"The Detective Cases of Sherlock Holmes" is a popular detective novel recently.

How hot is it?

Ranked first in the search, countless stars and big names in the literary world applauded and praised it.

There is a lot of information about the detective collection on the Internet.

There is also the author of the detective collection, and the popularity of Song of Sakura exploded again.

Far beyond the heat of the fire of opposition.

Even the harsh people or the media recognized by the industry gave a high evaluation.

'The collection of detective cases is a legend, and Mr. Sakura no Uta who created this legend is even more so! '

'Salute the birth of the king! '

'Tremble!mortal!What you are facing is God! '

'It's not human beings, it's Kami (God) Da! '

'A rising star in the literary world?No, it's a goddess! '

"The most beautiful girl in the millennium—the most talented girl in the millennium—"

'A pitiful, fantastical girl--'

'This book cannot be missed!This person can't be missed! '

How should I put it, it's an embarrassment, right?

Words on the Internet and the media are very neon.

Ying Nai, a native of China, was so embarrassed to see it.

Fortunately, this is normal in Neon, and everyone doesn't feel anything when they see it.

Just feel great.

All in all, Song of Sakura and Detective Collection are both popular, and they are out of the circle or even abroad.

Some employees in the company used to be in the live broadcast room of Song of Sakura, and even if they didn’t go to the live broadcast room of Song of Sakura before, because of this public opinion, now they bought the detective collection, even if they didn’t buy the detective Ji Na must have heard of it.

"This company actually got the detective collection..."

Everyone was surprised.

Although it is a company whose name has never been heard before, being able to get the detective collection from today's Sakura no Singer is enough to prove that this company has something.

Immediately afterwards, someone found the detailed information of the Dimension Principality on a professional website.

There are various information such as the founding time of the Dimension Principality, shares, shareholders, president, etc. on it.

Seeing this made everyone gasp even more.

President: Yukinoshita Yono

Vice President: Yukinoshita Sakurano

Shares: Yukinoshita Yono holds 70.00% of the shares, and Yukinoshita Sakura holds 30.00% of the shares

Omitted below....

"It turned out to be Teacher Sakura no Song..."

Everyone was dumbfounded.

They don't know Yukino Yukino, but they are familiar with Yukino Sakura.

They are also familiar with the surname Yukinoshita during this time.

Although Yukinoshita Sakura only holds 30.00% of the shares and is the vice president, but judging by the composition of the shares and the name Yukinoshita Yono, I am afraid...

"This company should be the company Mr. Sakurazhige mentioned in the live broadcast..."

Song of Sakura once said during the live broadcast that she is serious about creating virtual reality technology, and she also created a company for this purpose.

"In other words, Teacher Sakurazhige bought us?"

For a moment, everyone was in a trance.

There is a feeling of unreality.

The idols I always talk about, who I'm afraid I have no chance to see in reality except for the autograph event, suddenly contacted them and became their boss......

After a brief silence, cheers erupted in the office.

Is there anything more surprising than this?

Many of them are fans of Sakura no Uta, not to mention, they are familiar with Sakura no Uta.

They know what kind of person Sakura no Uta is.

Such a song of Sakura is certainly not a difficult boss to deal with, and is very likely to have the ability to revive the flying eagle!

Restoring the glory of the past!


No wonder the president agreed to be acquired so easily.

Although Feiying Yuedong is not working now, it has been going downhill.

But in the face of various acquisition news, their president has always refused.

Now it is easily acquired.

They thought the acquirer used some despicable means.

That's why I'm so scared.

Unexpectedly, the other party was Song of Sakura.

That's understandable.

Everyone was actually a little worried.

Although knowing that the acquirer was Sakura no Uta, everyone cheered.

But soon, they thought about whether Song of Sakura had the ability to lead this game production company to the next step.

To put it bluntly, I was worried about the ability of Sakura Song.

Song of Sakura is only a sophomore in high school now, and she only shows her excellence in literature.

However, their president agreed to be acquired so easily, presumably because he believed in the talent of Sakura Zhige and the person of Sakura Zhige.

Their president is not a fan of brains.

In this way, they also felt a lot more at ease.

142. Disrupting the Flower of the World

Eagle Jump (Eagle Jump), as far as Sakura knows, this is the company in a Lily drama called "NEW GAME!" in the previous life, and it is the company where the protagonist and his party in the drama work.

Of course, this is not the reason why Sakura chose the company.

In reality, the size of the company is not large, and it is not an exaggeration to say that it is a small company.

Even if it is the newly established Dimension Principality, it only takes a short time to surpass the company in scale.

However, they have pretty good strength.

One of the world's classics, "Tales of Elf", came from the company.

At that time, the company was considered a medium-sized company in the industry.

Later, because of the delay in getting out of the influence of "Elf Story" and the inability to produce new and good enough works, it has gradually declined to this day, and the company's scale has been reduced again and again.

With this kind of experience, Feiying Yuedong can be said to be the best choice for acquisition.

Their qualifications are old. Although they have undergone several layoffs, they still have many experienced and loyal old employees.

With the above characteristics, they are a small company that is on the decline.

Although Ying Nao has a lot of money now, if she wants to buy the company, it will undoubtedly be a huge sum of money.

However, the cost of acquiring a small company is not heavy.

Cheap, with a certain strength, a certain reputation, and good qualifications.

Such a company, of course, became the best choice to be acquired by Sakurano.

It is not necessary to buy a company that is too good to be expensive.

She didn't expect the game company to make any good games by itself.

Of course it is good to be able to do it, and it doesn't matter if it can't be done.

Because there are countless ideas in her mind, it is not an exaggeration to say that they are inexhaustible.

With a little strength, it is enough to be able to fulfill her ideas.

There is no need for a big company, and she doesn't plan to make a 3A masterpiece, and she doesn't have that much money to burn and smash it.

Moreover, the flying eagle is special.

They used to be brilliant, but now they are lonely again.

Now that the company has fallen to this point, as long as there are people who are still in the company, most of the people have feelings for the company. They hope that the company will be brilliant again, and they are fighting for it every day.

At this time, she stood up and provided excellent ideas, which not only saved the company, but also made the company brilliant again.

Feiyue Yuedong will definitely regard her as a savior-like existence.

At that point, the company's loyalty will needless to say.

It is not difficult to acquire Feiying Yuedong.

Although the president of the agency rejected numerous acquisitions.

But for her, it's not difficult.

It is precisely because the president of the agency has rejected countless acquisitions and has always been unwilling to give up Feiying Leaping. From these behaviors, it can be seen to a large extent that the president of the agency is a person.

The president has deep feelings for the agency, and is a person who is unwilling to bow to reality.

To acquire the company, money is useless, the most important thing is to gain the trust of the president of the company.

Coincidentally, Sakurano's character design is very easy to gain the trust of others.

Not only because of this weak appearance.

Every aspect shown in the live broadcast room, and every aspect transmitted to the Internet through the mouths of Zongwu Gao students are saying——

She, Yukinoshita Sakurano, is a kind-hearted, harmless, gentle and gentle person.

It's part of trust.

Another part is ability, which makes the president of the agency believe that she has the ability to make Feiying Yuedong create greater glories again.

There is no doubt about her ability, and the media and the industry are now almost praising her as a god.

If it were in ancient times, she felt that she would probably have her own god name by now.

Although she proved her ability in literature, there is no doubt that titles such as 'genius' and 'talented woman' have been put on her head.

This title is still recognized by the society and the public.

With these titles, even in other fields, her opinions and ideas are easily recognized by others.

So the whole acquisition was very easy.

She just chatted with the president of the agency for a few words, and then said two ideas, and the president of the agency agreed to her acquisition.

And the president of the agency also took the initiative to give up the profits.

It would not be an exaggeration to say that the entire company was given away for free.

Such a company that cannot be acquired with money, but can be easily acquired by her, how can it not be the best target?

Sakura now needs to expand the company, so she needs money and business for the company.

She chose the game industry.

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