"I can memorize so many sieges in history. I don't believe that the revolutionary army can capture Zhongnan City within two days."

248 Emperor Polo

"So, Comrade Ford, you are going to contact the workers in the arsenal and ask them to find a way to keep the weapons in the arsenal. In the future, you will be responsible for staying in the arsenal, and the work of the driver will stop for a while. There is no need to continue to retain this identity It's gone," Gilbert said to Ford.

"Okay, I'll go tomorrow." Ford straightened up and replied.

"Then, Sheridan. You find a way to contact the workers in other factories and ask them to be ready to receive weapons, take precautions, and beware of their dying struggle." Gilbert said again.

"Should all the workers be contacted? Or only the factories with employees? Or the important factories?" the short comrade Xie Lidan stood up and asked.

"Organize the factory workers who have staff and get them ready," Gilbert said, holding out his hand.

"Then there is another very important thing, food. There is not much food in the city, and the workers and farmers in the city are starving. The food stores are closed one by one, and they are determined not to open. They are hoarding food, but they don't Sell ​​to farmers and workers." Gilbert clenched his fists.

"Henry, you have to find a way to organize the workers and peasants to seize the grain, mobilize it first, and ask everyone to be prepared. If this organization can seize the grain to everyone, then we can prepare for the uprising." Gilbert said to the young man sitting beside him.

"There is no problem. Comrade Gilbert, you have to believe that workers and peasants will never give up when it comes to food. Those grain stores will never keep the food." Henry said with a smile .

"This is very good, we must do it seriously." Gilbert nodded and said.

"If there is no accident, the church bell will be used as a signal." Gilbert looked at his pocket watch and said again.

"Using the bell of that Mother Teresa as a signal, Mother Teresa is absolutely trustworthy. She came all the way from Wangcheng to help us enter this Central South City, and she is our close comrade."

"Comrade Gilbert, will the sailors in Yangjiang rise up with us that day?" Ford asked again.

"It should be. We have to believe in the fighting spirit of those comrades, and believe that their preparations are almost the same as ours."


Huge sailing ships are sailing forward on the broad Tianyang River. These are the rare naval forces in Yongdalim, and they should be called the navy now.Since the end of the Continental War a hundred years ago, the navy of Yondalim, which was not inferior to the Ossus Empire, has been completely wiped out in the long river of history, and it is still in a slump, with only a few warships.

In the earlier period of the Jahmat Empire, the Great Eastern Desert and the Hundred Thousand Mountains were still under the rule of the Empire and were within the sphere of influence of the Empire.At that time, Yondalim could still pass through the ocean fleet directly, and the navy was once larger than the navies of the Ossus Empire and the American Kensi Empire.

However, during the Yondalim Uprising, more than 200% of the navy chose to continue to support Jehmat in ruling Yondalim. This choice forced the then Yongdalim I and the first generation of braves to release the forbidden spell and destroy the Most of the Jehmat Navy, with only a few remaining in existence.In the next [-] years, although Yongdalim gave up control of wild places such as the Hundred Thousand Mountains and the Great Desert, he still did not relax his naval construction.The thriving naval fleet was re-established at that time, but unfortunately, in the unprecedented fierce continental war, this sizeable fleet completely disappeared.

In the following 100 years, the Yongdalim royal family only maintained the existence of five sailing battleships, serving as facades and guarding the Yongjiang River and its major tributaries.Now with the tension of the Central South War, one of the sailing ships was once again sent down by Lao Yuan hypocritically to express his support and affirmation to Earl Simac.What role this sailing ship can play is really hard to say in today's war environment. Rather than saying that it is here to fight, it is better to say that it is here to support the facade.

"Hey, old man! How much is your fish?"

A flat boat sailed past the sailing ship, loaded with freshly caught fish, and sailed into the distance.A sailor leaned over the railing of the boat excitedly and shouted to the old fisherman below.

"Master Jun, if you are a local, I will buy you cheaply, how about a copper coin of ten catties?" The fisherman raised his head and replied with a smile.

"It's a bit expensive, old man. Besides, I can't eat that much. I'm not a cook, so I don't need to buy so much. I have done farm work and am a local. Can the old man make it cheaper?" Sailor suggested again.

"That's fifteen catties of copper coins!" The old man picked up a few big fish and said to the sailor.

"It's still expensive."

Although the sailor was a little unhappy, he still put down his small basket and agreed to the deal.

"Master, go slowly!" The old fisherman put the fish in the basket and waved again.

"Hey, old man, pay attention to safety. It's cold these two days, so don't fall into the water." Said the sailor walking back with the basket in hand.

"How? How? Any news?"

As soon as the sailor walked back to the deck, six or seven sailors surrounded him and asked in a low voice.

"It's for information, probably in the belly of the fish." The sailor replied in a low voice.

"We have a meeting tonight, tell the others to go to the cafeteria, and make all the preparations." The sailor with the basket ordered in a low voice.

"Are you ready? Do you want to do it?" A sailor pressed his shoulder and asked excitedly.

"Shh, keep your voice down." The sailor made a booing gesture and said with a glance at the first officer on the deck.

Yondalim's third water warship, the Diporo.This sailing ship had been patrolling near Wangcheng together with the Fuzhu, guarding the Yongjiang waterway.The sailors on the ship used to often need to rest and rest at the king's city, and they knew the situation of the revolution clearly.When Lao Yuan was still in the west, these sailors supported Sun Boyang's ideas very much. They even encouraged the shipyard workers to strike, but later refused to suppress the strike.

When the conflict between the bourgeoisie and Sun Boyang intensified, the Dipolo even showed its support for the uprising on the spot. If most of the sailors were not later transferred to the other three sailing ships, they would simply transfer the Dipolo to the other three sailing ships. After leaving Wangcheng, I am afraid that the Dipolo will follow Sun Boyang to the south and disobey the transfer of the Central Province.

Although most of the Leszek-leaning sailors were removed, a few mid-level officers went into hiding to continue cultivating the revolution.Although the sailors are paid better than the infantry, they are still struggling on the poverty line, and the shipyard workers in Wangcheng are still "clamping on both sides".The current Emperor Polo can already be called the mobile base of the revolution.But until now, Lao Yuan was still kept in the dark, mistakenly thinking that this sailing ship was still very reliable.


"The situation in the south is serious." Lao Yuan sat in the middle of the sofa and rubbed the bridge of his nose and said to himself.

"The rebel army entangled nearly [-] soldiers and horses to attack the central and southern regions, as if they wanted to completely unify the central and eastern regions. Although SMS Simak has the idea of ​​​​separating one side, he has always refused to obey the central government's mobilization, but I can't let him go. Don’t care about it. After all, when the rebel army conquers the whole of Zhongnan, it will be much easier for them to attack the central province.” Lao Yuan stood up again and said while circling back and forth in the room.

"My lord, why don't I take an army to support Zhongnan?" Bai Zhen said, standing up from the chair beside her.

"Well, you lead two infantry brigades and ten artillery pieces to the south-central region to provide support. If you want SMS to raise food and grass supplies for you, he will not refuse." Lao Yuan nodded in agreement.

"Then how about I lead the Tenth Army?" Bai Zhen suggested.

"The Tenth Legion..." Lao Yuan hesitated.

"I happened to bring the two brigades of the Second Division of the Tenth Army to support the war in the south," Bai Zhen said again.

"I believe in your ability, make a quick decision, and come back as soon as possible. Bo Zhen, you should know that I have something more important to do, right?" Lao Yuan patted Bo Zhen on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"Master Brave." Bai Zhen said after hesitating for a while.

"Now that the south is not settled, and the two northern provinces are still under separatism, isn't it too urgent?" Bai Zhen asked suspiciously.

"No urgency, no urgency, Bo Zhen, there are some things you don't understand. You see, this is a letter from the Emperor of Ossus Empire and the King of Asaikshan Kingdom. Let's see what they mean." Old Yuan He said with a smile behind his back.

"Including in China, the chaos of the past few years is actually caused by the republic? To end the chaos and return to unity, I have to do the same."

"Ossus and Asaikeshan are outsiders after all, sir, shouldn't it be better for you to consult other people?" Bai Zhen said with doubts again.

"No need! Narrow-sighted, you can only see near but not far. Discussing with them will not yield a result. I will find a way to get them to agree to this matter." Lao Yuan waved his hand and said.

"Then I'm going to prepare to lead troops to support the south." Bo Zhen said with a salute.

"By the way, do you have any idea about the death of the old nun in the monastery?" Lao Yuan asked with his back turned.

"The old nun is over a hundred years old, so it is normal for her to pass away suddenly." Bai Zhen stopped her steps and replied with a slight bend.

"You need to have a decent burial, and don't get too tense with that old brave man." Old Yuan said calmly.

"The Holy See is also worried. I really don't want them to be crowned. But they are also supporting me. I can't let them down." Lao Yuan was silent for a while before sighing.

"Baizhen, you are my confidant, my most trusted confidant next to Jackson. When the event is completed, your title will not be lowered, and I will not treat you badly." Lao Yuan stood in the sunset He reached down and grabbed the small fish tank next to him, stroked the colorful fish inside and said to Bai Zhen with his back on his back.

"If you can conquer Rapotia, I will make you the Grand Duke of Rapotia. If you can unify the north and the south in the future, then it is not impossible to be a prince with a different surname."

249 Food Disturbance

It is absolutely unobjective and unrealistic to say that the food problem in Zhongnan City was caused by the siege of the revolutionary army.The severe drought in the central and southern regions has just shown signs of easing, and food is already in short supply.Coupled with the hoarding behavior of the grain merchants in the city regardless of the food shortage, it is really normal for the entire Zhongnan City to fall into a shortage of food.

Since the early morning, countless people in the city have stood in long queues at the gates of major grain stores with their kegs, waiting for life-saving grain.Food is an indispensable thing for human survival. Human beings can lack everything else, but they cannot live without survival.If you want people to be patient, it is absolutely impossible.

"Can the grain store open today?" a worker in the long line asked the others in the line.

"I see, it's disgusting. These turtle eggs are not sold when there is food, but they are hidden in their warehouse, waiting for them. I don't know what they are doing." Another person crossed his arms and said disdainfully.

"If there is no more food, the elderly and children will starve to death. The family can no longer open the pot. If this continues, we will starve to death in the city instead of the revolutionary army from outside." A female worker complained.

"Hmph, their purpose is very clear. They want us to be hungry so that we can't do anything. They don't care about our life or death. Only the revolutionary army outside the city will treat us as human beings. Have you heard of it? , Some fellow villagers who have fled have told me that the Zhongnan government used to distribute food and work to those who fled from the famine, so how can they treat us like livestock." The worker said, spreading his hands.

"Keep your voice down, if the army jerk hears it, they will take you away as a revolutionary." The female worker poked the worker's back and said.

"Ah! The grain store is open!" said a shouting voice from the front.

"Open!? Hurry up! Go buy food!"

The people in the queue at the back can no longer care about maintaining order. If there is no food, what's the point of being polite in the queue? Who are they going to show?People gathered in front of the grain store, trying to get in and buy life-saving grain.People huddled together, looked at the grain merchant who was slowly coming out with expectant expressions, and waited for his answer.

"A catty of rice costs two and a half broken copper coins, and the price of flour is also the same." The grain merchant lazily picked up the sign and placed it in front of the shop.

"What? What did you say? Two and a half broken copper coins can buy a catty of rice? I said, man, did you make a mistake? It's ten catties of rice, right?" A worker asked with his mouth open. road.

"This is already the lowest price. If you want to buy it or not, you can buy it in a limited amount." The grain merchant said confidently.

"Two and a half broken copper coins can buy a catty of rice, and I can't even afford a hundred catties with my monthly wages. When I sold it a few days ago, it was a broken copper coin per catty. Why did it grow so much all of a sudden?" What about it?" A young and strong worker squeezed forward and said angrily.

"Don't come and yell at me. I tell you that soldiers also need to eat food. I have already sold all the food here to soldiers. Just this little rice, do you want to buy it or not? If you don't buy it, you won't starve to death." You." The grain merchant said disdainfully.

"I said sir, please do me a favor. Everyone is from Zhongnan City, why don't you sell it at a lower price? We are not revolutionaries, and we are not disobedient people. Why are you doing this?" an old man Step forward to persuade the grain merchant.

"Hmph, I'm afraid it's hard to say whether you have any revolutionary cockroaches here." The grain merchant said with a cold snort.

"Anyway, two and a half copper coins are too expensive. If you are like this, you might as well not sell them." The female worker said to everyone.

"You are not willing to buy, and I am not willing to sell!" The grain merchant immediately turned his head and snorted coldly.

"Come back!" A young man rolled up his sleeves and shouted.

"What? What do you want to do? Let me tell you, my grain store is backed by the mayor. You'd better weigh the consequences first if you want to do anything!" The grain merchant pointed at the young man.

"Workers! This guy's backyard is full of food! Everyone grab it!" A worker wearing a hat jumped from the wall next to him and jumped back to the workers and shouted.


I don't know who yelled first, everyone seemed to be bold all of a sudden, and rushed towards the store without being afraid of the threat of the grain merchant.The grain merchants and a few guys in the store still wanted to resist, but they were squeezed to the side by the turbulent crowd and couldn't move.The whole scene became unprecedented chaos, everyone was scrambling to squeeze into the store, scrambling to grab the food in the store that should belong to them.

The soldiers came after hearing the news, and they waved sticks and swords to drive away the crowd in an attempt to control the situation.But can this kind of situation be easily controlled?The workers, who were already dissatisfied with the price hikes by the grain merchants, became even more angry when faced with the sticks of the soldiers. Under the leadership of several comrades hidden among the workers, the workers and farmers simply surrounded those The soldiers fought over their sticks and swords.

"I say workers! These guys will never let us go! Instead of asking them to take away the food we have worked so hard to get, it is better to fight them!" A comrade Leszek shouted .

"Take down that peasant bandit!" the leader of the army j shouted.

"Hey! Fuck you!"

A worker simply swung his shovel aside and hit the army jerk hard on the back, knocking the army jerk down to the ground.Seeing someone making a move, the others simply stepped forward under the shout of Comrade Leszek and poured out their angry flames at these dog-legged accomplices with fists and kicks.It was another group of soldiers with firecrackers who rushed over and fired their guns, and finally expelled the workers who were grabbing grain, and rescued the soldiers and grain store owners.

But as soon as the 'fire' was saved here, the black smoke on the other side of the city slowly rose.It's not just one grain store doing this, nor is it just a small group of people who can't stand it.Under unprecedented pressure, people really cannot bear this cruel oppression.At this time, many Leszekchen comrades shouted, calling on the workers to rise up and resist this kind of oppressive behavior.

Group after group of people took to the streets under their leadership. They took to the main road in the middle and walked to the government building to demonstrate and parade.They're going to protest this bastard, this insane oppression.Knowing that there is a revolutionary army outside, they are still driving up food prices and causing hunger at this time.The people couldn't bear it anymore. They took to the streets spontaneously, shouting slogans to reduce food prices, and confronted the soldiers and soldiers blocking the street, hoping that the mayor would uphold justice for everyone.

During this confrontation, a group of soldiers received orders from their superiors and raised their firecrackers to shoot at the crowd without warning.Other soldiers and soldiers also acted together for it, holding weapons and starting to arrest the demonstrators, and began to destroy the protesting team.

"These mud legs are crazy! How dare they! They must be bewitched by the peasant bandits!" The mayor cursed angrily standing behind the office.

"My lord mayor, they are because of the grain merchants..." the adjutant next to him couldn't help reminding.

"Huh?! Do you sympathize with them?" the mayor asked with a grim face as he grabbed the adjutant's collar.

"Food should be given priority to the army. You should understand this, but don't be confused by the rhetoric of those peasant bandits!" The mayor suddenly let go of his hand and said.

"Mayor! It's not good!" Another adjutant ran in panting and saluted.

"Is there any good thing? The mud legs outside are like this, is there any good thing? Don't tell me, those unarmed mud legs knocked down the soldiers and soldiers." The mayor roared angrily .

"No, Lord Mayor, the demonstration team has been dispersed." The adjutant shook his head and said.

"But the arsenals and arsenals in the city have been occupied by workers."


The front of the arsenal in Zhongnan City was already heavily guarded. The workers built sandbags and other obstacles to prevent the soldiers from entering. They formed a team with those firecrackers and confronted the soldiers outside.This kind of scene almost made the mayor despair. Who would have thought that Zhongnan City would not be broken from the outside because of the attack of the revolutionary army, but would become critical because of the workers in the city?

The workers of the arsenal gathered in the workshop as if they were waiting for something. The workers were resting in the workshop holding firecrackers, waiting for the arrival of the guests.At the very beginning of the food riots, the Leszek officers of the arsenal decisively encouraged the workers to take control of the arsenal, and arrested all the managers and bourgeois factions in the factory to take over the factory.Everyone is very nervous now, they desperately want to know whether to revolt immediately, continue to confront, or lay down their arms and surrender.

"Comrades, comrades workers! Let us welcome the former saint, Ms. Helen Cory!"

A Leszek officer in overalls came in and shouted at the other workers.All the workers immediately gave warm applause to show their respect. People here may not know who the leader of the country is, and may not know which year this year is, but they will definitely not know who the leader of the Continental War was. hero, Sister Helen.

The history of the Continental War has been widely sung for hundreds of years, and Sister Helen has always been active in the workers' childhood memories as an 'epic' character.Now that the nun appeared alive in front of everyone again, how could the workers not be excited.

"May Dipolo bless you, my children."

The old man stooped into the workshop wearing an extremely plain nun's attire and said that the workers next to him carefully supported the living fossil with the same name as Sumarokov to prevent her from accidentally falling.Ms. Helen just smiled kindly, and patted the worker's arm with her wrinkled hands to express her gratitude. Immediately, she looked up at the other workers who were waiting, and said this sentence:

"Dipolo's brilliance is not limited to some people." Ms. Helen said to the workers with her fists clenched.

"He should belong to everyone, to every child who suffers."

250 The Eve of the Uprising

"I want to say, children, everyone should know me, and probably have heard of my name."

Sister Helen's current appearance is completely different from that of the past. She is not a brave man like Sumarokov. The traces of time are fully displayed on Helen's body, so that people can clearly see the truth of time. power.Now she is no longer the beauty of the past, just a wrinkled and outrageous old man.

But even so, she left the capital and came here as soon as she learned about the situation in Zhongnan.The religious figures of the Qingxiu sect in the capital helped her, announced to the outside world that she had passed away and sent her away from the capital smoothly, and came to this chaotic land of central and southern China.

"I know it very well! I even admired you!" A female worker said with a shy smile.

"It seems that everyone hasn't forgotten me." Sister Helen said with a light smile as she clasped her hands together.

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