After a while, Gengping was stripped of his clothes by Yizhi, and a photo was found inside——

The photo was taken when Gengping and Heizhen parted ways, and Heizhen took advantage of Gengping's inattention and kissed his face.

In this way, the image was saved in the photo, and Gengping kept it close to his body, ready to take it home and frame it in a photo frame.

But he never expected that it would become his reminder at the moment.

When the four of Yamamoto saw the photo, the jealousy and murderous intent in their eyes became stronger, and everyone was jealous beyond recognition:

"Imamura!! You're going to die for me too!!"

"None of you want to escape today!!"

"Ahhh—you two bastards are so enviable!!"

"Burn them!!"

Seeing the situation, Gengping's legs were weak, and he turned his head and stretched out his hand to Qiao Long:

"JOJO!! Help me——!"

Qiao Long just sat in the corner silently:

"Don't splash your blood on the ground, the tatami will be damaged."

Just like the plowing just now.

Gengping was out of breath, and was dragged away by the legs of four jealous friends who were mad, leaving only his mournful wail:

"JOJO!! kisama——!!"

Looking at Iori and Kohei who were overwhelmed by the four, Qiao Long shrugged:

"Those four guys have already been dazzled by jealousy, and I have all the money, so don't get involved, it's too troublesome.

Iori, Kohei, wish you luck~~"

PS: There are 5 more chapters for rewards, one chapter left, and 4 chapters left

Chapter 150 Is the seventh human?


Iori sat at the dining table and called out to Chisa who was opposite.

Qiansha's whole body was shocked, she subconsciously looked away:

"what's up?"

"Don't you feel sorry to see me like this?"

At this moment, Yizhi's nose was blue and her face was swollen, and her forehead was wrapped in a bandage, so she couldn't see her original appearance anymore.

What a terrible word.

Chisa didn't dare to look directly at Iori, she turned her head and apologized in a low voice:

"……Feel sorry."

Nanahua next to her is also confused, her beautiful eyes have turned into peas:

"JOJO is right, it's really a matter of life..."

With that said, he turned to look at Qiao Long at the side:

"JOJO, what about Kohei?"

Qiao Long swept away the plate in front of him, wiped his mouth and shrugged:

"Gonghei is worse than Iori, and he is still lying in Iori's room, and he probably won't be able to recover in a few days.

Those four guys are boiling with jealousy, it's really scary. "

"Oh? Why did Gengping..."

"That guy was seen by the four of Yamamoto and his girlfriend."

Upon hearing this, Chisa and Nanahua suddenly regained their spirits:

"Girlfriend? Gengping?"


Qiao Long twitched the corners of his mouth, with a strange expression on his face:

"Of course it's a human being. Could it be something else? By the way, why did you make such a speech?"

Qiansha's face is taken for granted:

"Because Imamura doesn't look like someone who will find a girlfriend. Doesn't he love Two-dimensional the most?"

"...In a sense, it's true."

As he said that, Qiao Long took out his mobile phone and turned out the photo of Geng Ping and Hei Zhen:

"Here, this is Gengping's girlfriend, and she may come to see Gengping after a while.

Although she is a bit arrogant, she is indeed a good woman. "

"Oh... she is a big beauty, and she has a good figure."

Qian Sha looked at the photo, put her hands on her chest subconsciously, and compared it with her figure, but she fell silent.

Nanahua has a gentle smile on her face:

"It's really good, Kohei has also met the right person for me.

But those four yesterday, aren't they your friends? "

"Oh my friend……"

Qiao Long and Iori glanced at each other:

"It's true that we are friends, but..."

"Just like Schrödinger's cat, it depends on the situation."

The store manager Furutegawa who has been silent all this time smiled:

"That's great, it looks like your college life is wonderful."

"Yeah, it's wonderful."

"Everything that ordinary people never encounter in their lifetime has been encountered by us."

As soon as they recalled the various absurd experiences in the previous carnival, the two felt complicated.

Especially when they thought that Geng Ping had become the biggest winner of the carnival and successfully captured Hei Zhen's heart, the two of them were itching with jealousy.

And what about them?

Backstabbed by servants, tortured by Hell Mapo Tofu, and hunted down by female orcs.

The more they thought about it, the more angry they looked at each other, and the two said at the same time:

"JOJO, do you have the same idea as me?"

"As expected of you, my best friend, who instantly sensed my thoughts."

The two got up immediately, and walked towards Iori's room under the puzzled gaze of Nanahua's father and daughter.

As the only member of the trio who is currently out of the order, Gengping will definitely be targeted.

A moment of silence for him (laughs)


A few days later, Iori and Kohei collapsed in the store with burnt faces, full of depression.

Mana was sweating on her forehead and asked:

"What happened to you today?"

The two responded weakly:


"Heavy makeup is weird..."

"Don't call me a makeup freak!!"

Mana looked anxious, but Iori and Kohei continued to say:

"Having trouble with money..."

"I didn't expect it to be so difficult to make money. I really miss the leisure time in the ramen shop of Manager Mapo..."

Azusa Hamaoka is full of question marks:

"Eh? Didn't JOJO take you to a part-time job yesterday?"

At this time, Qiao Long also opened the door and walked in:

"Let me tell you."

Said with a sigh:

"Yesterday I took them to the art academy to be mannequins, but one of them was there to make animations for those girls, and the other was acting handsome and restless, and then we were kicked out."

After speaking, he rolled a big white eye at the two of them.

Mana was speechless:

"You are enough..."

Azusa Binaoka's eyes lit up, and she moved to Qiao Long's side in an instant, put her arms around Qiao Long's neck and asked in a low voice:

"Academy of Art? JOJO, aren't the girls in the Academy of Art very beautiful, with super good figure and temperament? Take me with you next time!"

Qiao Long twitched the corners of his mouth and gave a low laugh:

"Haha...Senior Azi is still the same.

But I feel that Azi-senpai is much more beautiful and sexy than those stereotyped girls. "

As soon as these words came out, a blush flashed across Azusa Binaoka's face, she took a drink with both hands and sipped it, she didn't speak any more, just glanced at Qiao Long from time to time.

But Qiao Long didn't care, he just praised Azusa Hamaoka in a down-to-earth manner.

Qiao Long continued:

"Then I couldn't help it, I took them to do part-time jobs for moving.

Two people can move faster than me alone. "

As soon as these words came out, Iori and Kohei rolled their eyes at the same time:

"Do you think everyone is like you?"

"Same as a gorilla, still a gorilla with ripples."

"Ripple? What's that?"

Mana suddenly caught her blind spot and asked.

Qiao Long didn't hide either:

"It's qigong handed down from my family. I have also taught them both, but they are not interested at all."

"Sounds great."

Aicai and the others didn't pay much attention to it, after all, in their view, qigong and so on are all about strengthening the body, similar to yoga.

Qiao Long was also happy, and didn't explain much. He didn't want to involve his friends in some weird things.

The exceptions are Iori and Kohei, who have already been involved.

Then he turned to Iori and Kohei and asked:

"By the way, the salary of the part-time job yesterday was quite a lot. Why are you calling yourself poor again?"

Iori howled with a sad face:

"Yesterday we went to drink after we got the wages. Who would have thought that it would be so expensive to go to the store to drink!?"

Qiao Long was speechless:

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