Chapter 5 Passing by


The graduation dinner finally kicked off.

Lao Lin's speech was really affectionate, and the big banquet hall was quiet for a long time before it finally returned to bustle.

Su Tong and Cao Bin huddled in a corner with their shoulders crossed underneath.

It stands to reason that Su Tong, the male protagonist in The Legend of Condor Heroes, should strike out hard and be poured by his classmates one by one while holding a wine glass. I drank happy water while eating snacks.

Just talking about something, Cao Bin suddenly thought of something, and poked Su Tong with his elbow:

"Hey, I heard that Lao Lin is going to retire this year?"

" there such a thing?"

Su Tong paused slightly with the hand holding the happy water, then turned his head to look at Lao Lin, who was surrounded by a group of students drinking wine, and frowned:

"It shouldn't be. I don't think Lao Lin is too old. Shouldn't the legal retirement age be 60? Why is he planning to retire now?"

"Of course not retirement," Cao Bin rolled his eyes, "Think about it with your stupid brain, Lao Lin is almost fifty this year, and he is still so many years away from the legal retirement age, how can he possibly retire if he is healthy and healthy? ?”

"Understood, it means that you will not be the head teacher in the future?"

"Ruzi can be taught!"

Su Tong didn't care about being taken advantage of casually by his friends.

He just turned his head to look at Lao Lin, his eyes slightly dazed.

Will you not be the head teacher in the future?

It means... Are they the last batch of students that Lao Lin has taught in his teaching career?

He suddenly realized.

Just now, Lao Lin's inexplicably sad but somewhat relieved tone and why it is so.

Will you no longer take students with you?

Su Tong felt a little inexplicably uncomfortable.

If it is said that knowledge is the ocean, then the teacher is probably the ferryman on the sea of ​​learning, and the head teacher is even more so-it is the leader who needs to coordinate and dispatch all the ferrymen in all aspects, and also personally ferry people , the energy expended between the two is naturally incomparable.

But now a good leader suddenly quits...


Probably tired?

"I heard that Lao Lin has been a head teacher since he entered our school. During his more than 20 years of teaching in our school, he has taken seven or eight students to take the college entrance examination. Dedicated to death and then the eight words... Hey, Su Tong, have you seen the photos of our old Lin when he was young?"

Cao Bin winked.

Before Su Tong could answer, Ya leaned over with a treacherous face and muttered in a low voice:

"Let me tell you, I saw it when I called Lao Lin to the office for a lecture last time—it was pressed under the big glass panel above his desk, hey, you don't know how handsome you are, worthy of a Feng He is so handsome and suave..."

Cao Bin grinned again as he spoke, holding back his laugh:

"Of course the most important thing is that at that time, Lao Lin still had jet-black hair, which was very flowing. Just looking at the photos at that time, even if you want to break your head, you can't imagine that he bald like this now!"

Su Tong was slightly moved.

The long flowing hair in the past has finally come to an end now. When he was nearly forty, he became bald, leaving only a strand of long hair fluttering. Although it looks ridiculous, it is actually not funny when you think about it.

For more than forty years of his life, Lao Lin has devoted half of his time to education—"When he looks back on the past, he will not regret for wasting his time, nor will he be ashamed for doing nothing."

Of course, Lao Lin did not devote his whole life to the liberation of mankind, but he single-handedly brought out countless students.

The so-called peaches and plums are everywhere...

That's all.

Balding, wrinkled and aging bodies are not a reason to laugh at them, but a shining honor like a medal.

Lao Lin is worthy of the title of People's Teacher.

Su Tong and Cao Bin muttered in the corner, while the eldest lady was still looking for food on the other side.

Naturally, her all-over aura would not be a display, so few of them dared to approach her as a topical character, let alone approach her to toast.

The eldest lady was happy to be quiet, so she simply ate and walked around to replenish energy.

Then I met Mr. Zhao.

He was one of the few people in formal attire.

Even Su Tong, who just came back from the club and went directly to the banquet, only wore casual clothes, while most boys dressed casually, not even casual.

Therefore, Mr. Zhao, who was dressed in formal attire, seemed special and strange.

Su Tong didn't care, after all, she only had snacks and snacks on the long table in the venue at the moment.

She cares what Zhao Daixiao does, after all Zhao Daixiao can't eat either.

Therefore, the eldest lady should of course plan to bypass Mr. Zhao and continue to forage.

But Zhao Daixiao raised his head, looked at her seriously, and said:

"Student Su Tong, I have been waiting for you here for a long time."

"wait for me?"

"I'm waiting for you," Zhao Daixiao nodded, "Student Su Tong, your eating route starts from the other side of the venue in a counterclockwise direction, and this is the corner where you must pass the least number of people on the route. I took the time to come here just now. The purpose of coming here is to wait for you to come."

"Wait for me to come?"

The eldest lady simply stood still, looked up at Zhao Daixiao, with great interest:

"Why do you think of waiting for me here?"

"Because I have something to ask for your opinion."

"What's the matter?"

The expression of Mr. Zhao in front of him became serious, as if he was going to perform some ritual related to his wealth and life.

Then, he looked at Su Tong and said softly:

"Be my girlfriend, student Su Tong—on the basis that the goal is to get married, start a family and have children."

But the eldest lady didn't seem to have any surprises, she just shook her head:

"I reject."

And her refusal seemed to be expected by Zhao Daixiao:

"I can understand why you reject me, but it's not a wise choice—I'm better than Su Tong in terms of family background, material conditions, spiritual conditions, and consumption concepts. Judge, I will be a better husband."

"But if love is really counted with detailed quantitative thinking, then it is no longer love."

"But is there really love in this world?"

Zhao Daixiao still looked at the eldest lady seriously:

"Love is nothing but a legend. The legend is a rare case based on the biased wisdom of the survivors. It is a miracle that cannot be met. We are born as human beings and are not qualified to expect miracles—but we can use the three views and family conditions. Personality hobbies Screening out suitable partners who may produce love is a responsibility to each other and for the sake of future generations."

"So I'm the compatible partner you screened out through your screening criteria?"


Su Tong frowned, and was about to refute, but the sound of panicked footsteps suddenly came from her ears.

The two subconsciously looked back together, and saw Cao Bin's embarrassed expression not far away, and the miserable appearance of shaking like chaff:

"I... I was just passing by..."

He tried to argue.

[To be continued]

Chapter 6 Argument


Cao Bin felt that he had suffered eight lifetimes of bad luck.

Just now, I just hid in the corner with Su Tong to find some peace and quiet, but my mouth was a little dry just chatting, so I simply got up and wandered around the venue to find some drinks.

Then it broke the scene of Zhao Daixiao's confession to Su Tong.

Cao Bin is in danger.

The heart is not just a deer bumping wildly - it should be said that the deer is jumping around blindly, and Cao Bin is almost jumped out to a myocardial infarction.

So the second is counseled, and he raised his hands in surrender with a stiff face:

"I'm just an innocent student who happened to pass by... If it's okay, I'll just slip away!"

Before the two of them could react, Cao Bin turned around, smeared the soles of his feet and slipped away.

The eldest lady began to wonder if Cao Bin had French blood, but she turned her head away and looked at Zhao Daixiao calmly:

"Okay, let's continue the discussion with irrelevant personnel leaving the stage—you mean you are going to use the universal principles based on big data statistics to convince me?"

"That's right," Zhao Daixiao nodded, "I believe in mathematics, because mathematics never deceives, and is the closest to the truth of the rules themselves."

"So you're so confident that I'm an ordinary person, not that unique nonsense and miracle?"

The young lady chuckled lightly:

"Even the universal principle based on big data statistics cannot ignore individual cases in extreme cases, and Zhao Daixiao, why do you think I am not the one-in-a-million case?"

It would be better to say that she is one in a million... No, she is the only case in this world, a legend among miracles, an existence independent of the worldview of normal people.

If the world is a huge and extremely detailed program, then Su Tong is the unique bug in this program.

She is the miracle itself.

But obviously Zhao Daixiao did not believe it:

"The reason why a case is called a case is because of its rarity. Why are you, Su Tong, so sure that you are a unique case?"

"Because I believe it."

"Just because you believe?"



Zhao Daixiao was silent, then shook his head:

"Student Su Tong, if you really think so, then I'm afraid I will lower your evaluation level... I thought you were a smart person."

The eldest lady was noncommittal.

She doesn't dislike Zhao Daixiao, even though Zhao Daixiao's attitude is cold and stylized—he is not the so-called steel straight man in later generations, but an elite who has been trained by an extraordinary elite education since he was a child. He has sufficient capital and ability To test a person and a thing in this way.

Now the situation is nothing more than a difference of opinion between him and her, so naturally it cannot be said to be an enemy.

But it's not even a friend.

It's just that Mr. Zhao didn't get an affirmative answer, so he whispered:

"In that case, I was the one who interrupted your eating before. I'm sorry, but I have to leave first."

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned around and raised his legs to leave.

Su Tong behind him narrowed his eyes and asked in a low voice:

"If you really believe in the predicted results based on big data analysis, why did you help Su Tong in the first place?"?

Zhao Daixiao stopped in his tracks.

The boy turned his head, looked at Su Tong at the same level, and nodded again:

"Indeed, as you said, if I really believed in the predicted results based on big data analysis, I would not have chosen to believe in Su Tong at the beginning - I concluded from my observation that he only became popular within 3 minutes There is a 80.00% chance that he will go fishing again...but I did help him."

"Why is that?"

"Because I probably don't want to spend my life in such a stylized and rigid way?"

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