But Latia has said it so clearly now, and Anne also knows that if she really wants to fight with Latia in the future.


She must study hard to become stronger.

Whether it's in combat or in logistics, as long as you can help Latia, that's enough.

So Annie nodded and agreed to Latia's request.

PS: Update 4283/11300

Miss Brave is a Lolita: Chapter 65: How many good mothers do you have?

"Annie, in fact, you are neither suitable to be a nun nor a swordsman."

"You are naturally active and curious. For a nun who spends most of her time in retreat, such a personality will make it difficult for you to learn more."

"Maybe you can learn a lot now, but it's because you have other people around you."

"But as you grow up, there will be more and more independent nun work, and you can't do it with someone company every time. It can even be said that most of the time, you have to do it alone of these things."

"Have you seen what happened to Latia after she became a nun? Except for the first two months she needed to be taken care of by everyone. From the third month of becoming a nun until now, she has basically acted independently. You don't need to help her, and she doesn't need your help."

"Only when it comes to safety situations does she let the Knights of the Holy Shield handle and protect herself."

"And after Lorraine arrives, she doesn't need to worry about this."

"Latia is younger than you, but has experienced more things than you, and is more mature and independent than you."

"Annie, with such a comparison, don't you know what you need to change?"

Veronia's words were already a little rude, she was trying to let Annie know what she needed to do.

And hearing what she said, Annie opened her mouth slightly, with a guilty expression on her face.

"It's my problem. I have been obsessed with various novels before. The fantasy of the world is so beautiful..."

The time when Annie's fantasy was shattered was when she was kidnapped by the demons and tortured outside the city.

Although that memory seemed to be erased, the follow-up became a nightmare haunting her.

She clearly felt how big the gap was between herself and others.

That's not just a gap in strength, but a gap in "heart".

She needs to go through a long period of study and exercise before she can become stronger.

"It's all right, Annie."

Latia walked up to Anne and stroked her face.

Compared with two months ago, there is still a little baby fat and freckles on the face, a girl with a slender figure.

Now Annie's body is much stronger, and her skin has also turned darker.

From the point of view of the head, it is also a few centimeters taller than two months ago.

There is no such innocence in the eyes any more, replaced by a kind of caution and timidity.

She is not a genius like Veronia, nor is she a favorite of thousands of people like Latia, she is just an ordinary girl.

Under such circumstances, she is very lucky to be with Latia and the others, and has a higher starting line than others.

She doesn't need to worry about resources, and she doesn't need to worry about whether she has enough resources. What she has to do is to follow their arrangements and do what suits her.

From an ordinary orphaned nun to now living like a young lady, she should be content...

She would indeed be content if her friend hadn't been Latia...

"Latia... Actually, I really want to grow up with you, and I really want to watch you become a real hero who can save the world, but I..."

"I'm just an ordinary person, I can't help you with anything..."

Anne has made enough efforts, but in this regard, it is not so easy to change.

"It's okay... Annie, you are already fine, you don't need to put so much pressure on yourself."

The thing that she thought about before flashed through Latia's mind, go to the Yu Clan and find something that can change people's bones.

She can also exchange it from the system, but if her relationship with the Yuzu is exchanged casually, it will be very troublesome to explain it.

And... there are so many people here, it's not convenient to do so.

It will be Anne's birthday in three months, so I might be able to go to the Yu clan to solve this problem within this time.

Latia thought so, but didn't say it out loud, but arranged the time silently.

"I'm not stressed, don't worry."

Annie was very open-minded. In this case, she really couldn't do anything.

"Latia, although I don't have much power, I will still support you everywhere."

Anne bowed her head, pressing her face against Latia's.

The unique body fragrance of the little succubus came from the nose, as long as you smell it, you will feel fascinated.

"It doesn't matter to ordinary people, this world is made up of countless ordinary people."

"No matter how powerful I am as a brave man, I can't solve all the problems alone."

"What I can do is to become a shield to protect everyone, a spear to destroy invaders, and a banner that everyone follows and looks up to..."

"The goddess mothers told me that what a brave man has to do is these three things."

"The rest, leave it to others."

"After all, no matter how powerful a brave man is, he still needs everyone's support."

Hearing Latia's words, everyone was a little surprised.

What she said was on the one hand, and what she called those goddesses surprised them.

"Goddess mother", this is not something that can be said casually, but it means that those goddesses really regard Latia as a "daughter".

Although from a certain point of view, Latia, the [Hero to save the world] who is loved by the nine goddesses, being loved by the goddess and being able to call the goddess "mother" are two different things.

"Mom...that word again..."

On the other side, Alquite, who was embarrassed to appear in front of everyone, bit his lower lip, his eyes were full of hope and jealousy.

Wuwuwu, I am Latia's mother, and I and Latia are the real mother and daughter.

Why now, instead, I have become more and more unfamiliar with her, and those goddesses have become her "mother".

"My dear mother, it's really funny how jealous you look."

Eileen is not here, but her eldest daughter and second daughter are here.

Vichy looked at her mother's appearance, walked around her with great interest, and then said this.

"Second sister, stop talking."

Losiana stretched out her hand and pulled her over with a strange look on her face.

"If you say it again, Mom will be angry."

"Although this is true, it's not good for you to expose your mother like this."

Good guy, neither of these two daughters is worry-free.

"...you two..."

Alquette looked back at the two daughters and gritted his teeth.

"Sister, do I want to see my sister?"

Vichy turned her head to look at Losiana, as if she didn't care about Alquette's reaction.

"Think about it yourself, don't ask me."

Losiana also pretended not to see her mother's anger, and let her make her own choice about Vichy's question.

"Then when I'm on the way, go and talk to her."

Vichy thought about it for a while, and didn't want to let the past go now, and let's talk about it at the right time.

PS: Update 6406/11300

Miss Brave is a Lolita: Chapter 66: The only one who will marry Mama Latia is me!

"It's great that Miss Latia is favored by the goddesses..."

Standing in the distance and watching the chat between Latia and Veronia, the little thoughts of several people are a little complicated.

After wrestling with Latia yesterday and losing by an absolute margin, Tukdin has completely convinced Latia.

Even if Latia loses, he won't have any other ideas, but for a fighter who focuses on fighting and is still a powerful fighter, he still wants to see the new brave man be a powerful and powerful fighter. hero.

Even Latia's small appearance doesn't look like she has strength, but she just easily beat herself, and that's enough.

As for Latia's going to Roland City and the Holy City, they had no other ideas.

Latia is not even 13 years old. She should go to some better places to live, and then study to become better.

[City of the End] After it is completed, it will certainly be a very good place, and it may even be the place where the seven races will live together with other races in the future.

But according to this progress, coupled with the future planning, the construction of [City of the End] cannot be completed within a year.

In this case, it is very appropriate for Latia to go to other places.

Of course, if Latia leaves, the brave and former brave are basically responsible for the safety here, but this is their responsibility in itself, and it's nothing.

"I want to go there together...but I want to be mature, and I can't mess around."

Latia is leaving, even if she has her own business, Glagos should come over and see her off.

It's just that she doesn't dare to go there now, for fear that she can't help but throw herself into Latia's arms to ask her for warmth.

She can be unscrupulous in private, but she is still a little shy in front of outsiders.

"Glagos said that she wants to mature, I am so relieved..."

When Tukeding heard her say that, he couldn't help showing a smile.

It's just this smile, no matter how you look at it, it looks a little naive.

"I'm sorry, Brother Tukding, I have been bothering you all the time when I was in the team."

"If you hadn't been tolerant of me and willing to help me, maybe I wouldn't be where I am now."

Glagos was more or less aware of this matter.

"If the princess really wants to go there, just follow."

"The matter of the Yu clan here, just leave it to me."

After Kirkhill's eyes stayed on Latia for a while, they fell on Veronia again.

He has never changed his mind about this girl who fell in love with him when they first met, but now the distance between the two is getting farther and farther, even if he likes him, he hides his feelings.

And anyone with a discerning eye can see that Veronia's heart is on Latia, and it is the kind of emotion that will never change if she is single-minded.

That was one of the root causes of such a big conflict between him and the brave Seth. They both wanted Veronia to treat them with this kind of affection.

However, the emotional aspect is really twisted, and Veronia doesn't like them at all. The person she likes is Latia.

Maybe that's a good thing...

Kirkhill sighed slightly when he thought that he was now the "caged bird" of Emperor Eto'o of the Feather Clan, and after losing the blessing of being a brave man, the gap between him and Veronia was even wider.

"Brother Kirkhill... have you given up?"

Glagos is just simple and kind, which doesn't mean she's stupid.

The emotional entanglement in the team was so clear, she was one of those caught up in it herself.

And the person she liked before, the brave Seth, also liked Veronia.

Kirkhill, who is like his elder brother, also has a bad relationship with Seth because of Veronia...

Glagos could see such an obvious arrow relationship.

It's just that she used to avoid this aspect and didn't think about it.

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