"The research on those meteorites has yielded results."

"The Academy of Sciences has used ingredients in meteorites to make some potions."

"According to the test, injecting these medicines can increase a person's mental power a lot."

"It's a good thing to improve your strength."

"However, due to the difficulty of production, the output is not much."

"The average score is not enough for the people of the Super Power Administration."

"So there are some regulations from above."

"Directly used to reward others."

"This is just the most basic research."

"Wait until the follow-up, and other things should be researched...  …"

"It will continue to be distributed to you at that time."

"These are your rewards this time."

"Now it's a medicine to improve mental power, and what is being studied is a medicine to improve aptitude."

"And all of you can get these for free."

"Besides these, I guess you don't care about the rest."

"House and money will not be less."


Su Yu and the others didn't care about what Wang Xiaomei said later.

As Wang Xiaomei said, they don't care much about that.

What everyone cares about now is the potion! !

The study of meteorites actually yielded results?

And it was made into medicine.

Can you also improve your strength?

No, everyone became interested immediately.

Wang Xiaomei led everyone to the third floor, then opened a closed door and walked in.

Entering inside, everyone found that the temperature here was very low.

Seems like a cold room?

And in the middle there is this strange device emitting light again.

He glanced at the wires around him.

Well, what kind of electrical appliance is this?

Get inside.

Wang Xiaomei closed the door.

Then turn the light back on.

After she glanced at the thermometer in the room, she said:

"This potion is very special."

"It can only be preserved under special circumstances."

"If the temperature is too high or too low, it will directly lose its activity."

"If you take it outside and expose it for 5 minutes, it will completely lose its effect."

"It is precisely because of this that it is put here."

After saying this, she went directly to the device, reached out to enter the password, and opened it together.

Then everyone also saw what was inside.

Four tubes of lavender potion are contained in special glass bottles.

Moreover, this thing seems to be a syringe?

"It's kind of like a syringe in a movie."

"Is this potion used for injection?"

Su Yu was very puzzled.

Is this medicine for injection, not drinking directly?

He thought it was for drinking.

The result is used for plugging?

Wang Xiaomei nodded.


"This is for injection."

"Just take it out and inject it into your arm."

"Don't worry, it won't hurt."

After saying that, she stepped forward and took out a tube of medicine here.

Chapter 133 No one wants that thing

Wang Xiaomei took the potion in her hand, and then looked at everyone.

"Who will come first?"

"I've already been injected."

"There are no side effects, so you can rest assured."

Hearing what she said, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

But no one stepped forward.

Seeing this, Su Yu stood up directly and said:

"Then let me come."

"Come on, come in."

"I'm not afraid."

Su Yu said so and rolled up his sleeves directly.

Seeing this, Wang Xiaomei couldn't laugh or cry.

She didn't hesitate, and directly helped Su Yu inject the tube of medicine in her hand.

Su Yu only felt that his arm was bitten by an ant.

Then under Wang Xiaomei's operation, all those medicines were injected into Su Yu's body.

Following the injection of these medicines, Su Yu could only feel his superpowers agitated.

It became boiling because of the entry of this potion.

It was as if he had touched that meteorite before.

Surprised, Wang Xiaomei also injected all the medicines into Su Yu's body.

In fact, this potion is not much, just a little bit.

The bottle 28 looks huge, but that's only because the glass is so thick.

"All right."

"You should be able to feel it, right?"

"My super power is boiling."

"The effect lasts for two hours, so you don't have to worry about it."

"The others come too."

"I'll help you inject the medicine."

"Next we may have another mission."

Hearing this, Su Yu immediately raised his eyebrows, is there another mission?

The others didn't hesitate after hearing the words, and stepped forward to inject the medicine one after another.

This potion actually had the greatest effect on Anna.

After injecting the potion, Anna said excitedly:

"Sister Xiaomei, brother Su Yu."

"I think I should be able to break through level 5 today."

She discovered that her superpowers were constantly increasing, and there was a tendency to break through soon.

Wang Xiaomei also said that this state will last for two hours.

That is to say, if there is no accident, she may break through the current level in the next time.

Hearing what she said, Wang Xiaomei was not surprised.

"Of course."

"Okay, let's not talk about this first, let's go out first."

"Let's talk about the next task."

After saying that, she locked these things, and then walked outside.

Su Yu and the others were very curious.

When walking down, Su Yu couldn't help asking.

"Is there something wrong with that place?"

"So we need to be used."

Su Yu was very puzzled.

If it is an ordinary thing, they should not be used.

You know, they are already considered to be the top combat power.

For some trivial matters, just hand them over to other ability users to do them.

"About our city."

"Wait and you'll find out."

"I'll make it clear to you."

"This is an order from above."

"Every Super Power Administration has to do it."

Hearing what she said, everyone was immediately puzzled.

Things in your own city?

Did something happen to them?

Curious, everyone followed Wang Xiaomei back to the office.

Back here, Wang Xiaomei took out several documents and handed them to everyone.

"This is a document from above."

"Just take a look and you'll understand why I called you here."

Hearing her words, everyone started flipping through the documents out of curiosity.

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