"it is good..."

The president of his own family looks so nervous.

The little secretary did not dare to hesitate.

Immediately picked up the phone and contacted the technical department.

They are also proficient in things like removing trending searches and deleting Weibo.

It's just that in the past, they all charged money to do things, and the price started from seven figures.

in the company.

After so many withdrawals from popular searches.

Everyone is very curious, what is the power behind Reba?It was able to make Lai Zong so fearful, and was even warned by the relevant department.


Everyone dared not say anything.


Less than ten minutes later.

This revelation was immediately deleted by Weibo officials.

This operation made everyone who saw the news even more convinced of the authenticity of the news.

[Fuck, this speed! 】

[It's been a while since the news broke, and it's been deleted! 】

[Thinking carefully, I'm afraid, I'm afraid someone is watching the trend on the Internet and deleting it, right? 】

[@微货来常常 Come out and explain!What's the matter with you! 】

[Who has the audio of the breaking news, I'm late!Move a bench, etc...]

[Seek breaking news resources! ! ! 】


[I have resources here, I just saved them, give them a thumbs up and I'll send them to you! 】


The Internet is even more direct frying pan.

With the fact that the official deleted the revelation, it directly proved the formality of the revelation from the side.

Netizens will see the news, and it will start to spread.

More and more people participated in the discussion of this matter.


What is the power behind #famousactress? #

#当红小花Mysterious boyfriend identity is...#

#Shock!A certain actress' underground love affair is exposed! #

#Explore the news, the boss behind the actress! #

One by one hot search appeared in the square again.

Numerous netizens are posting relevant news, the discussion is extremely high, and it is extremely sensational.

The marketing account and the official account are directly making news.

This day can simply be called the Internet Spring Festival.

All the gossip and news were discussed around Reba and the boss behind Reba.

[You must know that there are many people in the entertainment industry who have backing, but the person who broke the news said that no one in the entire industry would dare to offend Reba...]

[The boss behind Reba is too awesome to have such power! 】

[If I remember correctly, Director Chen's family has something to do with it, even he speaks for Reba! 】


(ps: Asking for flowers, evaluation tickets, monthly tickets, reminders, and rewards. I am still renting out a house when I am a freshman. I have no choice but to add more codes for the New Year. I beg for a wave of data! Start the explosive update mode immediately! ).

Chapter 54 Jiaxing's public relations department collapsed!

The popularity of related news is getting higher and higher, and countless netizens are paying attention to the progress of the incident.

The more officials want to suppress the heat, the more rebellious the netizens will be aroused.

After the breaking news post was deleted.

The hot searches on this matter jumped up one after another.

Jiaxing Company.

After leaving the press conference, Reba and Jing Jie rushed back to the company immediately.

After getting out of the car, the two went to Yang Mi's office.

Inside the office.

"Remove the hot search for the press conference first..."

Yang Mi also just arrived.

She quickly ordered her assistant to contact Weibo about deleting trending searches.

"it is good!"

The little assistant didn't dare to hesitate.

After getting instructions, he left in a hurry.

Afterwards, she had a face-to-face meeting with Reba and Sister Jing.

Seeing the anxious look of the little assistant, Reba also became worried.

Walk in the door.

She saw Yang Mi standing by the table.

Yang Mi just rushed back from the recording site of the new variety show.

The guest's name tag pinned to the skirt has not had time to take it off.

"Miss Mi..."

Reba's heart was full of guilt.

She originally thought that with the passage of time, the public would not have so much interest in this matter.

But I didn't expect...

It was taken out by the media to make a fuss so soon.

"It's okay, you sit down first."

Yang Mi patted Reba's shoulder comfortingly.


Before Reba sat down.

Outside the door, the assistant came back in a hurry.

"President Yang, it's not good."

"Weibo exploded..."

Back and forth, the little assistant was out of breath.

Just now, when she arrived at the PR department, she bumped into a colleague with a nervous face.

Only then did I know what happened on Weibo in just half an hour.


Hear this.

Yang Mi's face darkened.

Then he turned his head and turned on the computer, and then used the webpage to look at the trending searches.

Reba also picked up the phone.

"Has Reba been exposed?"

Sister Jing is the fastest.

Before her assistant came in, she was paying attention to what was going on online.

"This anonymous revelation should be the work of Yifan."

After listening to a few sentences, she confirmed who was speaking in the breaking news video.

After all, she was still very impressed with the actors at home.

This actor is the one who competed with Reba for resources.

did not think of...

After being investigated for tax issues last time, Yifan was completely broken.

Most of its leading artists have also been suspended and blocked.

"Still coming out to jump around now, it looks like I want to make a mess..."

Yang Mi also quickly confirmed the opponent's intention.

In this situation.

They are very passive.

"This leaking post should be deleted immediately!"

"No matter how much it costs!"

Yang Mi didn't hesitate either.

In this situation, what they have to do is try not to let the situation expand.

did not expect.

After Yang Mi just finished speaking.

"and many more..."

"I can't find out this revelation anymore!"

Reba held the phone and frowned.

She refreshed and looked at other news on this Weibo account, and many people below said that the news was gone.

"It was deleted?!"

Sister Jing's face was full of surprise.

"This action is too fast..."

"Is it from the company?"

Yang Mi turned to look at the little assistant.

The little assistant shook his head.

This time the situation has developed too fast, and they haven't even finished processing the hot searches for the press conference yet!

"It looks like someone is helping us?"

Sister Jing did react.

"Probably because of Lu Ning's relationship."

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