But today, with more and more information reserves, the circle of hobbies is becoming more and more complex, the breadth of knowledge is becoming more and more terrifying, and the gap between different individuals can even accommodate a whole world.

This is class.

This is hobby.

This is the circle.

Su Zhizi didn't think that she fell in love with that strange man whom she had never met before.

Probably just wishful thinking.

The bird with broken wings will look up at the sky, envious of the figure of the goshawk fighting the sky, and Su Zhizi, who grew up according to the established route, will naturally look forward to the ordinary but free life of ordinary people.

Probably... that's it?

Su Zhizi thought.

[To be continued]


Chapter 19 Occupation


Su Tong is online.

Su Zhizi is online.

The sisters work together to cut gold.

Of course, in the eyes of innocent passers-by, they look like a pair of dogs and men——Su Tong's game ID is "Feet off the ground, the virus is closed", Su Zhizi is "smart and IQ occupy the high ground", and the people in the national service gave the nickname to sell abducted dogs Men and women, but they are ridiculously strong, one in the middle and one wild in the national uniform, reaching the top several times, and once becoming a legend in the national uniform.

When they played games, it became a story of five unlucky ones and three lucky ones.

The lucky ones are teammates.

The unlucky one is the opponent.

Su Tong turned on the voice changer, and Su Zhizi's voice was distorted on purpose. Both of them were wearing masks, and they both agreed to not mention any information about the real world - just play the game if you don't care about it, so naturally there is no information. Recognizing each other is actually sisters who get along day and night.

Maybe I can only say...

Fate, amazing.

Anyway, game time is over.

Su Zhizi stretched her waist, and sighed lazily like a cat:

"Well... I don't want to fight anymore, I have to go to bed early."

"Did you go to bed so early?"

"I can't help it." Su Zhizi looked at the mobile phone lying quietly on the table, "I still have some things to deal with tomorrow morning, so I have to go to bed early today."

Su Tong on the other side nodded.

"So that's it. If you have something to deal with, go to bed early, and go to bed early and wake up early to be healthy."

"Yes, then I go to bed early?"


For some reason, Su Tong always felt that the girl's voice from the earphones had some expectation, as if she was looking forward to something.

Do you expect her to take the initiative to ask?

Thinking of this, Su Tong casually asked:

"Speaking of which... I'll just ask... What are you planning to do when you wake up so early tomorrow? Go shopping with your best friend?"

"No, it's just that some classmates in the school confessed to me, and I'm going to deal with it."

The plain response that Su Tong blurted out immediately became cadenced:

"Oh-oh? Confession?!"

"It's just a confession," Su Zhizi's voice was not too turbulent, "If someone confesses to me, you can't just ignore it. It's green tea. taste."


Su Tong suddenly felt an arrow hit her knee.

But thinking about it with a guilty conscience, it seems that the silly roe deer has never taken the initiative to confess, not to mention that she has been providing him with various resources since the two of them first met. If it is said that the humble party should be her.

So of course not green tea!

The eldest lady became confident again.

It's just that it's useless on her side to be confident.

The barrage has already been brushed up piece by piece:

"[Green hat] [Green hat] [Green hat] [Green hat]"

"Love is a light, so wonderful"

"To live well, you must have a little green on your head"

Su Tong watched, the corners of her mouth twitched uncontrollably, she turned off the voice microphone, and cursed:

"Why is it green! Can the virtual anchor thing be called green, not to mention that I have a clean relationship with other girls, and there is no emotional basis, how can I be regarded as green?"

The bullet screen was swiped again:

"The two of you are using couple IDs, isn't that considered green?"

"You scold again! (please)"

"Green is indeed not green, but do you really want to see your sister fall into the arms of other big pig's hooves, Granu?"


Su Tong felt a little melancholy.

We all met online, usually play games happily, do not interfere with each other in real life, and tacitly never mention it... This is the default rule.

People are always composed of many facets.

One is for life, one is for study, one is for family, one is for network... and more, in the big machine of society, everyone plays different roles and has different functions, so they need to use different methods. Faces show people.

We all have a tacit understanding.

It is probably because people who seek a sense of reality in the virtual world must have some brain problems, so everyone on the Internet will not hide their true personalities at all, and they will say whatever comes to mind.

Offline, I am obedient, and online, I strike hard.

It is precisely because the gap between online and offline is so large that people tend to avoid life in the real world when surfing the Internet.

But now the girl took the initiative to mention it.

Su Tong was in a delicate mood besides being surprised.


Another good cabbage is about to be slammed by a pig who doesn't know where. ?

She turned on the microphone:

"Well, you're right, the response is still going to be responded..."

As he spoke, Su Tong's voice gradually lowered again, and he cautiously and tentatively asked:

"Hey, are you going to refuse or agree?"

She originally wanted to ask whether she was going to refuse or refuse, but it seemed that she was too deliberate to say so, so she finally changed to such a question.

But the girl over there gave the answer without even hesitation:



"Well, I don't have the idea of ​​falling in love for the time being, nor have I thought about falling in love. It's fine to be alone, let alone..."

There was a sudden pause.

Su Tong became curious and asked:

"What's more?"

"What's more, don't you still accompany me?"


Caught off guard, Su Tong was slapped.

She was quite dumbfounded.

As a human being in two lifetimes, this was the first time he was teased by someone, and he never expected that he would be teased casually by a girl.

Looking at the bullet screen on the secondary screen in a blink of an eye, the wind direction has been changed:

"It's sugar, I ate it."

"I moved the Civil Affairs Bureau here, please marry the two of you on the spot."


The direction of flow has changed.

The old viewers who are resident in Su Tong's live broadcast room have long been poisoned by her, and all the popular memes in later generations have also played well, so the live broadcast room was soon bloodbathed by "awsl".

Su Tong sighed again.

She muttered in a low voice, "Awei doesn't want to die, do you care about Awei, you only care about yourself", and then heard the girl's gentle voice again:

"Huh? What did you say?"

"Nothing to say..."

Su Tong sighed again:

"That's good, everything is good, so go to bed quickly, go to bed early and get up early to be healthy, especially for a young girl like you, who stays up too late but is prone to acne and dark circles..."

"It's long-winded, uncle."

"Yes, yes, I am the uncle, so I beg my little ancestor, you go to bed quickly."

"Hmm, then... good night?"

"Good night."

The voice call hangs up.

Su Tong let out a long breath.

It's tiring to talk to people while wearing a mask, let alone during a live broadcast.

As she thought about it, she prepared to say goodbye to the audience and broadcast it at the speed of light.

It was just a soft sound from the game client—someone was adding her game friend.

As one of the three major legs of the national server, she has long been used to how many people add her as friends every day, but after a closer look, she finds that she often sees this person adding her as friends, and she is persistent.

I thought maybe she was a big fan of her?

Boring, she casually agreed.

Immediately after that, they typed:

"Hi, Miss Sugar."

"I don't know if you have any idea of ​​participating in the League of Legends professional competition?"


Su Tong narrowed her eyes.

[To be continued]


Chapter 20

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