The marshal battle is about to begin.

With so many generals, it is impossible to fight at a naval base.

They are too powerful to fight.

The aftermath of the battle may completely destroy the terrain.

Turn the naval base into ruins.

Warring States cannot watch this kind of thing happen.

In case the naval base is destroyed.

His little pension is not enough to compensate.

The navy found an uninhabited island on a new world.

There are no people on this island.

There are no significant resources either.

It is very suitable for them to compete.

Many people are busy around this island.

Mainly around this island, a large number of projection equipment is installed.

These equipment, when several generals are fighting.

Videos of their battles will be sent to the world.

Let the whole world see the battle of Admiral.

Get to know the mighty power of the navy.

"You tell me, which side will win, General Bai Ye or the three generals?"

"I don't know, it should be that the three generals are more powerful together."

"I actually think that Bai Ye will be the winner!"

"If General Bai Ye fails, who will be the marshal?"

The navies have it all.

The new world, the Beast Pirates.

In front of Kaido, there is a huge screen.

He and his pirates are watching.

Everyone in the Big Mom Pirates also watched together.

At this time the island is still in preparation.

There are only islands of calm on the screen.

The pirates felt bored and were discussing with each other.

"What do you think the navy thinks?"

Kaido took a sip of his wine, reeking of alcohol.

"There is obviously no chance of winning against the three generals alone."

"Who knows?"

The aunt ate a piece of cake and said casually: "I'm surprised that they don't worry about their own people getting hurt."

With such a high-end combat power as a general, any injury to anyone would be a very big loss.

Unless they don't care at all, or someone can pull off a crushing victory.

Chapter 219 : The Power of the Admiral!

"Maybe they knew there would be no problems this time."

Kaido put down his glass and said.

"Who knows if it's a conspiracy by the Navy?"

Big Mom shook her head: "It's unlikely to be a strategy of the Navy. According to my information, Akainu seems to be very difficult to deal with Bai Ye."


Kaido became interested when he heard the news.

"It's about to start!"

I haven't waited for the aunt to explain.

Kaido saw a change in the screen-.

Everyone focused on looking at the screen.

Punk Hazard Island.

This is an island in the New World.

It belongs to the world government territory.

It used to be a research base for the Navy.

Many prisoners of the world government have been imprisoned.

After a series of accidents.

It became an uninhabited island.

Now selected by the Navy to be the island for the Marshal's Scramble.

All eyes in the world are focused on this originally unknown island.

Holy Land Mary Joa!

The five old stars sat together, ready to watch the next battle.

The Red Hair Pirates, one of the "Four Emperors" pirates, are also paying attention here.

Many pirates in Qiwuhai also looked at the screen.

With bursts of loud sound.

Navy ships sailed around the island.

Dozens of warships surrounded Punk Hazard.

A large number of marines dismounted from warships.

Stand on the edge of the island.

And then there are the vice admirals!

Ghost Spider, Strowberg, Huoshaoshan, Flying Squirrel, Hina...

The vice admirals wore mighty cloaks and walked out surrounded by the navy.

In normal times, such a luxurious lineup is enough to become the core of any force.

But today is an exception.

The lieutenant generals came out and stood in front of the marines.

They are also a foil today!

"What a luxurious lineup!"

"So many lieutenant generals can subvert a small country."

"As expected of the navy, it is magnificent!"

The audience who followed the live broadcast were discussing excitedly.

Kaido and the Big Mom Pirates also became emotional.

"The navy is really spending money! For this event, so many people have come."

The aunt said while eating the cake while shaking her head.

"Hmph... the navy people are just bluffing!"

Kaido said angrily.

In his view, whether a group is strong or not depends on the performance of high-end combat power.

He is known as the strongest creature on the surface.

These lieutenant generals are nothing in his eyes.

Any member of the Three Disasters under him can beat these lieutenant generals.

Thinking of this, Kaido thought of his two subordinates who were taken away.

I was very upset.

"Bai Ye, if his strength is not very good today, we will definitely make him pay the price!"

Kaido gritted his teeth.

When he said this, the aunt also remembered her child who was taken away.

"That's right... If he's not the opponent of the three generals, he must look good!"

Admiral Punk Hazard, the Vice Admiral of the Admiralty is standing.

A tall figure stepped down from the warship!

He was wearing a red suit with a navy cape over it.

The face is serious and the momentum is amazing.

Admiral of the Navy Headquarters, Akainu Sakaski!

"General Red Dog! General Red Dog! General Red Dog!"

The marines let out bursts of cheers.

As the first admiral to appear on the stage, Akainu walked mightily to the high platform in the middle of the island.

And then there's Borusalino the Ape!

Qingzhiku praise!

Everyone showed up, and the marines gave an earth-shattering cheer.

Finally, it is White Night!

Bai Ye slowly walked out of the warship.

The powerful momentum shocked everyone.

The Navy cheered like never before.

"General Bai Ye!"

"General Bai Ye is the strongest!"

"Long live General Bai Ye!"

All the navy shouted with great enthusiasm.

Bai Ye cheered even more than the other three generals combined.

"I didn't expect Bai Ye to be so popular!"

The five old stars looked at the screen, their faces were not very good-looking.

They still underestimated the influence of White Night in the navy.

Now it seems that even if the strength is equal.

White Nights is also more popular than the others.

Is the number one seed to become Marshal.

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