【King Bandai, LP8000】

"My first attack, draw cards!!"

The first attack indicator light was on at Kagemaru, and he silently manipulated the high-tech neuro-mechanical arm, drawing a card from the top of the deck.

[Kagemaru, hand 5→6]

"Activate the magic card [Double Summoning]!! This round, I can perform two normal summons, and then summon [Three-Eyed Monster] with an attack display!!"

[Three-eyed monster, dark attribute, demon family, 3 stars, attack power 1000, effect: activate when this card is sent from the field to the graveyard.Add 1 monster with an ATK of 1500 or less from your deck to your hand. 】

· · · Flowers · · ·

Kagemaru controlled the mechanical arm and summoned a small hairy monster from the former little black house. Although this ugly little hairy monster with 3 eyes only had 1000 attack power, his special ability made him It was able to become a powerful search method in countless card groups, and because of a certain legendary card, he was locked in a dark room with his human wife, and it was only after many years that he was shaved and changed. The effect is only out of prison, but here, naturally, his powers are in their prime.

"Using the right of the second normal summon, summon [Phantom Gunner] in attack mode!! Then activate his special ability!! Special Summon the Gunslinger tokens of the same number of monsters on my field!!"

[Phantom Gunner, Dark Attribute, Demon Family, 4 Stars, Attack Power 1100, Effect: It can only be activated when this card is successfully summoned or reversed.Special Summon gunslinger tokens (Demon, Dark, 4 Star, ATK/DEF 500) up to the number of monsters on the field. 】

. . . 0

A flying demon with two tumors on its back appeared on Kagemaru's field, and using its ability, it summoned two small demon companions to appear at its feet.

[Gunshi token, dark attribute, demon family, 4 stars, attack power 500]

"Hehehe, let me show you the real body of the Phantom Demon!! Offer the two tokens and [Three-eyed Monster] on my field as sacrifices, let this world crawl under your power, Phantom Demon Emperor—— Rabiel!!"


Under the astonished eyes of the three of Jinlin and the others, the ground in front of them trembled crazily, and a wave containing a great impact erupted from the ground, accompanied by a loud roar, a most representative The devil that exists in the word devil rises slowly from the ground.

It has a dark blue body, strong purple muscles, sharp scarlet eyes, sharp claws and scales, and the magic wings on its back are placed behind it like a cloak. It opened its mouth wide and let out a deafening roar, facing the world Announce the return of their phantoms.

As the Illusory Demon Emperor!

[Phantom Demon Emperor Rabbiel, dark attribute, demon family, 10 stars, attack power 4000, effect: this card cannot be normally summoned, this card can only be special summoned by releasing 3 demon family monsters on the field. 】

PS: The duel mode is similar to the tag mode, except that there is only one person on Kagemaru's side. Like the super fusion theater version, the order is Kagemaru→Judai→Kagemaru→Manjome→Kagemaru→Kinlin→Kagemaru, the order of Kagemaru The three of them share a field, graveyard, and exclusion zone, so there can only be 3 monsters at most, and there can only be a maximum of 5 cards in the magic trap area on the field plus the field area. :.

Chapter 140 Four Phantom Corresponding to Reality

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"Is this the Three Phantoms... What a boldness!!"

Sensing the heavy oppression coming from Rabiel, Wan Zhangmu gritted his teeth, obviously being suppressed to a certain extent.

"Phantom Demon King, I don't know what kind of effect this guy has here..."

Jin Lin has also raised his vigilance. In Jin Lin's previous game environment, the Three Phantom Demons are similar to the Three Phantom Gods. Especially the Illusory Demon Emperor in front of me is so weak that it is unimaginably weak. It can only be used in the evil heart OTK strategy if he is dead, and the rest can only be used in some soul-oriented three-illusion demon decks.

However, after experiencing the baptism of various animation cards, advanced cards, and appreciation cards, Jinlin TM will never believe in OCG again. The higher the force of these monsters, the harder it is to estimate their strength.

"Heh heh heh, due to the effect of the [Three-eyed Monster] sent to the graveyard, I added the [God Flame Emperor Uriah] with 0 attack power from the deck to the hand."

[Kagemaru, hand 2→3]

"The second phantom is in hand, but there is still more surprises for you!"

"Activate the field magic card [Lost Paradise]!!"

Controlling the robotic arm, Kagemaru stuffed an exclusive field belonging to the Three Phantoms series into the field area. "eight twenty seven"

Immediately, the entire open space was replaced by a withered world. Behind Kagemaru's robot, stood a withered tree of the sky. A dash of color is added to this withered and murky world.

"Hmph, activate the effect of [Paradise Lost] on the field. When there are phantom monsters on the field, once a round, you can add two cards from the deck to your hand."

The effect of [Lost Paradise] is that when there are phantoms on the field, you can draw 2 cards from the deck once a round...

Wait!! Something is wrong!!╭(A`)╮

Isn't it drawing cards!?How come you have searched the entire deck!!! And there are still two TMs!!

Jinlin looked at Kagemaru with a spartan look, and took down the two cards that popped up under the rules of the dark game with his mechanical arm.

[Kagemaru, hand 2→4]

It was Jinlin who had been prepared for a long time, and this first effect brought him a big surprise. Not only Jinlin, but Manjomu and Judai's faces also became extremely serious. Obviously, Kagemaru's card is really serious. Too perverted.

[Paradise Lost (original work), field magic, effect: once a round, you have [God Flame Emperor Uriah], [Thunder Emperor Harmon], [Phantom Demon Emperor Rabiel], [Chaos Phantom Demon] on the field Mytel] can only be activated when any one of them exists. The controller of this card chooses 2 cards from the deck and adds them to the hand. 】

"Then cover three trap cards!!" Kagemaru then made a declaration, and it was something that most people would never say, directly declaring the type of card he was covering.

"Hehehe!! Release the two [Goblin's Management Skills] and [Injury Slimming] on the field."

So under the suspicious eyes of Judai and Manjomu, Kagemaru made a declaration of summoning, and the three trap cards on the field also showed their true colors, and were directly burned away by the raging fire.

"Come on!! Phantom Demon of Flame—[God Flame Emperor Uriah]!!"

A soaring pillar of fire rose directly from the ground, accompanied by a mighty dragon chant, a red snake-shaped flying dragon with two rows of teeth descended directly on the field of Kagemaru, flapping the pair of wide dragon wings, showing its own strength. presence.

[God Flame Emperor Uriah, flame attribute, flame family, 10 stars, attack power 0]

"Hmph hahahahaha!! The attack power of the God Flame Emperor is equal to the number of trap cards in the graveyard multiplied by 1000, because there are 3 trap cards in the graveyard, so the attack power of the God Flame Emperor is 3000!!"

"Tremble under the majesty of our phantom!! Activate Rabiel's special ability and release Uriah and [Phantom Gunner] on my field!!"

"Nani!!? You actually freed your phantom!!"

Judai's eyes widened, unable to comprehend what happened at this time.

"Rabiel's attack power will increase as the attack power of the sacrificed monster, the offering of phantoms!!"

I saw that the monsters on both sides of Rabiel directly turned into light and were absorbed into Rabiel's body, and Rabiel also showed a more violent aura. Obviously, after absorbing the God of Flame, Rabiel El's power is not just an increase in attack power.

[Phantom Demon Emperor Rabbiel, attack power 4000→8100]

"The round is over."

Kagemaru sneered and looked at the three people on the opposite side. Although he didn't have a single card in his hand, he had the strongest 'power' on the field, Rabbi Ayer, and he wouldn't lie to these people in front of him at all.

Just after Kagemaru came up with such an idea, the indicator light lit up at Judai's duel plate. Obviously, it was Judai's turn this time.

"My turn, draw cards!!"

【Youcheng ten generations, hand card 5→6】

'The attack power is 8100, and I don't have enough monsters in my hand to defeat him. Now, I have to use monsters to support it first, and then think of a way. '

Judai silently glanced at the Illusory Demon Emperor who was exuding a strong sense of coercion, lowered his head again, and stretched out his hand to a card.

"I'm counting on you, a card that was born under Daitokuji Sensei's relic!!'

"I will summon a brand new hero's defense representation."

After Judai slapped the card in his hand on the duel plate, he said the name of the new dark wind hero.

“[V·hero Bionic Man]!!!”

"Nani!!?" X2

Whether it's Jinlin or Wanzhangmu, they all looked at the black mechanical hero that appeared on Judai's field with a look of surprise. In Wanzhangmu's eyes, Judai has always been an E hero user. An unfamiliar card, and, V hero, he has never heard of this series.

Jinlin is very aware of the V hero thing, but he did not expect that the tenth generation will take out the V hero quietly, although in the environment of Jinlin's previous life, the number of V hero actually Very rare, but the powerful ability of this bionic man in front of him is enough to make it appear in any hero deck.

[V·hero bionic person, dark attribute, warrior family, 4 stars, defense power 1200, effect: can only be activated when this card is successfully summoned or special summoned.Send 1 hero monster from the Deck to the Graveyard. 】

"When the bionic man is summoned, I can send a hero from the deck to the graveyard!! I choose [V Hero Incremental Man] and send it to the graveyard!!"

After stuffing another V hero card that popped out of the deck into the cemetery, Wanzhangmu and Jinlin, who saw this scene, couldn't hold back their inner curiosity and asked questions. , Judai just showed a little lonely smile.

"This is my new hero... the new HERO was born in the Emerald Book given to me by the teacher of Daitokuji Temple. I also found these heroes when I was looking through that book during this time. ..Presumably, this is the will of Teacher Dadeji, I hope I can use these heroes to protect this island and save the people who are in deep darkness who support the research of Teacher Dadeji!!”

"Master Dadeji was worried about you until he died!! But you still walked on this path. I will use the hero that Master Dadeji gave me to wake you up completely!!"

Judai made his own declaration here... However, what Judai himself didn't know was that the Emerald Book of Dade Temple was a special alchemy creation, but all the power inside was used to make the [Sage's Stone] -Sabashir】Inside, there is no room for other cards.....

What really led to the birth of V·hero was actually the desire in the depths of Judai's heart that he couldn't detect, the real questioning of alchemy, because of this so-called alchemy, he lost his beloved teacher, plus At that time, he was concerned about the possibility that all the memories between himself and the teacher of Daitokuji Temple had turned into phantoms. At that moment, under the guidance of a certain demon, all the power in the confused Judai's body was injected into the Emerald Book. Under the influence of power, V·hero was born.

Therefore, V·hero is actually the embodiment of Judai's own heart at that time, which completely violated the real phantom-VisionHERO.

"Hmph!! Dade Temple!? That guy is just my chess piece!! Although it is undeniable that without the help of this chess piece, I would never be able to obtain the power of the three phantoms, but a chess piece is a chess piece. He should feel honored to have contributed to my becoming a god!!"

"You bastard!!" Hearing Kagemaru's arrogant words, everyone present felt that Dade Temple was very popular as a teacher, even if Jinlin knew that he was a member of the 'Seven Stars' As a member, it's hard to have any bad feelings towards him, so after hearing what Kagemaru said, even he had the idea of ​​'Even if there is no system task, I have to teach him a lesson'.

"Hmph! If you want to say some great truths or discourage me, I will listen, but I will say it only if you win. Although I think you can't do it at all, I have a team second only to phantom. God's phantom exists!!" Kagemaru uttered 0.6 mocking words in the nutrition cabin, he didn't think the three people in front of him could defeat his phantom, after all, there were only three students in front of him.

"Then, I'll let you see the power of my hero!! Then I'll show you how to knock down your phantom in this round!!" Judai pointed at the huge Rabiel on the Kagemaru field, and made a move Its a manifesto to bring down.

PS1: Judai’s plug-in is online. The Phantom Hero used by Ed in the original manga is used as a plug-in for the Judai’s deck. Except for the 4 cards that have been o’ed, the rest are comic cards. Now give the mask to Judai Shi It's too early. As for the reason, although I like nonsense, I also want to make it reasonable, so this is the reason why Judai can have a phantom hero~~

PS2: The effect of the animated version of [Paradise Lost] is a direct retrieval of words no matter what I hear. Of course, I don’t understand neon language, but I have watched too many Yu-Gi-Oh animations. At least I have an impression of the pronunciation of individual technical terms. The appearance of the only two episodes of Lost Paradise, I remember that Kagemaru said to search directly, and the original effect written on Baidu Encyclopedia was also searched. Of course, if there is a veteran who understands neon and wants to hit me in the face, you are welcome at any time. Anyway, the effect of this card is just like this in this book, I really can’t accept it as a magical card~~

PS3: Shen Yanhuang is very pitiful, the worst phantom, bar none. .

Chapter 140 Five Power Surges in My Body! !

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"Hmph! Just because of your unknown hero, you want to defeat my phantom. Don't even think about it. When your bionic man is summoned, I can activate the ability of Rabiel on my field. Special summon a phantom token!!"

Rabiel let out a roar, stretched out his claws, and created a small minion. From the appearance alone, it was a small Rabiel.

[Phantom token, dark attribute, demon family, 4 stars, defense power 1000]

"Then let's have a good experience, how the so-called hero you speak of defeated your phantom!!"

After Judai yelled at Kagemaru without hesitation, he pulled out a magic card in his hand and stuffed it directly into the card slot on the dueling disk.

"Activate the magic card [Angel's Almighty], draw 3 cards from the deck, then discard 2 cards in your hand, and then activate the effect of the bionic person on my field, and the [E·hero in the graveyard will explode] Lady] is excluded from the game, and [Fusion] is added to the hand from the deck!!"

【V·hero bionic person, effect: Once per turn, it can only be activated by banishing 1 monster with the name hero from your graveyard.Add 1 [Fusion] from your deck to your hand. 】

After replacing the cards in the hand and stacking the tombs, Judai decisively activated the ability of the bionic man. After the crystal on the bionic man's head glowed purple, Judai added the representative card [Fusion] in the deck to his hand.

【Youcheng ten generations, hand card 5→6】

"Next is the magic card [Fusion] to fuse [E·hero Winged Man] with [E·hero Flashman] in my hand, let's appear, the hero of the storm—[E·hero Big Tornado]!! "

Under the declaration of the tenth generation, the Winged Man and the Flash were mixed together and turned into a hero wearing an old cloak, equipped with turbo equipment, and driving the storm-the big tornado.

[E · hero big tornado, wind attribute, warrior family, 8 stars, attack power 2800]

"Activate the effect of the Great Tornado. When the Fusion Summon is successful, the attack power of all the monsters on your field will be halved!! 14" Judai pointed at the Phantasm Emperor on the Kagemaru field, and let the Great Tornado activate His special ability, and then, the storm immediately bound Rabiel. Under the expectant eyes of the few of them, the storm of the big tornado successfully affected Rabiel, and he had to shrink slightly body.

After the phantom was affected, the two minions around him were naturally also affected, especially the minion that was just created.

[Phantom Demon Emperor Rabbiel, attack power 8100→4050]

[Phantom token, defense power 1000→500]

"Hey! It seems that he doesn't have the resistance of not taking the target in terms of monster effects. Now try the effect of taking the target and activate the magic card [Fusion Recycling]!! Combine the [Fusion] in the graveyard with the [E ·Hero Wingman】Return to the hand card!! "Seeing that his big tornado has affected Rabiel and his minions, Judai showed a happy smile. Obviously, these phantoms are not like those from Duel City. Like the Sangengami in the video, it has complete resistance against monster effects.

Now, he is going to test whether the phantom has resistance to the effect of taking objects.

"Activate the magic card [Fusion] to fuse the two hero monsters [E·hero Winged Man] in your hand with [V·hero Bionic Man] on the field, mixing phantoms and elements, and the united heroes become the avatars of longing , come down—[V·hero worships people]!!"

The Winged Man soared high and received the gift from the bionic man. The two merged into one, and finally turned into a proud hero in black combat uniform. His stalwart body seemed unshakable, allowing Countless people have longing looks, which are completely aggregated from the concept of longing, which is called - worshiping people.

[V·hero worships people, dark attribute, warrior type, 8 stars, fusion monster, attack power 2800]

"Activate the special ability of worshiping people, designate Rabiel on your field and the big tornado on my field, Rabiel on your field will reduce the attack power value of my big tornado, and drop it for me 2800 points!!"

[V·hero worships people, effect: Once per turn, it can be activated by targeting 1 face-up monster on the opponent's field and 1 hero monster on the field other than this card.The ATK and DEF of that opponent's monster decrease by the ATK of that monster until the end of the turn. 】

The worshiper released a strong beam of light, which directly blasted Rabiel's body. It came from the concept of a hero to suppress the existence judged as evil. Under this force, the irresistible Rabbi Al was naturally shrunk.

[Phantom Demon Emperor Rabbiel, attack power 4050→1250]

"Nani!! My phantom!!" Kagemaru in the nutrition cabin made a startled voice. Obviously, he did not expect Judai to do this at all. His original attack power was brushed to 8100 Rabbi Ai Er was cut to the point where he was only stronger than the 3 phantom tokens around him.

After seeing this scene, all the people in the duel showed reassuring expressions. Since the effect of worshiping people can be activated and take effect, then Rabiel must not be resistant to the effect of the target, and Rabiel is Known as the Phantom Demon Emperor! !Then the two phantoms who are not as good as him must be similar to him in terms of resistance, and may even be inferior to him. Knowing this news is definitely good news for them.

"It seems that the effect of the Illusory Demon Emperor should not take object resistance, so it will be easy to handle. In the battle stage, I will attack Rabiel with worshipers, and the ambition will be punished!!"

The worshiper flew directly in front of Rabiel. Although he was far inferior to Rabiel in terms of size, at this time because Rabiel was weakened, the worshiper was already able to rival Rabiel in terms of momentum alone. Rabiel, he raised his hands high, released a soaring energy wave, and blasted directly at Rabiel.

"Too naive!! Activate Rabiel's special ability, release the three phantom tokens on my field, and add their attack power to Rabiel!!"

Kagemaru yelled excitedly, and at this moment in the nutrition cabin, he showed a successful smile. He had been waiting for this moment for a long time. Affected by the effect, the attack power has dropped, but there is one more token added after the admirer enters the field. He still has a complete attack power of 1000 points, so...

[Phantom Demon Emperor Rabbiel, attack power 1250→3250]

"West Malaysia!!"

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