Ainz shrugged, and he raised his beer glass

"Whether it is people from this plane or other planes, if we meet here across worlds and cities, then there is no need to worry too much, just enjoy it.

"That's right!"

Rimuru shook her puyopuyo body in agreement with Ainz's statement.

In Natsume's restaurant, everyone has no identity.

Admiral?The owner of the Great Tomb of Nazarick?A strong man from another world?A hero from a certain plane?

No, no, although these can be regarded as identity labels, everyone will not pay too much attention to them.

There are only guests and the owner in the restaurant, and nothing else matters.

"Really delicious!"

Ying Lili made a comment at this moment. She liked the pudding and ate the rest while praising Natsume's craftsmanship. The smile on her face proved her happiness at the moment.

The same is true for Asuna and Erina on the side.

They don't hate the taste of egg pudding.

.....for flowers.....

"I'll have one!"

Interested, Limuru also ordered a portion and swallowed it whole into the slime's body, attracting everyone to watch.

At this time a breeze blew.

Then the doorbell rang.

Outside the opened door, figures came to the store one after another.


"King, you came early today, good evening everyone."

Saitama-sensei said hello, and when he got to his seat, he put the bag in his hand on the table

"Natsume, this is the kelp I found on the side of the road, can you eat it?"

"Mr. Saitama, I don't think you can just pick up things on the side of the road..."

"Anyway, it's clean. It's in a box."

"I'll see..."

As a chef, Natsume Genichi naturally understands the quality of ingredients.

But before checking, he looked towards the door.

"Good evening, Miss Thunder."


The second person who came to the store was Lei Movie.

She chose the three-person seat near the counter, and then picked up the menu that Ying Lili gave her.

"What were you talking about just now?"

Teacher Saitama asked such a question, so King recounted the content of the chat just now.

After listening to the explanation, Mr. Saitama became interested.

"Natsume! We had a problem with arm wrestling before, it doesn't count, do you want to do it again?

"Break your arms..."

Natsume Yuanyi also repeated it.

This reminded Ainz on the side of him of the arm wrestling scene that almost ruined the restaurant...

The topic has not yet continued, and Lei Movie also left his position.

"If it's a competition, I want to participate too."

Before the start of the second phase of the 'Martial Arts Club', Lei Movie still wants to improve his strength.


Fight against 'Natsume Motoichi who has never had a head-on collision'.

Seeing Mr. Saitama and Ray Movie making an appointment with him, Natsume Motoichi in the kitchen responded with a smile while asking Erina to help.

"I reject."

Compared with fighting, Natsume Genichi is interested in making delicious food and chatting with customers.

Victory and glory?

For the current Natsume Genichi, it is not as good as a ^ pudding... next.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"That's really a pity... It seems that we have to wait until the second 'Martial Arts Meeting'."

Hearing Natsume Genichi's refusal to compete in strength, Lei Movie didn't get entangled, but looked forward to new opportunities.

After all, as long as you win in the 'Martial Arts Association', you can challenge Natsume Genichi who is the leader.

But Saitama also has exactly the same idea.

As a professional hero who has been trained to the point that he will never meet a similar opponent again, Saitama, who possesses great strength, hopes to confront Natsume Genichi again to see who is stronger.

Of course, Saitama's real purpose is to relive the 'battle with tricky enemies' scene.

There is no way, no matter who he faces now, he can punch anyone with one punch, without any consciousness, as if life has lost its meaning...

"There is only one winner of "[-]" who can go to the end, and that is me."

Saitama-sensei spoke quite passionate lines, but his expression was flat and his attitude was calm, which was inversely proportional to the content of his speech.

"I don't intend to lose the next fight."

The purpose of Limuru's participation in the martial arts meeting is to train herself, so of course the purpose is to 'win'.

Ainz, who had already absorbed the beer with his bones, also made a statement.

"As Rimuru-kun said, no one who participated in the martial arts competition and entered the second round would have thought of losing the match; in this regard, I am the same, Natsume-kun's true strength makes people very concerned, and I really want to Let's fight with all our might."

Hearing what everyone said, Natsume Motoichi smiled wryly.

"Everyone thinks I'm too powerful, but I'm actually not that powerful."

"Human boy, there is nothing wrong with accepting compliments from others. The strong should have the courage of the strong!"

It's not a big deal for Mr. Cat to watch the excitement, not to mention that he also sensed an unusual aura from Natsume Genichi.

Yuuki Asuna listened to everyone's chat, and she looked at Natsume Genichi again.

The pudding I tasted just now was delicious.

This proves that Natsume Genichi is very good at cooking.


He is also regarded as strong by everyone.

It's normal for a rich, culinary, and powerful person to be looked up to by everyone.

The same is true for Yuuki Asuna. He thinks that Natsume Genichi is better than he imagined, and even his mother who values ​​elite education has no objection to Natsume Genichi.

"Natsume-kun is really extraordinary..."

"Miss Asuna, you said the same... Everyone is too exaggerated."

"Whether in reality or in the game, Natsume-kun has excellent processing ability, which is not easy."

Asuna did not forget Natsume Genichi's powerful operation in the game.

Even if the level is not high, the equipment is not good, and the output is painful, you can still defeat monsters with your own skills.

So much so that when he was not online, closed beta players would also mention things about him.

"Well~ I'm quite confident in my ability to respond."

Facing Asuna's speech, Natsume Genichi did not deny it.

If he didn't react quickly enough, he wouldn't have survived until now.

"In my personal opinion, the strongest point is: cooking skills! My grandfather often mentioned Natsume Genichi's 'precision' in cooking. If my 'God's Tongue' can visualize the taste in my mind , then Natsume-kun's technique is to 'turn each step into a clock tick', which is accurate and well grasped."

"Thank you for the compliment, I'm still working on it."

Natsume Motoichi didn't dislike this comment.

He always liked cooking.

Everyone loves delicious food.

Whether it is a brave man or a hero, it must be the same.

"If you want to say that there are also shortcomings, such as the strange combination of innovative cuisine."

Erina made such an evaluation, so he remembered the special set meal with yam, honey and octopus.

Upon hearing this, Ainz stroked his chin and nodded.

"Natsume-kun is good in everything else, but the 'innovative cuisine' feels subtle..."

Rimuru on the side also shook her body in agreement.

Ying Lili, who was also sitting at the counter, followed up and said

"Natsume-kun does have a lot of strange ideas."

"The little girl is right."

Sakaski took over Eriri's right to speak and looked at Natsume

"Your innovative cuisine is too peculiar, and ordinary people can't accept o..."

On this point, King did not refute.

Lei Movie is not considered to be familiar with it, so he maintains a neutral and slightly suspicious attitude.

Among this group of customers, there are two customers who support and look forward to it.

One is Teacher Saitama, who is looking forward to the new dishes developed by Natsume Genichi, and also hopes to be cheaper.

The other is Mr. Cat. He likes all kinds of delicacies in restaurants, so he supports Natsume Genichi to continue to develop.

"It seems that my new dish is still popular!"

Natsume Yuanyi gained confidence.

With anticipation comes motivation!

"Don't talk about this..."

Rimuru changed the subject at this time, swallowing the oden into his body, he said while digesting the chicken

"Natsume-kun, did you give the 'Sage's Stone' to a tanuki before?"

"That's true."

"It seems that the other party is not lying. After all, it is impossible for ordinary people to snatch that thing from you."

"About that, I wish I could get another one."

"Of course."

Rimuru and Ainz had already prepared a new 'Philosopher's Stone'.

So Ainz took out the 'Sage's Stone' from his storage package in his space and gave it to Natsume.

"By the way, why did you give it to that guy?"

Ainz was curious about this.

"The raccoon cat is a 3.2 monster in that area. It has lived for a long time and has some strength, so I want it to help me observe the situation there, as 'information gathering'."

"A smart decision."

Ainz thought Natsume Genichi made the right choice.

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