But what can she do?

She is just a trainee night watchman with silver strength.

Facing the evil god, being able to speak has exhausted all his strength.

"Tongue cutter? That's scary."

Hearing what Jiang Zhiyue said, Chen Feng felt a little scared.

"I heard that guy is a believer of evil gods, and his favorite thing to do is to kill people, and his methods are very brutal."

"The other party has come to Lingzhou City?"

"This is really not good news."

Live in these dire times.

Inevitably many terrible events will be encountered.

"A believer in evil gods?"

Thinking of this, Chen Feng couldn't help but glanced at the black goat cub.

"Look at the believers in other people's homes. They are vicious and notorious. Even the night watchmen have to notify the residents overnight."

"Look at my men again, it's just a tree, hey...the path of the evil god has a long way to go."

"Before summoning valuable subordinates, I still pretend to be the best policy."

Jiang Zhiyue fixed her eyes on Chen Feng.

But the other party glanced at the trees next to him very clearly.

Jiang Zhiyue's heart skipped a beat.

"There is a flaw in my own explanation!"

"Like this kind of existence, even if you don't see it with your own eyes, you must know that the tongue cutter was completely swallowed by the tree."

"It's more likely that this was originally an order from the other party."

"I... am I going to be killed?"

Jiang Zhiyue didn't even dare to take a breath now, she stood where she was, not daring to act rashly.

Chen Feng moved away from the black goat cub and looked at Jiang Zhiyue.

This is a beautiful girl.

I saw that the other party was beautiful and pure.

The crystal clear snow-white skin shone with an ivory-like halo, and the soft-lined snow-white skin was like a lotus flower emerging from water.

It's just that the other party didn't know how long they had walked in the cold and rainy day.

Her little face was pale, and even her body couldn't help shivering.

"She must be cold."

Although they became evil gods, they became opposites to each other.

But Chen Feng just wanted to live well.

Invade the world?

To harm the world?

Is the smooth life difficult?Or is a tasty meal not tasty?

Chen Feng was unwilling to become a wanted criminal.

Live your life well.

It has already become Chen Feng's deep-rooted thoughts.

And this is also the long-cherished wish of hundreds of thousands of ordinary residents.

Thinking of this, Chen Feng walked to the shelf, carefully selected, picked up an item, and then walked straight towards Jiang Zhiyue.

Darkness pervades.

Wherever Chen Feng went, everything would be wrapped in darkness.

"Here he comes! He is coming!"

Jiang Zhiyue originally thought that it would turn into a ball of meat in the next second.

But that terrifying figure suddenly stopped in front of him.

A palm covered in thick fog stretched out in front of him, and in the center of the palm lay a badge.

Badge of the Vigil.

It's just that this badge has a shield besides the sickle.

Sickle and shield.

Both attack and defense.

This is a badge that only official Night Watchers can have.

Chen Feng is not a stingy person.

A delicate night watch girl braved the cold rain to tell herself to beware of tongue cutters.

You have to make sense of yourself.

What is the highest state of gift giving?

Do what you want!

Chen Feng lived in Lingzhou City, so he naturally knew that the scythe meant that the other party was just a trainee night watchman.

On the road of tenure, who doesn't want to take a step closer to success?

So, what else is more suitable for the girl in front of me than an official night watchman badge?

This badge was obtained by Chen Feng when he received the goods a long time ago.

A widow of the Night's Watch, so sad that she sold many things.

For ordinary residents, the night watchman is their reliance and can resist all disasters.

But for their families, the Night Watch organization is the place where their loved ones died.

There is only sadness in the world that cannot resonate.

Chen Feng smiled and said:

"Thank you for reminding me in the rain, this is a gift for you."

Jiang Zhiyue was completely dumbfounded.

The evil god actually gave me a gift?

Also, what about giving away an official badge of the Night's Watch?


Some kind of reminder?

Or a deeper meaning?

Jiang Zhiyue didn't know at all.

At this moment, she was just surprised by her own performance. She was obviously terrified, but she still raised her right hand uncontrollably.

Follow the law.

The other party wants to give the badge to himself.

His body made a gesture of handing over.

As the recipient of the gift, Jiang Zhiyue didn't even have the chance to refuse.

and this……

It is the authority of the evil god!

ps: The collection is hard to describe. I want to cry, but I'm afraid to cry. Is there anyone watching?Give some flowers and evaluation votes!I can do more! .

Chapter 8 Level [-] Sealed Artifact, Whispering Badge【Add more comments】

"Too polite……"

"It doesn't have to be that way."

"Can I not?"

Gift from the evil god?

Jiang Zhiyue really dare not accept it!

But the evil god's authority is too terrifying, Jiang Zhiyue doesn't even have the right to refuse.

In this way, she took the badge from the opponent.

The moment of contact.

Countless ravings sounded in Jiang Zhiyue's ears.

It's like the sound of a stone being scratched on glass.

That dense sound almost dragged Jiang Zhiyue into the abyss.

In a trance.

Many strange sights appeared before her eyes.

She is among the stars.

The suspended stars are spinning around.

At the same moment, countless indescribable monsters appeared before his eyes.

Some are huge octopuses, weird murlocs, and toads squatting on the ground and grinning wildly.

Or there is...

Life forms that are not of conventional shape.

They are not birds, animals or even trees.

It is a twisted, deformed, and even huge creature without a body.

Up to [-] meters, [-] meters, or even [-] meters.

These monsters gathered together and stared straight at Jiang Zhiyue himself.

The most frightening thing was that besides anger and hatred, there was even a hint of envy in these gazes.

What are they envious of themselves?

Jiang Zhiyue couldn't understand it.

And in it.

A mass of rotting, writhing giants stands out in particular.

Numerous bony legs with round suction cups support a huge body.

It has no arms, but only three sharp spines sunken deep under its body.

Its head is disgusting, a white jelly-like substance covered with layers of swollen round eyes, and in the middle is a huge beak full of sharp teeth.

After seeing Jiang Zhiyue, the giant beak opened immediately, and a sound came from it...

Sharp, messy.


Jiang Zhiyue considers herself a strong person.

But surrounded and stared at by so many weirdnesses, she still couldn't restrain the thought of hurting herself.

She expects to be tortured and destroyed.

And the executioner should preferably be the mysterious evil god in front of him.

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