


A small cup fell to the ground, and scattered fragments scattered all over the ground.

"You said Senju Genshin is still alive, and according to the news, he even killed Sansho Hanzo!"

"Yes, Danzo-sama! This is the information provided by Orochimaru!"

Danzo in the camp tightly grasped the wooden chair under his seat, his vicissitudes of face distorted and deformed, like a hellish ghost.

"It seems that I was wrong. There is such a hidden danger in Muye Village!"

After thinking for a while, Danzo immediately stood up and walked towards Sarutobi Hiruzen's tent. .

Chapter 53

"Well, I know the situation too, Danzo."

Hiruzaru Sarutobi took a puff of cigarette, let it out lightly, and sat on his seat thinking about what to do.

Danzo on the side couldn't sit still anymore: "Hizan, that guy never told us about his strength from the beginning. He has been hiding in Konoha Village for so many years. He definitely has a problem!"

"I feel the same way, but you have to be clear, he is the hero in everyone's hearts now, he killed Hanzo, who is called the demigod of the ninja world, and now everyone is saying that he is Konoha's 'Konoha demigod' Already!"

"Hmph, if you don't want to do it, then I will do it. This is my mission as the root!"

Danzo naturally knows what Sarutobi Hiruzen means, isn't it just that you don't want to do it, and pretend to be something in front of me.

Everyone knows the basics, if you want me to take action, just say it, and hide the truth!

With a flick of the corner of his clothes, Danzo turned around and left the camp to prepare his plan to deal with Su Yuan.

"Who is this Yuanshen, and why is his reputation so high!"

Shinomiya Kaguya and Yukinoshita Yono at the side looked at No.1 on the leaderboard in front of them, their eyes a little dazed.

In the first half of the month, his reputation was still at the top of the list with the number unchanged.

I and Yukinoshita Yono worked together to kill the enemy ninjas and barely stacked up to 109, and I was about to catch up with him.

As a result, just a few days ago, his number was directly added a 1 in front of him, and it became an unreachable 1 point!

This bitch let them kill for three months, it is estimated that there is no such number!

It's easy to deal with the genocide, but it's hard for the zhongren, so they usually use the genocide as the core of gaining reputation.

Those low-level reincarnations who specialize in technological weapons are even more miserable.

On the battlefield, including the opponent's reincarnation, there are only a few thousand celebrities in total, which makes it impossible for them to come over, especially under the premise of life safety.

"He might have killed Shadow! Other than that, I can't think of a way to get a thousand extra points overnight!"

Yang Nai expressed his conjecture, and after a moment of silence, the two turned off the leaderboard.

Since the opponent is so strong, there is no need for me to fight for the first place, just secure my second and third position!

In case that guy got off the hook and was accidentally killed, he could still reach the top!

Although the possibility of this is very small...

"Xiao Nan, try to inject chakra into the white paper and control their actions with will!"

"I know Brother Su!"

In Tsunade's tent, Su Yuan is teaching Xiao Nan to develop her unique ninjutsu - paper escape!

According to Su Yuan's guidance, Xiao Nan also gathered the few chakras in his body and transmitted them to the white paper of his siblings.

During this time, she ate and drank well, and obeyed Su Yuan's words.

Now for Xiao Nan, Su Yuan is already her favorite person, this level is far beyond her friendship with Yahiko and Nagato.

After all, following them, apart from suffering, there is nothing to do, and I have to take care of them.

Following Su Yuan, it was the first time for her to feel the warmth and caring of home, and for the first time to have someone she could rely on.

The few first times in life are handed over to Su Yuan...

At this moment, Tsunade walked in and threw a mission scroll to Su Yuan.

"Our hero, the higher ups have sent us a mission to raid Hidden Sand Village's stronghold in the Land of Rain. You must seize this opportunity. As long as you can complete this mission, I will have the opportunity to nominate you as Hokage. Already!"

"Who wants to be that boring Hokage, let me see!"

After receiving the mission scroll, Su Yuan checked it out. Simply speaking, it was nothing unusual to sneak attack on the stronghold of Sand Hidden Village with Tsunade and two companions.

The system sound of the reincarnation space also sounded in my mind.

[Sub-task: Sneak attack on Sand Hidden Village stronghold! 】

[Reward: 1000 reputation points! 】

"It's a bit strange? Why are there so many prestige?"

Su Yuan immediately sensed that something was wrong. Generally speaking, this kind of task should be almost the same as last time with himself and Hatake Sakumo, and the prestige should not be so much.

This time it was doubled tenfold, which meant that he was facing a kage-level ninja!

"Who sent this mission?"

"Mr. Sarutobi, he told me that he would give me more merits. This is not a difficult task. With our strength, is there any problem with this trivial matter?"

"Nothing, I just feel a little weird."

"What's so strange, we have already taken advantage of the main battlefield, and I have detoxified the toxins of Granny Chiyo in Hidden Sand Village. They were slightly inferior to us, and now they are powerless! "

From the beginning of the battle with Sand Hidden Village, Tsunade set out to crack the poison made by Chiyo.

When I came back a few days ago, according to the antibody provided by Su Yuan's blood, Tsunade successfully cracked the poison made by Chiyo.

Originally, Shayin Village was in a weak position, relying on those poisonous poisons to barely parry, but now it is even worse, all they have to do is surrender.

It's just that they've been holding on, and now Sarutobi Hiruzen just wants to go all out to defeat Sand Hidden Village's stronghold in the Land of Rain, force them to surrender, and completely win the Second Ninja World War!

"It did go well..."

Although there is no problem with the information, there is a big problem if it is sent to him by that old guy Sarutobi Hiruzen!

This old wretch may want to fuck himself with Danzang!

But even if there is a problem, with my current strength, as long as you are not Madara Uchiha, who can stop me!

Now that Su Yuan dares to say this, even if I am besieged by a group of ninjas, who can stop me with the speed of [-] meters per second in the green dragon form!

During World War II, there were only so many Kage-classes active on the battlefield.

Besides, if I get serious, I would have already run away by the time they formed seals! .

Chapter 54

"Are they our teammates?"

Standing in front of Su Yuan was Katouan with a calm face and a man wrapped in a protective suit with only one mouth showing on his face.

"Well, let me introduce, his name is Yume Shiguro, he is from the Yume clan, and he is an elite jonin!"


Su Yuan nodded and looked at the two of them playfully.

It looks like that kid Danzo must be messing with me, he really thinks I have a bad temper, right?

But if you are angry, be angry, now Su Yuan doesn't have time to entangle with Danzang, and he probably has to go back after finishing this vote.

It will take some time before you come in next time. Su Yuan learned from the reincarnation space that this kind of large-scale local dungeon is basically one level after another. It is placed there for you to pass, depending on whether you have the ability.


Along the way, neither Kato Dan nor Yume Shiguro made a sound, as if they didn't exist, and they didn't make any other big moves except to show everyone the way.

Not long after, the four of them came to a forest. The dense canopy covered the sparse raindrops, and the land was still as wet as usual.

"As long as we pass through this forest, we will reach our destination!"

Kato Duan stopped at this moment and pointed to the road ahead.

"I'm here to use the technique of spiritualization to support you, I want to hide my body, you go on!"

"Understood, let's move on!" Tsunade nodded, and she also knew the characteristics of Kato Dan's spiritualization technique.

This technique is very strong, it can separate the body and soul, and use the soul to attack.

But after separation, the body is very fragile. Once attacked, the caster is basically finished.

And there is another restriction that the soul of the caster cannot be too far away from the body, and the casting range is generally within a radius of one kilometer.

Just after Su Yuan and the others continued to advance for 300 meters, the moment they were about to leave the forest and come to the plain.

Dozens of detonating symbols suddenly appeared on the ground under Su Yuan's feet.

The oily woman Zhihei on the side seemed to know the trap in advance, she jumped out of a distance of ten meters from Su Yuan with a side slip, and then disappeared in front of everyone's eyes.

Tsunade subconsciously wanted to step forward to push Su Yuan away, but suddenly felt his body stagnate, and then he took a few steps back instead of listening.

Bang! ! !

Then several figures fell from the sky and appeared in front of Tsunade.

"he is!!!"

At this time, Tsunade didn't care about why he stepped back just now, and looked at the few figures that appeared in front of him with a look of horror.

A man in a white robe with blue hair and yellow eyes was in the center of the crowd.

Black iron sand surrounded him, even Chiyo retreated behind him.

"Three generations of Kazekage! Why did you appear here!!!"

"Girl in Muye Village, you have come to sneak attack on our stronghold not once or twice, do you think I am unprepared?"

Sandai Kazekage responded to Tsunade's words lightly.

That's what Tsunade said. I don't believe it at all. As Kazekage, you should be on the main battlefield. It's impossible to mobilize so many people for such a trivial matter as a sneak attack on a stronghold!

"I didn't expect that I could bother you to pay so much attention!"

In the smoke generated by the explosion of the detonating symbol, Su Yuan waved his palm, and a strong wind was blown up, and the gray smoke was swept away.

His clothes were damaged, but Su Yuan, who was completely intact, appeared in front of everyone.

"As expected of the 'Konoha Half God' Detonating Talisman that killed Sansho Hanzo, it really can't hurt you!"

Sandai Kazekage looked directly at Su Yuan, his eyes filled with contempt.

He also learned how Su Yuan killed Sansho Hanzo, didn't he rely on a kind of ninjutsu that can strengthen the body.

Just like those savages in Yunyin Village, they still can't get on the stage after all!

"Who gave me such a cheap name as Konoha Banshen!" Su Yuan couldn't help protesting.

The second in this name is to die, and I don't know that it was the bastard who passed it on.

"You are the accomplice who killed my son and daughter!"

After seeing Su Yuan's face clearly in front of him, Chiyo couldn't stop the anger in his heart.

This time she followed because Fengying told her that she had an enemy.

Although it's not that damned guy Sakumo Hatake, now she wants to take out the ninja who also participated in that mission to vent her anger!

"Bai Secret Skill: Ten people in Jinsong!"

Chiyo moved her ten fingers slightly, and ten grotesque humanoid puppets appeared on the field.

The rest of the jonin also quickly summoned their own puppets, but they only controlled one or two puppets at most, and they were still puppets in the state of beasts.

"Magnetic escape. Iron sand castle!"

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