Hey, I really don't know how many shady and terrible things are hidden in the virus laboratory of the military, and how is the storage work done?

Why did everything leak out?And there was no accountability afterwards. ’ he complained to his girlfriend Rebecca.

"...The smallpox virus is even released? This is really a rhythm that scares people to death! I have never been inoculated with cowpox!"

Rebecca, a resident doctor who has been busy with work recently and doesn't have much time to swipe her mobile phone, couldn't help being startled when she heard the words, "...we haven't seen any smallpox-like cases yet, but those who have symptoms of liver disease due to the COVID virus The patient is doing better now.

Most of them are severe, and half of the patients may have to undergo liver replacement surgery to ensure long-term survival..."

"...Ah, I also took the time to read the medical records of those patients with liver disease. Regarding this, I have good news and bad news."

Doctor Strange nodded, and said, "...The good news is that there are plenty of liver sources at present, and the supply is very sufficient! As long as the patient can afford the money, there is no need to worry about running out of livers—as for whether the livers come from Don't worry too much about where it came from.

The bad news is that there are currently only a limited number of surgeons who can perform this kind of surgery. Due to logistical obstructions, various commonly used medical equipment and consumables are also in short supply. Therefore, the failure rate of liver replacement surgery is expected to be very high, possibly exceeding 70% %... Speaking of it, it is really better to just euthanize. "

Speaking of this, Doctor Strange couldn't help but shook his head and sighed, "...Hey, these days, I've always had the illusion that I'm living in the movie world of "Resident Evil"?"

"...Is it a little different? Although there are nuclear explosions in "Resident Evil", there are no pagan gods."

Rebecca commented in this way, and then changed the subject, "... Wasn't there a rumor that the goddess of the forest who descended on Seattle had the miracle of being able to instantly cure all diseases? Including COVID-19?"

She pointed in the direction of Seattle, "...If that's the case, why do we still have to worry about the plague?"

"...I don't know much about this, but according to my speculation, occultism cannot replace science, because it is difficult to popularize and promote."

Doctor Strange spread his hands, "...Moreover, if magical healing can really be popularized, it would be a nightmare!

Think about it, if temples replaced hospitals and priests replaced doctors, wouldn't we all be unemployed?What to pay for student loans and mortgages? "

"...well, you're right, but if I'm about to die from COVID-19 one day, I'm afraid I won't worry about that."

Rebecca said with a wry smile, "...Since the outbreak started this year, countless colleagues have died beside me..."

"...Yes. I think so too. While work and income are important, life and health are more important."

Strange sighed, "...So, I have conflicting feelings about these miracles. I am both disgusted and happy..."

Just as the two lovers were chatting casually, the sound of small wheels rolling and heavy objects rolling could be heard from the corridor not far away.

——Under the command of the head nurse, four big-armed ex-policemen worked hard together and pushed the [Euthanasia Capsule] on a cart.

At first glance, this thing looks a bit like the [sleep capsule] used on interstellar spacecraft in science fiction, but it is actually a [nitrogen death capsule].In short, it is to fix a slanted streamlined translucent cool coffin on a base, which is equipped with nitrogen cylinders and ventilation facilities.

When euthanasia needs to be performed, people are stuffed into the cabin, and then the hatch is closed, and the smart device installed inside will automatically expel the air in the coffin and replace it with an anesthetic gas mixed with it. Nitrogen, so that people inside quickly lose consciousness and die.

The whole process is very fast, from pressing the start button to opening the hatch with a "ding" sound, and automatically ejecting the corpse, it usually only takes 10 minutes to complete.

Among them, it only takes 5 minutes from spouting nitrogen gas to death at the fastest, which is as fast as heating a box lunch in a microwave oven.

Chapter 175, Miss Head-down Master from Thailand

It has to be admitted that, compared to traditional euthanasia methods - oral sleeping pills and poison injections, [Euthanasia Capsule] is indeed faster, more convenient and modern: no need to take illegal drugs, no need to insert a needle into a vein, you can make people look good And end life gracefully.

However, no matter how sci-fi and cool the appearance of [Euthanasia Capsule] is, how convenient and fast it is to use.

But in essence, this is still a "mini gas chamber for one person".

However, in the context of modern Western culture, when it comes to gas chambers, it reminds people of German concentration camps in World War II, and then of the Holocaust...

It's just that even though this thing is so politically incorrect, it is really indispensable for mass euthanasia today.

——I saw the head nurse of Indian origin directing a few strong men to place the [euthanasia capsule] in the corner and connect it to the power supply.

Afterwards, some nurses pushed the euthanasia patients on the death list, one by one, with their beds (beds in modern hospitals basically have wheels to move).Because they were all anesthetized beforehand, no one would make a fuss while waiting in line.

Next, the nurses worked together to lift the patients out of the hospital bed one by one, stuffed the capsules, closed the hatch, and started them with one button, just like using a microwave oven.

Then there is a 10-minute process-the patient is a comatose living person when he enters, and a peaceful corpse when he comes out...

(There was a BUG in the previous chapter. [Euthanasia Capsule] can replace the air inside with nitrogen in only 30 seconds, but the whole process takes 10 minutes.)

Because [Euthanasia Capsule] is a new high-tech thing, there is only one in Kirkland Hospital, so even if it only takes 10 minutes for each patient, plus the time for warming up the machine and ventilation cylinders, nineteen patients It will take four hours for all of them to die...

Therefore, Dr. Strange, the acting dean, and Rebecca, the inpatient doctor, were not interested in watching all the euthanasia process of so many people queuing up. He turned around and left, chatting casually as he walked.

"...Actually, letting them euthanize like this and cremating their bodies directly seems like a waste. Anyway, euthanasia has been enforced, so why not simply go a step further and let them donate their organs? It doesn't cost much to test for a match. How much work."

Rebecca commented with a bit of regret, but Doctor Strange didn't take it seriously.

"...No need! Dear Rebecca, the situation has changed, you'd better stop looking at things with old eyes."

He curled his lips and said, "...now the United States does not lack organs, but there is a shortage of surgeons who can perform organ transplants.

Besides, even if you do the matching, can you guarantee that the patients waiting for the organ transplant will live to the day when the operation starts? "

At this moment, Rebecca suddenly saw a group of religious people dressed in all kinds of strange ways—including druids in animal skins, Indian witches in colorful feather crowns, priests in black robes and nuns in turbans, and shaved heads. An Asian monk with a bald head, a suspected nun wearing a mitral?

"...What are these people here for?" Rebecca asked as she saw an Indian witch performing a big dance in the waiting hall.

"Ah, they are volunteer exorcists sent by the governor," Doctor Strange replied.

"...The exorcist?" Rebecca was a little stunned when she heard it—it's only been a few days since the mysterious power appeared, and is she living in a fantasy world?

"...Yeah, wasn't the hospital haunted last week? Six patients died overnight, seven or eight nurses were frightened, and a dozen people were injured in the chaos. Finally, the security guards used salt bombs The gun drove the ghost under the ultraviolet lamp, and the evil spirit was wiped out.

Oh, forget it, look at my memory, Rebecca, on the day of the haunting, you happened to have a cold and asked for leave, so you didn't come to work at the hospital..."

Dr. Strange rubbed his forehead and explained wearily, "...Although the evil spirits that attacked the hospital that time were wiped out, Seattle is now full of ghosts, and the ghosts will still escape through the walls, whether it is pulling the power grid, Sprinkle salt on the ground, or install ultraviolet lamps, there will be omissions after all.

So I reported to the higher authorities for help, and as a result, the governor sent these exorcists..." He curled his lips helplessly.

"...Uh, do these exorcists have real skills? I mean, do they really have supernatural powers? The government has so many superpowers?"

Looking at the Indian witch dancing wildly to the accompaniment of flutes and drums, Dr. Rebecca couldn't help asking with a frown.

"...How could there be? Those real superpowers have long been invited by the rich to enshrine at their homes. How could it be the turn of a public hospital like ours? Rebecca, I have inquired, they are just a It’s just helping out-of-work actors, well, there are also a few college students studying psychology.”

Doctor Strange pointed to the strangely dressed "clergymen" who were vigorously wielding various sticks, fans, oil lamps, and other shapes of "magical instruments", performing different types of dancing gods, and said with disdain, "... Now that Los Angeles has suffered a nuclear explosion, the entire Hollywood has been turned into ruins, the entertainment industry has also come to a standstill, and major companies have suspended filming of new dramas. Naturally, these unknown actors have also lost their jobs.

So, our honorable Mr. Governor, gave them a new job: to play the exorcist..."

"...In other words, they are actually performing a real-life immersive modern urban magic drama in a hospital?"

Rebecca rubbed her forehead, feeling a little dizzy, "...But, if they don't have real supernatural powers, what should they do after the evil spirits appear at night? Do they have to hold The magic wand in the movie props, reading lines to real ghosts?

I don't know which big guy wrote the script for them?Aren't they afraid of running in front of ghosts? "

"...that won't happen because they only come to the hospital during the day and leave before it gets dark so as not to get caught.

As we all know, the vast majority of ghosts currently only appear at night, and they don't come to exorcise demons at night. "

Doctor Strange replied, "...Fortunately, their luck seems to be pretty good. There haven't been any new ghosts appearing in the hospital these days..."

"... Huh? An exorcist who only comes to the hospital during the day to pretend to be an exorcist?" Rebecca was so angry that she almost laughed, "...What's the point of that?"

"...Uh, pretending that the government is capable of responding to supernatural crises? Let patients think they are protected by official superpowers? More peace of mind?"

Strange thought for a while and said, "...In terms of benefits, for the patients in the hospital, this is at least a kind of end-of-life care..."

"... Hospice care? Hehe, it's ridiculous. If I were a patient, I wouldn't want the medical insurance I paid for so many years to be used by the government to hire a bunch of Hollywood actors to do hospice care for me." Rebecca rolled her eyes Tucao Road.

"... Be content, Rebecca, the reality is even more absurd than this, the government has decided to use the medical insurance you paid to euthanize you!

To be honest, what is the difference between this and the rumor that you have to be shot and send the bill to your family, asking them for the bullet fee?

In contrast, medical insurance being used to hire a bunch of actors pretending to be superpowers to do hospice care is not too bad a choice..."


However, what Dr. Strange didn't know was that these "exorcists" were not all actors, but people with real superpowers mixed in.

Moreover, even among the staff in the hospital, many people colluded with each other in private in order to save their lives...

So, as soon as he and Rebecca walked away, the African-American head nurse who directed the nurses to move the patients one by one into the [euthanasia capsule] for execution immediately ordered the execution to be stopped, and the corpses and patients who had not yet been euthanized were given to the hospital. Push it to the parking lot.

"...Finally they're all gone! Hurry up! Stop, stop, just kill two or three old things, and a little pretense will suffice."

The middle-aged black aunt with big arms and round waist yelled in such a low voice, kicking the nurse's buttocks and said, "...that little girl from Thailand just told me that there is going to be a blood sacrifice today and we need live sacrifices. Let us Push the living patients over to pick her up..."

"...Eh? Didn't they all want corpses before? Why do you want living people today?" A nurse was a little dazed when he heard that.

"...That's right, corpses can't speak, even zombies can only whine, but selling a living person...would it cause trouble?"

Another clever nurse was also a little worried when he heard the words, "...What if someone escapes and calls the police?"

"...What are you afraid of? The ruthless federal government has sentenced them to death and revoked their identities. Even if they are still alive, they are legally dead, that is, the living dead—how can the dead sue the living? What about people? The police will only shoot these people immediately!"

The chubby black head nurse yelled angrily, "...Or, you don't want the amulets anymore?"

Thinking of the amulet that the mysterious Asian girl took out, which has the miraculous effect of exorcising ghosts, everyone dared not object any more.

——After seeing with their own eyes the last time the evil spirits ravaged the hospital and killed all directions, all the medical staff were terrified, and they all showed their talents in the Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea, looking for some kind of life-saving method that could effectively resist the evil spirits.But the problem is that these real ghosts are not like the ones in Hollywood movies. They are not afraid of crosses at all, and the holy water from the church is also useless at all.

As for the various "family ghost exorcism coups" mentioned in the supernatural program of CNN TV station, they are really useful, but people can't cheer up to prevent ghosts all the time!However, a lot of people have died in this hospital recently, and there are naturally a lot of ghosts, which makes it hard to guard against.

The safest way, of course, is to run to Seattle on the other side of Lake Washington, and beg for shelter from the just-emerged goddess of forests and rangers, Melika.

However, the Church of Melikai, the Goddess of the Forest and the Ranger, is not a charity. If anyone wants to get a "sacred tree branch" infused with divine power to ward off evil spirits, they have to donate a lot of money... those who earn a lot of money It's nothing more than a doctor, how can poor nurses and nurses afford it?

Their average annual salary is only [-] to [-] U.S. dollars. Now that inflation and prices are soaring, they can no longer afford gasoline or rent a house.In addition, Americans seriously lack the sense of urgency, are used to spending ahead of time, and don't like saving... It is true that the per capita burden is true!

Are they required to take out "ghost fighting loans" in order to ward off ghosts?I'm afraid he will be kicked out by the bank, right?

In addition, those Christians who are not trendy enough, who are more devout and conservative, often have a hard time accepting the conversion request of the Melikai Church for a while-even though they have long regarded the church's rules and moral teachings as farts, this is not the case. It doesn't mean they are willing to abandon God.

This is the same as the reason why the ancient oriental butchers, although they slaughtered pigs and dogs every day, did not necessarily not believe in Buddhism.

Fortunately, just when they were about to go crazy, a little Thai girl in the "exorcist" team sent by the government to the hospital quietly approached the head nurse, claiming that her family was a family of famous head-down masters in Thailand , proficient in witchcraft, able to make amulets for exorcising ghosts and bringing good luck.

This kind of amulet is not for wearing with you, but for enshrining at home. One amulet can protect the safety of a house.

Now that the United States is haunted by ghosts and the market demand is strong, she wants to make a batch of amulets for sale in the United States, but suffers from lack of raw materials.

Therefore, she wanted to buy corpse oil from dead people in the hospital—of course, there must be no legal procedures, and it could only be stolen by nurses.

For this reason, Miss Jiangtoushi is willing to take out an amulet as a sample first, as long as it is offered in the hospital, it can make ghosts stay away...

Regarding this transaction, although the head nurse was skeptical, she still accepted the amulet from the other party and planned to try it out.

Now the whole of the United States knows that there is an Asian witch in Los Angeles who is proficient in magic and can throw hydrogen bombs to ward off evil spirits. The little girl who came to the hospital is also of Asian descent. What about the hydrogen bomb?It's better not to offend casually.

Anyway, her request is not too troublesome, and it is really not too difficult to get some corpses out of the hospital mortuary right now!

——In the past, if you wanted to get a few corpses out of a hospital with strict management systems, even with the cooperation of an inner ghost, it would be a lot of trouble.

But after the outbreak of the "Corona" plague, the medical system was overloaded and on the verge of collapse, the United States is now a star of death, and corpses are burned everywhere in the streets—occasionally, there are "accidental" barbecues of living people.

Recently, the dead people dragged out of the hospital are often rotten and no one comes to deal with them, and the management of the crematorium is also a mess, often forgetting to register or registering wrongly-losing a corpse is like driving a car illegally Common, the hospital is too lazy to pursue.

Now that this country doesn't even take the lives of the living seriously, who else cares about the bodies of the dead?

Therefore, when the nurses and nurses tried to set up a shrine in the hospital to offer amulets, and found that no evil spirits came to the door, they immediately began to guard themselves, taking the corpses from the hospital mortuary with this Thai man The female head-down teacher exchanges amulets and banknotes.

Amulets are used to ward off evil spirits, and banknotes are used to improve life—now that prices are soaring, how can we live without some extra money?

These medical staff in the hospital saw a lot of dead people every day, and felt that this was the case, and no one thought it was serious.

But now the other party is not only buying dead people, but upgrading to living people, which can't but arouse their vigilance and worry.

However, after thinking about it for a while, they felt that this deal should go ahead—who dares to offend a superhuman who can exorcise ghosts?

"...However, in the past, we used to drive corpse trucks to the crematorium and intercept some of the corpses. Anyway, our hospital doesn't have a special hearse. They are all refrigerated trucks borrowed temporarily. It is impossible to install any positioning equipment. No one will take care of you when you leave the hospital with the corpse.”

After a moment of silence, an Asian caregiver still raised his concerns, "...But now that it has become a direct transaction of living people, we can't get them out from the main entrance or the emergency passage, right? Even if we put them in a bag In the body bag, in case someone comes to check it along the way?"

"...That's why I want you to bring the killing machine over here. This was originally the dean's private lounge. That old pervert who likes to harass the nurses certainly wouldn't install surveillance here. Trouble. And there is a secret door leading directly to the parking lot!"

The black nurse head mother said confidently, and at the same time pushed open a door disguised as a wardrobe familiarly, "...Okay, let's act!"

Chapter 176: The True Plague God Talona Arrives

A few moments later, in the parking lot of the Kirkland Public Hospital, the black head nurse pushing the cart and a group of nurses and nurses from the hospital, and the lady "Abby" who came from Thailand, and a group of people who followed her The strong men in black suits easily connected their heads.

Looking at the group of followers behind the Thai girl, all in suits and leather shoes, with capable looks and the appearance of a social elite, you can tell that the other party has a lot of background.

This is why the head nurse and all the nurses and nurses dare to make deals with each other.

——After all, he looks like someone from a big company or government intelligence department, not an ordinary street gangster, so it should be more or less reliable, right?

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