"Brother, why don't you want the emperor to abdicate?"

"My family runs a breakfast shop. Why do you object? The main reason is... Hey, I really can't imagine what Liyue would be like without Dijun!"

The man who was questioned by Xingqiu looked simple and honest, he didn't look like a big liar, so he was a big fool.

"Brother, how often does your shop close for a day?" Xing Qiu asked again.

"I was very energetic in the early years, so I took two days off every two months, but now I can't do it anymore. I have to rest every Thursday and sleep well, otherwise there will be problems with my body."

"So that's it." Xingqiu nodded, and said again: "Brother, have you ever thought that Dijun, as the oldest god in the world, has a lifespan of at least six thousand years, and he is tired and tired, and wants to rest like you It makes sense, right?"

"That's what I said, but..."

"And the newspapers also said that even if the emperor abdicates, he will continue to take care of Liyue, but leave more matters to Qixing and the people for self-determination. Therefore, Liyue will still be Liyue in the past, brother, are you right? ?”

After all, Xingqiu is a scholar. What he said made the man a little shaken.

"You're right..."

A smile appeared on Xingqiu's face, and he was about to strike while the iron was hot, when he was suddenly pushed back by the person next to him.

"This kid is bewitching everyone!"

"It looks like a spy from Qixing, hit!"


A group of people rushed up, punching and kicking Xingqiu.

But a group of people rushed out from under the steps, behind the house, on the roof, and behind the trees, and surrounded Xingqiu's people in turn.

"The young master is telling you the truth, but you still dare to do it? It really isn't a good thing."

The subordinates of Feiyun Chamber of Commerce are all gearing up.

"Since violence was used, let's go." Feng Yan, the head of the Qianyan Army, said with a stern face, "Take everyone back for interrogation, and don't let anyone go."

There was commotion in the crowd, some wealthy businessmen shouted that I belonged to Liyue Zhenglongqi, and there were also a few people dressed very tightly, with elemental power appearing on their bodies, and they wanted to rush away.

"You still want to run away?" Xiangling was very angry because her friend Xingqiu was beaten, and greeted her with a frying pan, "Crispy rice!"

"Lu~ (judgment)!"

"Great guest at the Hall of Rebirth, half price for the second monument!"

The hall master of a certain past life hall also came over, with a smile on his face, and knocked people around with a fire stick.

Come on little Amy.jpg

Chapter 151 Keqing fell in love with whoring for nothing

Fang Ning opened his eyes and found that his chest was being stepped on by two little black silk feet.

"Ah Ching?"

Ashamed to say, Fang Ning knew exactly who these jade feet belonged to even if he only saw the feet and only felt the soft touch on the soles of the feet...

Only, it's not foot control! Humph!

"It's me."

Keqing held her chin and responded with a slight smile.

She was sitting on Fang Ning's waist. At this time, she stretched her waist slightly, and put her feet on Fang Ning's shoulders.

"Ah, what are you doing?"

Fang Ning tried his best to restrain the urge to reach out and grab the two messy feet.

He was quite tired from Ningguang these days, but after seeing the cute cat head, he still wanted to...

Body: I'm tired, I don't want to be seductive anymore!

Head: No, you want to.

Fang Ning is now in such a situation.

"Boss Fang, I just went to your room."

Ever since the kiss in front of the immortal, Ke Qing has become much calmer.

Now she is imitating the look of staring at the light, trying to play with the poor fat bird in the palm of her hand.

Or is it more suitable between the soles of the feet?

"Boss Fang, Ah Qing, I went to your room just now and found some strange things."

While stepping on the milk with her cat's feet, Ke Qing raised the light novel in her hand.

This is a light novel that is messed up in all aspects, except that it is very mature in doing good things. It can be said that it was published under the bottom line of Yaedo's review, but it was unexpectedly liked by many people.

"I didn't expect Boss Fang to have such a hobby."

"This is just to learn about Dao's Wife. You know, I'm going to Dao's Wife soon." Fang Ning answered... no, it was a hard-headed answer.

"But the description inside is very interesting, isn't it?"

Keqing casually turned a page and recited:

"She just sat on me like this, with her legs on my chest..."

It was exactly the same as Keqing's posture now.

"...and give me my favorite chocolate. Boss Fang, what is chocolate?"

Although it was a question, Ke Qing just stared at Fang Ning seriously, and then stretched her feet over.The tone is casual and authentic:

"bring it on."


When Keqing came out of the room, her body was the same as that of Ningguang before, only wearing a thin bathrobe, the clothes were wet with sticky sweat, revealing her snow-white complexion faintly.

Keqing couldn't help thinking of Ningguang's laziness while holding a pipe, and suddenly felt that it was understandable.

This kind of satisfaction is really suitable for doing some pleasant little things to slowly aftertaste.

Such as overtime.

"In the end... I still begged for mercy."

Biting her lip unwillingly, Ke Qing was wearing slippers, ready to find Ning Guang.

On the one hand, her clothes are all broken, and she plans to borrow a set from Ningguang, on the other hand, she also wants to thank her for letting her go whoring for nothing...

No, no, Boss Fang is mine, why should I thank that woman.

It's time to go and say "Your husband is awesome" in a super loud voice!


"No, no, I should say 'my husband is awesome'." Ke Qing shook her head.


It doesn't seem right...

Anyway, I still have to look for Ning Guang, but when Ke Qing walked to the door of the living room, she heard a heroic female voice:

"Hahaha, Tianquan, your man is really easy to use!"

This voice is the ship's chief Beidou?

"Needless to say, it's useless to irritate me." Ning Guang's voice remained calm.

"How do you know, I'm just here to stimulate you? I might also come for real." Beidou continued provocatively.

"Then you wear this."

There was a sound of shaking the cloth from inside.

"This, this kind of clothes? Forget it, don't tease you, let's go."

There was a hint of shame in Beidou's voice, as if he wanted to slip away.

"It's too late to escape now. Captain Beidou, would you like to talk to me about the batch of goods you got for Merchant Sumeru last year?"

"Ningguang, what exactly do you want!"

"What do you want? Put on this cheongsam quickly, I will use you in my future plans. To be precise, it is your body."

"Who is a decent person wearing this kind of clothes that are slit to the waist and revealing the whole thigh! Why are you taking out the photo camera? You might as well kill me!"

Beidou's voice became thinner because of panic.

"Be obedient, or you will lose your share of good things. Baishi, help me capture Beidou, Beidou, if you hurt Baishi, next year's profit, I will give you three, understand?"

"Miss Ningguang, don't want it!"

There was a commotion in the living room.

Ke Qing suddenly felt that it was better not to go to Ning Guang now...

Looking at the sky, well, it's not too late.

"Then squeeze it again, no, find Boss Fang."

With her hands behind her back, Keqing hummed a song and left happily.



In Yuehai Pavilion, Gan Yu is imparting experience to Hui Xin.

By the way, Hui Xin, the daughter of Tianshu Star, has recently been promoted by her own efforts, and her current position in Yuehai Pavilion is second only to Gan Yu.

"If you have a letter opposing the emperor's abdication, you can reply that you are considering it; if you have a letter that you want to see the emperor, you can reply that you are actively considering it."

"Hmm...Senior Gan Yu, what does this mean?" Hui Xin looked at Gan Yu in confusion.

"Under consideration means that the letter has been lost. Under active consideration means that we are looking for it. This is a compulsory homework for becoming a qualified secretary."

Gan Yu patiently taught Hui Xin.

"Recently, Liyue's heart has fluctuated, and Qixing also has different ideas. In this case, Yuehaiting has to shoulder the responsibility of Liyue's conscience. Huixin, remember, when encountering this situation, what we declare in the first stage Nothing happened, the second stage...until all the dust settles and Master's will is implemented."

"Master?" Huixin was puzzled,

"Ah, I was wrong, it is the emperor, and it is right to carry out the will of the emperor." Gan Yu showed a cute and harmless smile.

"Huixin, please remember that the principle of Yuehai Pavilion is to seek the well-being of all living beings in Liyue, but sometimes, for this principle, we will make choices that go against the will of all living beings. At this time, we will use what I taught you of these techniques."

"Senior Gan Yu...why do you feel like you are explaining the funeral?" Hui Xin felt something was wrong.

"If Dijun abdicates, I'm also considering whether to terminate the contract with Dijun and stop being a secretary?" Gan Yu said.

"Senior Gan, Gan Yu, Yuehai Pavilion cannot live without you!"

Hui panicked.

Yuehai Pavilion cannot lose Ganyu, just like the West cannot lose Jerusalem, and pizza cannot lose pineapple.

"This day will come eventually. But don't worry, I will still live in Liyue. If you have any questions, you can come to me."

After finishing speaking, Gan Yu manually adjusted the full breasts that were pressed on the table.

...is it getting bigger again?

Gan Yu wanted to leave, but there were other reasons.

According to the development law of the Qilin family, her body is very suitable for giving birth to small life recently.

Now is the time to experience what it's like to hatch an egg.

[Picture: Crane]

Chapter 152

Lanterns of various colors were hung on the eaves of Liyue, and workers set up a platform at the port to start building the annual giant sky lanterns.

Vendors who sell various goods have collectively raised their prices as if they had negotiated.

In Liyue, such an atmosphere is called "Sea Lantern Festival Taste".

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