"It is said that among a million people, only one person has the potential to be a king?!"

This astonishing guess shocked Gesun.

He wanted to veto it.

However, this guess is the closest to the truth!

"Doesn't that mean..."

"Mr. Lu En, who is only four years old, has already mastered the legendary Overlord Color?!"

"how can that be?!"

good half sound,

Gerson said in a trembling voice.

"Mr. Lu En..."

"Simply a monster!".

Chapter 60 That kid is a monster!Can't afford to provoke! 【14/20 first order】

Rogue Town.

bustling street.

People come and go, lively and lively.

Shops of all kinds and colors are dazzling~, dazzling.





Lu En, who had left the Navy branch, was walking through the busy streets, preparing to go back to the port of Rogge Town.

With millions of Berries in his pocket, this journey never attracted the attention of those ready to move.

Walking through the noisy streets, occasionally tasting the special delicacies of Rogge Town, Lu En was full of food. His stomach was full, and he went straight to the port.

In a dark corner of the street.

Pairs of terrified eyes watched Lu En leave with lingering fear.

This group of gangsters who did all sorts of crimes was quite frightened by Lu En's figure.

"If I remember correctly, the kid who was walking on the street just now was taken away by the blue-haired Jack half an hour ago."

"But why..."

"The person who was taken away by the blue-haired Jack can actually return to the street?"

"Could it be that this kid wasn't blackmailed by Blue-haired Jack and the others? It shouldn't be. With the characters of Blue-haired Jack and the others, and with the backing of the big pirate Bucky the Clown, they shouldn't let this little brat go. right."

A group of gangsters were deeply puzzled.

At this time,

A weak voice sounded: "Let me tell you, is there a possibility. That is, the blue-haired Jack and the others have already been wiped out? They were wiped out by this brat?"

The words fall.

The whole place was dead silent!


quite a while,

Only then did a trembling voice come out: "Hey, hey, are you sure you're not joking? Who is blue-haired Jack? That's a pirate with a bounty of millions of Berries!"

"and also……"

"If I remember correctly, the direction that the blue-haired Jack left with that kid was the direction to the headquarters of their Bucky Pirates."

"According to what you mean, the entire Bucky pirate group was wiped out by this four-year-old kid? Do you think it is possible?"

"The clown Bucky, the captain of the Bucky Pirates, is a big pirate with a bounty of 1000 and [-] million Berry! He is also a superhuman Devil Fruit user!"

A voice full of doubts resounded in the dark corner of the street.

The gangster who made a guess just now was speechless and speechless.

after all.

A kid who is only four years old, destroying a pirate group that offered a reward of tens of millions of Berry?

That does sound exaggerated!

But no one thought of it.

without warning...

in vain!

An astonishing piece of news came from his subordinates.

"Old, boss!"

"Big news! Big news!"

"The Bucky Pirates have been wiped out by the people!"

"Just now, a large group of navy is rushing to the tavern a few kilometers southeast of the town center from the naval branch, ready to go, armed with long guns, and well-equipped."

"I remember very clearly, that tavern is the base camp of the Bucky Pirates!"

The news spread.


Dozens of gangsters in the corner of the dark street were all stunned and dumbfounded.

"What, what did you say?!"

"The Bucky Pirates were wiped out by the group? Are you sure this is not a joke?"

"That's Bucky, the big pirate clown with a bounty of over [-] million Berries. He founded an extremely powerful pirate group! How could it be wiped out?"

"Did that Colonel Getson go out in person?"

Someone hastily asked.

"No, not Colonel Gerson."

"I heard a cryptic message from someone under my command."

"The culprit who destroyed the Bucky Pirates..."

"It's a four-year-old monster!"

"The entire Bucky Pirates were wiped out by a four-year-old kid!"

Tell the truth with your subordinates.

The whole place is silent!


Dozens of gangsters were shocked, their eyes widened and rounded, and they were completely stunned.

"What, what?!"

"The Bucky Pirates were wiped out by a four-year-old kid?"

"you sure?"

"how can that be?!"


A group of gangsters were shocked.

"Boss, this is absolutely true."

"This piece of news has completely detonated the Navy branch!"

"It was really a four-year-old kid who overthrew the Bucky Pirates. Even Bucky the Clown, a big pirate with a bounty of tens of millions of Berries, was taken down by that four-year-old kid alone! And sent to the Navy branch for detention!"

All the gangsters present looked dull.


They suddenly thought of an extremely terrifying fact.

"Hey Hey hey……"

"No way?"

"You said, the four-year-old kid who killed the Bucky Pirates."

"Could he be..."

"That brat just now?!"

Dozens of gangsters looked horrified, and quickly shifted their gazes, staring at the four-year-old boy not far away, who was walking wantonly in that bustling street.

In a flash,

A gust of icy cold air rose from the soles of their respective feet to the sky.

make them creepy,


"Is there really such a coincidence?"

"Just now, that brat happened to be taken to the base camp of the Bucky Pirates by blue-haired Jack. Now, within half an hour of the journey, it came that the Bucky Pirates were killed by a four-year-old kid. news of death."



"This is no coincidence!"

"I've been wondering just now, how did a four-year-old kid escape from the base camp of the Bucky Pirates? It turns out that this little kid wiped out the entire Bucky Pirates alone!"

The gangsters couldn't help but gasped, their moods were shaken wildly.

They are stupid.

this moment,

The truth that emerged in their minds completely overturned their cognition.


They couldn't help swallowing, and looked at the four-year-old boy on the street with horror, palpitations, shock, and fear in their eyes, trembling all over.

"My God!"

"A kid who was only four years old and wiped out the entire Bucky Pirates!"

"What kind of monster is he?!"

"Rogge Town, why did such a terrifying monster suddenly appear?!"

"It's too strong!"

"The four-year-old group destroys the pirate group with a reward of tens of millions! Take down the big pirate clown Bucky who has a reward of tens of millions of Berries!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????????

"This kind of monster is simply terrifying."

Right now,

When they learned the truth, their hearts were filled with shock, but they also felt extremely fortunate.


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