However, under such continuous severe drought conditions, the rice acreage in California will inevitably shrink gradually after all.

——After all, whites, blacks, and Hispanics in the United States don’t eat much rice, and the number of Asians is small, so the overall consumption of rice is limited.

Although growing vegetables and fruits is also very water-intensive, how much are vegetables and fruits sold in supermarkets?What is the price of rice?

Moreover, the rice in California is only a general variety, and there is no such signature product as Thai fragrant rice.For the U.S. consumer market, let alone the rice imported from Asia, there is no end to it. Even the U.S. mainland has large rice fields in the Mississippi River Basin.

Faced with such a severe drought that occurs once in a millennium, if we still insist on large-scale rice planting in California, it will be like China forcing Xinjiang people to open up paddy fields in the Tarim River Basin and squandering precious water resources to grow rice. difference……

Then, this year, 2020, perhaps because of the recovery of Reiki, the drought in the western United States has further intensified.

In Los Angeles in southern California, it has rained a few times this spring.But in San Francisco, Sacramento and the entire Central Valley, which is the main agricultural area in northern California, and the surrounding mountain and hilly areas, there has not been a single drop of rain since the end of December last year.

California has a Mediterranean climate with hot, dry summers and mild, rainy winters.

In other words, if there is no rain in a winter, it means that there is basically no precipitation throughout the year, because there is no rain in summer.

——Although San Francisco and Los Angeles are on the shore of the Pacific Ocean, there is basically no way to count on the precipitation brought by typhoons in summer: because the coast of California is a cold current, cooling and dehumidifying, it is not natural to deal with typhoons, and tropical storms in the Pacific Ocean are all right Go around California.

Therefore, in the past 50 years, California has not encountered any typhoon landfall.

The last time a typhoon landed in California, it was the Cold War era when the US and the Soviet Union were fighting for hegemony!

It doesn't look like there will be such a lottery hydration opportunity in California this summer.

In this way, the ten-year drought in California, just like the Great Depression in the stock market, finally came to the end of the collapse.

" on the high mountains near California, the snow line has risen to the top of the mountain, and the melting water from the snow in the high mountains can no longer be counted on. California's reservoirs have dried up a lot, and several counties have been forced to abandon large areas due to lack of water. The land is fallow. Even the groundwater is over-exploited to the limit.

You see, the countryside south of Los Angeles is full of landslides caused by over-exploitation of groundwater, and the highways have been cut off. "

The agent, Ms. Freya, held a tablet computer and called up a photo of a farm in the outskirts of Los Angeles subsiding, opening a large hole and cutting off the highway, "...the drought in Nevada and Arizona has become more serious. In April, the Colorado River stopped flowing, and the Hoover Dam had to stop generating electricity-because the water level of Lake Mead behind the dam is currently at an all-time low.

Even if the turbines at the Hoover Dam have been retrofitted locally, there is no way to continue to generate electricity at such low water levels.

Las Vegas, the casino city, is short of electricity and water. The fountains in the city are all closed, most of the hotels are closed, and even the street trees are dying.

In Arizona, all of the counties had to have regular water cuts, the worst ones were basically cut off, and the price of tap water soared tenfold..."

"...What happens in other states, we don't care for the time being. But in California alone, there are already several counties of farms that have to go fallow and become deserted - because there is no water! And because of the large Because of the drought, this year's wildfires are also particularly prosperous."

The former rice farmer, who is now forced to replant soybeans and corn under the drought, lamented, "... last month, farms in Bute and Inu counties, as well as Shasta National Park to the north, were destroyed. Big fires were burning one after another, and the smoke that covered the sky and the sun could be seen even from here.

By this month, the wine estate in Geiserville was completely burned down. In the spring, I went there to take a bath and taste wine!

Just now, I heard that even the Yosemite (Yosemite) National Park in Mariposa County to the west is also on fire..."

The haggard middle-aged farmer sighed to Akiyama Hui, "...Dear lady, I wonder if the goddess you serve can ask us for a few heavy rains to moisten the thirsty earth? Otherwise, don't Say this year, even next year, we won't be able to plant rice any more!"

In this regard, the little witch Hui Akiyama, who really doesn't know how to pray for rain, can only increase the amount with her hand, and she is speechless to ask the sky.

——The God of Inari has come, but the rice fields are gone... What's the matter?

What's more terrible is that if the drought in California remains unrelieved in the next few years, or even intensifies, the rice farming in this place will inevitably die out, regardless of anyone's will.

Even though political pressure can be used to forcibly sacrifice agriculture in other areas and allocate more irrigation water to rice farms for growing rice.But the rice industry, which grows more and more losses like this, and makes farmers complain, isn't it just a joke like the navy of an inland country.

——California's severe drought makes rice farming difficult, and the Inari Shrine is a joke?

After all, spreading faith cannot go against the sky!

Hey, there is really no way. It seems that we can only go east over the Rocky Mountains and go to the central agricultural state in the Mississippi River Basin to investigate.

Chapter 194: Sister Toilet and Little Yoyo

Although Inari had just arrived in California, the rice fields in Sacramento disappeared under the drought, which made the little witch Akiyama Megumi feel lonely.

But the clergy sent from Japan to help finally arrived in the California capital on the same day that Megumi Akiyama arrived in Sacramento.

What satisfied Huihui was that the three people sent by the main office of the shrine were all priestesses (a few were unsuccessful, retired due to illness, or quit voluntarily), and there was not a single male priest. —Japanese shrines are traditionally headed by men.

But Megumi Akiyama has now become a "Nuclear Explosion Priestess", who can accept a group of juniors and subordinates, but it is difficult to accept a boss who is airborne.

Moreover, these new Inari witches are not too old. Two are high school students who have just graduated, and one is a college student who has just graduated. In front of her, she put on the posture of a senior senior.

——After all, they all still hope to learn magical spells from Akiyama Hui, so that they can become extraordinary and soar into the sky!

Since the English proficiency of these three witches is not very good, the Japanese consulate in San Francisco also sent a young female translator to accompany them.

What made Qiu Shanhui even more happy was that her good friends from school also came.

"...Yuyou! Why are you here too? Why didn't you tell me beforehand?"

Looking at the small girl in blue and white sailor uniform with a reserved face next to the three witches, Megumi Akiyama said in surprise.

——Yu Asakura, female, 17 years old, a high school classmate of Megumi Akiyama, plus a roommate in the same dormitory.

And the only girl in the class who is shorter than Megumi Akiyama.

Asakura Yu's height is only 132 cm, which is more than a head shorter than Akiyama Megumi. Even in a sailor suit, he still looks like a primary school student.

In fact, with Yu Asakura's cute baby face, if she wears a little yellow hat, no one will recognize her even if she sneaks into the kindergarten.

If it was in the Edo period or the Meiji period, such "miniature" Japanese women were quite common, but in the 21st century, "legal loli" like this are relatively rare-if it weren't for Yu Asakura's incomplete tone, there is no Artistic ability, otherwise you can be a cute idol...

This is why Akiyama Hui likes her very much in school: only in front of Yoyo can she find confidence in her height.

For example, she can stretch out her hand to stroke Yoyo's hair, but in front of other seniors, Huihui is always the one to be stroked.

"...Hehehehe, just to give you a surprise! Huihui! You haven't forgotten me, have you?"

The small Yuu Asakura raised his hand and waved, and said with a smirk, " is it? Do you welcome me?"

——Although he knew that this must be Tokyo playing the emotional card and trying to build a relationship with him, Akiyama Megumi was still very moved and very happy.

"...Of course it's a warm welcome! Yoyo! If I forget, no one can forget you! Come, come, give me a hug!"

The two small girls cheered and hugged each other, their ordinary chests rubbing against each other for a while.

When they finally had enough trouble and were about to separate, they were hugged together into a warmer and plump chest.

"...Huihui, you can't forget your new friends when you see your old classmates! Seeing that I came to see you today, don't you welcome me?"

"...Welcome, of course you are welcome, Sister Ma Tong!"

Struggling out of Sister Ma Tong's arms, Qiu Shanhui gasped for breath, while looking at the smiling Chinese student Ma Tong in front of him, "...Sorry! Sister Ma Tong! When you returned to China, you handed over your apartment to me. I gave it to me, but now there is nothing left..."

"...It doesn't matter, it doesn't matter, anyway, the house is not mine, and the computer, clothes and furniture in the rental house are not worth much."

Ma Tong waved his hands indifferently, "...the landlady who should really be sad is fine, why should I be sad?"

After hearing this, the former landlady Dolores who was standing next to her couldn't help showing an embarrassed smile.

Seeing the atmosphere seemed a bit awkward, Megumi Akiyama quickly changed the subject, "...Okay, okay, since Sister Ma Tong and Dolores don't mind, let the past go! How about we go shopping? This is the first time for me to visit the city of Sacramento..."


Compared with Los Angeles, which has Santa Monica Beach and Hollywood Vanity Fair, and San Francisco, which has the Golden Gate Bridge and Silicon Valley, Sacramento, the capital of California, can be said to be a relatively boring "traditional" American city.

The whole city is small in size, with a small population, low urban buildings and not too many skyscrapers, but it does have some historical charm.

This castle was originally built by a group of Swiss immigrants. In 1848, a lucky man accidentally discovered gold in the local river, and the purity was very high. After the news came out, it shocked Europe and the United States, and gold diggers from all over the world poured into California. It set off the famous gold rush in history.

Sacramento was also in the gold rush, from a small town to an important economic transportation hub, and the capital of California.On the old streets in the city, there are still wooden houses, steam trains, and gold panning machines more than 150 years ago, which have a typical western cowboy flavor.

Later, when the railway across the North American continent was being built, many Chinese immigrant workers from Guangdong settled in Sacramento and called it "Sacramento"—until now, the local Chinese still used to call the capital Sacramento or "Sacramento". Two ports", corresponding to "big port" San Francisco.

Although Sacramento is the capital of California, states in the United States often deliberately choose to place their capitals in smaller cities. Therefore, Sacramento's population, area and business environment can only be said to be similar to the relatively prosperous counties in the southeast coast of China.

Compared with the colorful world in Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego, it is really far away.

However, Megumi Akiyama finally found a few high-end luxury stores here, and he swiped his card to treat guests in a big way, buying evening dresses, bags and high-heeled shoes for all the ladies who are newcomers.

Sister Ma Tong was cheerful and happy, but Yu Asakura, who was like a little hamster, waved her hands shyly:

"...This, how embarrassing this is! Huihui, how can I make you spend money to buy me such expensive clothes and bags..."

"...Oh, don't refuse, Yoyo! This witch is rich and powerful now, and I am not short of money! There are so many people who want to find a way to send me money!

Besides, how are you going to the fundraising party that Governor Newsom is helping to host tonight if you don't have a tuxedo on! "

Megumi Akiyama said with a smile, "... there are Black Widow Scarlett Johansson and 'Iron Man' Elon Musk at the party!"

In an instant, the eyes of Sister Ma Tong and Yoyo lit up.

PS: After watching a Japanese military science popularization video, I found that the cost of the battleship Yamato was only one-third of that of the Missouri.

In World War II, any relatively cutting-edge American battleship was much more expensive than the Yamato.

Therefore, it is no wonder that the Yamato did not perform well in the Pacific battlefield-cheap goods are not good.

Chapter 195, High Society Party

In Sacramento, the capital of California, there is a state capitol building known as the most magnificent in the United States.

In terms of appearance, the capitol buildings of every state in the United States seem to be a replica of the White House, with no obvious differences (Hawaii state is more unique).

But the California Capitol in Sacramento is still famous all over the United States - because the California Capitol is not only large in scale, with a typical large dome and Roman-style column corridors, but also the interior decoration is full of golden light, carved beams and paintings, dotted with exquisite statues and murals, And the California Capitol is surrounded by the 12-acre California State Park, which spans 40 blocks and is said to be the most beautiful state garden in the United States.

Other state capitols may be able to compete with it in terms of luxurious and luxurious decoration, but they never have such a magnificent and exquisite garden.

It was already evening, and Governor Newsom's fundraising party for the construction of the Inari Shrine was being held in the ballroom of the Capitol.

The hall is full of air-conditioning when the lights are on, and it is as cool as spring.On the long dining table covered with linen, there is a silver plate with a thermal insulation cover, and various pastries and fruit platters are lined up.Next to it is a small bar, which provides colorful cocktails, fruit drinks and coffee.

Waiters in white shirts and bowknots walked through the crowds of people with trays in their hands, and handed drinks to those who needed them from time to time.

Well-dressed men and women walk back and forth, those acquaintances gather around a small dining table or gather in a corner, holding wine glasses and whispering about things related to business activities, political campaigns or international diplomacy. On a small table near the window is a black team Band, gentle jazz flowed through the audience.

At first glance, it seems to be similar to the various charity dinners common in American high society.

However, what flashed on the big screen in the venue was not photos of terminally ill children or war refugees, but a portrait of the Japanese god Inari.

An ordinary female high school student from Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, Yu Asakura, who was as petite as a loli, walked into the venue with suppressed excitement.

As far as the eye can see, whether it is a tasteful jazz band, a well-dressed elite celebrity, or an assortment of exquisite food and luxurious decorations, it is like nectar that is more precious than sesame oil, slowly pouring into her heart, making people who have never seen it She was an eye-opener in high society.

Although even wearing a Chanel dress worth tens of thousands of dollars (children's version), it can't support Yoyo's flat body with no material.

However, this didn't change her feeling of excitement as if she had won the jackpot in the lottery.

Anyway, Yu Asakura, who was pulled into this American high society party by Megumi Akiyama, has been holding the mentality of a long-sighted and eye-opening tourist from the very beginning. Celebrities compete to see who can overwhelm the audience,

In this regard, Yu Asakura, a country girl from Fukushima Prefecture, has the self-knowledge of being an ugly duckling from the very beginning.

——With her height of only 132 centimeters, no one can see her when she walks in the crowd, even if she has no self-knowledge!

Take a look at the female stars who appeared at this fundraising party!

Theron Charlize, who is known as the "South African Diamond", Scarlett Johansson who played the Black Widow in the Marvel series of movies, and Elizabeth Olsen, the "Scarlet Witch", famously said "although they have nothing , but at least there is freedom" Angelina Jolie who is popular all over the world, "Scream Queen" Emma Roberts who is full of bitch, Anna Kendrick who starred in "Twilight"...

There is even sister A whose skin is said to change color at any time, or "Ari Kina", the new generation of American singer Ariana Grande with a Tokyo Shinagawa license plate, at the fundraising party for the establishment of the Inari Shrine, wearing a The popular Japanese kimono, singing her new song.

Plus a horde of current and retired Victoria's Secret Angel models, wearing white feathered wings, roamed the venue as vases.

To put it bluntly, if you pull out any one here, you can instantly kill the group of ordinary Japanese girls around Megumi Akiyama.

In addition to female stars, there are also many male stars who came to this fundraising party to support, such as the old and vigorous "Black God" Morgan Freeman, and Chris Evan who played "Captain America" ​​in the Marvel series of movies Si, the bloated and seriously fattened water-injected version of "Little Plum" Leonardo, Lizi's good friend Tobey Maguire, the muscular South Island man from the South Pacific, Dwayne Johnson...

Looking at it at a glance, it really is a gathering of stars, bright enough to make those fanatical star fans faint with excitement.

The above are just people from the entertainment industry. If you talk about celebrities in the business and technology circles, it will be an eye-opener for ordinary people who break into it.

——Elon Musk, the boss of Tesla electric cars and Falcon rockets, Peter Thiel, the founder of "American version of Alipay" PAYPAY, Larry Ellison, executive chairman of Oracle Corporation, Bill Day, chief scientist of NVIDIA Dr. Leigh...and executives from Monsanto, Microsoft, Apple, AstraZeneca, and Pfizer, the social queen Wendi Deng, and other unrecognizable business moguls and their spouses.

If it is those poor boys and poor girls who dream of stepping into the upper class world, seeing so many bigwigs close at hand, even if they don’t have the guts to go up to talk, they will open all the pores of their bodies, screaming and breathing desperately, as if to The "nobility" floating in the air is absorbed into the body, right?

As for political celebrities, there are more—the governor of California and his wife are the initiators of the party, the governors of Oregon and Arizona also came to stand here, as well as several senators and representatives of Congress, as well as county sheriffs and judges Come join us.In addition, the consulates of China, Japan and South Korea in San Francisco, diplomats from Mexico and Canada, and even visitors from the European Union and the Middle East also attended the party.

Those few European visitors could not be distinguished at first glance, but the Arabs in the Middle East dressed in "suits + headscarves" were really conspicuous.

Holding a cup of coffee, Yu Asakura curled up at the small round table in the corner of the venue with self-knowledge. He was stiff and did not dare to make any attention-grabbing movements. He just looked at the Americans who attended the party with surprise and admiration Celebrities hugged each other, greeted each other, and talked about all kinds of topics that she couldn't understand at all-firstly, because the foreign language was not good enough to understand, and secondly, because the content of the other party's speech was too advanced to understand...

Obviously, as a female high school student, her status is very different from that of everyone at the party, and she has nothing in common with them.

Therefore, during the whole fundraising party, Asakura Yu just sat in a corner of the venue as a spectator, watching the excitement excitedly.

Although no one paid attention to her from the beginning to the end, even a few famous socialites just glanced at her and stopped paying attention.

But this cold reception is not important, Asakura Yu has been fully prepared for this from the very beginning of participating in this party.

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