Moody clicked his lips loudly: "This is completely overqualified, even if it is Wai Song

There is no reason to put the most powerful people next to politicians, so

If you help people die, you will die..."

"Ahem..." Lockhart had to interrupt him, "Thank you for your compliment, but I think I may not be as strong as you said."

"It is enough to have enough vigilance. The younger generation is really getting worse and worse, and there are not many decent magic fighting skills. I heard that even arresting a guy who sold prohibited items a while ago was injured. ..."

While nagging, Moody picked up a pen and made wanton revisions to the security plan, adding one after every sentence he uttered.

How can anyone put Auror suits in the auditorium to maintain order? Is this because they are afraid that the attackers will not know their location...The ratio of plain clothes...Which genius came up with the idea of ​​putting the on-the-spot command office in the box?He should be sent to St. Mungo's for a thorough inspection... The security check is useless. After passing the security check, it will be closed in all directions. Don't you understand...Merlin's beard, the games you held in the past did not go wrong. If you are lucky, you should go and burn thirty large candles for Merlin and Maeve, thank you and bless you!

Dawlish and the others had been trained a lot, but they knew what Moody said was right, so they didn't dare to lose their temper.

More than ten years after Taiping, the Aurors in the wizarding world are indeed inferior to their predecessors in terms of quality. The generation they passed the exam is not so much the "policeman" working on the front line, it is better to say that they are the "police" Bureaucrats in the name of "police".

Seeing that Moody's performance was so professional, Lockhart was also relieved for the most part. It seemed that someone could finally take care of his work.

In addition, this Alastor Moody is guaranteed to be genuine, and has not been exchanged with Polyjuice Potion. Lockhart can be sure that he intends to escort the old professor to Hogwarts.

Because Moody has been sitting in the office for more than two hours and has not

Lockhart did not disclose the news that Moody accepted his "temporary re-employment" without drinking anything, and I believe that Barty Crouch Jr. would not know about it.

On the last day before the Quidditch World Cup, Lockhart set off from Farley Village and arrived at the competition venue ahead of schedule.

During this period, he completed several tasks assigned to him by the Ministry of Magic in an orderly and orderly manner, and made it impossible for Fudge to single out anyone who was wrong.

Fudge finally came to his senses after Lockhart had completed several layouts, realized how rash it was to give Lockhart access to the Prime Minister's Office, and had been trying to get it back ever since.

But Lockhart has fully demonstrated the quality that a civil servant should have. He has been patiently fighting with Fudge, using all kinds of soft nails to push back Fudge's temptation to reclaim power.

Then, at the invitation of Mr. Farley, he came to the village where the Farley family was located as a guest, and there he participated in a salon dance led by the Farley family.Except for the frequent glances from the glamorous "Black Widow" Mrs. Zabini, which made Lockhart feel a little overwhelmed, everything else was fine.

This can be regarded as the pure-blood family's recognition of Lockhart's hard work over the past year. At least from now on, when Lockhart wants to attend any of their gatherings, he will no longer be rejected.

In this case, Fudge should not shoot himself again in a short time, because the supporters behind him will not allow it for the time being, unless there are good reasons.This year or so is a net investment for the pure-blooded family. Before they see the benefits, they will not think about changing or changing.

And with Fudge acting like that, Lockhart probably couldn't think of any good ideas, at most he would just make a fuss about the Secrecy Act.

In addition, at the party, Mr. Farley also introduced a person to Lockhart - Nuo

A distant relative of the Te family.

"Mr. Nott is good at history, especially good at researching blood and family origin." Mr. Farley said calmly, "I heard that you are also very interested in ancient history. I think if you have time in the future, you can get together more get together."

Lockhart understood that this was Farley's hint to himself, asking him to find a way to change his bloodline to pure blood.

He had no doubt that if Nott wanted to, he could prove to his Muggle father a wizarding family nine generations ago, only temporarily separated because of the Squib.

If it was two years ago, maybe Lockhart might have agreed, but since he personally destroyed one of Voldemort's Horcruxes and indirectly destroyed two, he knew that he would definitely not be able to join the Snake faction again. .

Lockhart wasn't so open-minded enough to believe that if he didn't join the "pure blood", the pure blood family would never do anything to him, but at least that would have to wait until they had mastered the channels themselves.

But Lockhart believed that was impossible under his watch.

Chapter 250 The Beatles.hippies 0

"Hello, Mr. Lockhart... This is the location of the camp you booked, here are the camping tools, and here is the map..."

The warden of the camp saw Lockhart approaching, and while giving him the things he ordered, he quietly looked at the clothes on Lockhart's body.



Lockhart knows, there must be wizards who don't abide by the secrecy law dress code again, bow I

caught the watchman's attention.

But he didn't have to worry about this, because he drove here in a rented car, and his clothes were naturally in full accordance with the "Muggle dress code", which couldn't be more authentic.

Lockhart took his camping equipment and paid the price, speaking and behaving normally.

It was precisely because of this normality that the camp warden Roberts let go of his vigilance, and then began to complain to Lockhart about the strangeness of the past two days.

Why did a large number of people in strange clothes come suddenly, and they couldn't even understand the face value of the banknotes when paying, and the tents they brought were gaudy...

"Isn't this normal? You should know what activities will be held here?" Lockhart asked pretendingly.

"Yes, the police department said that there is going to be a hippie carnival here...

Lockhart froze for a moment: Goshpis.Are you sure 0"

Roberts took out a notice from his pocket and handed it to Lockhart: "It seems that you don't know, the police station notified you of this a few days ago, look... If you really don't know, then hurry up let's go!"

Lockhart took a look at the notice from the Muggle side, and found that it really said

with the words "Hippie".

He suddenly felt as if there was a mouthful of phlegm in his throat, and he couldn't spit it out.

If Mei Jie appeared in front of him, he would definitely spit the phlegm on his face, then wipe him clean with the sole of his shoe, and finally cast an oblivion spell to make him think he slipped and fell when he went downstairs .

"Oh... that sounds interesting." Lockhart forced himself to laugh twice, then handed over the money.

The guard shook his head again and again: "Interesting? I don't think so. Anyway, it's nothing more than drinking, singing, promiscuity, and taking narcotics. A bunch of social dregs. I think their brains are out of order...Listen to me, You look normal, young man, get out of here early."

Lockhart accepted the other party's offer, but he couldn't leave.

"Thank you for reminding me, but this is a rare holiday, the big deal is for me to stay away from them." Lockhart said.

"Yes. Good luck then."

The regret on Roberts's face was beyond words. He obviously didn't believe that Lockhart would really "stay away from those people". His expression was like that of an elder when he saw a good young man about to fall at the door of the clubhouse.

Although the look was unpleasant, Lockhart decided to forgive him, because he felt that it was not Roberts' fault, but the Prime Minister's fault.

The Beatles was obviously what I discussed with Prime Minister Major. How did he become a hippie?

Although Lockhart thinks that this may just be the Prime Minister's unintentional mistake, but think about it carefully, if the Quidditch World Cup is said to be a "hippie carnival", it can avoid a lot of trouble.

As Roberts said, those guys fucked and fucked in the name of freedom, and

And it got bigger and bigger, and successfully made the Western society that regards "freedom" as its absolute political correctness begin to reflect on whether it has any side effects.

As long as it is said that hippies are messing around, no matter what happens in the Quidditch World Cup, they can explain to the Muggle people, and even take it for granted. still very appropriate

Therefore, he had no choice but to pinch his nose and recognize the name of the "Happy Carnival", and drove into the camp in a rented RV.

In the camp, the staff of the Ministry of Magic had already gathered there, and Lockhart was not the first group of people who came here.

The work area of ​​these people is the "outfield", responsible for planning the camp area, arranging emergency firefighters, and casting Muggle repelling spells on the stadium and around the camp.

Seeing Lockhart coming, although these people greeted Lockhart, Lockhart found that these people seemed to be a little alienated from him because of their rapid promotion.

The female staff were okay, they had no ambitions, and it was generally believed that Lockhart should be able to become the Director of the Law Enforcement Department.

But the male colleagues don't seem to think so," even if they can barely agree with Luoha^^ Temple's ability.

This is not a good thing, the only place in the world that does not need geniuses is within the system.The wood is as beautiful as the forest, and the wind will destroy it. Although Lockhart has worked hard to make himself fit in with the group, as long as he does not give up his ambition and the pace of progress, it will inevitably arouse the jealousy of others.

If it is an ordinary person, they may want to keep a low profile temporarily to make themselves fit in the group, but Lockhart intends to use a more powerful but impeccable posture to make these people accept his own psychologically. status.

Because he's the man who's going to be the Minister of Magic!

Lockhart's job is the "inside field". He is responsible for leading people to check the security and receiving foreign guests from afar.

On the issue of security in the infield, Lockhart had to raise objections and objected to some of Moody's practices, although Moody had shown the qualities expected of an experienced Auror.

"In order to show the importance we attach to foreign guests, we spent two full days strengthening the international line and made five door keys." Moody told Lockhart, "This will minimize the time foreign guests are exposed to in undefended areas."

"But in any case, we can't arrange them to sleep in the office of the stadium!" Lockhart complained.

"Why not?" Moody asked back, "It's the safest place, and it's also convenient for us to arrange."

"But the purpose of our Quidditch competition is not to be safe!" Lockhart complained helplessly. "If it is to be safe, why don't we simply cancel the competition? That is the safest."

Moody froze for a moment, then slapped himself on the forehead heavily, as if he had thought of a good idea.

"That's a nice idea...we can pretend it's called off and then announce it's going on in the last 10 minutes before the game..."

"No, no, no, that's absolutely impossible." Lockhart vetoed his opinion, "It would make all foreigners laugh, and it's absolutely impossible for Fudge to agree to the idea.

"But the terrorists are very likely to take this opportunity to make noise outside the venue, and then sneak into the VIP room after the security forces are called out..."

Now Lockhart can be sure that Moody is definitely really nervous

"Don't worry, Alastor, nothing... um... nothing serious will happen." He


Chapter 250: The French's Winning

That night, the Department of Magical Law Enforcement conducted a security rehearsal.Although in old Moody's opinion, the intensity of this kind of security is only slightly stronger than none at all, but Fudge is very satisfied, because these Aurors seem to be training

However, he also made a request, that is, he hopes that these Aurors can be uniformed, because this can "make the British look more spiritual."

This time without Moody's action, Scrimgeour couldn't hold back his violent temper.

"Aurors must hide themselves! You should leave the matter of uniforms to other staff!" he yelled.

Because Scrimgeour's qualifications were older than Fudge's, Fudge had to turn his target to other people.

He required all Ministry of Magic staff seconded from other departments to wear uniforms, and only Aurors could be free, and allowed Aurors to take Polyjuice Potion or use the illusion spell during the game.

Scrimgeour wasn't completely an idiot either. Under his orders, the Aurors followed the principle of "loose outside and tight inside" and arranged most of their staff in the arena, leaving only a few people outside to help maintain order.

But in the old Moody's view, this is far from enough.

After rehearsals, when the Ministry of Magic staff gathered for supper, Moody kept talking, and his main complaint was Scrimgeour's negligence.


"...Only a fool would use up all his hands at once, and he didn't even keep a ranger," he said.

Lockhart shrugged at him: "As you can see, the entire Ministry of Magic has

With all the scriptures used, we only have a few hundred people in total. If half of the women, the elderly, and administrative and secretarial workers are excluded, we will have less than 100 people who can fight. It is really impossible to form a special team. people. "

Immediately there was a dissatisfied voice from the side: "Hey, I can't pretend that I didn't hear that, why exclude women?"

Lockhart took a closer look and found that it was Nymphadora Tonks from the Auror office

Not only Tonks, but even the newly appointed Acting Director of the Sports Department, Hessica Jones, also put down the sandwich in his hand, as if he was very dissatisfied with Lockhart's "sexism".

Oops!Lockhart thought.

Among his current income components, the oil project has not seen any benefits for the time being: and although the salary of Hogwarts was high that year, Lockhart spent money lavishly. The silver shield cost him several thousand galleons, so he didn't actually save much money.

As for the salary of the Ministry of Magic... I can only say that I am sorry, no matter how famous he is, the Ministry of Magic will not give him an extra Nat's salary, and the first-year staff of the Ministry of Magic can't get much salary. , so this part can basically be ignored.

What really achieved continuous income for Lockhart, in addition to the continuous royalty income from book sales, was that the regular interviews and gossip news hype of "Witch Weekly" allowed him to get some money, and the sales volume of his books was largely The Internet also relies on the propaganda of "Witch Weekly".

If Lockhart's "misfeminist" remarks get out...

"How could it be?" He hurriedly tried to recover, "I just think...women often have more important responsibilities in the family and society, and bear far more pressure than men, so when it comes to these trivial matters that require a lot of energy, It’s better to leave it to us stinky men.”

Having said that, he thought of something again, and added: "And staying up late on duty is not good for the skin."

Several female employees present laughed.

"Very good, you pass." Hessia Jones pushed him, "You have such a sweet mouth, no wonder my sister was deceived by you, and even participated in the protest against the "Daily Prophet."

The male colleagues all showed regretful expressions, and they didn't hide it very much.

These unscrupulous guys!Lockhart cursed inwardly.

Obviously, the money for this supper is all paid by myself!

Lockhart originally thought that his job in this Quidditch tournament was to accompany the foreign guests, save face for Fudge, and make a cameo appearance as goalkeeper.

But he was wrong.

On the next morning, Lockhart and Fudge received the dignitaries from various countries sent by special portkeys.

Of course, Fudge rushed forward at the first time, "representing" the entire magical world in Britain, and said hello to these guests who came from afar.

His enthusiasm was echoed by the international and sports departments of each country, and they did not refuse when Fudge invited them to lunch.

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