At this moment, the great arcanist, the largest intelligence leader in the north of the continent, was showing a rare kind smile that an old man should have, and picked up a box of beautifully packaged snacks from a small table beside him, and said to the girl sitting opposite him.He changed into a rare and expensive robe, and put on gorgeous costumes.Today is a very important festival, no matter where you are, you always need to take it seriously.

"Look, blueberry pie, Tiramis from the Southern Kingdom, and this, the best, boiled chocolate. It's not easy to buy. I asked King Aldrich to buy it for you. Eat it quickly, it's all good." Geglut said as he opened the package.

"And this, the crystal combs over there have become less and less traditional items since we came to the Dawn Continent. After all, this world is not like the Demon Realm, where there are copper mines and crystal mines everywhere. This is also very good, There are also skin creams that southern girls like to use. They are all very good things." Geglut continued with a smile.

"Teacher, put it away, I'm very busy, and I have to accompany Lord Brave to meet His Majesty later."

Pin Ke just nodded indifferently, then got up and patted his skirt again to get out of the room.This move made Geglut a little anxious, he quickly got up and grabbed Pinke's arm, and comforted him with a smile.

"Today is the Holy Martial Festival of the Demon Race, don't go. I'll tell him that you have a holiday today, so take a day off first." Geglut comforted.

"I'm not on holiday."

"How can there be no festival? This is not another festival, but our important festival."

"To commemorate the day of the victory of the invasion of the Dawn Continent, am I right?" Pin Ke said with some boredom.

"You child, why are you so ignorant." Geglut laughed dryly, picked up another piece of chocolate and handed it to Pinke and said.

"That's not an invasion, that's salvation. We unite these ignorant old beings in order to accomplish our great cause in the future. One day we will reopen the cracks in space, and then take back the hometown of the demon world. Travel to other worlds, build the Great Saint Clan Empire, and the Great Saint Clan to prosper the world." Geglut said gesturing.

"Hmph, hum." Pinke sneered at what the teacher said.

"I know, you are resenting the empire and me. Kepinke, have you ever thought about how easy it is for our empire? Our demon race stood out from the chaotic demon world and unified the south amidst the chaos. Today's great empire. Pinke, have you ever thought about how much crisis your actions would bring to the empire? The empire does not want you to die, it is already the grace of His Majesty the Holy Majesty." Geglut persuaded earnestly .

"Teacher, is it because we have experienced chaos and chaos that we should use violence against others and punish them? We have occupied their homes and slaughtered their huge race into a few. Finally, we must Spare no effort to destroy their culture and civilization. Is it right for us to do this?" Pin Ke stood up angrily and asked.

"The world is so cruel." Geglut said after a moment of silence.

"Natural selection, survival of the fittest. This is the survival logic that our ancestors realized when they were in the devil world. No one will pity us, all we can do is rely on ourselves. Squeeze others, destroy others, all for ourselves Live better. This is the real truth, the truth above everything else." Geglut said with a cold face.

"So most compatriots have to sacrifice their own happiness to contribute their property to the military and officials, so that you can truly survive the fittest?" Pin Ke asked rhetorically.

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Geglut said angrily.

"The compatriots in the empire have been in a state of extreme tension. Everyone is tired of war and just want to live in peace of mind. However, the military and the government are increasing taxes year by year, increasing the amount of money required to enter The number of compatriots in the army. Teacher, do you think this is appropriate?" Pin Ke continued to ask.

"Then you want to go back to that horrible and chaotic place in the Demon Realm?" Geglut asked.

"No, but we already have such a territory, we can rest here, and no longer be obsessed with war. The demons belong to everyone, and most of our compatriots want to rest more. Your Majesty should respect everyone. idea......"

"What nonsense are you talking about!" Geglut slapped the table and stared.

"Your Majesty is Your Majesty. All the demons are His Majesty's subjects. All demons should obey His Majesty's teachings. Pinke, you are such a jerk, you actually came up with such a rebellious idea." Ge Gelu Te was really angry. He didn't expect that this student would still talk and do things with such naive ideas.What the hell, other arcanists of the same age have long been eager to fight for His Majesty the Holy Majesty. Who would make such unreasonable troubles like Pinke?

"People want to rest, there is nothing wrong with that. But for the future of the demons, we must fight hard and keep fighting." Geglut said after a moment of silence.

"What's more, Pinke, you will soon hear the voices of your compatriots shouting to go north. Under the command of His Majesty and the military department, everyone will think that it is very important for the war to continue."


"Your Highness."

"Your Highness."

The old parliament has almost become a decoration, and the imperial parliament now has only one role, which is to seal, seal, and seal again.They don't need to have any different opinions. Every two o'clock in the afternoon, the documents brought in from the Winter Palace will be sorted by the officers and placed on the table of the Imperial Parliament, and then the members will be asked to vote, and then they will be covered. Stamped 'Passed by Parliament'.A member of the Imperial Council once laughed at himself like this.His job is to exchange a pig, and he probably can do better than himself.

The power is unprecedentedly strong, the imperial parliament has become a decoration and a vase, and the imperial government is no different.Ministers and officials go to the main hall of the Winter Palace every morning to listen to the orders of the brave regent, and then convey his orders and carry them out.The powers of the former ministers in charge have been reduced rapidly, and they can't even carry out normal personnel transfers in their own departments. If they want to change personnel, they must go through the hands of the brave man.Such a concentration of power should have been extremely easy to cause riots.But Lao Yuan still easily grasped the situation, there is no other reason, only one.That is, [-]% of the entire empire's military strength is in his hands.

The empire now has an army of nearly 20, of which 15 are regular troops, born out of several large armies in the past.Now these regular armies, their legion officers are basically soldiers sent by brave men.In the past, a large number of officers in the Hyperion Legion were promoted and transferred to various legions as mid-level and high-level officers, almost monopolizing the upper-level officer group.It's not that Lao Yuan didn't give benefits to the officers of other factions. He promoted many officers of other factions, and then put them on empty posts and took extremely high military pay and treatment.Many people became knights after the establishment of the empire, and then became viscounts and earls again, and they became domineering again.

In addition, there are more than [-] garrison troops in Wangcheng, and nearly [-] garrison troops in other places.And some private armies and small warlords who are not counted among them.Almost all the troops in the three provinces are in the hands of the brave, so it is no wonder that he is so confident.

It is not so much an empire as it is a huge military government.Rather than being the regent, it would be better to say that he is the leader of the warlords in the Northwest, West, and Central provinces.Although this is a well-known fact, no one in the government has dared to raise objections.After all, life is the most important thing, don't lose your life for the sake of quick talk.

Lao Yuan was wearing a blue-gold armor and strode into the Winter Palace with his Tiandi Bafangzhan on his shoulders.His attire shocked many officials and ministers, but after seeing the face of the brave man, he just wiped his sweat and waited silently for Lao Yuan's orders.It is no longer appropriate to describe this brave man as an extremely human minister.An extremely human minister must be a personal minister, but this brave man does not look like a minister at all.

"Aren't all the officials paying homage?" Lao Yuan stood in the middle and said coldly, holding his sword.

"Greetings to Your Highness the Brave." The other ministers immediately bowed and said.

"Hmph." Lao Yuan just hummed dissatisfiedly, and didn't say anything else.It's still early, and he still has plenty of time to make corrections and make these ministers get used to another kind of etiquette in the future.

268 Conspiring

"It won't be long." Lao Yuan thought in his heart.

"In a short time, I'll ask them to change their etiquette. I'll ask them to kneel down in the future, and they won't be allowed to do this stupid bow to me again. By then, hehe." Lao Yuan thought proudly.

"Stay flat." Lao Yuan said casually.

"This..." The other ministers looked at each other with a look of daring to be angry but were speechless.His Royal Highness the Brave really doesn't take them seriously at all. This is simply treating them as his own courtiers, not colleagues or peers.

These officials and ministers, as well as representatives of the bourgeoisie, can support the restoration of the empire, and they can also support the Yongdalim royal family to regain the throne.They can continue to shout for freedom and equality, and those who hold high the Magna Carta must continue to maintain the Republic.All of this has an extremely important condition. As long as this condition is met, it doesn't matter whether it is an empire, a kingdom, a principality, a republic, or even an alliance.This condition is very simple. To sum it up in one sentence, the country is not your country alone, but our country.

You can change the national system in any way you want, but you must respect our interests.If you are alone on the high ground and order us, the king and the ministers have to die, that will not work.Everyone is willing to let you go up because they want you to be a leader, not to want you to be an emperor.If you want to monopolize power, you can only say goodbye.

If it is an empire, then the emperor must be a puppet. The matter is still discussed among us ministers, bourgeois factions, and military officers.If it is a republic, it will be easier to handle, and everyone will vote directly for each other.But if you want to cross this line and try to control us, then you should be very clear why Victor went to Southeast Province.

"If he hadn't held the army in his hand, how could he be in such a mess." Several ministers looked at each other and thought in their hearts.

"Just wait, he won't be proud for long." A minister said in a low voice.

"In a short time, he must be replaced. Contact Marshal Shivanov and the garrison, and then poison him, or simply kill him." Minister Maxim also whispered.

"Ministers, let's talk about today's political affairs." Lao Yuan said to the ministers and officials below before he stepped onto the stage.

He was in a good mood, very good, extremely good.Good news came to him one after another, and he felt as if God was helping him.The expected fierce opposition from officials did not appear, and the uprisings of the people did not occur one after another as imagined.It can be said that it was as if an angel had arisen and wanted him to accomplish great things.

It's not that he didn't think that these officials would object, and he was even ready to hold the butcher's knife.But what a surprise, these officials were surprisingly spineless, or dare not stand up to him.Mastering the army means mastering the entire empire. This sentence is really not a lie.

"The war in the west is tight, and we need to increase the rations. The ministers must find a way to raise as much as possible to increase enough money and rations for the army." Lao Yuan said to the ministers.

"This...Your Highness, the expenditure in the army is already too high. It is better to slow down the fighting on the western front and focus on the south." A minister suggested.

"There is a demon army in the west, so we have to guard against it. Moreover, Rapotia must be recovered, and this important area must not be allowed to separate from the empire. It is necessary to resist the demon army and recover Rapotia. Ministers, Do you think we should increase the army's rations?" Lao Yuan asked with a smile.

"That's true, but there is not that much cash in the treasury anymore..." Another minister sighed and pretended to be helpless to dissuade.

"How could there be no treasury?" Lao Yuan sneered.

"If there is no treasury, then it must have been swallowed by some officials?"



The ministers and officials all looked astonished. They really did not expect His Highness the Brave to dare to say such a thing.Is it really possible to say something like this at will?Let alone whether there is evidence, even if there is evidence, this cannot be mentioned on the table.

"Your Highness, the government has always been clean, and the self-examination is very strict. There is also a parliament to monitor, and there has never been any thing of self-stealing. In the Republic, we were like this. Sometimes we even suspended the salaries of officials to avoid adding money to the country. Burden," protested another minister.

"What do you think, Your Majesty?" Old Yuan asked, looking back at His Majesty Luo Lin who was sitting on the chair.

When His Majesty Luo Lin saw Lao Yuan looking back at him, he shuddered subconsciously, and quickly waved his hands to indicate that he had no objection.

"This matter is up to you to decide on your own." His Majesty Luo Lin said hastily.

"Your Highness, you can't be so suspicious of the ministers." Maxim's right minister tactfully dissuaded Lao Yuan to save face for the ministers.

"I made a slip of the tongue." Lao Yuan smiled and waved his hand again.

"Who are you fooling? Do you really think I don't know what's going on?" Lao Yuan snorted coldly in his heart.

"In this case, we will collect donations from all walks of life. We must collect enough money and food within a month. Ministers, what do you think of this plan?" Lao Yuan asked the ministers below.

"I am willing to donate three thousand silver coins." A minister was very disdainful of Lao Yuan's approach. This kind of statement is nothing more than another way to ask these ministers for money. It is really for them to be officials in these times. It is unbearable, so he also said in fact at the same time.

"I am willing to donate two thousand silver coins."

"one thousand."

"My family is poor, so I can only donate five hundred."

"Recently, I see that the poor people on the street are really pitiful, and they have donated a lot. Now I can only take out fifty silver coins at most."

The ministers and officials immediately began to perform with their own characteristics. At this moment, they showed their superb artistic talents and used various strange reasons to evade Lao Yuan's request.They who used to live a luxurious life every day turned into extremely poor and good officials at this moment, as if they would donate their money to charity every month.If at this moment, the past donations they said were compared with the government staff of Leszek, I am afraid that even the officials of Leszek would feel ashamed.

"Everyone." Maxim's right minister stopped the performance of the ministers and said.

"I donate three thousand gold coins." Minister Maxim said with a sigh.



The ministers and officials snorted a few times, but they had no choice but to give up and resumed their normal expressions and demeanor.

"four thousand."

"Seven thousand..."

Only then did Lao Yuan's expression soften. He managed to squeeze out a smile, nodded to Maxim's right minister and laughed.

"Ministers, go and get busy. I still have things to do, so let's go." Old Yuan said to them.

"The meeting is over!" Lao Yuan waved his hand.


"This guy is getting more and more presumptuous and unscrupulous! Master Maxim, how can you give in? You are our leader, you shouldn't be like this."

The bourgeois officials gathered together and talked excitedly while walking outside the royal garden.

"Do you think I want to? Do you think I just like him? Do you think I can be dismissed as a right minister?" Maxim right minister sighed.

"Life is still important, and you didn't see it. That guy is looking at you as if he is going to kill someone. If I don't interrupt in time to save face for him, I'm afraid there will be five steps of blood in the Winter Palace."

"He may not dare!" A minister hummed.

"We bourgeois faction, there are quite a few members of Mengkevik. They spread across several provinces and hold important positions. If he wants to move us, he'd better weigh how much he has!"

"Yes, if he wants to hold us down and surrender to him, it is really wishful thinking! We have a lot of people, even in the army, there are many people who support us, not all of them are his factions. If we are in a hurry, Then it's not impossible to come back to King Qin again!" Another minister also said excitedly.

"That's natural, we must not give in." Maxim right minister nodded and said.

"Nowadays, it's not just us, the aristocratic faction and the former Wang Yu are also very dissatisfied. There are also many powerful people in the army who don't want to see him ascend to the supreme position. As long as we temporarily cooperate, he will not It will end well." Maxim said coldly.

"Poison him so that his magic power cannot be used, kill him!" Another minister clenched his fist and said angrily.


"Lord Bai Zhen, we have already reached the southern front."

Bai Zhen slowly put down the binoculars in her hand, looked back at the adjutant who was standing behind her and smiled lightly, patted the adjutant on the shoulder and picked up the binoculars again to continue to observe the situation on the front line.

"Contact the important nearby towns and ask them to assist in deploying defenses, and dispatch generals to the barracks to report." Bai Zhen said to the adjutant.

"Yes." The adjutant straightened up again to salute, and then asked with some doubts.

"My lord, is the next step to order the troops to switch defenses with the local area, or to call the officers to deploy the military plan?" the adjutant asked with some doubts.

"No, don't rush to attack the Southern Chaos." Bai Zhen laughed again and said.

"Stand still, first dismantle the local troops and disperse them. Completely take over the local defensive front. In addition, the main force should be sent to the north line, leaving only part of the troops on the south line." Bai Zhen continued.

"My lord, where did we get the northern line... Could it be! You, my lord!" the adjutant asked in surprise.

"You guessed right." Bo Zhen nodded solemnly and walked down the city wall with the adjutant, pressing the saber at her waist and saying.

"Down with the restorative thieves and restore the legal system of the Republic."


"Look, look, how about sending gunpowder and ammunition from the back. It's very convenient and practical. In my opinion, the outstanding designer in the past six months is none other than me."

In the arsenal in Zhongnan, a designer is showing off his designs to other workers.He is still very satisfied with his design, although his design is very unsightly and easily reminiscent.Moreover, the design is extremely rough and very simple, far inferior to the exquisite front-loading guns designed by other designers, but after all, this is something I have worked hard to design, and I really have to make this designer happy.

269 ​​Military Reform

"You still want to win the selection? I said, you seem to be crazy, you must have lost your head."

A worker took off his hat and came over, took his "sweet masterpiece" and observed it carefully, then waved his hand indifferently and said in opposition.

"You look down on people." The skilled worker took back the musket and said to him dissatisfied.

"I'm not blaming you, I'm serious, your design is very good, but I'm afraid it's not appropriate to take it for awards." The worker commented.

"Look, how crude your design is, everything seems to be made in a hurry. If you ask me, why are you thinking about this kind of strange gun? It's weird to feed the bullets and gunpowder from the back." The worker continued.

"You don't care about this, these are not serious problems, and they can definitely be improved." The skilled worker grumbled.

"You don't understand. Reloading from the front is really elegant, but it's too slow. It's not as fast as my musket. Don't underestimate this guy. When I improve it, I will definitely surprise you." Technology The worker swore frankly.

"Look for yourself, your place is not even tightly sealed, it is completely inappropriate. If you really want to shoot, the gunpowder gas will run back. At that time, don't use the enemy to shoot at you, you will fall to the ground first It's gone." Several workers said to him with a smile.

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