Weakness in spring and sleepiness in autumn, nap in summer and hibernation.

Among them, the reason why you feel sleepy in autumn is that the human body enters a periodic rest stage, the water and salt metabolism begins to restore balance, the burden on the cardiovascular system is also relieved, and the function of the digestive system is gradually normal. The human body will naturally experience autumn sleepiness. Physiological response.

For a chef, it is also a skill to change recipes and increase dishes in accordance with the seasons.

But Natsume Genichi still has a lot of things to do before updating the recipe.

For example now.

Shana and Keqing have already returned;

Except for Erina and Eiriri, who helped with the business, the only people staying in the restaurant were Asuka Hina and Mr. Cat.

Therefore, in this not-so-busy situation, Asuna wanted to make dishes in the kitchen, and Natsume Genichi, the boss, readily agreed.

Coming to the kitchen, putting on the sleeves and apron, Asuna took a deep breath.

It's not that she doesn't know how to cook, and occasionally makes bentos for herself, so she has mastered some skills.

But the 'knowledge' that Natsume Genichi really wants to teach Asuna is more inclined to grasp the details.

for example.

When cooking requires lean meat, fat meat and vegetables, the order in which they are put in and the stir-frying time must be controlled within a certain range.

Some people may say that this kind of thinking is too rigid, inefficient, and not easy to remember.

But if you really want to go further in cooking, you have to master the details.

The same is true of human technology.

Going from [-]mm to [-]mm chips requires a lot of research and experimentation.

And when it comes to delicious dishes, the cooking time from 3 minutes to 4 minutes will affect the taste.

As soon as Natsume Yuan stood in the kitchen, several dishes that were not written in the recipes in the store popped up in his mind.

"Since it's autumn, everyone is prone to sleepiness, so let's make an energy salad."

As just mentioned, autumn is a season of nutritional supplements.

Asuna nodded, recalling the past, she smiled and said

"Salad...I have made it at home before, and I can always eat a lot."

"However, a real salad is very particular about every ingredient, and it needs to make the dish reach the best 'state'."

Erina, unwilling to be a bystander, joins the conversation.

Ying Lili, who was planning to go to the scull cat, also stopped and turned to the kitchen.

Compared with playing with 'General' and 'Teacher Cat', Eirari cares more about the relationship between Natsume Genichi and the girls in the kitchen.

"The ingredients needed for energy salad are very common. Currently, there are lettuce, broccoli, and mushrooms. In addition, lemon and chicken have to be prepared. These are all available in our store, so don't worry."

"Shall I fry all the vegetables first?"

"It's somewhat different, Asuna."

After Natsume Genichi took out the chicken and lemon, he continued

"Rinse the mushrooms first, wipe off the dirt in the crevices, then cut off the roots, slice all the remaining mushrooms, and fry them."

"give it to me."

Asuna took over the job.

She took out the mushroom and took out the smaller kitchen knife Natsume Genichi handed her.

"Natsume-kun! I want to try too!"

Ying Lili raised her hand to signal that she planned to join in.

Natsume Motoichi touched his chin and thought for a while, then responded

"Wait a minute, let's make 'Homemade Coke' together."

"Can Coke be made too?"

"It's different from the cola in the store, but I think it will taste good."


Ying Lili agreed to come down, set off and ran to the counter to take a seat.

At this time Erina picked up the broccoli.

Natsume Genichi and Asuna looked away, so he said

"Miss Yuki, Natsume-kun, regarding the processing of broccoli, cooking in a microwave is more nutritious than steaming."

"That's true."

Genichi Natsume, who touched his chin again, expressed his affirmation.

After Yuki Asuna recorded this knowledge point, she saw Erina move while cutting the mushrooms.

First, Nakiri Erina divided the broccoli into small pieces, then put them into a large bowl, poured the water that submerged them, and finally wrapped them in plastic wrap and put them in the microwave.

On the way, Natsume Genichi was in charge of cleaning the lettuce.

This way, the mushrooms, broccoli, and lettuce are all prepped.

"The next step is to deal with the chicken, Asuna, it's up to you."

"I understand."

Asuna was very serious, which was affirmed by Erina, a talented chef girl.

.... ask for flowers.....

So the final step begins.

Asuna cleaned and sliced ​​the lemons, poured them all into the pan, added sweet mirin and a little cornflour in turn, waited until the aroma came out, and then put the chicken in.

Natsume Genichi reminded the time control during cooking.

Some seasonings and ingredients are the easiest to integrate within 10 minutes without making the taste worse.

"This is considered roast chicken, and the chicken needs to be cut with a knife during the process. This is not only for the taste, but also for easy cooking."


Asuna cut open the chicken and watched the cooking wine dip into the meat.

The aroma spread again and drifted in the kitchen.

"Now add olive oil and pepper and salt."

0 ....

"Should we let it go now?"


Natsume Motoichi was very sure.

Facing Asuna's doubts, Nakiri Erina explained

"The fatty acids and various natural fat-soluble vitamins rich in olive oil are effective in nourishing the skin, and at the same time can enhance the flavor of the cooking, and the effect of pepper and salt is also the same." After receiving the answer, Asuna added a new one without hesitation. seasoning.

After that, serve the finished lemon chicken with the freshly prepared vegetables.

The current 'energy salad' is different from ordinary salads, but it takes into account the crispness and refreshing taste of vegetables, the strong aroma of chicken, and the sweet and sourness of lemon.

"Wow, it smells delicious!"

Ying Lili often draws until late at night, and also needs energy to replenish.

"There are a lot of chicken and vegetables, please try Yinglili too."

"is it okay?"

When Natsume Moto heard the question, he looked at Asuna.

"Yes, please try it."

Asuna, who was confident in her cooking, handed the chopsticks and fork to Eriri.

"Thank you!"

Ying Lili was not in a daze, and immediately took a sip.

Soon the girl with the blond twintails closed her eyes and began to chew.

Chicken with vegetables is very refreshing, adding sweet and sour lemon makes the taste feel refreshed and has a better appetite

In short...

"good to eat!"

A brief evaluation is the greatest compliment to the chef.

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I'm gonna start now."

When Asuna and Erina sat down and were about to taste the energy salad, Natsume Moto called Yingli pear to the kitchen after finishing the cooking.

He is currently going to make Coke with Ying Lili.

However, there is a difference between homemade Coke and the Fat House Happy Water in the store, and it is more appropriate to regard it as a "common carbonated drink".

"Feed! Howl!"

"Hmph, sure enough, your cat is different, wait for us to drink together!"


"I like oatmeal more than alcohol? It's quite a strange idea, and I don't understand it at all; besides, steamed buns and oden are more delicious than oatmeal!" On the windowsill, the system argued with Mr. Cat.

Natsume Genichi, whose thinking was interrupted, got back on track and said what he needed to use next.

They are "[-]" respectively

Lemon, Cardamom, Vanilla Bean, Ginger, Cinnamon Stick, Cloves and Sugar.

"Oh? Natsume-kun, can these things really be made into homemade cola?"

"The last thing is carbonated water."

"Is it all mixed together?"

"Not at all."

Natsume Yuanyi flicked Ying Lili's forehead lightly, and while the little girl was covering her head and backing away, he emphasized:

"Anyway, prepare me [-] degrees of hot water first."

"no problem!"

Just do what you say, Yinglili immediately acted.

She is usually a lively and active girl, so under the guidance of Natsume Yuanyi, she became more active when she was serious.

After Yinglili brought hot water, Natsume Motoichi took out flour from the cabinet.

Seeing their actions, Asuna cast a glance.

"Natsume-kun, could this be..."

"Let's dewax the lemon."

Erina took up Asuna's speech and explained the reason.

Natsume Yuan gave a hum, and asked Ying Lili to put the hot water on the cutting board.

UOK, English pear, now put the lemon in. "

"Hot water and lemon, it feels like making a drink."

"It's for wax removal."

After saying this, Natsume Genichi added two spoonfuls of flour to the lemon after it was submerged in hot water, and the soaking time was about 10 minutes.

As for the reason

"Alkaline flour will neutralize the acidic residual pesticides on the lemon skin. The hot water is mainly used to dissolve the wax on the lemon skin; look, after soaking in hot water, you can already see the melted wax floating on the water. .”

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