Unexpectedly... "Father" didn't mention that person. As for what happened tomorrow night... Oh, so it was that one?

"of course not."

"Well," "Father" nodded lightly, "Looking at your relaxed appearance recently, it seems that you have gradually adapted to the engraved worms in your body."


Kariya remained silent... This is the price he paid for participating in the Holy Grail War, the pain of this month, and all his lives after that.Make no mistake, this is a deal with the devil.

"But don't think that this is enough. You are a laggard after all. If you want to get more chances of winning, you have to work harder. Starting tonight, follow me to the insect store. Before you call, your body still needs a certain degree strengthening."

Speaking of "Insect Zou", Kariya's whole body trembled, but now he couldn't help it anymore, the white-haired young man lowered his head, the dim light in the entrance shone on his deformed face that had been eroded by the engraved insects: "Yes."


After Matou left, Steve thought about it again, and felt that if things can be exchanged for money, there is actually no need to rely too much on Kariya's assistance. He brought supplies to exchange for money, and then used money to exchange for what he needed. Isn't the material enough?

Anyway, I can't sleep without a bed at night, so I might as well venture out for a while.In my hometown, going out at night is very dangerous, so this time Steve also prepared stone swords and tools. Although he didn't have armor, he could escape if the situation was not good.

An excellent survivalist does not depend on how good equipment he has, but whether he has reserved a retreat for himself in advance.

After closing the trapdoor, Steve brought weapons and equipment and exchanged resources and went out. According to past experience, in the trading of villagers, as long as he finds the corresponding person and gives him what he wants, he can exchange for the corresponding thing. .Then it is even simpler in this rich world, just give things to the other party to exchange for money, and then use the money to exchange for other items.

Steve had a good idea, but it turned out to be more trouble than he imagined.

The logic of item exchange was correct, but he didn't realize what Matou meant to him about a "highly commercialized" country.

At night, Fuyuki City is full of neon lights, and the men and women passing by point and point at me from time to time, and even the laughter is already used to it. This is a city, far bigger than the villages I met on the mountains.

Steve started out figuring out how much farmland, how much wheat, how many livestock, how many houses would be needed to feed that many people.But it didn't take long for him to feel that he couldn't calculate it. This is another world, and the resources can't be calculated clearly with his own primitive method.

But for the time being, he remembered Jiantong's entrustment: things need to be bought with money.

But... where can I get money?

Steve, who doesn't understand words, feels that this world full of patterns is so confusing!then!He decided to ask one by one.

"Do you need coal, old man?"

"..." The man glared at Steve with a very weird look, and walked away.

"Ma'am, do you need coal?"

"..." The lady turned her head and ran away in fright.

"Miss, do you want coal?"

"If you come closer to me, I'll call the police!" The girl in a student uniform and carrying a schoolbag threatened.

"Little brother, do you need coal?"

"Is there something wrong with your brain? Coal? I want diamonds! Do you have any?" Steve, the yellow-haired youth team, roared and walked away.

... It seems that selling things is not very easy!

This distressed Steve.

At this moment, a sharp and piercing sound suddenly sounded in the distance.People give way, and several screeching cars drive towards Steve from the other side of the street.

Anyone on Earth would know that screeching sound as a siren, but Steve wasn't.

After the screeching sound of brakes, several cars blocked Steve in front of a rolling gate. Several people in blue uniforms rushed out of the car just like noon and pointed their guns at Steve: "We It's the Fuyuki Metropolitan Police Department, you have been arrested on suspicion of assaulting the police and snatching guns! Hands up!"

Steve was dumbfounded and raised his hand obediently.

After being pushed into the car by several policemen, Steve understood what had happened.

It turned out that the policeman who was "killed" by Matou in the afternoon did not die, but passed out. After he found out that he had lost his gun, he immediately went to the police station to arrest the square-headed and square-brained Steve.

With such obvious features of Steve, people would definitely recognize him on the street, so after receiving a report of a square-headed guy selling coal on the street, the Metropolitan Police Department immediately dispatched to arrest Steve. classmate.


The bright light hit Steve's face, blinding him.A policewoman wearing glasses sat across from her and asked in a non-mechanical tone, "Name."



"18 is old."

"Nonsense, to be honest," the other party stared at himself maliciously.

"I really!" Steve said innocently.

Looking at the square face with stubble, the policeman changed the question: "Which country are you from?"

"Which country?" Steve asked in a daze.

"Don't play dumb, every word of yours will be evidence in court." The police warned Steve in a very dangerous tone.

But Steve really doesn't know what nationality is: "I really don't know."

The policeman took a deep breath to ease his emotions, and then wrote 'probably a stowaway' on the paper.

"The next question, do you have any accomplices?"

"No." Steve whistled.

'Have accomplices in crime. ’ After the policeman wrote this line, he continued to ask: “Did you and your accomplice sneak here together?”

"Smuggling? No, I came alone."

'Admitted to be a stowaway, and his accomplice did not come to Japan with him. 'To deal with this kind of guy, the Japanese police have already had their own routines. Anyway, since they are stowaways, they must be sentenced or sent back to their country.

"Next question: After you stunned the household police officer, he found that his gun was missing. Where did you hide the gun?"

……gun?The gun is naturally in the box, but it should not be admitted at this time!So Steve shook his head: "What gun, I don't know."

"You really don't know?"

"I really do not know."

"Then describe what happened."

"Well, he just fell to the ground. I thought he was dead, and then I left."


"that's it."

"In more detail, tell you what you did, what you thought, and what you did at that time, won't you tell me this?"

"Sorry, I don't remember." Steve was about to deny it.

The female police officer with glasses slammed the record onto the table with a "squeak", and grabbed Steve's neckline with one hand and pulled his square face over.The female police officer's hanging eyes made her look extraordinarily fierce, and the beauty mole under her lips kept trembling with her rage: "Don't challenge my patience, criminals who are mere smugglers, think about your own position!"

Steve looked up and whistled.

"Damn American optimism." The female police officer threw away Steve's collar and complained.

Yes, if she is in front of a Japanese, or an Asian, then she will unceremoniously show him some color.But if he is a bored American, then the means beyond the limit cannot be applied to him.

"Well, since you don't want to say it, I'll wait until you do."

This is the Metropolitan Police Department's usual way of dealing with this kind of people. The Yankee of optimism never suffers from immediate losses, but if he is locked up for a few days and he understands his situation, he will naturally give in.

The iron door slammed shut, and there was only one bed and one toilet in the two-meter-square cell, and they were very close together.It was probably used by someone before, and the toilet emits an unbearable odor, which is almost poisonous.

Steve looked up at the sky outside, as if it was late at night.There were snoring sounds one after another outside the iron gate, and someone who was murmuring what.

The female police officer put Steve here to force him to submit, but if she knew what Steve was thinking now, she might vomit blood.

...It turns out that this is the legendary imprisonment!It feels so fresh!

...Is this the iron gate of this world?Will take it apart and bring it back.

...Wow, this bed is not bad!Will take it apart and bring it back.

... The iron fence is so exquisitely made, but unfortunately, it is still impossible to make iron ingots, and it will be dismantled and brought back later.

...Is this the legendary toilet?It really stinks!I'll take it apart and bring it back...

Chapter 05 Look, there is a black radish here!

After much hesitation, Steve still gave up on the idea of ​​removing the toilet... It stinks!

The bed was something Steve desperately needed and this had to be taken away, the other things, after being dug out, showed the reinforced concrete modules.In fact, mods cannot be recreated through resources until the mod "synthesis table" is obtained, but the advantage is that you can directly know the practical method.

What Steve liked more was the lamp embedded in the wall on the ceiling. Unfortunately, after knocking it down, he found that it would not light up after knocking it down, and it could only be a collection at most.

Just as Steve was dismantling the interior decoration of the cell, the female police officer who had just poured a cup of coffee finally noticed the abnormality here.

When she hurried to the cell, she found that the door of the cell was gone: "You! You! Don't move!"

The female police officer drew her gun in a panic.

As a survivor, wouldn't you leave yourself a way out first?Of course it was impossible, Steve made a face at her, then jumped straight into the hole he had dug before, and then blocked the entrance with a snap.

When the female police officer drew out her gun, she could only look at the cell that had been almost emptied except for the toilet, and stood there in a daze.

It's a lot of fun fighting with people.

After Steve, who escaped from the prison, entered the tunnel, he carefully blocked all the tunnels he passed with dug concrete, so that even if the other party took the same method, he would not catch up with him so quickly.

After digging 200 meters in the dark, Steve suddenly felt that something had been dug through by him. He poked his head out cautiously and heard the sound of splashing water.

Oh... dug into the sewer.

There was this kind of thing next to Matou's house before, and I dug through it once. It seems that this underground facility can lead to the ground.

After reaching out and grabbing the iron ladder, Steve climbed up the iron ladder.

Bang...his head hit an iron plate, Steve knew it was the end, he pushed open the cover of the sewer, and the street was quiet in the middle of the night.

"Hmm... this thing seems to be quite high-end, but it's actually made of iron. My trapdoor is only made of wood... um... just take it back down."

Stuffing the manhole cover into the bag, Steve looked at the sky to confirm the location, and swaggered towards the direction of Matou residence.As a survivalist, you must not get lost. Even in a complex forest, you must have the ability to accurately find your way home.

Of course, in the face of the most difficult method of "getting caught somewhere, let you find it alone", even Steve went around a circle before finding the landmark building that could confirm the location in his memory, and At this time, the sky has turned white.

When he returned to Matou Mansion, the sky was already bright, and the morning light shone warmly on his body, leaving a square figure on the ground.But thinking about what happened last night, Steve felt that this was the only time he could enjoy the sunshine.

Although he has just arrived in this world and doesn't understand anything, it doesn't mean that Steve is stupid.

On the contrary, he is very smart. As a survivalist, his instinct tells him that the rules of this world are different from his own.He knew very well that the people here didn't seem to dig mines very much, and he also knew that the prison cells here couldn't lock him up. As long as he brought enough things for emergencies, this was a necessary preparation for survival.

However, as an adventurer's soul, he enjoys the feeling of stepping in the unknown world.

A person who came to his own world once said this:

There are two kinds of good adventurers, one is to estimate the risk of the target, upgrade the equipment and level very high, ensure that the risk is minimized, and face the challenge with complete preparation; the other is to ignore the target No matter how risky it is, take it step by step, pave the way for yourself before every step, and enjoy every moment of challenges and dangers.

Steve felt that he was the latter, so he didn't like to make a lot of preparations, but he definitely had to pave the way for himself-of course, being killed by a creeper was really inevitable.

Just when he entered the courtyard of the Matou's house, Steve suddenly found the door of the Matou's house opened.

"Hi, Matou..."

Just as he was about to say hello, he suddenly realized that it wasn't the white-haired young man, but a purple-haired little girl.Seeing Steve greeted herself, the little girl turned her head to look at herself.

……Well?Is it Matou's child?

"Hi, hello!" Wanting to be kind, Steve walked up to greet him.

"Nice to meet you, my name is Matou Sakura."

The little girl was very polite and bowed properly.Violet's Lolita is dressed in a foreign style, but she is well-behaved and respectful, reflecting a good family education.

...Wow, what a polite kid.

Steve also pretended to bow to her, but when he looked closer, he found that the child was a bit strange... Although he didn't see many children, there were not many who were as lifeless as her: "It's the first time we met. My name is Steve, and I'm Matou's friend... Oh, your name is also Matou, right?"

"Are you talking about Uncle Kariya? Matou is my surname." Matou Sakura replied.

"It turns out that guy's name is Kariya. He really didn't tell me his full name." Steve rubbed his nose. "What are you doing out so early?"

"Looking for you."

"Looking for me?" Matou Sakura said, making Steve stunned for a moment: "Did your Uncle Kariya ask you to find me?"

"Yes, Uncle Kariya said that he has an agreement with you, but because he has something to do today, he can't go shopping for you as promised, so let me tell you."

"Oh, so that's the case!" Steve waved his hand, "Let's just forget about it, it seems that he is quite busy!"

...Since Kariya is not free, then he has to figure out a way for himself, but it is quite troublesome if he can't get iron ore and iron ingots!Now I will be caught by the police when I go out by myself...

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