In the middle of the square, Qiyana looked at the surrounding elders and residents, pretending to be sad.

"Killed by strangers!" shouted an old man, pointing at the Piltover machine behind him, "just to stop that thing from cutting down trees!"

At the other end of the square, a huge Piltover machine lay lifeless - the spoils of a recent skirmish in the jungle.

Qiyana didn't pay attention to the machine, she sat on the seat prepared for herself, and the small table in front of her was carefully arranged with fruits and nuts - hearing that Yun Alai was coming to visit, the elders had prepared these things early.

Although their village didn't have much money, in order to please Yunalai, the elders had to scrape together money to buy some good things to entertain Qiyana.

If Qiyana gets angry because of poor hospitality...then the consequences are not something they can bear.

"Same as I've heard," Qiyana said.She sat upright, for she was about to mention the real purpose of her trip:

"Looks like Tikras needs a more capable ruler—one who's capable of dealing with these aliens, and their toys."

After a short pause, she added in a proud tone: "It's as capable as I am."

As soon as the words fell, several elders looked at each other in blank dismay.

Because... they had heard similar words yesterday.

"But, honorable Yun Alai, we already have... someone like you," an elder said bravely, "Your sister has been here for a long time..."

"What?!" Qiyana suddenly became angry.

The next moment, a group of servants suddenly came not far away, four of them carried a sedan chair on their shoulders—the timing of their appearance was very coincidental, as if they had been rehearsed in advance.

As the palanquin drew closer, Qiyana saw inside a plush bed, some silk pillows, and her sister Mara.

There is also a silver tray inside the sedan chair, which is filled with all kinds of wild game.

In contrast, the "good things" the elders prepared for Qiyana are like cheap goods dug out of the trash.

"It's a pleasure to meet you here, Qiyana." Mara's lazy voice came from the sedan chair.

But Qiyana didn't give her a good face, and she said sarcastically: "You are in good spirits, Mara. I hope you can maintain this calmness when facing foreigners."

Mara frowned, and was about to speak, but was frightened by the fierce eyes of the other party.

She suddenly remembered one thing - Qiyana had crippled Inessa's legs in a competition - that was Ixuon's first in line heir, their eldest sister.

"I...I will..." Mara was at a loss under her sister's aggressive gaze, and looked as if she was going to hide under the sheets.

Qiyana sneered, glanced at the tray next to the other party, and continued to sneer: "What you have to do is to protect this place, not to empty the granary in the village."

Mara's hand holding the wine glass froze in mid-air, neither putting it down nor drinking it.

"Please step down consciously and let me be the sheriff." Qiyana explained the purpose of her trip.

"I...I can't give it to you. The Yun Tal won't allow it," Mara said timidly.

"As long as you take the initiative to resign, they will allow it. Go back to Ixoken and take care of your fountain garden. I will take on your responsibilities here."

"But...the law is very clear...I am older than you, you know that..."

"Irritating, impotent obsession." Qiyana frowned, looking around with angry eyes.

Mara looked back and forth among several elders, as if she was looking for a step down for herself.

After a while, an old woman stood up, "Honorable Your Highness Qiyana...According to the law, as long as Mara, who is Yun'alai, is capable of governing, this position belongs to her."

The other elders were silent.

They all acquiesced to the statement.

"You... are fine." Qiyana took a deep breath, with a strong sense of threat in her tone. "You will regret it...Mara is not capable of protecting you..."

No one dared to look her in the eyes, and no one was willing to respond to her "curse".

Qiyana didn't bother to argue anymore, she left the square and returned to the edge of the village full of resentment.

Two elements made the guard want to send her away, but she refused, "I know the way, and I know how to go."

She flipped the Oletar chakra, parting the grass, revealing the way back to the jungle.She started her return journey along the secret road to the huge ecological structure of Ixaocan, and at the same time covered the road behind her again.

No sooner had she left the village, however, than the Oletar Ringblade slowed down.Behind her, the passage no longer continued to be hidden again, but was exposed brightly in the setting sun.

A servant noticed this and quickly reminded in a low voice: "His Royal Highness Yun Alai, you forgot to cover your back... Those foreigners will find this village."

Qiyana glanced at the servant and said indifferently: "Your duty is to relieve me from the heat, not to be a road guard."


"Don't worry. I believe the new sheriff will protect the village well."



On the other side of Ixtar, Mubai followed Nidalee into a dense forest where few people set foot.

The latter has fought many times with the carnivorous beasts. If they can find her hiding place, she will naturally be able to find their tribe.

But today, she might have to take a detour.

Because she saw a group of strangers.

"It's that group of foreigners again... They often come here to cut trees or dig mines, leaving many animals homeless."

Nidalee stood on a branch, looking at the stranger with killing intent in her eyes.

Mubai also saw that group of people—their level of technology was not low, equipped with professional logging machines and high-tech rifles.

People from Picheng... Mu Bai recognized their identities at a glance.

Although the Noxians also have firearms, they are definitely not as advanced.Those rifles looked like they were made by an arms dealer in Piltover.

"We've got to take a detour," Nidalee said. "As much as I'd like to kill them all, it's . . . difficult."

Mu Bai nodded in agreement.The main goal now is to find Rengar, so it's better not to make extra troubles.

But just as they were about to make a detour to leave, a Picheng man suddenly shouted:

"There's a way!"

Chapter 63 I, Agent Gray Lady

All the Ixtarians know that once the foreigners discover the village, what awaits them is endless fighting and killing until they surrender completely.

All wealthy Piltover merchants know that once their men are caught by the locals while chopping down trees or digging for mines, then...

Even better, they can not only earn mineral resources, but also have a certain probability of looting the entire village.

"This road may lead to a village. A local village," said a miner with a pickaxe.A wretched smile appeared on his greasy face.

He once heard from his companions that as long as they found a village in Ixtar, everything in the village would be theirs—including the women.

They can play with those "savages" wantonly, throw them away when they get tired of playing, or bring them back to Piltover to raise them in captivity.

The value of robbing a woman is much more than the reward for digging a mine... Now the Alchemy Baron in Zaun is strict and the market is not good. If you want to vent your desire, you have to spend several silver coins.

And the "wild woman" here can play as she wants, completely free.If you get tired of playing, you can take it back and sell it to the underground gangsters in Zaun...

A lucrative business...

"Hey! Boys, don't think things too brightly!"

The supervisor in charge of the mineral mining noticed the excitement of his subordinates, and quickly reminded:

"I must first remind you that no matter what you get or what you get, you must hand over [-]% to Mr. Angus and his Angus family!"

As soon as the words fell, a rebellious voice came out from the crowd: "If you want to be a dog, go yourself! Don't pull us, you bastard!"

The crowd burst into laughter immediately.

The supervisor tapped his metal cane hard, but few people responded to him.

The so-called policy and countermeasures, you Angus family [-]% is fine, but you have to let your subordinates take [-]%, and then hand over [-]% of the remaining [-]% to the family.

"Hmph, clean everything up for me!" It was not the first time for the supervisor to lead a team, so he knew what to say and how to do it.

The order has been conveyed, and it is none of his business whether the people below follow it.

"I'll treat you to Dawn Tavern for a few drinks when you go back!"

"Stop pretending, Hager! You'll get more than anyone else later!"


A group of people laughed and pushed aside the vines, and stepped on the path that someone "forgot" to bury.

They have guns and cannons in their hands, which is more than enough to deal with a few barbarians-even if some barbarians can use magic.


On a branch more than ten meters above the ground, Mubai and Nidalee silently watched the group of foreigners walk into the forest path.

"It's rare for those Ixtars to forget to hide their way," Nidalee said. "Their village may soon face a catastrophe."

Mu Bai nodded slightly.

As a former "Cinderella agent", he knew very well what crazy things these Piltover people would do.

For money, they will do anything.

When they put on suits, they are elegant gentlemen; when they take off their suits, they become demons from hell.

and this road...

It is impossible for the Ixtars to make such a low-level mistake—if they were so careless, they would have been ruled by the Darkin thousands of years ago, how could they be alone until now?

"Let's go." Nidalee looked away, not wanting to get entangled with the group of strangers.

But Mu Bai temporarily changed his mind.

If the group of Piltovers were just chopping down trees and digging ore, there was really no need to meddle in their own business.But if they want to invade the village...

"Why don't we go and have a look?"

"Huh?" Nidalee froze for a moment. "You want to save that village?"

"Let's count it as one of the reasons... because one of the people I'm looking for is an Ixocan."

"But...they have that fire-breathing wooden stick in their hands, which is very dangerous..."

"It's okay, I'm familiar with that thing."

"There are so many of them..."

"It's okay, really. Trust me."

"Hmm..." Nidalee couldn't hold back Mubai, and could only nod in agreement in the end. "Then I'll go with you, or it's really too dangerous."

"Okay." Mubai didn't refuse - against a group of ordinary people, he was very confident in protecting Nidalee from any harm.



On the other side of Ixtar, Tikrasne.

As night fell, Yun Alemara was sitting in her room drinking red wine.

What happened this afternoon left her with lingering fears, but it also made her feel relieved—the arrogant and domineering Qiyana was finally driven away.

He had the support of the elders of Tiklas, but Qiyana could only run away in despair with her tail between her legs.

Raise your eyebrows!

"I hope Qiyana won't hold grudges against me..." Mara murmured to herself while drinking red wine, "Although it's useless for her to hold grudges against me...hehe."

But at this moment, there was a loud noise outside the house, which made her tremble with fright, and the red wine spilled on the skirt.

Mara frowned, and opened the door angrily, wanting to see which idiot dared to interrupt her wine tasting time.

But soon, the anger on her face gradually turned into panic.

She saw dense fires flickering in the darkness in the distance - those were the source of the loud noise - foreign firearms!

People's screams, howls, and cries for help began to resound in the village... and the laughter of foreigners.

The few elementals that made the guards fight back were quickly shot to the ground by the fire-breathing sticks.

There are too many foreigners... There are 30 people, but Tiklas's guards are less than ten.

Ordinary villagers don't know much magic at all—their weak magic power is okay for life, but it's too reluctant to use it in battle.

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