"Don't worry, the old man won't harm her life, you just need to put one-tenth of the chakra into my body."

Lin Ye opened his mouth slowly. He didn't want to be a human force. If he was taken away, wouldn't he die?

Moreover, his body can accommodate at most one-tenth, any more would be beyond the body's tolerance.

"Thank you master, thank you master!"

She was so excited that she transformed into a little Erwei and lived in the space of his stomach.

Lin Ye didn't stay, and disappeared in a teleport.

After a while, the wooden man woke up.

She wondered: "You brigade, why am I still alive?"

"Youmu man, I beat the bad guys away, you are safe now."

"Thank you!"


Brightly lit living room at night.

Uzumaki Kushina sat on the sofa with a smile on her face: "Lin Ye, Naruto is asleep! Can we talk about some important topics now?"

"Of course, that's what I'm good at."

"Then...then let's get started!"

She said, showing shyness, lying in his arms.

"What do you think of the current situation in the Land of Fire?" Lin Ye asked.

"Look, look at you big-headed ghost!"

"Hmph! My old lady won't talk to you anymore."

Chapter 97 Borrowing a Bar of Soap

Another ten days passed.

The summer is hot and the breeze is coming.

Lin Ye squatted down to Rabbi Riki the Eight-Tails Renzhu in the wilderness of the Land of Thunder.

He is a rapper with dark skin, fair hair, black sunglasses and seven knives.

"Wow wow wow!"

"He Fang junior, how dare you follow me?"

Kirabi gestured and turned to look backward.

Lin Ye was floating in the air, and five Taoist jades appeared behind him, looking full of aura.

In order to pull the wind, he also summoned three little tailed beasts in front of him.

"Niugui, long time no see, I never thought you would be enslaved by a strange person!"

"What nonsense are you talking about? Hachio is my friend, we are equals."

Kirabi expressed dissatisfaction, rapping and roaring.

"You...are you the old man of Six Paths?"

Eight tails showed up and protected Kirabi in his body.

It is a giant bull with an octopus-tentacled tail and a horn on its head.

"Niu Gui, you are really going backwards as you live, and you actually surrendered to humans."

Little Ninetails cupped his fists, showing contemptuous eyes.

"Yes! You really disappointed the uncle." Shouhe also said.

"Brother Niugui, you used to be the one who loved my little sister the most. Hurry up and return to your master, let us be reunited!"

Erwei blinked at it again.


Eight tails showed a look of embarrassment. At this time, he already believed that the other party was the Sage of the Six Paths. After all, even the nine tails were in the body, and knowing its name and the seeking jade, it was impossible for someone to pretend to be.

Lin Ye saw his hesitation, so he asked, "Niugui, do you have any concerns?"

"Master, Kirabi is good to me. If I leave his body, he will die, so I can't go with you."

Hachio said what was on his mind.

"What? You called him master?"

Kirabi was dumbfounded, unable to believe this scene.

You know, it took him many years to become friends with the other party, but even so, he still can't fully grasp it.

"It's simple, I don't want his life, I just need you to put one-tenth of the chakra into my body, and the remaining nine-tenths are enough to protect him."

Lin Ye said condescendingly.

"You kid, what are you talking about? Do you think you are my opponent?"

Kirabi let out an angry sound through Eight-Tails.


Eight tails slapped him directly.

"Don't hurry up and apologize to the master."

"Why?" He showed doubts and felt aggrieved.

"Master is the strongest person in this world, have you seen the black ball behind him?"

"Isn't it just five iron bumps, what's the big deal?"

"What do you know? It's Daoist Jade, which possesses terrifying power. Just one piece, not to mention you, even I can't resist it."


Kirabi trembled slightly, showing fearful eyes.

Lin Ye waved his hand: "Forget it, the old man doesn't care about him, bull ghost, you should knock him out first!"

"Yes, Master!"

After the words fell, Kirabi fell into a coma.

Afterwards, the eight tails turned into a calf ghost and lived in the space of Lin Ye's stomach.

"Miss Lu, you are still so cute."

"Brother Niu Gui, you are so handsome!"

"Hey, Daoist Jade is really useful."

Before leaving, Lin Ye did not forget to ask Eight Wei to erase this memory of Kirabi.


On the other hand, at noon this day, Uchiha Mikoto came to visit again.

"Xinnai, the soap you used at your house last time was good, where did you buy it?"

"Meiqin, Lin Ye brought it from the Land of Fire!"

"Oh! what a pity," she sighed.

"If you want to use it, just take it away, anyway, I don't usually need it."

Uzumaki Kushina chuckled lightly, looking nonchalant.


"Miqin, isn't it just a piece of soap, just wait, I'll get it for you!"

"Xinnai, thank you so much."

Uchiha Mikoto took it and smiled.

"Hey, did my mother forget something?"

Chapter 98

Before I knew it, three days had passed.

After subduing the eight tails, Lin Ye did not stay too long. Instead, he set off from the land of thunder, flew all the way south, and came to the land of water.

It is a country surrounded by sea on all sides and still has many peaks.

Due to the distance from the mainland and the barrier of the ocean, it has been in a closed state.

Although the country of water has a great name, the real controller is the mysterious ninja village locked in the dense fog - Wuyin Village.

Their leader's name is Goju Yakura, a three-tailed Jinchuriki. During his reign, he was called "Blood Mist Village" because of his cruel policies.

However, he was not Lin Ye's target for the time being. After all, as the shadow of a village, he was surrounded by many ninjas.

Lin Ye put this action on Six Tails Jinchu Riki Yugao. As a jounin, he would often go out to do missions, so it was inevitable that he would be alone.

Three more days passed.

Lin Ye finally got his chance.

On this day, Yu Gao left the village and walked on a deserted path.

He has brown bangs, hair covering his left eye, is wearing a blue haori and holds a soap bubble blower.

Not to mention, he looks pretty handsome, but compared to Lin Ye, he's still a lot worse.

Seeing Yu Gao, Lin Ye summoned the four tailed beasts without saying a word, and beat him up first.

Then revealed the identity of the Sage of the Six Paths, subdued Liuwei, and did not forget to erase the memory of the other party before leaving.

The six-tailed rhinoceros is a slug with six milky white tails.

"Rhino, you seemed crazy just now?"

"Brother Lama, stop making fun of me."

"Rhino, this human dares to enslave you, I will kill him now!"

As the eight-tailed ox ghost said, he wanted Yu Gao to taste the power of the horns.

"Shame on us, shame on us tailed beasts!" One tail looked at him contemptuously.

"Brother Rhinoceros, my little sister can send him to heaven with one paw."

Liuwei shook his head quickly, and looked at Lin Ye: "Master, he is not bad to me, please don't kill him."

"Okay, let's go!"

"Thank you master!"


In the middle of the night, Lin Ye used the Flying Thunder God to come to Mizukage Yakura's office again.

He has a baby face and looks very young.

He has green hair and purple pupils, a scar that looks like a suture mark under his left eye, and holds a stick-shaped weapon with a hook at the front and decorated with green flowers.

"Bold thief, dare to assassinate Ben Mizukage, how hard are you to think about it?"

Yagura stood up from the chair, showing cold eyes.

Lin Ye was wearing a mask and Akatsuki costumes, and made a hoarse voice: "Yakura, tonight is your death day."

After the words fell, the two began to fight.


Lin Ye launched dozens of kunai at him, and then the figure disappeared in place.

Looking back, it has appeared behind him.


Yagura felt the dangerous atmosphere, and quickly revealed the real body of the tailed beast.

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