"I want to sleep well."

Sleep and sleep, what do you want me to be... ah!

He didn't spit out the spittle, Liu Shishi lay down on the spot, resting her head on his belly.

Well, use me as a pillow!

Who can't learn well, learn from Chen Youxi!

Wait, you're sleeping here...

Who will sail the boat!

Fortunately, Li Cheng soon discovered that the flying boat was self-driving, and even if Liu Shishi was asleep, it was still very stable.

Such a good magic weapon, I need to have one in the future!

In the vast sea of ​​clouds, a flying boat shuttles quietly, and there is a fairy sleeping on a fox pillow, sleeping soundly.

Li Cheng stared at Liu Shishi's sleeping face, and suddenly felt that this scene was like that in the fishing house.

Well, the frighteningly large mountain peaks undulate gently, making people feel happy just by looking at them.

While thinking freely, Li Cheng couldn't help but start thinking about the future.

Counting with fingers, Liu Shishi, Dugu Zhi and Xiao Wan'er...


Obviously I've never been proactive...

How come without knowing it...

But, sure enough, rejection is not wanting to refuse!

Li Cheng thought to himself, he is a kind-hearted person, and he wants every good girl to have a happy home.

As for whether the destination is the same person, he feels that there is no need to care about such details.


This kind of thing can be hidden for a while, but not for a lifetime.

It's so difficult for Guangliu Shishi alone, and she will still have a headache in the future.

You have to plan well...



Liu Shishi in her sleep suddenly changed her posture.

Lie on your side, bend your slender waist slightly, raise your knees, and curl up as a whole.

How to describe it?

It's probably the kind that originally used Li Cheng as a pillow, but now it's used as a hug pillow, the kind that waits for the body.

One end of the fox poked into the valley among the snow-capped peaks, and the other end was firmly clamped into the crevice of the skin by those long legs.

As for which end is the head and which end is the tail, the beholder sees benevolence, and the wise see wisdom.

But there is one thing Li Cheng feels deeply.

The bones are about to break!


A fox cry woke up the dream of the fairy in the flying boat.

Take care of it for a while.

Duguzhi was finally released from the painting, and Li Cheng was so angry that she quickly comforted her.

Liu Shishi also seemed a little guilty, standing at the bow of the boat, she didn't dare to talk to Xiao Longnv.

The flying boat traveled among the clouds, watching the sunrise and sunset.

Gradually, the scenery below changed.

The long yellow sand has replaced the green fields.

After another hour, an oasis appeared at the end of the field of vision, and above the oasis, there was a faint shadow of a suspended building.

"For local herders, it's just a mirage."

Liu Shishi said to Li Cheng and Dugu Zhi: "But in fact, this is the gate of Wanxiang Palace."

In the next second, the flying boat gradually blurred and merged into a mirage.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

After the flying boat sailed into the mirage, the desert in the distance became more and more blurred, but a yellow-brown rocky mountain gradually became clear in front of my eyes. There were scattered buildings on the top of the mountain, and there were gardens full of green trees and spring water around it.

Encountering such a place in the sky full of yellow sand, even if you just take a look at it, you can't help but feel refreshed.

Liu Shishi lowered the flying boat, put Li Cheng and Dugu Zhi down, and said, "Let's go in separately. When you walk on the ground, if you meet someone, just say that you came here for fame, don't say that you have something to do with me."

"Okay, thank you!"

"There is no need to be too polite between you and me."

After saying goodbye, Liu Shishi went away by boat, and Li Cheng continued to walk towards the rocky mountain.

Dugu Zhi suddenly hugged his arm, and then leaned her whole body against him.

Although the height of Xiao Longnu's chest is not as high as Liu Shishi and Xiao Wan'er's, it is also much bigger than Zhu Chongxiu. In this posture, the touch of Li Cheng's elbow is very subtle.

"Azhi, walking like this will be very slow."

Dugu Zhi suddenly lowered her head, and said aggrievedly: "I have been locked in the painting three times..."

"It's okay, as long as you are happy."

"Hey, I knew that my husband would not reject me~"

Still the same sentence, if you can't refuse, Li Cheng is forced to enjoy it.

The so-called Wangshan ran a dead horse, one person and one fox walked for more than two quarters of an hour before finally reaching the foot of the mountain.

There are several crescent-shaped small lakes, surrounded by lush greenery and a small forest.

As soon as they entered the forest, they saw a boy with a big head squinting at the sun, talking to himself.

Li Cheng stepped forward politely, and said what Liu Shishi taught.

After hearing this, the boy turned around and said, "You said you came from outside, so can you answer me a question first?"

Baishan still needs to answer the verification question first, right?

After all, he was the first living person he saw, and Li Cheng didn't refuse, saying, "Excuse me."

The boy shook his head and said, "Do you think the sun is closer to people at noon or in the morning?"

"The sun in the morning is as big as a car hood, but at noon it is as small as a plate. Isn't it small in the distance and big in the near? But the sun in the morning is very cool, but it can be hot at noon. It's not hot when it's near but when it's far away." Is it cool? How do you judge right?"

Good guy!

Encountered such a classic question, Li Cheng was a little confused for a moment.

Was high school geography ever taught this?

It's been too long since I graduated and I forgot.

Moreover, even if it was taught in high school, the principle may not be applicable in the world of Xianxia—the sun here may be a bird.

After thinking about it, he said tactfully, "I don't know the answer to this question, but I can give you an idea."

"Speak quickly."

"Is there a possibility that the size of the sun you see is not its real size? You see, after we put our arms in the water, it looks like it was bent?"


"Is it possible that the wind and air have the same effect? ​​When it's hot, don't you feel that things in the distance seem to be transpiring and distorting? The sun is so hot and so far away from us, can the wind and air in the middle It can distort vision like water."

"Hiss... I really haven't thought about it that way!" The boy clapped his hands and laughed immediately: "You are really amazing!"

Duguzhi was also full of admiration: "As expected of a gentleman, he even knows this."

Don't exaggerate, don't exaggerate, it's just nonsense, I'm not the master of worshiping the moon, and I don't know whether the ground under my feet is round or not.

Just as Li Cheng wanted to say a few words of modesty, the boy cupped his hands again and said, "I have one more question."

"Uh... please."

"Where is the end of the universe?"


Li Cheng was helpless, shook his head and said: "Little brother, we still have important matters, can we answer later?"

"That's right, it delayed you a bit."

The boy blinked, looked at Duguzhi and said, "Is this sister who wants to be a teacher?"

Dugu Zhi replied yes.

"I have to ask my master, you come with me."

Without any precautions, the boy walked up the rocky mountain with his back turned to the two of them.

On the way, Li Cheng didn't see any protective circles, guards or other people. Although there were many buildings on the rocky mountain, they were all deserted, which puzzled him, so he couldn't help asking:

"Aren't you afraid of an enemy sneak attack?"

The boy turned his head and smiled: "The mirage that covers the mountain gate is our mountain protection formation. If someone of the third rank comes, no matter who it is, it will trigger the formation and alarm master and uncle. If it is not a third rank person, once there is malicious , will also be stopped outside.”

"Since you came in without making a sound, it means that you are the third-rank or lower-rank third-rank without any malice. Why should I be afraid?"

"Besides, there are only eight people in our Wanxiang Palace. Everyone is very busy, so how can we have time to guard the gate~"

"Hee hee, think about it, counting the fairy sister of the Bailian sect who came here just now, there are actually 12 people in the palace today, which has not been lively for several years."


The name of Vientiane Palace is so grand, and the sect is not small, can't even co-author a high school class together?

This was indeed a bit beyond Li Cheng's expectations, so I can only say, well, it is indeed a hermit sect.

Following the boy, the three of them came to a small building on the mountainside. There were tables and chairs inside, and there was a pot of hot tea on the table. It was obvious that someone was there not long ago.

The boy shouted loudly: "Master, Master!"

No one answered.

"Master, I'm not here to ask questions, I have business to do!"

As soon as these words came out, an old voice echoed from all directions:

"You make a statement!"

"Hee hee, master, it's true! There are outsiders who come to learn from me, and my problem today has been solved by them!"

After the boy said this, a chair in the room shook for a while, and with a pop, it turned into a short, bald old man with a long beard.

The old man's ability to transform was no worse than that of many foxes in Liulidong, but he didn't have a trace of scattered aura, like a mortal, which made Li Cheng secretly in awe.

The boy immediately said: "This is my master, because last month I lost to the master by rock-paper-scissors, and now I am also the master of the Vientiane Palace."

The position of the palace lord still comes in rotation?Rock-paper-scissors decision?

And in order not to answer your question, your master changed a chair to hide from you?

This is really...the master is not like the master, and the apprentice is not like the apprentice, Li Cheng couldn't help but be amazed.

Now he sort of understood what Liu Shishi meant by having a weird temper.

It's not just the leader, maybe the whole clan is weird.

After thinking about it, he and Dugu Zhi still respectfully stepped forward and saluted: "The junior pays homage to the Palace Master."

The bald old man had no airs, jumped up on the spot, put his ass on the table, raised his legs and said:

"Don't call me Palace Master, it sounds like a relative of the emperor's son. My surname is Du. You can just call me Master Du. If you think I'm not enough for a real person, it doesn't matter if you call me old man Du."

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