"That's what I said, but, do you feel that although our strength is recovering, the energy of the entire Azel is also recovering rapidly."

"It's not a good thing."

Goddess of Fate knew that the best way to do it now was to distract them, otherwise they would continue to quarrel for an unknown time.

"Huh? Although I know you are distracting us, this matter does need attention."

"Do you feel a crisis?"

Enola held her chin, and when she said that, her eyes were looking out of the window.

At this time, Roland City was already snowing abnormally.

In previous years, September would not be so cold. Even if it snows, it will fall in November, and then it will melt in February and March next year.

It snows in September, only when the weather is very extreme.

It's just that this snow is not the same as the snow in extreme weather. It is warm and has a pleasant temperature.

In such warm snow, even ordinary people will not be frostbitten.

Instead, after these snowflakes fall on the human body, they will be absorbed into the body, and then the cultivation base will be slightly improved.Even if this effect is very weak, the improved cultivation level has its peak.

But this is for people who practice at any level, even if they can't make legendary people break through to demigods, they can slightly increase the total amount of energy.

So soon it became a carnival for the whole continent, everyone hoped that they could win the favor of Ice and Snow, and then improve their strength.

The good thing is that I didn't see any bad results in a short period of time, and the goddesses didn't remind them that this was a wrong thing, so for everyone, this can be done.

The snow here in Roland City was very thick, and the Goddess of Radiance didn't intend to stop it, and she didn't care that it might take away her faith.

After asking that sentence, she just muttered to herself, a little lost in thought.

"Is it a crisis? I don't feel it."

"If there is really a crisis, it's probably because Latia hasn't woken up yet."

Xinier shook her head, she didn't want to think about other things anymore.

"That's right, if she doesn't wake up, even if there is any real danger, we can't solve it. We can only rely on her strength."

"It used to be like this, and it's like this now..."

"But it's different from that time. At least she trusts us and relies on us. This is already a good thing, isn't it?"

Zenia sighed slightly, this might be good news.

"Trust? It's not that simple."

"She has already abandoned her previous self-conceit, self-confidence, and even if we hadn't been around to encourage her, she might have forgotten what she had done."

"This girl... can only say that we can't understand what she is thinking."

"But one thing makes me very happy..."

"Being Latia's mother, haha...although... well, it's a bit strange to say that."

"But after all...after all..."

Zenia said softly, and then laughed: "Even if there is no blood relationship, even if it's just a coincidence, being her mother is really fun."

"It doesn't matter if you laugh at me for not being a mother, and then enjoy this feeling, or make fun of me for making a fuss, I think this is something worth remembering."

"Even if no one mentions this matter in the future, Latia will become the [Final Witch] who knows everything, sees through the past and the past, and sees the future and the past. At least for now, I think she is her mother." Proud and happy about it.”

Zenia said, and suddenly looked at Xinier, "What do you think, Xinier?"

The relationship between her and Xinier and Enola was already very good, and it was the friendly relationship between the three of them that was able to promote the integration of several races without major problems.

"Did you ask me?"

"If you ask me... I... I don't know how to explain it to you."


"Very happy."

"Just think of it as raising a daughter."

"That's what I told myself at first."

"But as I get closer to Latia, I feel... um..."

"I really want to see this child as my daughter, a part of my life."

"It's strange, isn't it? I also think it's strange that I have such an idea."

"Ladia is the final witch. Just because she is weak now doesn't mean she will be weak in the future. What qualifications do I have to be her mother?"

"But just as Zenia said, even if everyone keeps silent in the future and won't talk about what happened now, at least I feel that this matter, I am very happy for a while."

After Xinier finished speaking, she stretched.

"Alright, alright, someone is here, let's leave first."

"Although ordinary people don't know that we are goddesses, it would be bad if we were seen."

I don't know what she was thinking. The other goddesses didn't say anything when they saw her like this. They turned into streamers and disappeared in place, entering Latia's "body".

In fact, they are in the [system] space in Latia's soul, which is a special world like another god world, just for them to rest.

However, they left, but the goddess of glory stayed.

She just looked at the wind and snow outside the window, in a daze, not knowing what to do.

While she was in a daze, the door was opened, and Miss Lan, the maid holding the cleaning tool, saw the Goddess of Radiance sitting there and Latia lying on the bed, and was taken aback for a moment, then panicked.

She didn't know what happened, let alone who the woman sitting beside Latia's bed was, she only knew that Latia was back and she was asleep.

This reminded her of the previous experiences, and Miss Latia fell asleep again.

She has to inform others.

While she was in a hurry, Enola notified two other people to come to Latia's house to meet her.

PS: 63/136 is still updated

Chapter 6: I want to die slowly in her arms

"In my memory, the first time I met you was 3 years, two hundred and three days ago."

"I know very well that day, when I was drifting in the universe, I was attacked by a powerful creature in the universe, and you saved me."

"It was also at that time that I fully understood how dangerous the universe is."

"I never thought that you were the final witch, let alone that the changes would be so great."

"After more than 3 years, I became your [goddess mother]. It is really a very delicate fate."

"Although I don't know whether this is good or bad, at least everything has changed from the worst result to better."

"I don't know if this is your plan, but if it is your plan, it is a good thing. After all, it shows that everything is under your control, and everything is moving towards a better future."

"I'm not sure when you'll fully accept who you are, but at least..."

"Until then, let me protect you."

Enola didn't hide her thoughts and thoughts when there was no one around.

As she spoke, she stretched out her hand and gently stroked Latia's face, her eyes were extremely gentle.

That day when he appeared in front of her in the system space, and she hugged her desperately to absorb warmth, everything had changed.

She never thought that the strong woman who seemed to not need anyone's help would become so weak and clingy after reincarnation.

If all of this is fake, then the warmth when she hugged herself cannot be deceived.

But if all of this is true, then what I am experiencing now may be the result of my delusions from the beginning.

Of course, she didn't want to think too much, it was meaningless and unnecessary.

"Latia...what should I do to help you..."

"I always feel that although what you are doing now is within the scope of our observations, you have some ideas that we cannot understand."

"It should be said that you are too innocent, what you do is with such purpose and idea, and you have never thought about what will happen later, or is it that you have already thought of the aspect that we can't see?"

"This kind of wonderful gap always makes me feel that I am actually far away from you."

"It's my illusion...I hope...it may be...it is true."

"Although you may not have thought of the impact of what you do, but as [Death Witch], your wisdom has always been hidden in your soul and blood. Even if you don't use it, when you do When dealing with certain things, these wisdoms will still affect you, and subconsciously will be integrated into what you do, and arrange for future development."

"I'm not sure I can fully understand you, but...at least...you can fully trust me when I can help you."

"This is my only request now, and it is also something I can help you with..."

Did Latia trust herself completely?Enola didn't know.

But the memory from the time he met her nine months ago to the present, it seems that all these are proof of this point.

"Latia...my child...I will protect you no matter what you choose."

She muttered something to herself, and when she said that, there was chaos outside the room, and Lanier ran in with a serious face.

She looked at the Goddess of Radiance, her eyes widened slightly, and then she looked at Latia lying there, and asked worriedly, "Is she okay?"

After Lanier saw that the person sitting here was the Goddess of Radiance, she was relieved a lot, so she looked more relaxed when she asked.

"She is advancing, so she is asleep."

"Lanielle, long time no see."

Enola turned her head to look at her and smiled.

Judging from her look and tone, she seemed to be very familiar with Lanier.

"It was you who brought me here 70 years ago."

Rolling her eyes, Lanier found a seat and sat down, then waved to the people outside the room to let them leave.


"I think you are very suitable to live here, and your experience is also telling me that my proposal to you is correct. It is very good for you to live here, isn't it?"

Enola blinked, chatting with Lanier was like chatting with a friend.

"Well, it's alright."

"The 70 years of life on Nora Continent are more than enough for me to live on the Death Continent for thousands of years."

"It seems to come from walking around and then writing novels and meeting a lot of different people."

"Besides, I have been a mourner here for several times, and I have a deeper understanding of life and death."

"I thought my life would slowly come to an end, but I didn't expect..."

Lanier said these things in a gentle tone that Latia had never experienced.

After she finished speaking, she looked at Latia with a look of reluctance and attachment.

"At the end of my life, I met Latia."

"Although many of my performances to her seem exaggerated to outsiders, in fact I hope that Latia can accompany me through the last period of my life."

"I only have three years left, and I hope to die slowly by her side. I don't care too much, I just want her to look at me, look at me, look at me..."

"I want to slowly close my eyes in her arms and die slowly."

"That's what I most want to do right now."

Lanier lowered her head and said, and exhaled after speaking.

"In recent months, I have been working on this matter. I hope that after my death, I can leave something to Latia."

"At the same time, I want the five maids who follow me to become pure-blooded."

"I have already left blood in their bodies. After I die, my energy will be integrated into their bodies to completely transform them into blood."

"After all, I have no children in my life. Although they are my blood descendants, they are also my children. I don't want them to be rejected by my race after I die."

"Of course, because of Latia, even if I die, they can still live by Latia's side."

"I'm tired, I don't need to live any longer."

Lanier looked at the fact that she would die very flatly, and didn't care about anything at all.

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