However, in the second-hand luxury goods market, there have been cases where Cartier bracelets with an original price of [-] U.S. dollars cannot be sold for even [-] U.S. dollars.

As for the second-hand Chanel fashion, it is even possible to get it for only one or two hundred dollars, or even fifty dollars.

If when calculating the inflation situation, the weighting ratio is greatly revised, and more of this kind of luxury goods plummeting situation is included, to hedge against the rising prices of daily consumer goods, and then the most critical food, fuel, and real estate are deducted...perfect It has avoided a series of social problems such as chicken fever, rinderpest, swine fever, crop production reduction, large-scale shutdown of the construction industry, and insufficient housing supply, which are the most troublesome at present.

Then, it is indeed possible to lower the CPI data to a level that does not seem too much.

——Calculation of price inflation does not count food prices. Such an outrageous thing, I really can’t think of it without a cerebral thrombosis in ten years!

However, such outrageous data from the source point of view, even if it is calculated, what is the use?

Probably really only for self-deception, right?Akiyama Hui couldn't help shaking his head and sighing secretly.

As for the current real inflation situation in the United States, although the federal government is trying its best to cover it up, in order to attack the Republican government in the White House, the media controlled by the Democratic Party is not polite at all. , and published in the newspaper.

According to these media reports, due to the collapse of the port, the collapse of the railway system, the lack of truck drivers, rampant riots, rampant thieves, and logistics obstruction, there is no unified domestic market in the United States at present, and the domestic circulation of goods has fallen into an unprecedented situation. smooth.

Price increases vary greatly from state to state, and even from city to city, and cannot be generalized.

In Nevada, where the inflation problem is the worst, the "true" consumer price index (CPI), which includes house prices, food and fuel prices, was as high as 300% in July. Organic food in state supermarkets is also more expensive.

In Hawaii, the state with the most "slight" inflation, the "true" CPI in July was "only" about 20%.

Inflation in other states is in between, but even in the Capital District, where Washington is located, prices have risen by about [-]%.

Although the White House has already raised the salaries of civil servants three times in a month, it has not been able to keep up with the increase in prices.

As for the local civil servants in those poor states, as well as the officers and soldiers of the US military, because their wages are not enough to make a living, they have started to commit crimes one after another, trying to use their power for personal gain. Steep increase of N times...

The strange thing is that although the purchasing power of the US dollar has plummeted at home, in the international foreign exchange market, the exchange rate of the US dollar is still strong.The exchange rate of the US dollar against the yen has not only not fallen, but has risen sharply, and is now approaching the level of 250 yen per dollar.

If it develops at this speed, it will only be a matter of time before Japan's per capita GDP falls out of the ranks of developed countries in terms of US dollars.

The U.S. dollar is also rising steadily against the euro, and now it is basically one to one, one dollar to one euro.

Therefore, when the homeland of the United States was devastated, Wall Street was attacking the world, using the additional dollars issued by nuclear-powered money printing machines to acquire all kinds of high-quality assets, and using various means to exclude those who dared to stop them. The result is that European countries have recently In the past few months, the political arena has been turbulent. More than a dozen leaders and dignitaries have "suddenly died of sudden illness" or "died in a car accident", and dozens of big politicians quickly collapsed due to inexplicable scandals.

Many European countries and Southeast Asian countries have started a new wave of privatization campaigns. In fact, they are selling state-owned assets to American investors.

——What should I do if the hollowing out of the industry leads to the lack of physical support for the US dollar?It's easy to handle, won't it be supported by bringing industries from other countries?

What's yours is mine, and what's mine is mine!

Of course, no matter which country it is, it must be very painful to be cut leeks by the United States in such a drastic manner.

However, whether it is Japan or Europe, they are essentially just colonies of the United States, and they are the ecological niche of the leek field.

——The only difference is that Japan is a colony that knows that it is a colony, while Europe is a colony that does not know that it is a colony.

That being the case, how could the colonies resist the extortion and oppression of the suzerain?

Therefore, these "pseudo-independent countries" and "true colonies" can only flatter and give everything they have in the face of the suzerain's demands.

Although their own economic situation is also terrible, they still do everything they can to satisfy the endless greed of the suzerain.

For example, in order to save pensions and pay tribute to the United States, Germany is preparing to delay the retirement age to 75 and cancel a series of welfare measures.Japan has already postponed the retirement age to 75 years old before, and now it has announced that it plans to postpone the retirement age to 80 years old.

Well, Megumi Akiyama imagined that in the bustling streets of Tokyo, a group of 80-year-old old men with dizzy eyes, tremblingly driving taxis or even large trucks... Uh, Japanese high school students who were hit to death by a dump truck in the future and traveled to a different world , there must be more and more of them, right?

However, due to the seriousness of the epidemic in the United States, the current purchasing power of the U.S. dollar at home and abroad is very different.

In this way, many Americans have been given a rather subtle arbitrage space.

Many Americans suffering from soaring prices, disordered law and order, and raging plagues accidentally turned their eyes abroad, only to discover a wonderful fact:

With their current income level, it is very difficult for them to make ends meet in their hometown, but they can live a good life in other countries.

Three thousand dollars a month can only rent a small apartment in San Francisco, but it can rent a big villa in a small town in Spain!

Moreover, whether in Europe, Southeast Asia, or Japan, the security situation is much better than that in the United States, and the epidemic is not that serious.

That being the case, as long as you are not bound by work and can't leave at all, you should rush over there!

If it's not profitable at this time, when will we wait? !

Anyway, major companies are now encouraging telecommuting!Going to work in a foreign country by yourself is also adapting to the trend and responding to the company's call!

Therefore, starting from June, more and more Americans began to move overseas to settle down. The most popular destinations are Spain, Portugal and Greece with pleasant climate. The Mediterranean climate is always the most suitable for living; the second choice It's Italy and France.

Not only the retired elderly and wealthy groups in the United States, but even young people are seeking to enjoy a more secure life in Europe.

In addition to Europe, living in Singapore, Thailand and Japan is also a popular choice for Americans recently.

In just a few months after the outbreak, more than 80 Americans have emigrated to Europe, and another 20 have moved to live in various parts of Asia.

The speed of this group running is really amazing.

"...The United States has now become an immigrant exporting country? Tsk tsk, this is really..."

Looking at the Americans on the screen of the mobile phone who tweeted and showed off their new home in Europe, Akiyama suddenly didn't know what to say.

This made her suddenly think of the teachings of Empress Daji—resurrection of spiritual energy and mysterious descending seem to be gifts from fate, but at the same time, they are also disasters that bring despair.No matter how great the benefits brought by extraordinary power are, the accompanying shocks and nightmares will only be more...

Of course, despite the aforementioned population loss, U.S. officials don’t have to worry about the population slump and labor shortages.

Because, when the rich and middle class in the United States fled to countries around the Mediterranean and southern Europe with a mild and comfortable climate, as well as Southeast Asia and Japan, where American citizens can be successful, there are still a large number of Latin American immigrants "accumulating" In Mexico, just outside the border, waiting to enter.

As a country of immigrants, there were as many as 500 million illegal immigrants who entered the United States before the "Corona" epidemic this year.And during the chaos in California in June, when the border was out of control, tens of thousands of people took the opportunity to pour into the United States from there.

Today, there are still 200 million people from Central and South America stranded in simple camps on the US-Mexico border, waiting for an opportunity to smuggle in.

Therefore, instead of worrying about the loss of population and labor shortage, the American news media worried about the influx of too many illegal immigrants due to the chaos of law and order and the negligence of border guards during this period... I have to say that in terms of abundant human resources, the United States What a luxurious country.

Relying on turning the whole of Latin America, at least the whole of Central America north of Panama, into a cesspit country and driving the locals north to defect, the United States can replace the old immigrants with new immigrants at any time... It's just that these Latin American immigrants can have some loyalty , it’s hard to say.

"...Hey, the United States has become a besieged city. People inside want to go out, and people outside want to come in..."

Akiyama Megumi curled her lips and complained, and looked back at the window of the restaurant. It was already dusk when the sky was full of sunset, and she was about to get up to see what Dolores had ordered... Unexpectedly, at this time, Dolores With an embarrassing expression, she brought a dark-skinned, haggard middle-aged Vietnamese woman. She introduced that she was the sister of the proprietress, and Ruan Aimei, the chef of the restaurant, wanted to ask for help when she learned that the famous nuke witch was coming to eat.

Then, Akiyama Hui frowned, listening to the middle-aged Vietnamese woman talking about her misfortune in heavily accented English.

——Ruan Aimei's daughter was infected with the plague before. She had a fever, swelling, difficulty breathing, and became very ill. Ruan Aimei was very anxious, but she couldn't send her daughter to the hospital. The patient is waiting to die at home, don't come to the hospital to add to the chaotic rhythm.

Later, although Ruan Aimei's daughter didn't see a doctor, she still survived with her own immunity, but unfortunately she couldn't recover after all. She was originally a vigorous and athletic girl, but she became sick and frail... All the stairs are strenuous, as if the wind will fall down.

Faced with the painful appearance of her daughter who was able to fight alligators before, her mother saw it in her eyes and felt the pain in her heart, but there was nothing she could do.

Because even if he finally found a doctor, the community doctors in this remote place couldn't come up with any good treatment methods.

Now that she suddenly learned that a witch with supernatural powers and cures all kinds of diseases came to the shop where she worked, Ruan Aimei couldn't sit still any longer, she immediately came out and begged Akiyama Hui to show kindness and save her daughter.

"...Well, is it the long-term sequelae of contracting the COVID-19 virus? That is indeed pathetic."

After listening to the female chef's narration, Akiyama Hui also nodded sympathetically.

You should know that the COVID-19 virus is different from the common flu, and it does not recover after recovery.

On the contrary, infected people have a high probability of suffering from various sequelae, the most common being dyspnea, physical weakness, and having to lie in bed for more than ten hours a day; and then irreversible damage to brain tissue, leading to early onset of Alzheimer's symptoms ; followed by loss of taste, loss of smell, blurred vision, kidney damage, platelet clotting disorder (hemophilia), and AIDS-like symptoms...

Anyway, it is to toss people in the direction of disability, so that people can see that there is nothing wrong with their hands and feet, but in fact they are more breathless than dead people.

What's more terrible is that in the face of the sequelae of the [Corona] plague, men, women and children are treated equally—it doesn't mean that only severely ill patients who are in the ICU will suffer from sequelae, even mildly ill patients or even asymptomatic infected persons, the same There is also a chance of suffering from sequelae.

The elderly, children, young people and middle-aged people, regardless of gender, all cannot escape the torment of the above-mentioned sequelae.

Even with the mutated strain that specializes in testicles, the mortality rate of women after infection is only low, but it doesn't mean that even the sequelae can be avoided.

Therefore, at present, there are female teachers who have a fever that persists for three months after recovering from illness, and have basically turned into a fool; Afterwards, the tinnitus persisted for a long time, and it was difficult to sleep. In the end, he suffered so much that he committed suicide.

However, there is no cure for these sequelae at present, no doctor can come up with a reliable treatment plan, and the patient can only wait for self-healing.

Invariably, at least half of all patients with long-term sequelae of the COVID-19 virus lose the ability to work and have to apply for disability benefits.

As for when they will be able to return to work, it still seems unknown at present.

If it is a middle-aged salted fish who has long lost his dream, it may be a way out to just give up the introversion and wait for death on the disability subsidy.

But for a young girl who has just begun her life, it is too sad to suddenly enter the mode of lingering.

Therefore, Qiu Shanhui immediately agreed to the mother's plea, and brought a group of servants to the next house to see a doctor for her daughter.

However, when Akiyama Megumin came to the sick girl's bedside and looked at her haggard face full of acne scars, pustules and rashes, she couldn't help covering her mouth and exclaiming, "...Oh! This isn't the [Corona] plague at all... oh my god, even smallpox broke out?"

Chapter 234, Nuclear Explosion Crayfish

Of course, for a true god like Megumi Akiyama, there is no difference whether it is the smallpox virus or the COVID-19 virus.

As long as you don't get cursed, just take a [Complete Healing Technique], no matter what disease you have, you will recover instantly with full blood.

So, accompanied by the dazzling white light and concentrated spiritual power, the sad and emaciated female chef was pleasantly surprised to see that her daughter, who had been sick and shattered a moment ago, with acne scars on her face, now had a clean face, a ruddy complexion, His face was radiant, and he was sitting up ignorantly, not knowing what happened...

Immediately, the mother was overjoyed. She knelt down and kowtowed to Megumi Akiyama. She gave her all she could to donate [-] U.S. dollars. A fox statue bestowed by Hui was invited into a small shrine at home.

For the next dinner, the female chef also worked extraordinarily hard, using all kinds of skills, such as spicy crayfish, crayfish rice bowl, crayfish spicy soup, garlic crayfish. All the people enjoyed a crayfish feast.

Then, as the news of the arrival of the "Nuclear Priestess" spread, even though it was already night, there was still an endless stream of people who came to visit and seek medical treatment, and many people followed to watch the excitement.All of a sudden, the entire town was almost full, and thousands of people surrounded the restaurant to the brim.

However, as the eldest lady of the family of professional gods (witches) passed down from generation to generation in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, although the little witch Megumi Akiyama is not as good as those idol stars who live in the spotlight all day long, she is not a patient with social phobia. The feeling of many people watching and paying attention.

Therefore, for the Vietnamese villagers who come to seek medical treatment, she is always willing to come. Of course, Akiyama Hui also understands the principle of Shengmi's kindness against Miqiu, so the grace is not free. If you want Akiyama Hui to perform magic, To rejuvenate, the family members of the patient have to either give a lot of money or offer their faith.

If you donate money for medical treatment, you can start with at least [-] U.S. dollars; anyone who is willing to convert to the Great Fox God can enjoy a free treatment.

However, in front of a true god who has lived for thousands of years, this kind of belief cannot be faked. It is definitely not something that can be fooled by kneeling down and saying a few good words, but full of curses in your heart. Walked around in a circle, and immediately kicked out a few shams.

As a result, these people had no choice but to leave cursing, and in a panic because they didn't take advantage, they immediately called the police to complain, saying that someone in the town was practicing medicine illegally... It's just that the police in the county didn't care about such trivial matters, so they immediately called the police to complain. It was perfunctory.

As for those guys who played around on the spot and made trouble for no reason, they were kicked out by other family members of the patients without Akiyama Hui doing anything.

In this way, it was a surprise that the little witch Akiyama Hui gained more than a dozen believers overnight.

——Unlike Texas next door, which advertises "pious faith", the folk belief situation in Louisiana is much more chaotic and open.After all, this is a place where Voodoo can be promoted as a famous brand, and the acceptance of other pagan religions must be relatively high.

For these Vietnamese people who catch crayfish, the crayfish they depend on for survival originally lived in swamps and rice fields.

Given that Jehovah God is temporarily unable to come this year due to gender issues, if you don’t believe in the Goddess of Rice, what else should you believe in?

The sea goddess of the Caribbean?That jade skirt goddess? (Aztec Sea Goddess Chalciutliqui)

Please, crayfish are freshwater creatures, throwing them into the sea will kill them in salt water!

Or is it the strange powers of voodoo gangs of African niggers?But those witches and wizards in New Orleans have been tossing around for so long, but nothing happened!

Besides, the voodoo gods are black gods, so they may not be willing to protect these Asians in their town...

However, gods and demons are walking everywhere again now, zombies are crying at night, and fierce ghosts are running all over the streets. Without the blessing of divine power, no matter how you think about it, it will make people feel uneasy.

So for the time being, it is better to convert to the Japanese Inari God first, and let’s say goodbye to the fox. Who will let other gods look down on their backcountry?

Anyway, these days, people have already realized the free flow of beliefs. If it is really not possible in the future, they can change their religion at any time!

When treating the residents of the small town, Hui Akiyama discovered that not many patients had pockmarked smallpox virus—it was estimated that it was the mutated smallpox virus, which had greatly weakened lethality and transmission, and could only make people grow pockmarks. Pox-scarred and disfigured, not a single unlucky person died of smallpox in the whole town.

And there are not many people with other underlying diseases - it is said that they should have died in the past few months of the "Corona" plague.

At present, most of the patients who are still dying in this town are patients with long-term sequelae of the COVID-19 virus, and most of them are women, except for the poisonous insects who have taken too many drugs and made themselves half dead.

——Although the COVID-19 virus sweeping across the United States today, whether it is the original strain or the mutated strain, the death rate of male infected persons is much higher than that of female infected persons.But on the other hand, this also means that among the patients with sequelae today, women account for the vast majority.

Although patients with mild symptoms can indeed recover without medicine, they will not be immune, but will be repeatedly infected, just like being bitten by wolves in turn.

According to locals, in less than half a year since the outbreak, some people in the town have been infected with the COVID-19 virus three times.

There was a girl who was infected for the first time as if nothing happened, and she had a fever for two days. After the second infection, she became cerebral palsy, and she was already stupid.

The family members brought their daughter to Kei Akiyama and found that her soul had been damaged. Even if the wounds on her body were healed, her spirit could not recover.

There is also a very strong young shrimp catcher who easily survived the first two infections and did not even ask for sick leave, but he was finally defeated when he was infected for the third time. And he also suffered from diabetes inexplicably, and he was as thin as a stick...

"...It's not difficult to cure them with magic, but it doesn't make people immune! Maybe tomorrow, he will fall ill again."

After casting the spell to cure the young man, Akiyama Hui turned to Dolores and complained, "...the gods can't put out the epidemic!"

"...But what can we do? I have to ask you to save it once! It's better than watching them recover from illness for a long time, right?"

Dolores spread her hands, "...Now the sequelae are obvious symptoms, unknown pathology, no cure, and I don't know when it will recur after recovery.

As for the [Corona] plague itself, there is still no vaccine and no specific medicine so far, and the [herd immunity] or [herd immunity] recommended by the British has also been proved to be a joke - clearly only [group infection] , without [immunity]!

The patient was infected again and again by the COVID-19 virus, and was repeatedly ravaged. The last irreversible physical damage was superimposed, and the human body was literally tossed by the disease, which not only created a large number of physically disabled people, but also Create a large number of mentally ill patients...

I really don't know what my hometown will look like in the future!Reduced to the land of the lunatics and the handicapped? ' she sighed mournfully.

"...Hey, your words are too alarmist, dear Dolores! In the era of westward reclamation in the United States, there were often no hospitals or doctors in many small western towns, and a mere cold or diarrhea could kill you. Human life, but people still reproduce?

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