However, then again, do I really have the right to be jealous?

Liu Shishi opened her eyes again, looking directly at Li Cheng's face.

The little fox in front of him was still crazily "sophistrying", not realizing why the fairy opposite was so angry.

Liu Shishi faintly saw a trace of fear from the bottom of her eyes.

Rarely, but there are.


Obviously, he should be more afraid of that witch!But at this moment, he is speaking for the demon girl, and he is afraid of himself... He was not like this last time when he was in the fishing house!

But ah...

If I hadn't tried to kill him before, hadn't hesitated between forgetting love and being sentient, hadn't kept procrastinating, and hadn't defined the first pleasure as evil fate...would everything be different?

It's me, keeping my distance all the time!

However, to this day, the fairy is still unable to make a decision.

Dao heart, how can it be easily shaken?

My heart is so tired and so painful.

Liu Shishi laughed at herself, "I'm still that fool..."


Faced with such an endless sentence, Li Cheng couldn't help being stunned.

But Liu Shishi asked: "If I arrest you now, will you be happy?"

Then I obviously won't be happy!

Li Cheng twitched the corner of his mouth, and answered the question without words.

"Okay, then I won't arrest you today, and I won't force you to swear."


Is it that simple?

Li Cheng couldn't believe it, and then a white light flashed in front of his eyes, and the mirror on his waist fell into Liu Shishi's hand.

"But the mirror, I want to confiscate it."

All right......

Although it was a pity for Li Cheng to lose the encyclopedia, he also had a premonition that he would not be able to keep the mirror, so it was acceptable.

So, it's over?

Just as Li Cheng was looking at Liu Shishi expectantly, the latter's eyes were blurred, his body seemed to have lost his bones, and he was blown by the wind, and suddenly leaned over.

The fairy snuggled into the arms of the fox.

"Shishi, you are..."

"Mr. Li, I'm so tired. I don't want to think about it now. Please bear with me."

Rest when you are tired, why should I take more care?

But soon, Li Cheng understood why.

The slender white jade fingers gently hooked the skirt of his clothes.

In a daze, he was overwhelmed on the river beach again.

Then, there is the smell of rouge.

And then...

The mansion is deep and quiet, and the spring night is fast, and the heart flutters have disappeared.The flowers and leaves once broke the stamens, and the willows will shake the willow branches again.Three thousand battles with golden guns, silver candles come to Qibajiao.It does not hinder the musculoskeletal resistance of the two bodies, and even removes a roll to go to the cloud bridge.

at the same time.


In a mountain forest surrounded by ink and wash, Dugu Zhi waited anxiously.

She didn't understand why it took so long to talk about something...

Reminiscent of what Chen Youxi once said to her... Could it be that the person surnamed Liu is also bullying Li Cheng? !

She vaguely remembered that Sister Chen said that this Liu Shishi likes to tie up Li Cheng with a rope to play as a ball, and also likes to force Li Cheng to turn into a fox to massage her shoulders...

For a moment, in her mind, the scene of Li Cheng's face full of tears, being tied up under Liu Shishi's oppression, or being forced to work, begging but unable to be relieved.


It was all because of my own fault that Xianggong left Shiwan Dashan and was caught by this Liu Shishi!To be humiliated like this...

I am still too weak!

No, you must become stronger, so that you can protect Xianggong!

Dugu Zhi gritted her silver teeth lightly, hitting the rock made of ink, and made up her mind without hesitation.


Different from the first time, Li Cheng felt that at this moment, the woman in his arms had almost completely abandoned the burden of Fairy Bingshan, enjoying it like a beast...

She is indulging herself.

But, that's all for this moment...

After the matter was over, Liu Shishi dressed neatly, stood aside, and her expression returned to her usual cold and lofty expression.

"I've checked your body, and it's true that you haven't fallen into the devil's way."

Li Cheng, who had just got up, thought for a while and understood the meaning of these words.

After two happy times, Liu Shishi probably knew about his physical problems.Presumably he didn't find the spiritual power of the witch, so that's why he said that, right?

But he still has the power of Dugu Zhi in his body, didn't Liu Shishi find it...

"...The monster power of life and death in your body is left to you by the corpse dragon?"

Oh, she was mistaken!

That's right, that power is so weird, most people wouldn't think that Dugu Zhi could train it.

Li Cheng nodded quickly: "It is indeed he left it for me."

Although it is a second-hand product transferred by Dugu Zhi, it is still a corpse dragon in essence. This is not a lie!This is very honest!

"Turning death into life, although it fell short in the end, it was half-life and half-death... That corpse dragon should have been very capable."

Liu Shishi said with emotion, "Don't waste this power, it's better to use it for enlightenment in the future."

"Okay, I see."

Seeing that there was nothing else to do, Li Cheng tentatively asked, "Can you release Miss Dugu? It's time for me to send her to the northwest as well."

Liu Shishi nodded, but shook her head again: "Even if you go to the northwest desert, you can only hide for a while. Once the Coral Palace finds out, it will be useless in the end."

"There is a hidden sect in the desert called Vientiane Palace. It has never cared about the origin of its disciples. Although its master has a weird temper, he is also a respected senior. He has had a grudge with Coral Palace. Maybe he can take her in."

"To be honest, I came to Jiangdong Province this time to give a gift to Vientiane Palace. I... can take you along the way."

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Liu Shishi's suggestion is reasonable and Li Cheng has no reason to disagree.

As soon as the landscape scroll was opened, Duguzhi regained her freedom.

First born and second familiar, Xiao Longnv immediately turned her head to look at Li Cheng as soon as she landed. She breathed a sigh of relief when she first saw that her hands and feet were complete, but then she frowned when she saw that her clothes were disheveled.

Li Cheng hurriedly wanted to explain, but to his surprise, Dugu Zhi didn't make any noise, but just approached silently, and said in a low voice, "I'm sorry, I have suffered you."

What are you apologizing for?

What's wrong with me?

Very comfortable!

Li Cheng stared at it with wide eyes, but Xiao Longnv returned to the pseudo-three-no state at this time, but there was a slight trace of soreness in her eyes, and the rest could not be seen.

He felt that this girl probably misunderstood something.

Unfortunately, now is not the time to ask questions.

Li Cheng relayed Liu Shishi's suggestion to Duguzhi.

Then he found out...

The sourness in Dugu Zhi's eyes became a little more, and she muttered to herself: "For me, you sacrificed so much..."


I sacrificed nothing!

They are kind and willing to take us for a ride!

clap clap!

Li Cheng patted Dugu Zhi on the forehead and said, "Stop thinking about it, thank you soon."

"Also, thank you..."

clap clap clap!


Anyway, Xiao Longnv didn't have any serious objections, so Li Cheng turned to Liu Shishi and said, "We can leave at any time."

"Now then."

Liu Shishi spread out her palms, and a soybean-sized wooden sculpture flew out, getting bigger and bigger in the air, and finally turned into a floating black-covered boat.

Although it can't hold dozens of people like Grandma Fox's treasure ship, it is enough to carry three people at the same time.

"It's still your third-rank flying magic weapon that looks advanced."

While admiring, Li Cheng dragged Dugu Zhi into the boat.

Liu Shishi walked to the bow of the boat, pinched the magic formula, the boat immediately rose higher and higher, until it got close to the clouds, and then headed northwest.

Looking at the speed, it is so much higher than the standard Tengxiayun in Liulidong.

Just as Li Cheng continued to "test ride and test drive", Liu Shishi suddenly turned around and asked, "Miss Dugu, how did you and Li Cheng meet?"

Huh?Didn't I tell you just now?

For a moment, Li Cheng panicked.

Although he didn't lie, he did omit a lot of things just now, and didn't let Liu Shishi know that he wanted Longnu's body.

I don't have time for confessions now...

He hurriedly blinked at Duguzhi, afraid that the little dragon girl would be dumbfounded as usual and say what she shouldn't have said.

However, at this moment, Dugu Zhi's eyes flashed a flash of light, which was totally unusual.

This is testing me!

You have to bear it, and now you are living under the fence...

She still had no expression on her face, nor did she have any ups and downs in her tone, and she spoke lightly about the incident from the cold pool to the secret realm.

What Li Cheng omitted, she also automatically omitted it quite tacitly.

Perhaps, this is intuition and instinct.

In the end, she added sincerely: "Brother Li and I have the kindness of saving lives. I have made an oath to repay this kindness. No matter what Brother Li asks me to do, I am willing to do it."

After finishing speaking, she asked back: "Sister Liu, who are you to Brother Li?"


Liu Shishi was at a loss for words for a moment.

"Is it a Taoist couple?"

Dugu Zhi said to herself: "I heard that Taoist couples who truly love each other are also willing to do anything for each other, even making enemies of the world. Ah, it's like they owe each other life-saving grace."

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