Li Cheng scratched his head and asked directly, "Why is Junior Sister waiting for me here?"

"Sister Ruyi said that you are new here and not familiar with the way, so let me be your guide."

But be careful...

Li Cheng saluted and said: "Thank you, Junior Sister Lan. It's just that I delayed your selection of a partner for double cultivation yesterday, and I want you to be a guide today, won't it be too troublesome?"

"No trouble, no trouble."

Lan Xiaoyu's face was reddish, she turned her head slightly and said, "Actually, I don't want to find someone to do double cultivation anymore."

"Oh, why is that?"


Because I feel that compared with Senior Brother Li, the men in Beauty Village are no longer beauties...

Going to pick people now, it's just... pretty boring.

Of course, this was just what Lan Xiaoyu had in mind, and the little fox girl still replied face-to-face: "Brother, did you read the Tianhu Jade Book yesterday? For a hardened person like me, in addition to dual cultivation, you can also quickly accumulate by promoting marriage." Cultivation."

Li Cheng nodded, expressing that he remembered these.

Promoting marriage is a literal meaning. Every time you help a man and woman become lovers, you can add a BUFF to your own cultivation speed, so it will be faster.According to the instructions in the exercises, the eighth and ninth rank fox demons in the hardened form can quickly progress to close to the seventh rank.

However, Li Cheng had already passed this stage by taking pills like Mai Lisu, so he didn't pay much attention to this.

Speaking of which, if there is a FFF Tao in this world, will it be necessary to burn several couples to death when building the foundation of the Tao to break through?

Lan Xiaoyu continued: "Shuangxiu couldn't find someone with a good temper for a while. On the contrary, there have been many single men and women in the village at the foot of the mountain recently. I want to take this opportunity to practice the law of marriage first. If I'm lucky, I can also be with you in ten years. Brother, you have also been promoted to the seventh rank..."


Does it take ten years?I'm only ten years old now...

Speaking of which, Junior Sister Lan is actually older than me, right?

Li Cheng was slightly surprised, nodded calmly and said, "Come on, you can definitely do it!"

"Hee hee, thank you senior brother." Lan Xiaoyu bowed her body, hopped to the edge of the cliff and said, "Senior brother, where do you want to go first?"

"Hmm...where are sect missions usually posted?"

"Then let's go to the Nine Tails Altar on the main mountain. Whether it's missions or other important matters, they're always posted there."

The two drove the colorful clouds and flew all the way to the main mountain.

"By the way, can this cloud change its color? Pink is a bit weird..."

"This is simple, brother only needs to..."

"Hiss, how come it's turned into shit yellow..."

After Lan Xiaoyu finished teaching the tricks, Li Cheng changed the cloud to white, which is more low-key, and it is difficult to guess that there is someone on the cloud from below.

As soon as the modification was completed, the two came to the place near the top of the main mountain. There was an exquisite palace here, and there was a marble platform in front of the palace. It looked like a playground and a gymnasium.

There is a stone wall on the east side of the platform, and a large white paper is pasted on it, and one task after another is written on the paper, surrounded by foxes watching.

Without Lan Xiaoyu's explanation, Li Cheng also knew that it was his goal. He walked over and looked at the content on the paper.

Kill the ninth-grade spotted python that threatens Long Beard Village - Merit 15

Standing guard in the Northwest Lingshi Mine for a month - Merit 20

Beat the legs of Lord Lan Xiang for a day (must be a male fox) (can withstand greater work pressure) - merit negotiable

Tsk, the third mission doesn't look right...

Does this count as private use?

You can't hide it anymore, right? Senior Sister Lan, you really are very dishonest!

Li Cheng skipped these and found a task that suits him.

Go to the No Return Ze to collect sagegrass - 1 point of merit for each plant

"Brother, do you want to take on this mission?"

Seeing Li Cheng's actions, Lan Xiaoyu was a little surprised, and reminded: "Sagegrass is very difficult to pick. Before, a fox worked hard for a day and picked three or two plants, and it was covered in muddy water."

"Is this task so difficult?"

"Brother Li!"

At this time, a few female foxes around me suddenly came up and said: "If you do it alone, senior brother Li, it will be very difficult, but we are willing to help you. There are many people and strength, no matter how difficult it is, you are not afraid~"

Chapter 71 Grass Resource Management

Facing the menacing fox girls, Li Cheng quickly recalled Liu Shishi in his mind to resist the temptation.

Great success!

Well, Liu Shishi is still more powerful.

He said to the fox girls with a face full of desire and desire: "Thank you for your kindness, but the next person is used to being alone, and I don't like too many people when doing tasks."

The fox girls wanted to say more, but Lan Xiaoyu stepped forward to block the way, and blocked them out after a friendly exchange.

Ha, I'm so happy to see how you want to eat but can't!

The little fox girl looked happy, turned to Li Cheng and said, "Senior Brother Li, are you sure you want to take this task?"

"That's it."

Anyway, failure is just a waste of a day or two, Li Cheng thinks it doesn't matter.

"Then let's talk to the fox on duty, and then I'll take you to No Return."

With Lan Xiaoyu leading the way, Li Cheng completed the process, and then the two foxes set foot on the colorful clouds again and flew straight out of the glazed cave.

"The Swamp of No Return was originally an ordinary swamp, but the Chinese imperial court sent troops to attack thousands of years ago, and the local leaders set up an ambush. The whole army lost its way in the swamp and starved to death. After his death, there was no one to resolve his grievances. Breeding poisonous miasma creates a lake of no return.”

"Regardless of the monsters, after entering the swamp, they need to use their skills to resist the miasma. The ordinary eighth and ninth rank cultivation bases can probably last for more than an hour. Senior brother, you have a high cultivation base, but it is not suitable to stay in it for more than three hours."

"Sagegrass grows in the depths of the Lake of No Return. It is named for its leaves resembling a mouse's tail. It is an essential spiritual herb for refining various elixirs. Also because..."

On the way, Lan Xiaoyu sighed softly and explained, "Because they can run."


"Well, the ratweed is just like a real mouse. It can move, likes to drill deep holes, and likes to connect the holes with each other. When someone comes to pick it, it immediately burrows into the soil, and sometimes even swims deep into the swamp. …”


This is harder to catch than a real mouse, and it can't be solved with a single chop.

As a good boy who never skipped NPC dialogues, Li Cheng quickly understood the difficulty of the task.

The two also arrived at their destination.

Looking at the primitive swamp under the clouds, Li Cheng couldn't help recalling the Amazon rainforest in various documentaries in his previous life.

"Brother, I can only wait for you outside."

"Okay, be careful too, if you encounter any problems, please send me a signal, and I will come out immediately."

After parting with Lan Xiaoyu temporarily, Li Cheng let the colorful clouds fly low and went deep into the swamp.

"...It smells bad."

Even if luck resists the poison barrier, the smell is inevitable. Li Cheng felt that he might not have stayed for three hours.

In his previous life, he couldn't even stand snail noodles...


It seems like there is one!

After wandering around for a quarter of an hour, Li Cheng finally saw a sagegrass, but as soon as he approached it, the grass disappeared into the mud all over the ground with a whoosh.

"...Hehe, are you playing?"

Li Cheng sneered and used the transformation spell.

The big tree next to it shook, using the root system as a shovel, stirring in the mud, and quickly turning the sage grass out of the ground.

But before Li Cheng could catch it, the leaves of the ratweed swung left and right, pumping the body into the nearby pool, so that the roots couldn't reach it.

At this moment, Li Cheng envied Chen Youxi's gourd.

Throughout life, it is inevitable that sometimes there will be an urge to pump water...

So he conjured up two big bullfrogs to chase the grass.

After tossing and tossing for half an hour, he only clenched four grasses tightly in his hands.

"It won't work like this, not to mention the low efficiency, and the consumption of demon power is still high..."

Li Cheng looked at the four shivering grass in his hand and thought about it.

This sage...

Can it be considered grass?

Weeds become soldiers, launch!

With a wave of his hand, four strange-looking straw figures appeared in front of him.

Because sagegrass itself has a certain amount of intelligence, although the grass man transformed from them has to listen to Li Cheng's command, Li Cheng can faintly feel a sense of resistance.

However, he seems to be able to convey his will to them through the control of spells.

That being so...

"Ahem, listen carefully."

Li Cheng stood in front of the four straw men, puffed out his chest and said, "I can let you go..."


The four straw figures immediately responded with joy.

OK, we can indeed communicate!


Li Cheng smiled slightly, shook his head and said, "There is a premise."

"You have to catch the same kind to me, in exchange for your own lives."

As soon as this remark came out, the joy of the four straw figures was greatly reduced, but they also expressed that they would obey, but they were not very positive.


Seeing this, Li Cheng said, "I'll let go of the four of you in the end, and I'll take the one that caught the least. This is called elimination."

This time, the grass people's feedback was extremely positive!

As soon as Li Cheng gave an order, the grassmen rushed into the swamp.

As sages, they know exactly where their kind like to live and how they like to run!

Those holes, they all participated in the digging!

I'm sorry, dead grass friends never die poor grass!

Soon, they sent four more grasses.

Li Cheng didn't accept it as soon as it was good, but turned him into a straw man, repeating the old tricks and expanding reproduction.

An hour later.

Li Cheng conjured up a sack, which contained about fifty live and alive ratweed.

He kept his promise and released six of the eight employees. Looking at the harvest, he showed a smile that matched the street lamp.

Nearly [-] points of merit at one time, so cool!

Although it was not yet three hours, Li Cheng didn't want to wrong his nose anymore, so he immediately put away the herbs and flew to a high place on a colorful cloud.

Just as he was about to look for Lan Xiaoyu, his ears perked up, and he heard what seemed to be arguing in the distance.

Flying closer, I found several foxes, including Lan Xiaoyu, facing a group of... er, crocodiles?

Unlike most of the fox demons who have octomorphic forms, the few monsters on the opposite side are almost crocodiles straightened up and put on clothes. They may not have transformed themselves. hard to explain.

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