Cedric entered the haunted house first, but Harry himself was hiding outside like a coward. What will the girls think of you two in the future?

And even though ghosts and all that seemed scary, Harry wasn't terribly frightened.

—On the one hand, this is because there are many ghosts in Hogwarts, and there is even a ghost. Harry himself has seen Voldemort's soul twice, so he has long been "used".

On the other hand, it is because the Dursleys do not allow Harry to watch TV, and have never taken him to the movies, let alone horror movies, and Dudley would rather throw away the picture books he has read than give them away. To Harry, so Harry has no concept of these ghosts, not quite sure how scary those things are.

"Wait a minute..." Harry interrupted Cedric, "Actually, the two of us could go in together."

"Why?" Cedric seemed disapproving. "If we both get attacked..."

"The two of us can search separately, so that whoever gets hunted has time to alert the other," Harry suggested.

"But it's still too risky," Cedric objected.

But Harry naturally has his own way of persuading others: "Don't forget, this competition is timed, it's too slow to search alone, and there are so many houses here in Hogsmeade, so many houses are too slow." They are all two floors or even three floors, and each floor has four or five rooms..."

Cedric was a little shaken after hearing Harry's analysis, because he was right.

Harry hurriedly struck while the iron was hot: "Think about it, this competition is between different schools." Even if we finish the competition in the end, but the speed is slower than other schools, Hogwarts will be humiliated. "

Cedric was persuaded by him: "Okay, but later we will go to see the haunted house. If it is a small house, I will go in alone. If there is a second floor, then we will go in."

The two go in together. "

Time is running out, and they have to think about the tactics behind it together, so there is not much time to spend arguing about who will go in, so this matter is settled.

"Then the second question, about the types of ghosts..." Cedric felt a little headache, "I know about six or seven types of ghosts, but it's obviously not enough."

"I know sixteen," Harry replied quickly.

Cedric's eyes widened in surprise: "So much? Have you studied it specifically?"

"I did a preview beforehand." Harry admitted, "After hearing that the first game was held on Halloween, Hermione went to the library to check the information and asked me to memorize the 16 common types of ghosts. and their characteristics and weaknesses."

Cedric was a little surprised when he heard it, because he really didn't expect that the game could be so "cheated".

And Miss Granger... she is indeed the most outstanding witch in your year. Cedric laughed at himself, "It's not like me, I just went to buy a lot of candies and pumpkins, I thought today's game would be related to them." "

PS The tough February has passed, and there are 2k more words_(: 1J B)

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Of Harry and Cedric, Cedric is stronger in both magic power and spellcasting skills, there is no doubt about it.

But when it comes to pre-match preparations, Cedric obviously hasn't realized the truth that "cheating is also part of the tradition of the tournament".

On the contrary, Hermione, after looking up the history of previous tournaments in the library and successfully gaining Viktor Krum's attention, she discovered a problem—that is, almost every Triwizard Tournament There were people who cheated, and even in the few sessions where there was no cheating, it was very likely that the players cheated without being discovered.

After learning that the first event of the Tournament was held in Hogsmeade, she suggested to Harry and Ron that they should try their best to ask the people in the village when they came to Hogsmeade on weekends, and look at the recent What's going on.

As it turned out, over a beer on the Three Broomsticks, they learned that several witchers had recently paid a large sum of money to the Ministry of Magic's Department for the Regulation and Control of Magical Creatures, and they had made a lot of money—they were themselves getting drunk. Time to reveal it.

After further questioning, they found out that the content of the order was actually a group of "ghosts", but they couldn't continue to ask about the types of ghosts, because even if they were drunk, they didn't yell about their work content.

Then what they did was logical—Hermione went to look up all the information about ghosts she could find, and then forced Harry to memorize it.

Seeing Cedric's question, Harry selectively told him part of it: but he only said it was his own guess, and refused to say that it had anything to do with "cheating".

"Now that you've done your research, is there anything you can suggest now?" Cedric asked.

Because it is related to the honor of the school, Harry did not hide his secrets: "Just now I

After looking around, I found that everything sold there is useful, but 10 galleons can only buy about 3 items, and I don't know which ones to buy first. "

"for example?"

"For example, the dust of development, if there are physical ghosts such as giant spirits, phantoms, and demons, and they touch doors or windows when they are invisible, we can use it to make ghosts leave fingerprints and other traces, but souls without bodies, Not a ghost or something.

Salt can be used to judge the path of almost all ghosts, but it cannot be used as "evidence", because we cannot use salt to determine the type of ghost, we can only use it to judge the location of the ghost in the haunted house.

There is also a camera, which can not only use strong light to slow down the movements of ghosts, but also capture a lot of things, but I just saw that the price is 10 galleons, that is to say, we bought the camera and did not buy other props money.

In addition, there are Ouija boards that can talk to the dead, thermometers to measure the temperature of the air, lights and candles to light the fire...we need all of these, but we can't afford them all. "

Cedric also frowned after listening: "So, we need to gamble?


Cedric looked up at the warriors from other schools, and found that they were also whispering and discussing countermeasures at this time, and there was not much time left before the start of the game, and they didn't know what to do with the time.

With a thought, Harry suddenly thought of a solution: "Cedric."


"We can do this..." Harry whispered to Cedric, "When we accept the commission, we will try to choose the one closest to the Shrieking Shack."


"Because it's convenient for us to buy things temporarily... You see, the rules don't say no

We came back to do some shopping when we got to the haunted house.We can start by just buying salt and candles, which only cost 2 Galleons.

Then I will go to the haunted house, you stay in the shed... Don't interrupt me, this has nothing to do with courage, I will first find some evidence about ghosts, so that I can narrow down the types of ghosts based on the evidence, and then use the sound transmission spell to tell What left over items should you buy with the remaining 8 Galleons... I guess that's why each school needs two entries. "

Harry's approach made Cedric hesitate, but in the spirit of a Hufflepuff, he didn't suspect that Harry was doing it for his own benefit, but chose to believe him.

"Okay, that's it," said Cedric.

20 minutes is a short period of time, and soon the game is about to start.

A few warriors from the school came to the Shrieking Shack, ready to receive tasks from Lockhart and buy props along the way.

The real-time footage of the Screaming Shed Clock has already begun to be played on the big screen in the cinema. The central part of the screen is the main screen, which was hit on Cedric and Harry, while the four corners were put on A small "screen" was created and distributed to the other four school warriors.

During the competition, the panoramic telescope will track these warriors in real time. If any school has a wonderful scene, the "lens" tracking that warrior will come to the center of the screen and become the "main stage".

In addition, as a "video", the shots taken by each panoramic telescope will eventually be recorded on film, and will be handed down to the world as the first wizard's own "movie".

And it is Hogwarts' ace Quidditch commentator, Lee Jordan, who is responsible for deciding which is the "main stage".

In line with the consideration of making the best use of materials and saving costs as much as possible, the Ministry of Magic will use many different

Such important tasks are assigned to people from the Hogwarts Student Union, and their own staff are only responsible for security and operations.Although doing so is somewhat lazy, the students also enjoyed it, after all, this is an "important internship" before graduation

Although Lee Jordan's professionalism needs to be improved, and the explanation is very subjective, but when explaining this kind of game, the passion of the explanation and the ability to make trouble are far more important than the professionalism, so it is still the best choice.

What he lacks in professionalism is made up for by the "expatriate", that is, the columnist of the "Daily Prophet" Zamila Gooch.

Ms. Gooch is the author of "Practical Household Magic", her professionalism is unquestionable, and she also questioned Lockhart's book "Gidero Lockhart Teaches You to Remove Household Pests", saying that it is the magic introduced in it Totally impractical.

Therefore, when Lockhart recommended her to serve as the "technical commentary", Ms. Gooch was quite surprised. Lockhart's performance of "disregarding previous suspicions" undoubtedly enriched his image in Ms. Gooch's heart.

Of course, everyone knows the real reason. The current Lockhart doesn't care about her attacks on his former self at all. He only cares about whether the five-wild tournament can be done as he wants.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

Seeing the official start of the game, in the studio of the movie theater, the two commentators have already started to audition.

"Ladies and gentlemen! Good evening! I am Lee Jordan from Gryffindor. It is a great honor to be the host commentator of this game, because everyone is destined to enjoy the world's top and most exciting scene! Please Look forward to it!"

Faced with such a big scene today, Lee Jordan did not have stage fright at all. On the contrary, he brought out the "crazy" power in Gryffindor's bones. If he wants to go to the radio station or even magic If he can find a job at the TV station that is under construction, then his performance today will become the biggest plus point.

Ms. Gooch, who was also the commentator, seemed a little reserved, but it didn't matter, anyway, her main task was not to mobilize emotions.

"Hi everyone, I'm Zamira Gooch, the home magic columnist for the Daily Prophet."

Ms. Gooch lost her voice after dryly introducing herself, and gave the microphone to Lee Jordan. It seems that she is really not very good at speaking in public.

Seeing that she gave up the initiative, Li Qiaodan took the initiative without hesitation:

"Not much to say, let's take a look at the selection of missions by the warriors...

Fleur Delacour, the warrior of Beauxbatons, was the first to step forward to choose the task. Ladies first, it’s understandable...Look at the village chief—our Professor Lockhart is playing the village chief, I don’t know what he will come up with What kind of things will test our heroes? "

In the picture, Gilderoy Lockhart did not know when he put on a fake beard and a pair of thick-rimmed glasses, and also put on the common working clothes of Hogsmeade wizards.

The coarse cloth robe looks like an old farmer.

Lockhart cleared his throat, and greeted Fleur Delacour who came to receive the task.

"Hello, warriors, you are finally here! I am Lockhart, the village head here.

Since half a month ago, our small village has been infested by ghosts, but there is nothing we can do... I wonder which haunted house this beautiful lady is going to help the poor villagers deal with? "

After Fleur heard the name "Lockhart", she couldn't help but look up a few more times even though she knew the match had already started.

"So you are Mr. Lockhart, I have read your book..." she said in half-baked English.

While talking, Fu Rong secretly unfolded the innate magic of Veela in her blood, trying to get some more information from the "village head".

But before she could finish speaking, she was stopped by Lockhart with a huatong, and it was still in French:

"Thank you! But I don't remember what books I wrote. I'm just an ordinary village head. This beautiful lady must have remembered wrongly... Then, are you willing to help us solve the problem?"

As he spoke, he handed over a photo album in his hand.

Furong was taken aback, because she didn't expect her magic to be interrupted like this.

Sure enough, there is no one under the reputation, and the innate magic of his mother's clan has no effect at all. He is worthy of being a master of adventure.

Seeing Lockhart acting so dedicatedly, Fu Rong could only refocus her attention on the so-called Warrior Trial.

She picked up the photo album Lockhart handed her, and slowly opened it, sending

It was found that there were only five pages in it, and each page only marked the location of a house and a photo of that house.

It has to be said that the effect of the panoramic binoculars is really extraordinary, and they even show the details of the photos in the album.

The audience can see that although the five houses are said to be "haunted houses", they are completely different when they look closely.

One is a farm bungalow in Hogsmeade, one is a wooden house on a ski resort, one is on the third floor of the Three Broomsticks bar, one is a mansion villa of the Farley family, and the other is an ordinary house in Hogsmeade. Residential two-story building.

When Fu Rong saw the third photo, her eyes lit up immediately.

Of course she knows where the Three Broomsticks are, and she has had a drink there, and she also knows that there are a lot of people there. If there are ghosts there, it should be much less difficult than the other haunted houses.

After quickly scanning through several pictures of haunted houses, Fu Rong decisively pointed at the third picture—“I choose this one.”

Lockhart looked at the photo she clicked, with a strange expression on his face.

"This? Are you sure? The third floor of the Three Broomsticks?" He asked

"Yes, that's all." Fu Rong repeated calmly.

It's just on the third floor of the bar. If something goes wrong, you can run downstairs at any time. It should be very simple...

Lockhart chuckled, in the faint light of the fireplace, his expression turned out to be a bit gloomy.

"Wow, I didn't expect the two ladies to choose the most difficult one! I don't know if they didn't do a good job in intelligence investigation or what, but they undoubtedly chose the worst one."

In the studio, Lee Jordan shouted with an exaggerated expression, the dancing

like he hit the jackpot

After hearing what Jordan said, Beauxbaton and the students from other foreign schools looked a little confused, and the expressions of the foreign tourists were similar.

But the British who graduated from Hogwarts or the students above the third grade all showed a look of watching the show. They obviously understood how scary this haunted house is, and Zamila Gooch next to him shook his head again and again. .

Upon seeing this, Li Qiaodan passed the microphone over without losing the opportunity: "I see that some foreign guests don't seem to understand, so please ask Ms. Gu Qi to help explain.

Ms. Gooch didn't refuse: "Okay, let's explain a little bit... As we all know, the 'Three Broomsticks' pub has only two floors."

As soon as these words came out, foreign tourists exploded instantly.

No wonder the narrator said that this haunted house is the most difficult. No matter what the ghost inside is, its magic power is even strong enough to create a phantom haunted house. It is obviously not a guy to mess with.

And what's even more frightening is that unlike other rooms where ghosts need to enter to be alarmed by ghosts, because this "third floor" is entirely made of ghosts, so from the moment they step in, they have already been alarmed That ghost could be hunted down at any time.

After they figured it out, Beauxbaton's students let out wailings one after another, and some even stood up, as if they wanted to inform Fleur as soon as possible so that she could change her decision.

But obviously, they can't do what they want, because the rules of the Big Five Tournament make it clear that once an off-site interference occurs, the referee will deduct points according to the severity of the situation, and even cancel the rules of the game if it is serious.

They can only watch Furong die, and set foot on the most difficult haunted house

the road.

Jordan's tone seemed a little regretful, and I don't know if it was because of Beauxbaton's

The two students of the school are beautiful women.

"It doesn't seem fair, because Hogwarts students are obviously more familiar with the three broomsticks, and Hogwarts has ghosts, they will be more familiar with this type of ghost."

But Ms. Gooch doesn't think so: "Not necessarily, considering that there are professional" exorcists in the United States: African wizards are very good at voodoo and head-down, and they have an advantage in this project. Still fair. "

As she spoke, she hinted at Jordan with her eyes, signaling him not to talk nonsense.

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