The final result is that the supply of new homes in the United States after the epidemic, instead of increasing due to the hot sales of the real estate market, has plummeted and decreased greatly... This in turn stimulated homeowners' reluctance to sell and raise prices, and further pushed forward High house prices.

In addition, because government civil servants are generally afraid of death, they still insist on working remotely at home, which has greatly reduced the efficiency of work, the time-consuming approval process has been greatly prolonged, and the construction of a house requires a lot of approval documents... This is also new. One of the reasons why residential buildings cannot be built.

However, although the formal construction industry with strict procedures and cumbersome approvals is sluggish, the temporary special construction industry is very prosperous.

——Wealthy neighborhoods in major cities across the United States are scrambling to carry out militarization, digging trenches and traps, building various barricades, installing emergency generators, fixing triangular nails on sidewalks, and throwing caltrops into the grass... In addition, there are also construction of escape tunnels and so on...

On the other hand, when prices in big cities in North America are rising everywhere, and the prosperity is in a trance, the rural areas in the Midwest of the United States are dying. A lot of melons, fruits and vegetables are rotting in the fields, and farmers have to dump their milk. Into the Mississippi, dig a hole and bury the hog...

At first glance, this may seem like a scene from the Great Depression era in the early [-]th century, but the underlying causes are slightly different.

——Dumping milk is because modern capitalist agriculture has a high degree of division of labor. Dairy farmers are only responsible for raising cows and milking. Raw milk needs to be transported to dairy factories for processing and turned into boxed milk, butter and cheese.Nowadays, because of the "Corona" epidemic, dairy factories in various states have generally shut down or reduced production. The refrigerated trucks that transport milk have been requisitioned to load corpses. The raw milk squeezed from cows by dairy farmers every day is naturally gone. place.

And dairy farmers don't know how to make milk into cheese and butter - even if there are craftsmen who do it, it is unapproved and cannot be sold, and there is no refrigerated warehouse for storing milk. In addition to pouring out the raw milk, What else could they do?It doesn't take so much milk to take a milk bath!

Then, those farmers who raise pigs are now only responsible for raising them, not for slaughtering. The most important thing is that they don’t have a slaughter license. Pig farmers can’t sell their pigs after slaughtering them, otherwise the food hygiene department will send people to track them down. and a fine.

But now also because of the epidemic, meat processing plants in the United States have either shut down and reduced production, or at least are not operating smoothly. The pigs in farmers’ homes can’t find a place to buy and slaughter them, but they can’t continue to raise them. The fatter you grow - the meat processing plants in the United States have long been assembly line operations, and there are specifications for "feeding". No one wants pigs weighing more than 300 pounds, and the law prohibits farmers from slaughtering them by hand.

In this way, apart from euthanizing the pigs collectively and digging a big pit to bury them, what else can the unlucky farmers do?Let the pigs live?

So as of the beginning of July, 1000 million pigs have been disposed of in the United States, while the price of pork in cities has hit record highs.

In addition to milk and pork, other agricultural products are also blocked by the circulation and processing process, and there is a strange situation where producers and consumers lament together - citizens in the city can't afford vegetables, fruits and fish, and farmers in the countryside are everywhere. Bankruptcy... Poverty, hunger and crime are rampant...

Since people's lives are so unsatisfactory from the city to the countryside, the mood will naturally be worse and the anger will be greater.

Adults have better endurance, but teenagers are more passionate and impulsive, and they often can't control their hands when encountering things.

Therefore, since the resumption of work and classes in May, there have been several school shootings basically every week across the United States.

——Originally, according to the American school system, most schools should have summer vacation at the end of May, so naturally there will be no campus problems.

But this year, due to the epidemic, the states first closed cities and suspended classes, and the organization of online classes was a mess. When classes resumed, there were firsts and later ones. Because teachers fell ill, many schools lost more than half of their students when they opened. It has become a common phenomenon for teachers to teach physics and school guards to teach mathematics, and the teaching progress is delayed again and again.

The summer vacation of some schools this year has been postponed until the beginning of July, realizing the connection with the other side of the ocean.

This naturally made the students who were waiting for the holiday feel more irritable, and they wanted to take out their guns and shoot them out of their displeasure.

But it doesn't matter, every time a school shooting broke out, someone would immediately jump out to wash the ground, what school shooting?It's just big bullying!The free American people have grown up with bullets flying around, and have long been used to coexisting with gunshots.You don't see too many strange things, and sell anxiety!

At the same time, the major arms dealers in North America welcomed the surge in orders, and all kinds of body armor and children's rifles sold out in one week at least three months in previous years.Texas ordered all teachers to bring guns and shock bombs to class, and some people introduced bulletproof desks and bulletproof schoolbags...

Thinking about it carefully, as soon as the gunman broke into the school gate, the teacher threw a shock bomb and yelled "get down" and "retreat".

Chapter 171, July in America

In addition to the man-made disasters caused by human beings themselves, there are also natural disasters brought down by nature, and this year's America has not been spared.

On the east coast of the United States, an unprecedented heat wave suddenly hit New York, causing the temperature in New York to exceed 300 degrees Celsius in early July. According to incomplete statistics, more than [-] people in New York died of heatstroke in one day—of course, compared with the whole city of New York Compared with at least thousands of "Corona" plague deaths every day, this number of people who were killed by heat is really nothing, it's nothing worth mentioning.

In an agricultural state in the central United States, a dust storm that blots out the sky is advancing at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per hour.

——Millions of years of water and soil flowing from the Rocky Mountains have deposited a layer of fertile soil on the Great Plains in the central United States, turning this place into a beautiful prairie and forming one of the most suitable lands for the development of animal husbandry in the world : But Americans want to grow crops here!

As a result, after the spring of this year, unprecedented severe droughts broke out across the United States, and the midwestern states have not seen rain for a long time. The area around Sacramento, the capital of California's barn, has not had a drop of rain since this year, and the lack of water is a mess.

The Great Plains to the east of the Rocky Mountains also failed to get wet. The land was cracked everywhere, the rivers were cut off, and the crops died.

As a result, those farmlands that have been over-plowed and have no grass roots to fix the soil have generally suffered from severe calcification of the soil.In addition, the desert protection forests left over from the past, like all kinds of aging and obsolete infrastructure in the United States, have long since died or been felled privately... As a result, a large amount of sand began to be blown away by the wind, rolling up into the sky, like Rolling like a moving mountain.

In places like Kansas, Arizona, Texas and Nebraska, a horrific dust storm swept across everything, obscuring the sky in a towering cloud of dust that slowly pushed southeast, knocking trees and power lines down. Pole uprooted and even knocked off the roof of the building.

Wherever the sandstorm passes, the day will turn into night, and people can't see their fingers.Farmers wake up every morning and have to use shovels to clear the dust from their houses.And you need to tie yourself a rope before you dare to leave the house and go to work in the barn hundreds of meters away.

What is even more unbelievable is that in this passionate summer, in addition to the dust storms from the states of the central Great Plains, there are also sandstorms from the Sahara Desert in Africa, which are crossing the vast Atlantic Ocean and directly hitting the Caribbean coast of the United States zone!

——Since the beginning of June, the huge dust cloud belt from the Sahara Desert in Africa has been moving westward, crossing the Atlantic Ocean and reaching North America.

In fact, it is no longer a rare natural phenomenon for African Saharan sandstorms to hit the United States seasonally across the ocean.Every year from the turn of spring and summer to early autumn, a huge dust cloud belt will be formed about 6000 meters above the Sahara Desert, and then move westward—when the dust density is not high, it will often appear due to the refraction of sunlight The magnificent and magical sunset and sunrise scenes are very popular among photographers.

But this year's wave of dust storms from Africa was unusually large and dense, causing severe air pollution.

Those tropical Caribbean islands with clear water and lush vegetation, such as Puerto Rico, Cuba, and the Cayman Islands, as well as the tourist resort of Cancun in Mexico, were all grounded due to the once-in-50-year African sandstorm. in the smog.

Next, this sandstorm from the Sahara Desert in Africa continued northward and landed in Texas. It just merged with the "native sandstorm" that originated in the inland United States, superimposed double the destructive power, and continued to sweep towards the northwest. Go, it is expected to reach as far as Washington State.

Tens of millions of acres of arable land were destroyed along the way, which will inevitably lead to a significant decline in food production in the central Great Plains of the United States.

And in Texas, where the north and south sandstorms meet, there are mobile deserts in the area of ​​several counties. The rocket launch of the space center Houston was forced to stop, and the locals had to cover their faces with handkerchiefs when they went out. Sandwiches can taste sandy in your mouth when you go out.

In addition, the dust storms that covered the sky not only damaged the soil and crops, but also seriously interfered with the transportation of highways and railroads in the central United States.

As a result, the already blocked domestic logistics and transportation have become even worse.

In the end, when the sandstorm swept through the seven or eight states in the middle of the United States, the plague caused by the COVID-19 virus swept across the United States. There is still no sign of relief. Massacre of kindergartens and primary schools...

To this day, the cemeteries in every state in the United States are full, but the crematoriums between the streets of the cities and the fields in the countryside are still full of smoke.

What's more terrible is that due to the successive paralysis of the ports of Seattle and Los Angeles, the channel for importing Asian goods from the Pacific Ocean has been severely blocked. As a result, the United States, which has been "de-industrialized", cannot get enough cremators for a while—or , Placed an order but couldn't ship it.

Thanks to the abundance of natural treasures in the North American continent, the vast land and sparse population, dense vegetation and forests everywhere, in most places in the United States, the supply of firewood is still sufficient, and with so many oil wells in Texas, there is no shortage of oil produced in the United States— - It's just a price increase.

Therefore, the American people during the plague period can at least imitate India's advanced experience and build firewood piles in the backyard or on the street to burn people to death.

Otherwise, if the corpses of the victims of the "Corona" plague are left to litter, it may spread even more severely.

Well, during the period, it is inevitable that there will be some tragedies of "accidentally" roasting the living, plus some under the guise of cremating the corpses of the "Corona" plague victims, and letting some of the dead be "suffered by the plague" and burn their bodies to wipe out the traces to cover up the murder deeds...

Even healthy and strong young and middle-aged men and women, even if they can recover after being infected with the "Corona" plague, they will generally become weak and weak, and their ability to work will plummet, so they can only lie down and recuperate at home. Immortality is not much different from being disabled.

All in all, the American news media, regardless of party affiliation, laments that America is almost at its worst post-Cold War moment.

Uh?Is this already the worst?


——Murphy, the most holy teacher, taught us that in this miserable world, there is always a truth, that is, when you think things are so bad that they cannot get worse, there will always be more Bad times await you.

For example, a forest goddess entrenched in the outskirts of Seattle has already made the three corpses violent because of the "maximum pressure" negotiation art of the pharmaceutical giants and Washington officials. This piece of land is more "vigorous, and everything is competing"...

PS: Capitalists are really not afraid of poor gods coming to their door, because capitalists can live outside the scope of spiritual recovery.

The gods have nothing to do with the capitalists in New York and Washington, for example.

Chapter 172: The God of Law and the Sun Refuses Transgender

In the early morning hours of July 7th, the Washington Botanical Garden outside Seattle

The sky over Seattle is cloudless today, and the sky is as clear as crystal.

In the Washington Botanical Garden on the outskirts of the city, maple trees, birch trees and oak trees form an undulating sea of ​​trees. The fresh and cool air current blows through the forest canopy, and the leaves sway and make a pleasant rustling sound, like a sea of ​​rippling green. It is filled with the unique fresh breath of the forest.

Although it is midsummer right now, in this forest, under the towering trees that are 60 to [-] meters high, there is still a comfortable shade.

In this vibrant green field, Megumi Akiyama, wearing a tracksuit, puts his hands in his pockets and leans against a tall oak tree, watching her cheap mom Yuki Akiyama, who is not far away. Busy on the grass in the forest, directing a group of believers to arrange the altar.

Because the preparation time was too hasty, it was definitely too late to build the stone altar. It could only be nailed with wooden boards and stakes hastily. The holy emblem of the sun wheel in the shape of a human face.

Then, under the golden sun flag, Ms. Yukie played music on the stereo, disheveled her hair, recited prayers, and danced...

But despite the dedication of Cheap Mom and her followers, the goddess of the forest and the ranger, Melika, also spared no effort to exert her divine power, so that the lawn surrounded by forests on all sides was full of aura, creating a Quite a magical sound and light effect.

Even the US soldiers and FBI agents who stayed on the periphery of the botanical garden and were in charge of monitoring couldn't help being terrified.

But the problem is, even though Yuki Akiyama and the goddess Melikai she served were very sincere, they still failed to impress the hearts of those who were summoned.

Until the end of the line of sight, there was a brilliant golden sun shining through the turquoise vegetation, and the séance ceremony finally died down.

"...As I expected, the séance ceremony to summon Amaunata, the god of the sun and law, really failed. Mom."

Akiyama Megumi walked to the side of the altar and complained, "... At least this year and next year when the spiritual energy has just recovered, North America still belongs to the goddesses. You want to summon a male god to descend to the earth now, and you can't use blood sacrifices and the like The stimulation method...isn't it a bit too reluctant?"

——According to the setting of DND, the God of Law of the pan-human pantheon of Faerun is the "Sun God" Amaunata.

Amaunata, the god of law and the sun, is revered as the guardian of the law and the guardian of time.Also known as "God of Shining Gold", "Lord of Eternal Radiance", and "Guardian of the Law".Its portfolios include Bureaucracy, Contract, Law, Order, Sun, and Dominion.

In the "Forgotten Kingdom" series, the sun god Amanata and the first generation goddess of magic, Mystril, are also known as the largest "forgotten kingdom" in the continent of Faerun - the supreme state religion of the magic empire Netheril.Therefore, when the era of Netheril ended, Amagnatar, the god of law and the sun, also fell together with the Netheril floating city that fell to the ground like a meteor in the "biggest air disaster in history" that destroyed the empire.

It was not until thousands of years later that the god of law and the sun of the Netheril Empire was resurrected and returned to Faerun (game setting).

Generally speaking, Amaunata is considered to be a tall, thin and dignified old man with silver hair, a short and shallow silver-white beard, and a soft golden glow on his skin.He held a scepter in one hand and a code of laws in the other, and his large flowing robes were embellished with stars and moons.

However, on the other hand, in the DND setting, Amaunata often turns into a radiant blond lady, wearing a milky white robe that flutters slowly, holding a pure gold scale, and descending in front of the believers , to judge anyone's merits and sins.

In view of this, Akiyama Megumi's cheap mother and the forest goddess Melikai thought that Amanata could be summoned as a goddess.

It’s just that it’s not easy to summon Amagnatar, the god of law and the sun at this moment—not to mention the issue of gender (the rule that goddesses appear before male gods), because he is the sun god, so it’s obviously not Suitable for summoning at night when the sun cannot be seen.

But right now, it is only half a year before the revival of spiritual energy begins. If there is no red moon at night to enhance the magic power, the failure rate of the seance ceremony will be too high.

Therefore, Akiyama Megumi's cheap mother used an opportunistic method, choosing to hold the ceremony at dawn when the night just ended and the sun just rose, so as to borrow the magic power left by the red moon to the greatest extent...but the eternal brilliance The lord, Amanata, obviously does not agree with her cleverness.

After a lot of tossing, even if the goddess of the forest and the ranger, Melika, could not shake the "Lord of Eternal Glory".

——Obviously, Amaunata, the sun god, rejected the summoning, and was unwilling to change her gender and descend to earth as a goddess, turning fantasy into reality on Earth.

In short, Amaunata, the god of law and the sun, refuses to be a goddess!

"...The Lord of Eternal Glory... Can't really be a goddess? What about Graz'zt, the Lord of Darkness?"

Akiyama Megumi's cheap mother feels that gender is not important to God, "...he is a male demon, hasn't he been summoned?"

"...Hey, mom. How can the devil and the god behave the same way?

What's more, who knows what is the real gender of Graz'zt, the dark lord?According to the rule book set by DND, Graz'zt is in the harem of the infinite abyss, but there are both men and women, and he himself transformed into a succubus queen to seduce other demon lords!

Mother, you originally worked for Wizards of the Coast, so you should understand these tricks better than me! "

Akiyama Hui curled his lips and said, "...Besides, summoning gods, unless there are some treasures, depends on the relationship between the summoner and the summoned gods—the group under the Space Needle tower The "LGBTQIAPKDX+" sexual minority with the rainbow flag, and Grazter, a big devil who eats both men and women and has a wide range of hobbies, can be said to have similar tastes, hit it off, and are simply natural devil worshippers.

But if it’s these lively performance artists around you, it’s completely out of tune with the serious and rigid law and the god of the sun, Amaenatar... no matter how you look at it!How many lawyers, politicians and bureaucrats do you have on your staff?Or at least how many law school graduates? "

After listening to Megumi Akiyama's questioning, Ms. Xue'e was naturally unable to answer all of them for a while—there was no doubt that the answers were all zero.

Although the "Seattle Commune" did have a few congressmen involved at the beginning, when the situation got out of control, those "decent people" began to slip away one after another.By the time the remnants of the "Seattle Commune" evolved into the Church of the Forest and Ranger Goddess Melikai, the rest were all social people.

In the end, this cheap mother had no choice but to admit that the group of noisy and lawless occultists around her, the chief culprit of the previous riots in Seattle, had a natural conflict with the complicated and trivial legal provisions... So How to win the favor of Amana Tower?

"...In this case, why don't you expect any transgender gods, and try to summon Vol'jin, the goddess of wealth and trade!"

Akiyama Hui persuaded the cheap mother, "...he should be more compatible with you, because everyone likes dollars and gold!

Although this 'Friend of Merchants' can't directly interfere with the law, she can use [Big Repudiation Technique] or [Curse of Bankruptcy] to torment those evil-minded plutocrats—as long as she makes a move to bring down those who want to treat you Unfavorable guy, isn't this situation turning the corner? "

For the above suggestion of her daughter, Akiyama Yuki thought about it and expressed that she was willing to accept it humbly, and was going to take a break, and try to summon Wojin again tomorrow.

But the problem is that in today's Seattle, the forces that are ready to shake the gods are not just Akiyama Megumi's cheap mother's family.

——That night, there was a purple divine light that soared into the sky, rising in another direction outside of Seattle. The majestic spiritual power rolled like a tsunami, but it carried a sense of dread and disgust.

"...Damn! Was it preempted? Which evil god was summoned?"

Opening the window sleepily, Megumi Akiyama stared at the purple beam of light that complemented the red moon in the night sky, stunned for a moment...

Chapter 173 Please don't die in the corridor

Washington State, a satellite city in the eastern suburbs of Seattle, Kirkland

Kirkland is located on the east bank of Lake Washington, across the water from downtown Seattle. It has always been known for its beautiful scenery and good living environment.

Even in the past month, when downtown Seattle has been a mess and turned into a crime city, the situation in Kirkland has been so-so-after all, Kirkland is separated from downtown by the rippling Lake Washington, and those streets Activists are having a hard time getting by.

However, although Lake Washington can stop the footsteps of mobs and the spread of riots, it cannot stop the pervasive COVID-19 virus.

——Since the "Corona" plague broke out in the United States in the spring, the epidemic in Washington State has not been under any control: because the virus strains mutate too fast and the direction of mutation is too diverse, even the peak and trough of the epidemic are not Obviously, it is always in the midst of a high outbreak.

Even in a small town like Kirkland with only 8 people, dozens of corpses are carried out every day, and a "zombie" runs out from time to time at night.

And because of being unable to walk for a long time after recovering from illness, more and more young people are forced to travel in wheelchairs. As a result, the price of wheelchairs has skyrocketed. The Google smart electric wheelchair with navigation function is even sold out.

In short, there are cashiers in wheelchairs selling things in supermarkets, and code farmers in wheelchairs typing computers in companies, and there are policemen in wheelchairs who catch thieves.

Of course, there are also many patients with Corona sequelae who are reluctant to buy wheelchairs to go out, and would rather lie at home and receive relief money to eat canned food and instant noodles to survive.

It's a pity that the relief funds issued by the government will be gone by July, and Americans are notoriously dislike saving, and like to consume in advance...

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