Budu Royal Soul!

Tian Yu Yu Slash!

At this moment, Lu Mingze reached the speed of Yu Shouguang's transformation into a dragon. He himself is a sharp blade, cutting open the realm of death.


The woman's hands embedded in Yu Shouguang's chest were directly chopped off by him with two long knives!

"Ah..." What the woman was about to say was instantly stopped by a scream.

"Ling... We haven't seen each other for a long time..." He looked at the woman's broken hands and said with a sneer.

"You are...you are..." A trace of fear flashed in the woman's eyes, "Impossible... I have already killed you! Killed you!"

Chapter 160: The Dragon Slayer Becomes a Dragon ([-])

"Yeah, we haven't seen each other for a long time, I thought you all forgot about me..." Lu Mingze smiled at her, "However, for me, even after tens of thousands of years, millions of years This year, a new era, I will remember you all."

Lu Mingze obviously uses Lu Mingfei's body and face, but his smile is completely different from Shanzi's usual smile, full of violence and majesty, but it does not lack the beauty of youth.

Even a woman who looks like a god in front of Mishouguang and others trembles.

In an instant, Chu Zihang seized the opportunity to drag Yu Shouguang's "corpse" to their side, and hid behind "Lu Mingfei".

"By the way, I forgot to say, my brother is very sad." Lu Mingze touched his chest, "He rarely cares about things, Yu Shouguang is one of his few, you know, for Wang Lai Say, I have very few things, but if I lose something, I will be very sad...Although I think he is so stupid, his emotions always affect me more or less, and he is my brother after all."

"He is sad, but I am sad!"

The next moment, the boy's godlike dragon body disappeared in place!

"Ah!!" The woman watched this scene, her pupils narrowed rapidly, and she let out a cry that seemed to be howling and fear, like a peacock being held by the neck.

The blood-colored alchemy purgatory near her body accelerated and expanded twice as fast as before, and the turbulent flow of elements rushed towards Lu Mingze like tens of thousands of bulls seeing the red cloth of a Spanish matador.

Under the turbulent flow of various elements, the next moment, several bloodstains appeared on the woman's tall body!

Two bloodstains appeared under the ribs and crossed upwards, stagnating on the chest.

"It's really boring." Lu Mingze said with slightly trembling hands as he looked at the "Color Field" and "Glutton" that were blown away.

And the reason why he didn't cut the woman open with that blow just now is because...

The woman's hands grow out.

For monsters of their level, super-speed regeneration is already a standard ability. Unless they hit the opponent's vitals in an instant, or cause a large area of ​​limb loss, they can restore the severed limbs in an instant.

Lu Mingze is also aware of this, but this is the only thing he can do now.

It seems that the woman named Ling finally understood this point, "You! You are not complete! If you were complete, I would have died with that blow just now!"

Ling smiled, and pointed at Lu Mingze, "You have the shape of a king, but it's fake! You're not that great creature at all!"

"You're right, I was seen through by you. It's a pity...Although I'm not the him in his prime, I have his heart, and even if you get the gift, you are still the cowardly and humble person who only relied on others Little girl!" Lu Mingze laughed.

Their voices were torn apart, blurred, and weakened in the high-speed turbulent flow of elements. Chu Zihang, Caesar and others could only see them standing still in the turbulent flow of elements.

But they can all guess that Lu Mingfei is a monster who can be compared with Ling!

"Although I don't know what's going on." Ling sneered at this time, "But since I know you're still there, I'm going to send you back to hell!"

"Then try it! My brother said that he wants to buy your life. He placed an order with me and spent 1/4 of your life to buy your death. You have to prepare to die when it's almost done."

Lu Mingze flew up into the air like a ghost, with his hands behind his back, "greedy" and "lazy" came out of their sheaths!

At this moment, the two alchemy weapons showed their true posture in his hands. Sparks flowed along the blades, and the metal seemed to be melting rapidly and condensing again. Alchemy weapons that can only be used by giants.

This is their true posture. The Bronze Purgatory Seven Deadly Sins itself is an alchemy weapon cast by Norton, one of the four great monarchs of the Dragon Clan, the Lord of Bronze and Fire. They should be used by the Dragon Clan. How about such a small gesture?

"Come on! Our battle! It's about bloodshed!" Ling shouted, colliding with Lu Mingze at super high speed!

"Very good! It seems that you have understood our fighting style! The battle between the king and the king is endless!" Lu Mingze let out a hearty laugh.

For Chu Zihang, Kaiser and the others, this decisive battle was nothing more than bursts of thunder in midair, lightning produced by high-speed friction in the air—and again and again illuminated the gaps between the turbulent flows of elements, like It is a dragon with flashes that shuttles between the turbulent currents of the elements, breathing thunder and lightning.

For Lu Mingze and Ling, every collision is a turbulent flow of elements, the high-speed air currents of ultra-high temperature and ultra-low temperature alternately split the clouds, and also cut the two sides in the decisive battle.

Every time they collide, there is a high-energy particle flow, and such fine particles are not easy for them to bear. The neural circuits are disturbed, and various terrifying illusions appear in their minds, and they are immediately shattered.

This is the death battle between kings and kings.


"This is... Lu Mingfei?" Caesar was dumbfounded.

Like Bourne on the side, watching this scene, he was already rubbing his eyes. He even wondered if he had been alone in the Nibelungen for too long. The sense of loneliness had overwhelmed his reason, causing him psychological problems and collapse. Hallucination.

So this time he is using the SDS psychometric method and the RSTO self-awareness test to check whether he has a psychological breakdown.

Nuonuo looked at Lu Mingfei in mid-air, and nodded absently.

"Now let's think about how to save Ah Guang first..." Xia Mi said, looking at Yu Shouguang who was still breathing.

Erika was hugging Mishouguang, crying to the point of tears.

Yu Shouguang still had Ling's pair of dragon claws with pale white scales on his chest. The graceful and huge dragon claws blocked the huge wound on his chest, like a cork, preventing the dragon blood in his body from draining. Exhausted.

It was precisely because of this that Chu Zihang did not dare to remove the "weapon" that seriously injured Yu Shouguang. Once removed, it would speed up Yu Shouguang's death.

Caesar took a look, hesitated, and said, "No... this kind of wound, his heart and one lung were crushed. In modern medicine, Ah Guang..."

He smiled wryly, "It's already dead."

Chu Zihang didn't say anything, his eyes were obviously dim.

Everyone's mood is a little depressed under this situation, after all, it is their partner who died because of the "Dragon Clan".

Although sacrifices are unavoidable on the road to slaying the dragon, they still inevitably feel sad when they really face the death of the people around them.

Chapter 160 The Dragon Slayer Will Become a Dragon ([-])

"Don't be too sad." Yu Shouguang looked at them and said with lowered eyes.

At this moment, he suddenly coughed, and the black blood with some internal organs spewed out, and Erika immediately let out an "ah", tears covered her beautiful face again.

"Ah Guang... we... let's go home together, okay..." She was a little at a loss, the super hybrid who just erupted with a powerful speech spirit to kill the dead waiters was like a little girl at the moment.

"I'm sorry... Maybe I can't promise you this time..." Yu Shouguang shook his head at this time and said, his pupils began to slack, and the effect of the dragon's blood boiling began to gradually weaken.

This was the closest he was to death, and even that time when he faced Yamata no Orochi with a strong blow, he was not pierced by Yamata no Orochi's "nothing goes on" Amazono cloud sword hole.

This time, his heart was crushed by Ling directly. Without the hematopoietic and blood circulation functions of the heart, no human being—no, not even a perfect creature like the Dragon Clan could survive.

"I'm so sorry... for making you sad for me..." Yu Shouguang could feel a great tiredness sweeping through his body, and then he lost control of all parts of his body, and his touch began to fail until he couldn't feel them at all The presence.

In fact, he really wanted to promise Eriyi, saying that he would go home with her, but suddenly he felt that he still had a lot of things to say to Eriyi, wanted to spend time with her, kissed her beautiful smiling eyes, and wanted to be with her. Complain to each other...

All of them, and then, became extremely missed at this moment.

But he couldn't promise her, because an unfulfilled promise was like a deadly poison, and he, who was doomed to die, couldn't promise such a "beautiful" promise.

"A liar...a liar...you clearly agreed...we want to be together forever...absolutely can't...absolutely can't...leave Eriyi behind and run away..." Eriyi burst into tears, even The string of teardrops fell like a broken string of beads.

"Yes... yes... I'm a liar..." Yu Shouguang's eyes drooped, he was trying his best to resist the tiredness, once he accepted the tiredness, he accepted death.

It seems that death is not a terrible thing at this moment, because death is only a momentary thing.

Yu Shouguang remembered this sentence in his previous life, the person who died first was not in pain, the real pain was the person who watched the person she liked die, and she had to live with the pain of her lover's death.

This is the greatest pain in the world.

A person endures loneliness, loneliness, and grief, and continues to live in this world as if nothing had happened.

"I hope... I hope you can live a good life..." But even though it was cruel to say so, Mishouguang still said so.

He looked at Erika with hope, no matter what, he wanted Erika to live well.

"Please...take her out safely..." Yu Shouguang's eyes were blurred, he didn't even have the strength to look at Chu Zihang and Kaiser, and he just murmured in a low voice.

"Aguang! Aguang!"


Time went back to the afternoon when I talked with Xia Mi.

"Their strength... comes from the promise made by my father and you humans." Xia Mi said suppressing his anger.

"With the Black King?" Yu Shouguang murmured.

"That's right, although I don't know why he did this, but the first batch of hybrids were born in the era when humans and dragons coexisted. We bestowed our blood as the 'Holy Grail'. The first batch Human beings held up the 'holy grail' and became the 'gods'." Xia Mi said lightly.

Yu Shouguang can fully imagine how powerful this batch of initial hybrids are, because their bloodlines do not need to be "stable", just like their white kings, their bloodlines are infinitely rewritten by dragon blood until The remaining human genes could no longer be rewritten.

In fact, this event has also been interspersed in history as a myth, whether it is the "Holy Grail" of Christianity, or Odin in Norse mythology who obtained the "Fountain of Wisdom", and the person who burned himself to become the "sun" in Mayan mythology The legends are a metaphor for this.

I just don't know what Xia Mi said about the Holy Grail.

According to common sense, the Holy Grail (San-greal) was consecrated by Jesus and 33 disciples after he sent Judas Iscariot away on the 11th day of Nisan in the Jewish calendar in AD [-], which is the Passover meal before Jesus’ crucifixion. A wine glass for use.

Jesus established the Memorial of the Passion by taking this cup and telling his disciples to drink the red wine symbolizing his blood.Some later believed that the mug had some sort of magical powers because of the special occasion.

According to legend, the magic furnace of Anwen in the past world is the predecessor of the Holy Grail.

Many legends believe that if one can find this Holy Grail and drink the water it contains, one will be rejuvenated, resurrected from the dead and gain eternal life.

This effect is true, eternal life... Isn't it eternal life like Odin who has lived from an unknown era to the present?

There are about 200 ancient wine cups in Europe that are considered to be the legendary Holy Grail, the famous ones are the Valencia Chalice of Valencia Cathedral and the Genoa Chalice of St. Lawrence Cathedral. Wait.

Now it seems that there are so many legendary holy grails, if they are true, it is reasonable to have such a large number. After all, in myths and legends, there are so many gods...

"Then wait..." Yu Shouguang remembered something, and took out one from the system space...

Ice blue heart!

Since the moment he obtained this heart belonging to Skadi and put it into the system space, it was fused with another drop of blood from the Hades, and he didn't even react.

And since he completed the task and obtained that strange drop of blood, apart from resonating with Skadi's heart, there has been no abnormality.

"Do you know what's going on?" Yu Shouguang looked at Xia Mi who was in a daze.


"Alarm alert! The host's life has been detected to be in danger!"

"Now looking for the best solution to save the host!"

"Drip drip!"

"A coping strategy has been found! Match the heart!"

"The source of the world tree, the heart of the hybrid species of the age of gods, A-level props, stamina enhancer, and super Z have been matched!"

"It is detected that the host's spirit has recovered, and the system will ensure the life safety of the host and its target!"

"Ding ding ding——It is detected that the host and its target are out of danger! The host is about to wake up!"

Mishouguang heard the familiar system sound, and then he... opened his eyes all of a sudden.

Chapter 160 Three Dragon Slayers Will Become Evil Dragons ([-])

At this time, Mexico City was in a mess due to the impact of the Deadpool army.

These hybrids from the ancient Mayan civilization are undoubtedly extremely powerful existences for ordinary people. Let alone ordinary people, even ordinary hybrids do not have much upper hand against them.

Fortunately, human wisdom is always more important than extraordinary force. These irrational walking dead, no matter how powerful they are, can only fall down under the superb modern technology and clever cooperation of the hybrids.

However, even if the battle was won, they were still a little embarrassed.

A large red cross flag was planted in the center of the ruins of the building, and dozens of white tents were erected beside it. The cordon was pulled up, indicating that this was the territory of mixed races, and ordinary people could not enter.

Doctors and nurses with a large lineup and strict order are giving simple explosions to the injured students in the tent

Occasionally, the sphygmomanometer burst unexpectedly, because the blood pressure of some mixed races is much higher than normal people, their blood vessels are like cast iron, and because of the battle, their dragon blood is highly boiling at this time.

Uesugi took back the double knives and put them back to his waist. Although he looked a bit embarrassed at this time, he was not injured.

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