Pulling Aisi back, she walked up to Hestia, pointed at Su Yuan beside her and cursed:

"You little dwarf, take a good look at your stinky brat, how dare you abduct my family's Ai Sitan, if Refiya didn't see it on the street, we wouldn't know!"

"Hmph, it's obviously your Hua Lun who is pestering my Su Yuan!"

Hestia pushed forward angrily, and Loki immediately took a step back under the powerful impact.

Just like this, the strings in Loki's brain seemed to be broken, he stayed in place for a few seconds, and then he yelled and grabbed Hestia.

Not to be outdone, Hestia directly wrestled with Loki.

The two who didn't dare to use divine power obviously had no sense of fighting at all, they simply pulled each other's hair and scratched each other with their nails.

"Calm me down!"

Su Yuan came directly between the two, grabbed a head with one hand, and pushed it to the sides.

After the two separated, looking at the people around them, they blushed immediately, straightened their clothes and calmed down, puffing out their cheeks and snorting, Loki was ready to run away.

But Ai Si shook her head, looked at Su Yuan, and said softly: "I want to talk to Su Yuan, you go back first."

"He's just a LV.1 brat, what's there to talk about!"

Bert Rocca stood up from the team and stared at Su Yuan fiercely like a hungry wolf, his eyes were full of vigilance and displeasure.

Today they just came back from the expedition on the 51st floor. Ai Si left the team after saying that she had to practice a little bit, but they didn't pay attention.

Who knew that Ai Si would actually come here, if Refiya hadn't seen them on the street, she would probably have been kept in the dark.

From the moment he entered the door, he saw that Su Yuan and Ai Si were so close, and his heart was filled with jealousy, not to mention that the other party was only a LV.1, why should he be so close to Ai Si.

Even though I am LV.5, and Aisi's teammates are not so close, why are you a weak adventurer!

"Oh? It's very impolite to speak, puppy dog!"

Su Yuan walked slowly in front of Bert Rocca, and wanted to grab him with his palms outstretched.

"Cut~ It's really slow, you kid, LV.1 should look like LV.1!"

Seeing Su Yuan who seemed to be attacking him, Bert Rocca smiled excitedly, and now he can finally deal with this brat in a legitimate way!

His palm swung out like lightning in an instant, grabbing Su Yuan's palm at once, and a vicious smile rose from the corner of his mouth.

Watch me break your hand bones, it will improve your memory!

But as soon as he tried hard, he realized that something was wrong. What was going on? Why did he feel that what he was holding was not a palm, but a steel plate.

Bert Rocca noticed that the corner of Su Yuan's mouth also raised a smile at this moment. At this moment, the silver springs all over his body stood up, as if he encountered some huge threat.

Su Yuan's palm suddenly burst into a faint white light, and the extremely rich chakra covered the palm.

Immediately afterwards, Su Yuan lifted Bert Rocca with one hand as if grabbing a mop, and slammed it down on the ground.


The ground sank in an instant, and a pothole half a meter deep appeared.

The sharp gravel rubbed against Burt's thick skin, and the canine teeth dug small holes in the ground.

In the surprised eyes of everyone, Su Yuan lifted his Bert Rocca again, glanced at the door, and threw it out like a child throwing a stone.

Bert Rocca was really thrown out like a stone, rolled on the ground more than a dozen times and lay down among the crowd.

A series of actions flowed smoothly and happened in just four or five seconds.

Looking at Su Yuan with a calm face, those who didn't know thought it was just cleaning.

Bert Rocca, who was lying on the ground for a few seconds before he realized it, raised his head and looked at the crowd pointing and laughing around him. The anger in his heart went straight to his forehead, making him completely lose his mind.

I'm going to kill him!I'm going to kill that stinky brat!

In his opinion, Su Yuan took the opportunity to attack him just now because he was too lax.

Dazed by his anger, he completely lost his mind, showed his sharp canine teeth, rushed back to the church and wanted to kill Su Yuan.


Finn Tim immediately stretched out his small hand to stop the furious Bert, and drank him back abruptly.

Even though he was half a body taller than Burt, the head of the group who watched him still stood back silently.

He was still in awe of the head of this little human race. It was because of the leader's command that everyone was able to expedition to the 50th floor of the dungeon.

"The little ghost is really not bad. He can actually throw away our fierce wolf. The little man really found a treasure. Are you interested in coming to my family?"

Loki crossed his hands, came to Su Yuan, and looked up.

She naturally saw that what Su Yuan used just now was definitely not the power of En Hui, but the energy of some other system.

Loki suddenly had the idea of ​​taking Su Yuan for his own use.

But as soon as these words came out, before Su Yuan could reply, Hestia behind him jumped up and pushed Loki away in front of Su Yuan.

"Go away, you flat god, you dare to snatch my Su Yuan, you are not welcome here!"

Looking at the furious Hestia, Loki smiled even more happily, and didn't care about her just pushing him away, and said directly to Su Yuan:

"Suyuan kid, think about it, if you can come to our family, not only will you have a better place to live, we will also cover equipment maintenance, and you will have closer contact with Ai Sitan~"

When he said this, Loki's eyes flashed a trace of resignation and twitching. After all, she also likes Ai Si very much, but Ai Si's character is not easy to get started with.

"The conditions you said are indeed good..."

Su Yuan nodded and paused.

Tears filled Hestia's eyes immediately, and she looked at Su Yuan with puffed cheeks, like an abandoned puppy.

The corner of Loki's mouth even raised a smile, and Aisi on the side also blushed for some reason.

Only Burt looked at Su Yuan with resentment in his eyes. If Su Yuan recruited him, he would probably be marginalized!

"But I refuse!"

Su Yuan picked up the words that had just been paused, and solemnly rejected Loki's invitation.

Touching Hestia's head, Su Yuan said softly: "Although I like Miss Ace very much, I also like the goddess Hestia very much. She can't live without me, so I'm sorry Loki."

ps: The picture is Burt, the wolf cub.

Chapter 91

"Cut~ I knew it."

Although she could have thought of this response from the very beginning, it still made her very disappointed.

Luo Ji didn't think he could poach Su Yuan away with just a few words.

After all, everyone knew that Hestia entered the family under such poor and weak conditions, and it was not something that he could say in a few words.

It seems that he has fallen in love with Hestia, what a boldness, mortals have fallen in love with the goddess!

From ancient times to the present, gods have taken a fancy to mortals and played with them.

Now there is a mortal who wants to play with the goddess, and the goddess is very happy, it is unbelievable, it is so interesting!

As the god of intrigue, Loki looked at Su Yuan with interest in his eyes. In hundreds of millions of years, this was the first time he met such a human being.

"Okay, Hestia, don't hesitate, take this pasta and potato balls and eat them, I want to talk to Ace."

Su Yuan looked at Hestia who was hugging him tightly with black lines all over his head. After what he said just now, she threw herself into his arms, and then smiled with snot and tears.

Although you are a goddess, these liquids are not dirty, and even have a little fragrance, but this is still disgusting, hey!

"Su Yuan, you treat me the best. I like fried potato balls the most!"

Hestia twitched at the food Su Yuan handed over, obediently sat on the table beside her and ate it together.

Loki is also completely speechless, you are a majestic goddess, why do you feel like a pet being kept?

But when Loki thought about it, he seemed to live like this too, getting up in the morning to eat, drink and tease Ais and other female family members.

Ahem, although I usually live like this, I am not as humble as you!

Then Loki turned his head to look at the family members behind him, and ordered: "You go back first, I want to see what Ai Sitan and that brat talked about."

"Understood Lord God!"

Finn Timna nodded immediately, saluted gentlemanly, and forcibly pulled Bert, who was full of anger, to leave the church.

"Then... the Lord God, can I stay"?" Refia Veridis nervously grabbed her wand and asked Loki cautiously.

She was a little curious about why Su Yuan attracted Ai Si so much. After all, in her eyes, Ai Si was the senior who had always taken care of her, and she had always had an inexplicable feeling for Ai Si in her heart.

Seeing Ai Si and Su Yuan getting so close, she also felt a dull pain in her heart.

Her words caused both Luo Ji and Su Yuan to look sideways, Luo Ji nodded, and Su Yuan was extremely fucked in his heart.

Good guy, from just looking at Refia's expression and a little bit of hostility towards him, and based on my years of experience in watching it, if there is no accident, this guy is a lily.

Rocky is also awesome, he is a woman himself.

The flat ones are like steel plates, they like girls, and lilies bloom in the family, so you can just call them the God of Lilies.

Riveria Rios Alf also took a step forward at this time, looked at Ai Si tenderly, and said softly: "Since Ai Si wants to stay, I will also watch from the side."

Immediately, she looked at Su Yuan with gentle eyes. To her, Ai Si was like her own daughter.

Now that her daughter suddenly has an extra close friend, she naturally wants to watch from the side.

"It's really troublesome!" Uncle Dwarf Grace Landrock looked at the people in the family, sighed, and followed Finn away.

In the end, a bunch of people left, and even the pair of Amazon sisters stayed to watch the show.


Su Yuan looked at the group of people in Wuyang Wuyang in front of him, what was going on with the pressure on his face.

I just want to communicate with Aisi, I teach her Chakra to trick her into becoming my believer.

Then she taught me sword skills and wind magic, and the two benefited each other, and now I feel like I really have an affair with Aisi.

The key is that although I have thought about stretching this leg, it has only been less than half a day, and I haven't moved my leg yet!

But Ai Si didn't care about this, or she didn't think about it at all, and came directly in front of Su Yuan, looking at him cutely.

Looking at the innocent Ai Si, Su Yuan couldn't say anything, and said bluntly: "Ai Si, since you want to become stronger, I can provide you with a different path."

As he said that, Su Yuan condensed a continuously rotating spiral pill in his hand, and then gently pressed it to the ground.

When Su Yuan picked up his hand, a careful concave hole appeared on the ground, the stone inside was cut into powder, and there were traces of being cut by energy in the groove.

Loki frowned, while Refia was a little nonchalant. Even she could easily do this level of attack. What's so great about it!

But Riveria, who saw the mystery, was shocked.

Su Yuan is right, this is a different path, or a new system, different from [Grace] and the power of magic!

And this destructive power, if she read it correctly, Su Yuan should have simply rotated and condensed that energy just now.

In terms of destructive power alone, it is better than magic power!

Not to mention Ai Si, seeing Su Yuan use this move, her eyes lit up immediately, she saw a way to become stronger, even if only a little!

"`ˇAis, just now I showed you the power of being different, now it's you who shows me your value!"

Su Yuan wants to test how strong Ai Si is now.


Ai Si tilted her head, not understanding Su Yuan's meaning.

Could it be that you want my body?

"Let's fight, use all your strength!"

"Hey, don't fight like this in our station again!"

Hestia ran out from the side eating fried potato balls, interrupting Su Yuan's voice.

My place is already dilapidated, if I hit it twice, I and Su Yuan will really sleep on the street!

"Uh... let's go outside!"

(Hi Wang Li) Su Yuan also felt that something was wrong. He subconsciously ignored this question just now, but when he was reminded by Hestia, he suddenly came back to his senses.

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