She really wanted to complain about why she had to set up such a position and stay here every day, it was really out of tune.

"Huh! Finally, one thing has been dealt with."

Shenzi stretched her waist, showing her exquisite figure perfectly.

With a typical double-S figure, just stretching one's waist makes people feel full of temptation.

At this time, Liuyun and Zhai Gong also came to Mingshen Taisha Shrine. Zhai Gong has not appeared here in such a posture for a long time.

Dressed in a red and white maiden costume, Zhaigu looks so holy, and at the same time makes people feel a little playful.

"It's been a long time since I came here with such an attitude, I miss it so much."

Zhai Gong looked at the surrounding scenery, a look of nostalgia flashed in his eyes.

The miko who was cleaning the yard naturally wanted to greet someone coming, but suddenly saw Liu Yun.

So he trotted over quickly and respectfully.

"Master Liuyun, welcome to your big frame, may I ask if you are here...?"

The tone of the witch's speech was a little cautious, after all, she was facing a demon god.

The powerful and terrifying demon god must not show any disrespect, otherwise what will happen if something happens?

If something really happened, she, a little witch, couldn't solve it.

"I'll come back with her."

Liu Yun smiled and pointed to the fasting palace beside him.

"Come back with her?"

These words made Miko feel a little confused, but she felt that the person in front of her seemed familiar, but she didn't know where she had seen her.

And the other party is wearing a priestess costume. In Inazuma, only the priestesses of Narugami Taisha will wear priestess costumes.

The clothing on the other party is slightly similar to the physical service on his body, and it is certain that this is the maiden costume of Narugami Taisha.

She knew almost all the priestesses at Narujin Taisha, but she had never seen this one before her.

Who is the other party?

At this moment, the Son of God appeared from nowhere.

She saw Liuyun and Zhaigong at a glance, and when she saw Liuyun, she didn't feel anything.

But when she saw Zhai Gong, she was stunned on the spot.

Shenzi was naturally no stranger to the other party's appearance.

But it had been hundreds of years since he had seen this person in person, and now that he suddenly saw him, Shenzi was naturally a little bit disbelieving.

Immediately walking forward, Shenzi stared at Zhai Gong carefully.

There was disbelief in her eyes.

My own teacher Zhai Gong, logically speaking, should have to practice for a long time before he can transform into form.

But why did it suddenly take shape now?

What is going on here?Why is the time so much earlier?This is something Chiyo couldn't figure out at all.

"Zai... Teacher Zhai Gong, you... When did you change back?"

Shenzi's tone was a little surprised. After all, someone he hadn't seen for hundreds of years suddenly appeared in front of him. Of course, he should be surprised.

The witch at the side was a little confused (?.?) when she heard this. What's going on?

Master Yayoi actually called the other party a teacher, this...

That's right, Zhai Gong was born hundreds of years ago, but she didn't exist as a witch, so it's normal not to know.

"Aren't you surprised? Just today, I succeeded in reshaping, don't you feel very surprised?"

Saying that, Zhai Gong raised his eyebrows as if he was very happy.  …

There is a ghost only if you are not surprised, and you suddenly succeeded in transforming into a ghost, of course you are surprised.

But Shenzi was surprised, but thought of another thing.

That is, since Zhai Gong has successfully transformed, does this mean that she can continue to take over her job.

I have been helping her for so long, and it is time for me to take a good rest, so that I can also spare time to focus on the affairs of Yaedo.

Liu Yun rolled his eyes helplessly, Zhai Gong really had the nerve to put gold on his face.

Can't help complaining.

"I'm ashamed to say that you're still a little bit short, but you have to forcibly transform yourself. If it weren't for me being by your side, it would be no wonder you...can succeed."

Dismantling his backstage in front of Shenzi, Zhai Gong glared at Liu Yun with some displeasure.

"Humph╭(╯^╰)╮! Is it because I was a little anxious, thinking that I could transform back into a human form soon? In the end... it was not because of someone."

It seems that there is something in the words!

Shenzi glanced at Liu Yun with a half-smile, but Liu Yun could only bite the bullet, without any change in his face, as if he hadn't heard anything.

At this moment, Miko looked at Zhai Gong with a malicious smile on his face.

"Teacher Zhai Gong, since you have come back, is it my job..."

Before he finished speaking, Zhai Gong 4.6 suddenly changed his face, and immediately interrupted Shenzi.

"Of course you did your job yourself, do you still expect me to do it?"

Zhai Gong is completely like killing a donkey, leaving everything and himself clean.

She has been idle for hundreds of years. Isn't it nonsense to let him deal with these things at this time?

Hearing this, Shenzi's face suddenly changed, and he looked a little uncertain.

"Zhai Gong...Teacher, are you sure you've thought it through? Who made the promise to me at the beginning, and now you are trying to backtrack."

She also clearly remembered that Zhai Gong had promised her at that time that as long as Zhai Gong regained her human form, she would be liberated.

Now that they have all changed back to human form, Zhai Gong pushed this matter away completely, is this reasonable? .

Chapter 267 It's a Big Deal, I'll Quit! !

And Zhai Gong didn't seem to remember what he had said at all, his eyeballs rolled around, pretending to meditate for a while.

Then I saw her raise her head, shaking it from side to side without hesitation.

"No, I don't remember what I promised you. Don't talk nonsense, don't learn to slander me."

Good guy!

This seller is thorough enough!

Shenzi is the kind of black-bellied type, and she will not scatter eagles when she sees rabbits. If Zhai Gong hadn't promised something, how could she be willing to take this position on her own initiative.

It's all right now, Zhai Gong has already recovered his human body, but he still wants to kill the donkey.

Uncle can bear it, but aunt can't bear it!


The Son of God was a little anxious.

She was always the one who made others mad, and this was the first time she was mad at others.

The little witch who was cleaning at the side hurriedly retreated after seeing this scene. It's better not to get involved in it at this time, let alone watch it, and don't listen to 04.

Otherwise, the little witch couldn't help but shudder just because of Master Ba's dark-bellied personality.

The three of Liuyun were left on the scene.

Shenzi and Zhai Gong were staring at each other at the moment, Shenzi was a little angry, but Zhai Gong was smiling.

The pair of small eyes are smiling, as if saying what you can do to me.

Seeing the staring eyes of the two, Liu Yun shook his head helplessly.

It's really not a good thing when two dark-bellied people are together.

If Saikiya hadn't survived hundreds of years ago, Miko might have been forced to take her place.

Hundreds of years ago, Zhai Gong was injured and his cultivation was regressed, but he did not die. The Son of God was unwilling to take her place at that time.

However, Naruto Taisha Shrine cannot live without a palace secretary for a day, someone must be in charge of the overall situation, so Shenzi stood up to be the palace secretary under the persuasion of Zhai Gong.

At that time, the two agreed that as long as Zhai Gong recovered his human body, Shenzi could resign from this position and do what he wanted to do.

But now luckily, Zhai Gong refused to admit it.

"Damn old fox!"

The Son of God looked at Zhai Gong bitterly, and couldn't help cursing secretly.

Sure enough, it can only be said that Jiang is worthy of being old and spicy. In terms of playing tricks, Shenzi really can't keep up with Zhai Gong.

After all, after living so long, it is not easy to bully the young Shenzi.

The reason why Shenzi became so black-bellied is more or less because of the influence of the fasting palace.

Zhai Gong is naturally a black-bellied fox.

How could Zhai Gong, who is a black-bellied fox, suffer from the Son of God.

This confirms the sentence, your master will always be your master, it is impossible to play tricks in front of the master, the master has eaten more than the road you have traveled.

Shenzi's cheeks were slightly swollen, and his delicate face was like a bulge. He looked very cute, like a hamster.

That is to say, in front of Zhai Gong and Liu Yun, if the little witch who left before was still here, the son of God would never show his current appearance.

In front of different people, the Son of God will show different expressions and speak different words.

She can even be called a thousand-faced fox, who can switch her tone of expression anytime and anywhere.

Seeing that the Son of God was deflated in Zhai Gong's hands, Liu Yun silently gave Zhai Gong a thumbs up.

You must know that Shenzi is notorious for being black-bellied. Only she can make others suffer, but no one can make her suffer.

Even Ying, never let Shen Zi suffer.

It seems that the only person who can suppress the Son of God is Zhai Gong, the teacher.

Liu Yun couldn't help secretly rejoicing in his heart, luckily Zhai Gong is his own person, otherwise he might be in a lot of trouble.

Anyway, there were three words written all over Shenzi's face, unhappy.

She stared fiercely at Zhai Gong, and said word by word.

"I don't care! Anyway, you once promised me, the big deal is that now I will quit! Whoever wants to do it will do it!"

Her tone of voice was a bit gritted, and it could be heard that she was very unhappy.

She is very annoying. Every day is full of various things, and sometimes she has to deal with sacrifices and so on. There is not much room for freedom.

For so long, although Shenzi has adapted to this kind of life, but now she has the opportunity to escape from this kind of life, of course she is willing.

Has Zhai Gong ever thought that Shenzi would actually come to the bottom of the pot and quit directly?

If this is the case, wouldn't Narujin Taisha become very troublesome.

I'm afraid there will be a mess, nothing will be dealt with, and there will be big troubles.

I thought that I had completely grasped Shenzi, but I didn't expect that the other party would come to the bottom of the pot and put everything on the line.

Zhai Gong secretly thought that he had miscalculated.

But fortunately, the matter has not reached the point where it is completely irreversible, and we can still negotiate and communicate.

Then I heard Zhai Gong say again.

"Son of God, how about we do this? One person will be the palace secretary for a month, you will be the secretary this month, and I will be the next month, how about it?"

She gave a feasible suggestion, which was already her biggest concession.

Suddenly hearing such a proposal, Miko frowned slightly and began to think seriously.

The two went back and forth to take over the duties of the palace secretary, so that both of them would have time to rest during the 973 holiday.

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