they were completely decided by the current King Regent of the Brave. He said yes, and he said no.Democracy, which was already fragile and vain, has been smashed to pieces at this moment, not even the last bit of face and fig leaf left.Everyone in the world knows that the true master of the empire is not His Majesty Green, nor the magnificent Imperial Parliament, but His Royal Highness the Brave who lives in the Winter Palace with unprecedented strength and incomparably noble status.

On this street, the newspaper that once opened next door to Bernard has been closed.A large seal was pasted on the entrance of the newspaper, which said that the newspaper's remarks were inappropriate and could not be reopened without rectification.This old-fashioned authoritative newspaper has been closed for more than a month. When the empire was established some time ago, the editor-in-chief of the newspaper strongly criticized the brave's perverse actions and was arrested by the police. He has not been released yet. Whether it is life or death, how the future will be judged, it is hard to say.

Bernard had also quietly inquired about the editor-in-chief, and heard from some old guests that the old editor-in-chief, Mr. Bliss, was being protected by many officials and congressmen because of his high morals, high status, and many people he knew.The editor-in-chief of Bliss and many officials are classmates and brothers, and the relationship is not ordinary. Even the criticism of the brave man that time may have been ordered by the officials to do so.If this is the case, then this very good editor-in-chief will probably be fine, and he should be able to come out.

"It's true that good people don't get good rewards, and the scourge lasts for thousands of years. If these policemen were knocked down, it would be such a happy thing." Bernard murmured looking out the window.

The newspaper office was replaced by a government-run newspaper office called 'Imperial Newspaper'. This newspaper office had nothing else to do but praise the stinky feet of the empire and the stinky feet of His Royal Highness the Brave.On the surface, the Imperial Gazette shouted that it insisted on democracy and freedom, but in fact it was extremely servile to the brave, so it almost knelt down for everyone to see.No matter which democrat is arrested or the leader of the democrats is arrested, the Imperial newspaper will always stand up and shout a few words, shouting that these people seek glory for the country and are not conducive to the cause of the empire. This is why they were arrested The reason is not because they are democrats who were arrested because of this.

The editor-in-chief of the Imperial Newspaper and the gentlemen in charge of writing manuscripts are all dressed in stately clothes. They are all tall and very decent gentlemen in noble costumes.There is a horse-drawn carriage to pick up and drop off from work to get off work, and the daily food is always excellent, and you always have to order some restaurant meals.Because of this, Bernard's originally sluggish business finally improved a bit. After all, his roast duck is quite famous.It's been so close, and it tastes good, the Imperial newspaper always likes to order some for the adults in the newspaper office to satisfy their hunger.

This is also the reason why Bernard can still insist on opening the restaurant. To be honest, his roast duck restaurant is almost on the verge of collapse, and it only needs a quick kick to collapse.Years of heavy taxes and exploitation made him earn very little money. For this reason, he was forced to fire more than half of his employees, and managed to continue the business.The roast duck restaurant has not had money to maintain for many years, and the white skin on the wall has mostly fallen off, leaving old Bernard in a bad state of hastily covering it up with other things.The ones that can be seen are barely like this, and the ones that have a big impact can be covered by a cheap painting.What else?Let it go.

Old Bernard converted half of his roast duck restaurant into a hotel in order to continue the business.The second half of the duck restaurant has been converted into hotels, which are specially rented out to travelers, poor workers, and students.Although these people often don't have much money and are always too shy to pay the rent, they also have a very valuable characteristic, that is, they rarely simply owe the rent and run away.They may be poor, but they are noble in character.Once you earn some money, you must pay some rent to Bernard, and then ask him to forgive him for a few days before collecting it, and continue to pay it back when you have more money.

Bernard has given up all hope of making a lot of money.He wants to live a good life now, and it's best to live like this.In just over four years, Bernard seemed to be more than ten years older, from his original appearance in his 40s to that of an old man in his 50s.In the past four years, all kinds of sudden and unexpected disasters have come one after another, which really exhausted him and made him no longer in the mood to have any lofty ideals.Now, he has only one idea, and that is to help other people as much as possible while keeping his family alive.

"Morning shopkeeper. The shop opened so early today?"

A plainly dressed student came out from the curtain at the back with a small bag and said hello to Bernard. Seeing the student's appearance, Bernard smiled and waved his hand in response.These young students are his favorite tenants.Perhaps these children do not have much money and are more often in arrears than workers.But they are cheerful and enthusiastic, and they also like to help clean or decorate in the store, as if they treat this place as their own home.Who wouldn't like such a young man?

"Oh, it's early. Today is the holiday, right? To celebrate the good day, you must get up early and open early during the holiday." Bernard replied.

"I wish you a prosperous business, old shopkeeper. A good person like you will definitely make a lot of money and live a good life in the future." The student cupped his hands and congratulated.

"Ham, what's making a lot of money? There's no hope for such a thing. I just hope to live a good life, and it's good to live a stable life like this every day. Don't have any accidents, don't let anyone trouble me, I'm fine I'm happy." Bernard smiled and said while leaning on the table with a sigh.

"This world is really messed up. Look at my child, four years ago this place was called the capital of the king. At that time, His Majesty Ivan ruled the world. Could it be the land of the king? Later, it was still called the king's city, but it became the capital of the king. What a great commander became the king, and even the flag was changed. Later, it was renamed the capital of the Republic, and became the national parliament as the king. Later, it was called the imperial capital again, and became the emperor to rule the world. That’s all. It’s a ghost world, it’s not bad if you can live well.” Bernard shook his head and said.

"Look out, it will get better." The student also sighed.

"One day, the country will get better again. At that time, no one will dare to bully us, and we will be able to truly stand up. At that time, the duck made by your roast duck restaurant is so good and delicious. It seems that we will be famous far and wide, and we will definitely make a lot of money! At that time, why not let me work as an accountant for you, the old shopkeeper, what do you think? At that time, no one will bully us, and we will surely make a lot of money!" The student said enthusiastically .

"Oh, you kid, you've been joking." Bernard said with a smile and waved his hands.

"You are knowledgeable, it's a good thing. Read more, study hard, you will definitely get ahead, and don't be bullied by the policemen outside. In the future, you will become a teacher or a high-ranking official in the academy. You can't be bullied like me for the rest of your life. , and you will be beaten if you pick it up casually." Bernard persuaded.

"What's more, if there is such a day, I think it's far away. I'm afraid I won't see that day."


"Is the shopkeeper here? Is it still open?" Two gentlemen in cloaks pushed the door and shouted.

"Open, open, what do the two guests want to eat? Stay in a hotel, or eat duck..." Bernard quickly stood up and walked over to ask.

"Old shopkeeper, please bring a duck and three more good dishes, let's catch up." The man with the cloak said softly to Bernard.


Bernard looked at the gentleman's face in bewilderment. He walked in, and the leading gentleman with the cloak also raised his hood to show Bernard. Bernard was taken aback and almost shouted. out.

"It's you!" Bernard shouted in surprise.

285 visitors

"It's you!" Bernard said, pointing at the other party in shock.

"Don't be surprised, old shopkeeper. I came to the imperial capital to do business, and you will not be involved." The gentleman in the cloak comforted Bernard's hand.

"You, how dare you come to the imperial capital? The country is very tight on you now. If you are caught by the police outside, you will surely die." Bernard hurriedly walked to the front of the store and closed the door, and checked left and right. Only then came back and said nervously to Mr.

"I came this time to entrust my adopted son to you again."

The gentleman with the cloak slowly took off his hood. It was a middle-aged man's face, a face that Bernard was very familiar with.Bernard was particularly surprised by the strict and resolute expression on this face.In his memory, this gentleman came here occasionally with a look of foolishness. He has never shown such an expression before, has he?

"Mr. Stephen, it's too dangerous for you to do this! You shouldn't have come to me!" Bernard stomped his feet anxiously, clenched his fists angrily and said to Stephen.

"This is not the place we agreed to. Let's go and sit in the corner." Bernard glanced at the few remaining buddies again, waved his hand and signaled them to go to their respective tasks, and then led the two of Stephen to the table in the corner. He sat down in front of him, lifted the teapot and poured tea for the two of them, then sat on the chair and meditated for a long time.

"It's been more than two years since we left. I didn't expect things to change, and you look very different." Bernard said to Stephen with a wry smile after thinking for a long time.

"Two years ago, I left the capital with my elder brother Sun Boyang to go to Central South to plan major events. For this reason, I traveled to many places and suffered for the supplies of the government. I often have to travel to various provinces to purchase the raw materials needed by the government. Now, I am serving as the Deputy Minister of Commerce and Trade in the Central South Government, and with such an important job, I am naturally much more dignified than Yan Yi before." Stephen smiled softly, and took the initiative to hold the teacup to him. Bernard said while offering tea.

"It can be regarded as a dragon and a phoenix among the people, and you have come out on top. Although the capital has always beaten you into chaos, you are a hero of a generation who can do this." Old Bernard said with a sigh.

"Old shopkeeper, I haven't seen you for two years. Is the business improving? I think the layout of the store is the same as before. It should be that it is not in a good mood." Stephen asked again.

"Hey, what can I do? It's chaotic here, and the laws and regulations are changing day and night. The taxation is one thing today, and another thing tomorrow. I open a small shop like me, and there is no one to take care of it. How many people did I have before? If you are suspected of collusion for the first time, it will be good if you can still open a shop." Old Bernard said with a wry smile and shook his hand.

"Well, since the empire was regressed and the government was established, why didn't you restore the honor of your knight?" Stephen asked curiously again.

"Yes, yes. You didn't even know it when you left the country. That Sir is in a worse situation than me now. He is carrying a burden on the street and selling vegetables for a living." Old Bernard pointed to the outside and said.

"Huh? Selling vegetables for a living?" Stephen asked in surprise.

"That's right, the old knight is unwilling to ask for help. Your Highness the Brave doesn't want to restore the titles of those who are not well-known knights, but only restores the status to those powerful nobles. A loyal person like the old knight can only do it." I have to rely on labor to get by." Old Bernard sighed again.

"Oh, the times are changing, too fast, too fast." Stephen also sighed.

"Tell me, Mr. Stephen, when will this war be over? Today he attacks him, tomorrow I hit you, and the day after that you kill him. Repeatedly and endlessly, it really killed me." Old Bell Nana asked with a bitter face.

"I heard from my brother that the chaos in this world will continue for a while." Stephen nodded and explained to Bernard.

"From this chaotic world to a stable era, it will take at least five, six, seven or eight years for the country to be safe and the people happy. Old shopkeeper, you can still see the day when the world is peaceful, and you can't be wrong." Stephen said comfortingly.

"It would be great if that was the case, and it would make me happy to be able to look forward to that day." Bernard replied without hope.

"One more thing, Mr. Stephen, this imperial capital is chaotic, how can you come to this dangerous place yourself? I don't know that His Highness the Brave hates you very much, and wants to eat your flesh, drink your blood, and drive you all to death?" Bell Na asked nervously.

"I didn't come here this time, but I came here with an organizational mission." Stephen leaned forward and said to the old shopkeeper.

"I want to come to the imperial capital to inquire about the news, get in touch with the workers union here, and get the current situation of the imperial capital. Secondly, I want to buy some precious magic materials. This imperial capital is more prosperous than other places. There are many opportunities. But this is why I have to come." Stephen explained.

"The last thing is, I want to foster my adopted son Owen with you again, so that you can take care of him and find him a place to live." Stephen said.

"This..." Old Bernard said hesitantly.

"I will pay for you to cover his living expenses, and my adoptive son, the purpose of his coming here is not to make contacts, he just wants to live here, maybe to study for a while, or maybe directly I went to work in the factory." Seeing Bernard's hesitation, Stephen patted his hand and took out a bag of silver coins from his pocket to comfort him.

"That's what you said, but we don't know what happened." Old Bernard said with a helpless wry smile.

"This private possession is a mess. If it is found out, it will be beheaded. What's more, I still run a hotel behind my house. The police will come to investigate every three days. If they recognize the identity of the child, I will kill him." It's over." Bernard said, spreading his hands.

"If you don't want to, I won't force you." Stephen nodded and said.

"No, I didn't say no." Bernard shook his head again.

"It's okay to live here. It's okay for me to take my old life, but I still have a son and a wife. I have to think about their future." Bernard whispered to Stephen.

"If, if possible, when the Revolutionary Army and the Northern Expeditionary Army come over in the future, please take care of my wife and son. I will send them to the countryside in a few days, and stay away from right and wrong places. To avoid being caught The police caught them all." Bernard said, glancing at Owen's young and immature face.

"Okay, then please leave the old shopkeeper." Stephen stood up and said with cupped hands.

"If you want to find workers, then I suggest you go in the evening." Bernard motioned Stephen to sit down and said.

"The police are very strict during the day, so it's better for you to go at night. Why don't you spend the night in a hotel and wait until night falls." Bernard suggested.

"Old shopkeeper, won't this implicate you?" Stephen shook his head.

"What's wrong with this? Life is just like this. What can change?"

"Let's rest, I just happened to chat with you about the world and the current environment."

"Okay, then listen to the old shopkeeper, let's have a good chat." Stephen said with a happy smile.


"When you go to Zhongnan, do you know how many changes and major events have occurred in the royal city?" Bernard, Stephen Owen and the three sat at the table and chatted with each other while picking up vegetables.

"It's not clear. Most of our Zhongnan's contact with the imperial capital has been cut off, and only a few relationships have been maintained. Many comrades who stayed and worked in the imperial capital have been arrested. The imperial devils are strictly arrested, and there is no rule of law. Don't contact the comrades in the imperial capital, so as not to expose them and put them in danger." Stephen sighed after taking a sip of wine.

"That's how it is. Over the years, the so-called rioters arrested by the police have had seven thousand if not five thousand. Most of them were wronged, and they were wronged and imprisoned because of conflicts with the police. But even In this way, it is estimated that quite a few of your people have been arrested, and there are plenty of people around." Bernard took a mouthful of green vegetables and nodded.

"We in Zhongnan are only slightly aware that the empire was established and the imperial capital is now controlled by a brave man who calls himself His Royal Highness the Regent and orders the nobles and bourgeoisie. No one dares to disobey. But we don't know exactly how it happened. It's just a general understanding that coercion and temptation must be indispensable, which contributed to all this." Stephen said.

"Empire kingdom, whether it's a republic or an empire, it's all like this." Old Bernard waved his hand pretending not to care.

"In my opinion, it doesn't matter who is the master of the country. It is Victor who comes again, or to put it ugly, even if you come, what changes can be made? It is nothing more than step by step, changing the name of the capital, changing the name of the country, and then Let’s change the taxation, what kind of hard life should I live, probably what kind of hard life.” Bernard laughed at himself while holding his wine glass.

"What the old shopkeeper said is inappropriate." Owen said aloud.

"Oh? What's inappropriate?" Bernard asked curiously.

"Leszekers in South Central China and my uncle Sun Boyang are totally different from other warlords and nobles. My uncle fights for the people and will never do things that oppress the bottom. If we wait for our revolution If the army liberates the capital again, Uncle Bernard, you will have bright days." Owen said firmly.

"Mr. Sun Boyang's name, I have also heard about it. When he was in the capital, he practiced benevolent government widely and stood up for us ordinary people. It is a pity that he was forced to leave. Since then, the country has not been like a country. Every day It's all in chaos." Bernard said with a sigh.

"It would be a good thing if Mr. Sun Boyang could come. It's a pity that the current hard life will last for a long time. Who would have thought that the world would be in such a mess?"

286 Under the Eyes of the Enemy

The moon shines on the earth, and a silver light shines on a corner of the street, adding a touch of chill to the roads of the imperial capital that has entered winter.The night in the imperial capital is quiet, and every household quickly closed their doors after get off work and began to rest, trying to keep as quiet as possible in this chaotic world.Although His Highness the Brave did not implement any so-called curfew, everyone still involuntarily chose to avoid accidents as much as possible. Apart from working, they stayed at home to avoid being hit by flying disasters.

The middle-aged man walked under the moonlight in a black windbreaker and a big hat with his sleeves pulled up.His leather boots collided with the ground, making a creaking sound.The middle-aged man shrunk his neck tightly, hiding all his bare skin under his clothes as much as possible, making a low-key appearance.With his hands in his pockets, he strode forward without raising his head, as if something very important was waiting for him.In this kind of world, at this kind of time, it is estimated that there is a very important thing to do this.

"Ah, ah, ah!"

The shrill cry made the middle-aged man stop involuntarily and look towards the pole beside him. On top of the pole, a crow was raising its head and screaming in the moonlight, making a frightening 'scream'.Angrily, the middle-aged man picked up a stone from the ground and hit the crow vigorously. The crow flew up and continued to fly away screaming.Seeing the appearance of the crow, the middle-aged man showed a smile, looked at the pole where the crow was just now with his hands on his hips and said:

"Look, you guys, the pests, are always going to be chased away. Don't think that people are afraid to touch you because you look scary. Some people are trying to get rid of the pests." The middle-aged man said with a smile .

He put his pockets on again and headed down, walking forward nervously.The moonlight shone on his figure, casting his shadow under the light of the old man.The brighter the light was, the more frightened he shone.So he also hastily turned into a small alley, intending to take the trail to his destination.

"Hey, hold on!" a voice yelled.

The middle-aged man quickly stopped, and reached into the depths of his pocket to touch the short musket.He was waiting for the person to continue to speak, so as to make countermeasures.

"You torturer, haha, I caught you today!"

The voice was so clear that the middle-aged man couldn't help feeling the sweat dripping from his forehead and becoming nervous.From what the other party said, it seemed that they had been waiting for him for a long time, and they came here specifically for him.

"I said, man, how much do you earn as a police officer? I'll give you two silver coins, and you can let me go. Just pretend you haven't seen me tonight." The middle-aged man said calmly.

"Hmph, you kid, I don't know how many bad things you have done, how much damage you have done, and you were caught by me today. I want to say, I will never let you go, I will tie you to a pole and feed you The crow eats it, and the evil fights the evil!" said the voice again with a happy tone.

"It looks like something bad is going to happen tonight." The middle-aged man sighed helplessly.

"You big mouse, you have been full of food in my house for many years, and I have taken it down today. I will never let you go lightly, I must make you look good!" The voice said again through gnashing of teeth.

"Shushu?" The middle-aged man turned around suspiciously, the moonlight shone brightly on the street outside the alley, there was no one there, and he was actually the only one in the whole alley.He turned his head to look to the side and rear, where the windows on the wall were still glowing with faint candlelight, and there was the same movement coming from inside.

"You nasty rats, you eat so much grain and so much bread in my house, but you don't know how to repay your kindness at all. You only know how to eat and be lazy. You should kill rats like you. Not one left!" The man behind the window said through gritted teeth.

"You rob people's food, but you don't do anything serious. You eat people's food, and you only pick food from the poor like us. You never dare to dig into the granaries of rich people. So you searched for food from us, I can’t wait to search all the little food we have left. But what do you do to the rich? Hmm, you big rats, you don’t even dare to go through the door of their house.” The man continued to point at the the mouse scolded.

"It turned out to be scolding the mouse." The middle-aged man smiled and said with a long sigh of relief and continued on his way.

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