[Group C: Gao Xiangquan VS Limulu]

[Group D: Ainz VS Sakalski]

[Group E: Artoria VS Butterfly Ninja]

[Group F: Goblin Slayer VS Seiya Ryuguin]

Therefore, Natsume Genichi naturally prepared other dishes besides the 'Perilla Dumplings' he made at the beginning.

Fried dumplings, grilled chicken legs, roast beef, grilled pork chops and more.

Halfway through, Natsume Moto took the time to look ahead.

Genos, Saitama and King taste dumplings together and watch the Smash Bros. game on the handheld;

Ainz, Rimuru, Sakaski, and Thor chatted happily, talking about today's arrangements and things in other worlds;

Arturia was sitting on the northwest side of the round table, staring at the King of Heroes approaching her with disgust, and was about to pick up the dumplings and leave;

Goblin Slayer and Ryuguin Seiya were opponents in Group F, but they chatted with each other, as if they were discussing 'how to fight cautiously';

However, Gao Xiangquan and Butterfly Ren were a little different. Although they both held a plate of dumplings, they left the round table and walked around the entire venue, like an adventure.

The rest of Lei Yingying stayed by Natsume Yuanyi's side. This general who can't cook decided to investigate and study in person, and tried to help in the kitchen. form a clear contrast.

back to the moment...

Natsume Genichi decided to make the previously mentioned 'Inazuma Sakura Rice'.

"How to do it?"

Lei Movie asked questions from the side, showing curiosity.

"First wash the rice, and then put it in clean water to ensure that the white rice absorbs enough water..."

Natsume Moto, who was explaining the process, looked to the right, where Mr. Bone and Flesh stood there.

"Here, Natsume, here's the casserole you asked for, it's already the biggest in our place々"

"Thank you, Mr. Flesh."

"There is no need to thank you, because we can continue to work here because of your sponsorship, so I have to thank you."

After Mr. Flesh finished speaking, he continued the task entrusted to him.

On the other hand, on the other side, muffins, macarons, and tiramis, who were also staff members, mixed in with the restaurant's customers, and chatted with Ainz and the others, perhaps inquiring about information.

Not paying too much attention, Natsume Yuanyi found that Lei Movie was staring at him seriously.

As mentioned just now, Lei Movie doesn't know how to cook, but he doesn't hate food.

A general with a dignified appearance actually likes to read light novels and eat pudding in "One Heart Pure Land", which must surprise many people.

Thinking of this, Natsume Moto cleaned the casserole.

"The casserole...the rice wife also has it, but I have never used it."

"This is a necessary thing. Next, pour new water into the casserole, followed by cooking wine, soy sauce and ginger."

at the same time……

Natsume Motoichi asked Lei Movie to clean the 'Sakura Hydrangea' she brought over.

"Mr. Natsume, this is cabbage."

UOK, Miss Lamemu, shred them now. "

Compared with Lei Movie, La Weiqiu, who started first, handed the ingredients to Natsume.

After the cabbage is shredded, soak the washed 'Crimson Cherry Hydrangea' in hot water.

"Okay, let's all join in."

The ratio of cabbage to hydrangea is about one to ten, because the main purpose of the former is to increase the taste, while the latter is the key point.

Put the casserole filled with rice and ingredients on the stove.

"Is that enough?"

Lei Movie, who remembers the process, thinks it is very simple.

Xia Muyuan shook his head.

"The heat is also very important."

After saying this, Natsume Motoichi said in detail

"Use a high fire at the beginning, and switch to a low fire after confirming the boiling; in addition, because the water evaporates too quickly, turn off the fire directly in the second half, and let it slowly master it."

In this way, while everyone was enjoying the barbecue and dumplings, the rice dishes were gradually completed.

In less than 10 minutes, Natsume Genichi brought the large casserole to the dining car next to the round table.

Natsume Yuan, who was not afraid of the heat, lifted the lid with one hand, and a scent gushed out.

In the sun, each grain of rice shines brightly.

The shredded cabbage distributed among them looks like silver lines, and the scarlet hydrangeas are scattered among them.

These crimson cherry hydrangeas are like a cherry blossom ark on the silver-white land. They are looming and faintly entwined by the heat, and they have a strong fragrance.

“It smells so good!”

The Dragon Maid was the first to lean over at this moment.

"Miss Toll, this is the rice dish o Inazuma Sakura Rice! Please try it."

"O~ Then I'm not welcome."

Not only Thor, Rimuru and Saitama also approached.

"Miss Ying, can I entrust you with the work here?"

"of course."

In this way, Lei Film is in charge of distributing, and everyone tastes it together.

"The salty taste of cabbage mixed with soy sauce, paired with the crispness of sakura hydrangea, and the slightly sweet rice Lei Yingying was the first to taste it, and she was full of praise for 'Inazuma Sakura Rice'.

Seeing that everyone is so satisfied, Natsume Genichi is even more motivated.

His eyes fell on the white truffle, an expensive ingredient brought by Gilgamesh.

"Let's make fried noodles with white truffle."

After all, you can use the grill.

Very delicious! "

"What about fried noodles, there was a fried noodle event in the amusement park before, and it's a special dish together with croquettes."

Rafa came over to talk to me at this moment

"Can Natsume-san teach me?"

"of course."

The princess is so cute.

As soon as Xia Muyuan thought of this, Cha (Nuo Le) felt the gazes of Ke Qi and Lei Ying.

"Ahem, first of all..."

Prepare the aluminum foil, shape it into a grooved iron plate, and place it on the grill to heat evenly.

Immediately after...

"Pour sesame oil and salad oil into it, wait until the oil temperature rises, put the diced leg of lamb into it, wait until the meat changes color, and put the white truffle directly."

Seeing the hot air surging, Natsume Motoichi quickly scooped it up.

"Finally, put in the noodles and sesame oil. By the way, in order to prevent them from sticking together, it's best to pour in water to dilute them, and then keep stirring, and it's done with the sauce!"

High-grade ingredients + mutton white truffle fried noodles are ready quickly!

"It smells delicious too."

"Of course, Miss Lavalier."

Confident Natsume Genichi Continues Shopping Says

"Today, enjoy yourself!"

Food is everything before the restaurant fight begins! .

Chapter 510 Restaurant owner, is he... a playboy? (seeking subscription)

The 'Mankai o Martial Arts Club' held by restaurant owner Genichi Natsume is held today.

At this moment, there are less than 10 minutes left before the start of the first battle...

However, in this case, the contestants who were obviously going to fight against the strong from another world did not feel any sense of crisis or tension at all, and instead enjoyed the current picnic with a relaxed face.

Faced with such a situation, the trio of dolls gathered on the northwest side of the open-air kitchen couldn't help being surprised.

Muffin was holding a plate of dumplings, Macaron was holding a bowl of fried noodles, and Tirami was holding a grilled chicken leg. They continued to talk while enjoying the meal.

"Hey, hey... Muffin, have you noticed that La Weiqiu is very interested in that young store manager? He has been helping in the open-air kitchen. He looks quite serious and has no plans to rest at all."

Macaron took a bite of fried noodles, the sauce was paired with noodles, and topped with high-grade white truffle, the taste was intoxicating.

After hearing this, Song Mubing showed a meaningful expression.

He is La Weifa's uncle, and of course he hopes that his niece can live a happy life and welcome her own future.

But Natsume Yuanichi who runs the restaurant obviously has many secrets...

Although Muffin is very grateful to Natsume for sponsoring the amusement park, so that everyone can focus on business without worrying about funding within a month, increasing the number of tourists by 920, thus saving the amusement park!

But he was not without worries and doubts.

To put it bluntly, Natsume Genichi has not yet fully believed.

"From my personal point of view, I think it would be nice if Princess Laweifa captured the rich boss; I got a sponsorship of [-] million yen for free before. If they are together, don't we have to worry about the future in the amusement park? Lah! It’s like... How should I say it, I caught a wealthy son-in-law?!”

Tirami bit off the meat from the grilled chicken leg, and was stimulated by the chili, breathing heavily while preparing to drink water.

As a result, the muffin grabbed his chest at this moment, looking very unhappy.

"Listen, Tirami, La Weiqiu's future belongs to her. Do you want to use La Weiqiu's body to get her more sponsorship!?! You can't do anything, but Let others sacrifice?!"

"I didn't say that, because Lahikyu is meant for Natsume..."

"It's so annoying, I haven't thought it through at all, you bastard shut up!"

Seeing the two quarreling, Macaron hurriedly put the fried noodles with white truffle aside and went up to persuade the quarrel.

"Well? Calm down, both of you. Today is the home of the guests. If we cause trouble, it will definitely affect their activities, so don't be angry!"

That's right...

When Muffin heard what Macaron said, he let go of the tiramisu.

Tirami, who ate the grilled chicken leg, was not angry at all, he understood the reason for the anger of the muffin just now.

Because of being cursed by the magician, Rafa stayed at the age of 14 for ten years.

While everyone is moving toward the future, she is the only one stuck in the past.

Time goes by, the sun and the moon change, people grow up, and La Weiqiu can only watch the seasons change alone, losing the accumulated memories of a year.

Such pain is understandable even if you have never experienced it.

"Don't forget, Natsume said that he can lift the curse on Rafa."

Macaron picked up the fried noodles with white truffle again, and mentioned the key point.

This is also...

Puff pastry grabs macarons and tiramisi.

"Okay, let's go observe and see how Natsume's relationship with customers is."

"Wait, don't pull me! The fried noodles are not finished yet!"

"We'll talk about it later."

In this way, the trio in doll costumes ran to the back of the open-air kitchen, sat down on a bench, and observed the situation ahead.

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