"I...my clothes haven't been washed, and they're covered in sweat. If I don't wash them, I won't be able to wear them tomorrow."

She blushed in response.

"Isn't it just a few clothes? What's the big deal? I'll help you."

Lin Ye patted his chest and volunteered.

"This...isn't this good? You are a big man, what kind of clothes do you wash?"

She smiled awkwardly, showing a troubled expression.

"It's simple, just mess with it a few times, and then blow it dry with an electric fan."

"Okay, then I'll leave it to you."

Uchiha Mikoto nodded.

Then, he took out the clothes on the side.

"Just these two?" he asked.

"And... one more thing!" She said, throwing it out of the quilt.


"Haha! It's still hot."

Chapter 147

When he came to the bathroom, Lin Ye found that there were still four or five pre-soaked clothes in the plastic basin.

Immediately, he picked up the soap and began to wash.

"Hey, what is this white?"

While washing, he suddenly muttered to himself.


"It also smells like a fox."

"Forget it, just get more suds."

"Spiral pills!"

He condensed a blue rotating ball of light with one hand, and then put the ball of light in the basin, and the clothes in the basin began to rotate in circles.

It didn't take long for the clothes to be washed.

"Wind Escape Spiral Shuriken!"

Then, he condensed a small electric fan to keep blowing air.

In the blink of an eye, all the clothes were blown dry.

"Ninjutsu is really easy to use."

After a while, Lin Ye delivered the clothes to her room.

"Meiqin, after washing, I'll put it in the closet for you."

"Brother Lin, can you change it for me?"

Her face was reddish and shy.

"Okay, then offend."

Originally, he wanted to refuse, but after thinking about it, now that she is sick, she has no strength at all.

"You close your eyes."

"Don't worry! I'm not that kind of person."


After a while, she finally changed, and she smiled: "Thank you!"

"Miqin, I want to take care of you."

At this moment, Lin Ye suddenly held her hand and stared at her affectionately.

"No, I can't be sorry to Fu Yue."

She gritted her teeth, squeezed the quilt with both hands, and shook her head.

"Don't you understand what I mean?"

"Give me some time, please?" She blinked slightly, showing a pleading look.

"Then how long do you plan to do?" Lin Ye asked.

"I want to keep Fuyue clean for ten years, what do you think?"

Under the thin quilt, she revealed two big watery eyes, looking at him cautiously.

"I'll give you a year at most." Lin Ye responded decisively.

"No, one year is too short. At that time, Sasuke hadn't grown up yet, so I didn't have any thoughts at all."

"Give me five years?"

She shook her head, blinked her beautiful eyes, and looked at him pitifully.

"Okay! Who told me to be a good person."

After finishing speaking, Lin Ye returned to his room.


Three days later, Uzumaki Kushina returned with Naruto and Sasuke.

"Haha! Meiqin, did any happy things happen to you two when my mother was away?" She smiled heartlessly.

"Xinnai, what nonsense are you talking about? Is my sister that kind of person?" Uchiha Mikoto chuckled.

In the next second, he quickly changed the subject: "By the way, have you enjoyed yourself these few days?"

"Don't mention it, there are sand and stones everywhere, it's not fun at all."

"Auntie, we also met an old woman, and my mother almost got into a fight with her."

"Mother, I dug a shiny stone for you."

Naruto and Sasuke on the side also said.

"Sasuke, so beautiful! Then I'll accept it."

Uchiha Mikoto smiled sincerely.



At the same time, in a forest.

Cosmic Wave Itachi, Xiaonan, and Jiaodu met Fei Duan from the Cult of the Evil God.

He has a gray head with a big back, lavender eyes, a forehead protector that is worn around the neck like Hinata Hinata, and a necklace from the cult of evil spirits.

The two sides met, disagreed with each other, and started fighting directly.

"Haha, coward, do you only know how to escape?"

Hidan raised his sickle and attacked Kakuzu.


With a calm expression on his face, Jiaodu swung a punch with his long arm, piercing his body.

"Is it over so soon?"

He laughed at himself, showing contempt.

Chapter 148 Another Two Years

"Damn it, it hurts like hell, you dare to hurt me, then accept the evil god's trial!"

After saying that, Fei Duan drew a circle on the ground with a triangle pattern inside.

Then the whole body turns black with white lines.

Then he raised the sickle and pierced his body.


"He actually pierced through his own heart."

Uchiha Itachi and Konan standing on the tree were amazed.


However, what was surprising was that the horns in the distance fell to their knees and covered their chests.

"Hahaha, long live Lord Cthulhu."

Fei Duan had a ferocious face and let out a maniacal laugh.

The next second, he was stunned: "Hey, why are you all right?"

"Your strike was quite ruthless, and the old man lost a heart." Jiaodu stood up from the ground.

"The body of immortality really lives up to its reputation."

At this time, Uchiha Itachi and Konan also fell from the tree.

"You are qualified to join our organization." Xiao Nan said lightly.

"What if I don't agree?"

"Then you will meet the real evil god."

"I promise."

Afterwards, both Hidan and Jiao formed an undead duo.


On the other hand, Orochimaru established Yinnin Village on the basis of Tanokuni by bribing the daimyo of Tanokuni.

Beginning to study the mysteries of the human body, he looked around for some people with special systems as research objects.

"Muye Village, sooner or later, I will come back."

Looking at the newly established village, Oshemaru is ambitious.



Time flies, in a blink of an eye, two years have passed.

Konoha's 57th year, June.

Lin Ye resigned from the position of homeroom teacher and handed it over to Umino Iruka.

He became a nominal teacher, just giving lessons to students occasionally.

In the past two years, Uchiha Mikoto's Gundam has been driving well and has completed the third form.

The entire Suzuo is covered with a layer of red armor, also known as Wutengu armor.

Not only can it walk upright, but it can also run around, but it is a pity that it lacks the ability to fly.

As for the ability of the eyes, perhaps because it is too rare, it has not been researched yet.

At noon this day, after eating.

Lin Ye and Uzumaki Kushina were sitting on the sofa chatting.

Uchiha Mikoto took a nap.

"Kushina, there is something I want to ask for your help."

"What's the matter? As long as I can help, feel free to ask."

"It's like this. I want to learn fairy art, but I can't find the intersection to Mount Miaomu, so I want to ask if you know?"

Lin Ye remembered that in Hokage, Miaomu Mountain, Shibone Forest, and Longdi Cave existed in the same time and space as the ninja world, but they were hidden somewhere.

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