Ke Qing, who likes golden shrimp balls, stared at the delicious food served, and picked up her chopsticks and said happily

"As expected of Mr. Natsume."

"Please use."

"It smells delicious."

Keqing tasted it.

She is full of praise for the crispy shredded potatoes with shrimps, and the sauce mixed in it arouses the appetite and stimulates the taste buds.

"Natsume, I'm fine too."


Hearing what Erina said, Natsume served Shana and Asuna what they ordered in turn.

Honeydew melon buns and Mengbulang.

"I'm gonna start now!"

..... 0

"Mon Burang looks delicious."

Shana and Asuna started their hands one after another.

The results are obvious, and the reviews are all good.

At this time, Keqing took the time to speak

"If you can have a meal like this on a date, that's true happiness.

"I don't know much about dating, but I agree with you."

Shana supports Keqing's opinion.

Liyue Qixing reached an agreement with Huowu Warrior, this scene is really rare...

"I think cooking is not the point when you're dating."

Asuna looked at Natsume

"The environment is very important. I also want to see the 'beautiful scenery' that Natsume-kun mentioned, of course after the exam is over."

Girls have their own 'opinions' about dating.

Erina is no exception.

"I like restaurants with style, but also with fewer people."

Should it be said that she is the eldest lady?

Right now...

"I think it's good here, anyway, Natsume-kun often stays in restaurants, so I like it here!"

Ying Lili finally said so.

"Thanks, Yinglili."

"No, I'm just telling the truth."

"You are very welcome in our store."

"If you don't invite me, I'll come back too."

Ying Lili clenches her fist

"When I finish drawing all the manuscripts, I will also come during the day!"

Ying Lili values ​​the time here more than dating.

After all, this restaurant that connects all a place of miracles.

Chapter 590 Encounter in another world, is there no difference between the apostles of the red world and the apostles of the abyss? (seeking subscription)

Shana is obsessed with honeydew melon buns;

Keqing tasted the golden shrimp balls and wanted to have another one;

Asuna, who ordered Montblanc and coffee, listened to everyone chatting and enjoyed the leisure time.

Natsume Genichi, who had completed all the orders, was also planning to chat with the girls before six o'clock.

As mentioned in the past, Natsume Genichi, who has become enthusiastic about everyday life, does not hate the stories he tells.

It is obviously more interesting to listen to the lives of guests than to run around and take risks.

For this reason, when Ying Lili and Erina went to pour milk, Natsume Genichi locked his eyes on Shana.

He has always been curious about Shana's identity, and he is also very interested in the monsters he has encountered.

Fire Mist Warrior VS Red World Apostle.

This kind of fantasy novel-like setting must have a very exciting story.

"Nine Eighty"

And once you have a deep understanding, you can also give the other party a certain degree of help on this basis.

Natsume Motoichi, who was still wearing an apron and sleeves with his hands on the counter surface, asked Shana to eat slowly while asking her.

"Little Shana, you mentioned the 'Apostle of the Red World' before, what kind of existence are those guys? Can't they be completely resolved?"

"Why do you ask this all of a sudden?"

Shana, with bread crumbs and butter remaining at the corner of her mouth, chose to ask back.

"Knowing these things too much may put yourself in danger. I don't want to involve outsiders."

"It's nothing to worry about because I can't possibly have that happen to me."

Natsume Genichi was quite confident, and his tone was affirmative, as if he was an invincible warrior.

Although I have seen the scene where Natsume scares away the Red World Apostle.


As mentioned earlier, sharing information with irrelevant people will only get them into trouble.

"And I've already seen that monster. If I don't let me know, wouldn't it be more dangerous if I get entangled by the other party?"

"That's true..."

Natsume Motoichi grasped the core of the conversation.

Although Shana is a stubborn child with a harsh mouth, she is kind in nature; it is also mixed with innocence and purity, and is easy to be invisible and manipulated to a certain extent.

Natsume Genichi has no intention of dominating Shana, but just hopes to get more information.

Besides, those 'Apostles of the Red World' may also come to the restaurant, so we must pay more attention.

Hearing this, Xia Na temporarily put down her favorite melon bag.

The half-eaten honeydew melon bun still exudes a sweet smell, and there is cream added by Erina in it, which is white and soft like cotton.

Taking a deep breath, Xia Na, who gently lifted her fiery red hair, looked towards the kitchen.

"Apostles of the Red World, they are the citizens of the Red World who came to the human world. Most of them will prey on human beings to obtain the power of existence, and they can exist in this world with the power of existence." In this way, Shana connected The conversation just now explained the identity of the 'Red World Apostle'.

As soon as Xia Muyuan finished listening, he concluded that

"Can it be simply understood as 'cannibal'?"

"If you insist on saying that, it's fine; among them, most of the Red World disciples are weak, but there are also many powerful masters, and the strongest guy is called the 'Red World Demon King'. Controlling a large-scale 'force of existence', it's like a BOSS in a game."

Natsume Motoichi recalled the monster that helped Shana drive away...

If there are stronger guys, he doesn't think it's a big problem.

Because for Natsume, the enemy that makes him feel troublesome, 'changing space' is the minimum standard, if it can't even meet this, don't mention it.

"There is also the 'Red World Demon God', which is the Red World King (Red World Demon King) with a godhead. When it exerts its corresponding godhead power, its power becomes extremely powerful."

"This sounds a bit troublesome."

Since he has the title of 'Devil God', it is natural to be concerned.

On the other side...

Ke Qing, who was also an audience member, was indeed obsessed with golden silk shrimp balls, but as Liyue Qixing, she listened carefully to Shana's description out of instinct.

Keqing, who had already eaten two plates of golden shrimp balls, wiped her mouth with a tissue and asked Shana.

"Miss Shana, the 'Red World Demon God' you mentioned will also lead a group of subordinates to attack? Maybe it is somewhat similar to the Demon God of Tewat, and besides..."

Ke Qing let out a sigh

"There are traces of the activities of the Abyss Religion everywhere in Tivat. The 'Abyss Apostles' belonging to this organization are composed of inhuman monsters. They are enemies of the civilization on the surface and are active all over the world.o... These guys are in the Driven by the "Abyss", he covets all the creatures on the earth, dreaming of overthrowing the rule of the gods. "

"It sounds so similar. The 'Abyss Apostle' and the 'Red World Apostle' are both human enemies and must be eliminated."

After Shana finished speaking, she resumed enjoying the melon buns.

Another listener, Asuna, who lives in a relatively ordinary world, knows a little bit.

"It sounds like a setting in a certain game."

"There are many unexplainable things in the world, Ms. Asuna."

"Of course I understand this point. For example, the string theory studied by scientists, the Rosen Bridge that has been explored, etc., but the things Shana and Miss Keqing mentioned are completely different."

indeed so……

A puzzle that belongs to the world of science;

A crisis that belongs to a fantasy world.

Natsume Motoichi, who has long been used to it, smiled and refilled a cup of coffee for Asuna, and continued to say

"Miss Asuna, this store exists like this, connecting different worlds, so... there will be more such things in the future."

"Thinking about it..."

Asuna rubbed her temples lightly.

The facts in front of her were beyond her cognition, she was a little troubled, but she was able to accept it unexpectedly

Maybe it's because I like it here.

"It's like the manga I've seen before."

Ying Lili is speaking at the moment 3.2.

"Comics? Romantic comics?"

"Why did Nakiri-san mention this?"

"Ahem, nothing..."

After Erina perfunctory Yinglili, Yingiri continued to talk while holding the milk

"There is a manga that says, 'Stories created = stories that happen in different worlds'

Ying Lili herself didn't know much about it.

But Natsume Motoichi understood what she meant.

"Even across the world, different problems can be solved together."

After Natsume Genichi finished speaking, he straightened up again.

"Next, I'll make some delicious food for you ladies."

The daily life of the restaurant will continue.

, so the problems you encounter are both the same and different, probably

Chapter 590 Nine Girls and Cats' Late Autumn (Subscribe)

Natsume Genichi, who is cooking, is very concerned about one thing.

Therefore, he was silent and locked his eyes on Asuna and Keqing.

After everyone talked about "different world" just now, Asuna, who knew that everyone might be injured, put forward the term "healing device".

According to Asuna's description, her father is Akira Yuki, who is currently the CEO of 'Rect', a comprehensive electronic instrument manufacturer, who can provide equipment with different effects and help customers solve problems.

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