
Li Cheng blinked, only to see that the mist over the capital city cleared up at some point.

Moreover, the south gate of the capital was opened directly, and there were some people in official uniforms standing outside the gate, waiting respectfully for something...

Chapter 340 Seventh City Head Changing King Banner

Is this...a welcome to Master Wang?

In view of the strange situation, before the pursuit of Ma Changping's remnant was completed, Zhu Chongxiu sent an envoy to inquire about those high-ranking officials at the gate of the capital.

In the end, it was confirmed that it was unexpected and reasonable. They saw that Zhu and Ma had decided the winner and came out to surrender... Ah no, they were the ones who sacrificed the city before the battle.

As for the Changliao King and the current emperor who were unlikely to surrender no matter what they thought, they escaped from the tunnel yesterday, presumably trying to sneak back to their relatively stable Hebei fiefdom.

After a brief discussion within the Rebel Army, a decision was made immediately.

Several generals including Liu Yi and Dong Hai continued to pursue Ma Changping and the prairie people and drove them out of the Central Plains, while Fan Ying was the king's forerunner. He went to accept the surrender first, and after making sure everything was fine, he invited Zhu Chongxiu to take over the capital. .

After another three days, Zhu Chongxiu came to the city she had been longing for.

Although she repeatedly stated that entering the city should be simple, both Fan Ying and the officials waiting to surrender in the city begged for a grand entering ceremony. Out of consideration for deterring Xiaoxiao, Zhu Chongxiu finally agreed.

So at this moment, a huge guard of honor appeared on the central avenue of the capital.

There were leading cavalry, front and rear guards, flag-raisers, music-players, dozens of luxurious carriages and so on—these things were ready-made, and the Changliao King didn't take them away, and Zhu Chongxiu used them.

Although Zhu Chongxiu has not yet claimed the title of king, but at this moment he has really benefited from the emperor's etiquette.

In the most central 36 carriages.

Looking at the kneeling residents on both sides of the street, Zhu Chongxiu gradually felt a strong discomfort.She called Fan Yinghe and her entourage, and told everyone on both sides to stand up.

Although they didn't quite understand it, facing Zhu Chongxiu who was determined, Fan Ying and others still bowed their heads and went out to carry out the order, but the effect was not very good.

Most of the onlookers knelt on the ground, not daring to raise their heads at all, thinking that the rebels wanted them to stand up because they wanted to find fault and kill people.

"Some things need to be adjusted slowly."

Li Cheng, who was also in the carriage, persuaded, and at the same time, his spiritual consciousness spread, covering most of the city.

Revisiting the old place, he found many changes.

First of all, the old site of Cao's house was almost burned to the ground. Presumably, after Cao Yueying publicly rebelled, Zhou Yan, the king of Changliao, was very angry.

It's a pity, I lived in that yard quite comfortably back then.

Secondly, outside the central avenue, the people in the deeper streets and alleys all looked disheveled, and many dilapidated houses were crowded with refugees who obviously came from the countryside outside.

It seems that even the capital city of the most benevolent place can hardly maintain prosperity in the face of repeated military disasters.

But in the end, when Li Cheng's spiritual sense swept to the homes of the big families who stayed in the capital, he found piles of gold, silver, spirit stones and rice noodles...


He immediately informed Zhu Chongxiu of this discovery.

The girl general had such an expression on her face, she looked at the officials on both sides of the carriage who "sincerely" surrendered, and showed a kind smile.

Then everyone came to the palace.

Even though the surrendered officials and guards had cleaned up the place, Li Cheng could still feel the faint smell of blood, traces of smoke, and the lingering smell after some crazy acts.

According to the little eunuch who surrendered, before he slipped away, Wang Qiang of Changliao pulled the original foolish emperor to perform a play on the throne of Zen. own queen.

After that, he supported the abolished emperor and empress, and a group of cronies, several high-ranking officials, and the elite of the dragon guards slipped away through the tunnel.

The eunuchs and guards who were left behind in the palace soon realized that they had been abandoned, so they naturally started looting and burning, and even several concubines died, until Zhu Chongxiu completely defeated Ma Changping.

Hearing these unspeakable things, Zhu Chongxiu rubbed her forehead, and hurriedly ordered her personal guards to control the entire harem—she had no intention of using the original eunuchs and maids until she ensured that there was no danger.

As for Li Cheng, he was dragged by the enthusiastic Chen Youxi, and ran to the residence of the Dragon Guardian Division and Demon Slayer Division.

One of these two places is located in the inner city, and the other is located on the edge of the inner city. They are both deep houses and courtyards, and there is a tall tower in the center.

Although the elite fighters inside were all taken away by King Changliao, ah no, the new Emperor Daqian, many things left behind still opened Li Cheng's eyes.

For example, tons of spells, spirit stones, and some wonderful small instruments of torture, including a kind of puppet insect that can drill into human chrysanthemums and can move at high speed and expand rapidly. It seems to be used to interrogate prisoners...

But it is said that it is often borrowed by eunuchs...

Who knows who came up with this idea!

In addition, there are a large number of unmanaged formations and traps, as well as a large number of prisoners and monsters suppressed under the tower, with strengths ranging from eighth rank to fourth rank.

If it was Li Cheng in the past, he would definitely be cautious after seeing these dangerous things.

But for today's second-rank monster, these things that he used to avoid are no longer any threats.

However, Chen Youxi happily collected everything that could be used, which is another matter.

After working for a long time, it was soon evening.

Li Cheng lived in the harem without any accident.

Firstly, there are many organs in the imperial palace, and the anti-assassination work is excellent. After he moved in, he became even more powerful, able to protect Zhu Chongxiu better. Secondly,...

Naturally, it was convenient for him to do things that would easily make the king neglect the government.

Because he just met Zhu Chongxiu frankly not long ago, he has become a little addicted to it recently.

Unfortunately, he is not the only one who wants to be addicted tonight...

Faced with Dugu Zhi, Liu Shishi and Xiao Wan'er who came to knock on the door, Li Cheng had no choice but to use the most brilliant technique of avatars of the fox clan to transform into four, leaving three to pay the public rations, and the last one sneaked out to find Zhu Chongxiu.

Alas, there are too many girls, it is also a troublesome thing~

Zhu Chongxiu didn't sleep in the bedroom at this time, but found a side hall alone, and lit the lamps to work.

When she occupied the capital for the first time, she still had a lot of troubles, especially when her subordinates began to persuade her to formally proclaim herself emperor...

But when she saw Li Cheng, the girl showed the most relaxed smile.

"Brother Li!"

"Am I late?"

"Of course not, but..."

The girl blinked: "Are you the main body or the clone?"

"Er...does it matter?"

"Tch, this doesn't look like my harem..."

Zhu Chongxiu glared at Li Cheng, but still holding the fox by his hand, he went to the bed in the hall...

Go halfway.

The two of them suddenly shook.

At the same time, they felt a strong wave of spiritual power coming from the distance!

"This is...the upper third rank is fighting for his life?!"

Chapter 340: The Final Enemy Appears

After a brief exchange, Li Cheng and Zhu Chongxiu made a decision.

The battle between the upper three ranks broke out at such a close distance, so I had to go and see anyway, and this task was undertaken by Li Cheng, Liu Shishi and Chen Youxi.

The three of them are now the top second rank, combined together, even if they meet Wan Butian, they will not be at a disadvantage.

The weaker Duguzhi stayed in the palace to protect Zhu Chongxiu, and used a mirror to communicate with Li Chengshi.

The imperial palace in the capital is full of formations, and the defense is the beheading of masters. As long as there is a third-rank man in the middle, it is enough to ensure that the palace is safe in a short period of time.

Of course, Duguzhi herself was slightly dissatisfied with this arrangement, but after Li Cheng proposed some organic repayment method, she had nothing to say.

Not long after, Li Cheng and the two girls turned into streamers and flew out together.

Hundreds of miles away, within a short time, they came to a small mountain.

Then they saw the corpses all over the place.

Most of these corpses were dressed in brocade suits, black boots on their feet, some kind of long straight knife in their hands, and their faces were serene, as if they had died in their sleep.

"These people... belong to the Dragon Guardian Division."

Chen Youxi had the most dealings with this group of people, and it was obvious at a glance.

Li Cheng speculated: "These should be the guards taken away by King Changliao."

"It seems that they originally wanted to escape over the mountains. Also, they have a high proportion of practitioners, so it is no problem to march quickly across the mountains."

"But it was attacked by an unknown powerful enemy..."

Liu Shishi took a closer look: "They formed an formation at this position, and the opponent forcibly broke the formation, and then killed these many people without bloodshed."

Li Cheng's face gradually became serious, and he followed the corpse and continued to walk into the mountain.

After walking for dozens of steps, they saw three lying people under a big tree, the one in the middle was still alive, and the other two, one dressed as a scribe and one dressed as an eunuch, were all dead.

Li Cheng didn't recognize who it was at first, but Liu Shishi said first, "Zhou Zhong?"

Zhou Zhong...wait.

Isn't this the emperor, ah no, it's the former emperor now.

Li Cheng stepped forward and observed carefully.

It was a middle-aged man who was not tall but very fat. His facial features looked mild, but his expression was stupid, and his fine clothes were also stained with blood and mud.

From various angles, it is impossible to see that this person is the former emperor.

He also saw a man and two women in front of him, raised his head slightly, and spoke weakly:

"You, you... are Zhu Chongxiu's people?"

Li Cheng nodded.

Zhou Zhong suddenly smiled, rummaged behind his hands for a long time, took out a small package, handed it over and said:

"I heard the teacher speak her mind before she died, saying that she is a person who can be a good emperor." He pointed to the lifeless corpse of a scribe beside him and said:

"Since that's the case, please give her this jade seal. Thinking about it, she will definitely do a better job than me."

These words are very sincere, without making people feel that there is any element of yin and yang or resentment.

Li Cheng took the package in a bit of surprise, opened it, and found that there was a square jade seal inside, with a dragon-shaped relief on the top, exuding a mysterious atmosphere.

One country jade seal, so easy to get?

"You... do you have any last request?"

Faced with such a candid former emperor, Li Cheng didn't know what to say for a moment. His spiritual sense felt that there was not much vitality in the other party's body, so he asked.

"If possible, can you bury me and them together? Don't take off your clothes, it's covered with their blood, I don't think it's dirty."

Zhou Zhong scratched his head, then pointed to the scribes and eunuchs beside him and said:

"I know, I don't have a clear mind, I'm a failed emperor...but in the end there are two of them who are willing to die with me, I'm content."

After a long silence at the scene.

The mirror in Li Cheng's arms trembled, and Zhu Chongxiu's voice came out.

"I promise you."

Hearing this, Zhou Zhong showed a simple and honest smile, and his breathing gradually stopped.

Looking at this powerful former emperor, Li Cheng felt a little complicated.

On the surface, this person should be directly responsible for the corruption in the world.

But if you think about it carefully, people also have involuntary elements.

Although he doesn't look as ignorant as the rumors say, but the simplicity and innocence still can't run away. He was controlled by the queen mother when he first ascended the throne, and then he was contested by the queen mother, then the general, and then the king of Changliao... ....

He never refuted the memorials made by these people.

Just, living like a decoration, I really can't bear much of the blame.

It can only be said that if he lived in an ordinary well-off family, he would probably be much better than now, whether it is for himself or for the whole world...

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