"Okay, Kagura, Shimura-kun, I'm going to close the door, you guys should go back too."

"Mr. Natsume, is there really nothing you want us to do?"

"No, no, anyway, you also helped wash the dishes just now; compared to this... it's better to let the little girl over there exercise more, otherwise the body will be affected." Natsume Moto pointed to Kagura whose stomach was bulging.

It's almost like an animation...

"Don't worry about this, anyway, Kagura digests quickly, so the belly just looks big, but in fact it will disappear after a while! Soon!"

"Is it?"


Shimura Shinpachi's tone was affirmative, and after he finished speaking, he helped him to pick up the Kagura that had eaten more than ten bowls.

"Okay, okay, don't look for Mr. Natsume's restaurant instead."

"Hoo... Xinbaji, my belly... is about to get bigger!"

"Girls, don't say such scary things! I'll go back right away! The gate of the restaurant is very close to the Wanshiwu!"

"Okay, okay... Natsume, Boss Natsume... goodbye."

Kagura took the time to wave goodbye to Natsume Motoichi, and finally gasped, and left the restaurant with Shinpachi.

"Both of them are very strange."

Paimon, who watched them leave, couldn't help complaining.

The cat transformed by the system has already eaten spicy milk cereal, so he is not interested in participating in the next task, so he decides to go back to the dormitory to rest.

Of course, Natsume Yuanyi didn't block the system, after all, he didn't need his help in the subsequent arrangements.

"If there is any problem in the dormitory, remember to notify me as soon as possible."


The system let out a catwalk cry, then left the restaurant and headed for the dormitory.

Paimon, who saw the scene just now, couldn't help asking curiously.

"Cook, can you really communicate with animals?"

"Only my cats."

"That's great too. I can't understand what the animals are saying."

Paimon asked curiously

"Could it be that the cook has mastered animal language? Just like the Qiuqiu language expert I met before!"

"Stop talking about this, let's get down to business."

"Okay, but this is still an interview!"

"Well, let's start now."

At nine o'clock in the morning, Paimon's follow-up interview with Natsume Genichi officially began.

"God...god, gosh!!!!!!"

Paimon flew in the air with the 'Philosopher's Stone', and she turned around as she sighed, reacting in surprise like an anchor on some website.

"Did everyone see the picture I sent?! Too, so shocking! As expected of a cook! Sure enough, I have the right vision!"

To ask what Paimeng sent...

Of course, it was the moment when Natsume Genichi used the artifact to create a different world.

After the scene was photographed by her, it was sent to the public board.

[I knew this before.One by one Sakaski]

[Indeed, after all, Natsume-kun possesses an artifact, I think it may even go beyond the scope of 'world-class props', but the kind that can modify the rules!one by one Ainz]

【I have to say that 'creating the world' is very shocking. When I first saw it, I thought I was just being teleported, but I didn't expect that the whole world was changed.Limuru]

[@皮蒙, the two comparison pictures you sent (bedc) just now, the first one is empty, and Chapter 2 has mountains and rivers popping up, these all appeared in an instant?One by one Butterfly Bear]

[That's right, why did I lie to you?If you don't believe me, ask the cook! @夏目元一.One by one Paimon]

Natsume Moto, who was standing next to the emergency food, smiled.

He had no intention of hiding his strength, he just didn't intend to use it.

Since everyone is very interested now, Natsume Genichi also made a brief response

['World' will be created, mainly relying on the artifact in my hand, but not everyone can use this thing, it takes a lot of energy and magic power to do it.One by one Natsume Yuanyi]

[Mr. Natsume, as I said just now, can we meet?One by one Butterfly Bear]

【Miss Shinobu, I have something to do right now. If you want to meet up, please wait until the restaurant opens tonight.One by one Natsume Yuanyi]

[Natsume-kun!The 'General' came back just now, how about you?One by one pear]

【??—General Thunderbolt】

Seeing this, Natsume Genichi also left a message again

【We are cooperating with Ainz and the others to test this 'Philosopher's Stone', so I will go back later.One by one Natsume Yuanyi]

[To be honest, the 'Philosopher's Stone' is in the early development stage. Although everyone uses it smoothly, there will inevitably be some minor problems, so a high-voltage test is required.Limuru]

[Anyway, be careful.One by one pear]

After reading the message, Natsume Motoichi found that it was refreshing again.

[Although the 'sacred tool' was used, the result is still to create a world...Mr. Natsume, you have a lot of secrets.One by one Misaka Mikoto]

[I agree with this point, let's not talk about it... I have to continue to work overtime, the troubles at the port and the contract with Inazuma have to be re-examined.One Moment Clear] [Natsume store manager... I will go there in the evening.Sweet rain one by one]

Everyone was expressing their thoughts, but Natsume Yuan focused at first.

He poured magic power into the 'Philosopher's Stone' he possessed, and continued to increase the amount used.

"Cooking, will it explode if you continue?"

Paimon, who used the 'Philosopher's Stone' to broadcast live, was a little worried, with a trace of fear on his face.

Natsume Motoichi looked at the stone in his hand

"Even if the magic power inside goes berserk and explodes together with the spell, it will at most destroy this space."

"What about... me? Will I be wiped out?!"

As an interviewer, Paimon was naturally worried about his own safety.

"Better stay close to me."

"Okay, okay!"

Paimon was like a cat, flying to Natsume Motoichi's right shoulder and lying on it.

The next moment, the 'Philosopher's Stone' received excessive magic power, causing the interior to become unstable and collapse.

For a moment, blue magic streamers fled around, and the cracked 'Sage's Stone' also gave off an ominous atmosphere.

"Have you seen it? The cook just now has been tested."

[See, Natsume-kun, when I went to the restaurant tonight, I repaired the 'Philosophy's Stone', it is probably unusable now, right?One by one Ainz] Being asked in this way, Natsume Motoichi tried to use the 'Sage's Stone' in his hand to enter the message area, but was unsuccessful.

This proves that the stone is already in the broken stage.

[The magic power is too large, it really doesn't work, it is necessary to add a 'magic release gap', so as to avoid being destroyed by the use of evil magic at that time.Limuru]

[That's right, if you don't limit the magic power and absorb it infinitely, you will face a 'self-explosion' situation.one by one Ainz]

Be it Ainz or Rimuru.

As time travelers, both of them are very cautious.

Even if you have mastered a powerful force, you are still considering the unfavorable situation of 'against a stronger enemy', so as to calculate the optimal solution.

"Okay, the test is over, cook, let's go to your dormitory together, I have never seen it before."

As soon as Paimon's words came out, everyone was also very curious because it was being broadcast.

"Because there are residents in the dormitory, the screen transmission must be turned off, understand? Paimon."


In this way, Natsume Yuanyi took Paimeng on his way home.


At the door of the dormitory, the person who came out to greet her was Ying Lili, and she was followed by Ke Qiheren.

"Wow! Cook, there are three girls living with you!"

"Don't think too much."

Natsume Motoichi told Paimon not to think about it, and returned to the dormitory.

On the sofa in the living room, Mai Sakurajima is not watching TV, but reading a magazine

Hearing footsteps, Sakurajima Mai looked at Natsume.

"Are you back? Thank you for your hard work, Natsume-kun."

"Where's Miss Mai? Is it comfortable to live here?"

"If possible, I would like to extend the stay, but the manager is urging me to talk in the afternoon and wait until tomorrow as the editor-in-chief."

After Mai Sakurajima finished speaking, Paimon analyzed again

"The fourth girl... the cook, you are really good."

"you flatter me."

Natsume Motoichi looked at his living room.

Mai Sakurajima, Eriri, and Keqi, together with Shinobi and emergency food, are very lively.

"That's how my day starts."

Natsume Motoichi said this to Paimon.

The strongest day of human beings is to spend leisurely in such an environment?.

It is estimated that Gan Yu can be called to meet a certain fashion magazine

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

"I'm going to change clothes, don't eat Paimon, she's not emergency food."

When Natsume Motoichi walked to the second floor, he told everyone in advance.

This was just a joke, but instead it made Paimon nervous, fearing that he would be eaten by the girls in the room the next moment.

"Chi slip?"

After hearing the speech just now, Shinobu licked her tongue very cooperatively, and made a gesture of about to pounce on Paimon.

"Ah! Wait, wait, cook! We'll go with you too! I won't steal-watch you change your clothes!"

"What are you afraid of... If you are really worried, then go to the cat."

As for who is the strongest guy in the living room, Natsume Motoichi thinks that besides himself, it is the cat that the system has turned into.

After all, even the legendary vampires were instantly sealed by him, and only cats were eligible.

Hearing this, Paimon flew to the cat's side.

However, the cat lying on the wooden floor beside the edge ignored her, but gently swung its tail, enjoying the warmth brought by the morning sun and the hot breeze that dispelled the heat.

Natsume Motoichi didn't stay long, he decided to change into casual clothes.

Hearing the sound of footsteps disappearing on the stairs, Paimon also sat down beside the cat, with a pair of short feet swaying non-stop outside the table.

That does not work!

Paimon, who quickly realized what was happening, stood up from his seat.

The main purpose of her interview is to investigate Natsume Genichi's personal life and the reason why he is so powerful, maybe the people around him know some important information.

Paimon swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and she plucked up the courage to fly back to the living room just now.

Brave Paimon, not afraid of difficulties!

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