No more.

They really couldn't understand why Xiaozhi was ranked No.1.

Damalanqi let go of his worries, and became refreshed.

Facing the puzzlement of Yulongdu, Shibacona and others, Damaranch was very leisurely.

"Just look at it, we will always know the answer."


The screen changed, and it turned into Xiaozhi sitting excitedly in front of the TV.

"Little Zhi, go to bed early, tomorrow I'm going to get your Pokémon!"

Faced with Huazi's mother's exhortation, Xiaozhi, who agreed without hesitation, still couldn't help being excited until midnight, and then overslept the next day.

Xiaozhi in pajamas rushed to Dr. Oki's research institute in one breath, but all the first three Pokémon were taken away.

Just when Xiaozhi was downcast and thought that he had no hope, when he heard Dr. Oki hesitantly saying that there was another choice, Xiaozhi couldn't care so much anymore.

He is about to take his Pokémon and set off on an adventure!

Then Xiaozhi met Pikachu, who was not as good-tempered as the original Pokémon.

One hundred thousand volts made Xiaozhi realize how powerful Pikachu is.

With Pikachu who would not even enter the Poké Ball even if he was beaten to death, Xiaozhi took a difficult step and embarked on a journey!


Xiaoxia's eyebrows twitched.

"You are too unreliable! How can you oversleep when it is so important?"

Xiaoxia immediately thought of the first meeting between herself and Xiaozhi, and she was thinking about Pikachu's situation at that time.

Good guy.

"You just got along with Pikachu at that time?"

Faced with Xiaoxia's accurate guesses one after another, Xiaozhi could only smile awkwardly.

"Haven't I changed a lot now?"

"Besides, I'm working very well with Pikachu now!"

Xiaozhi, who was a little embarrassed last second, became proud in an instant.

He and Pikachu are super strong now!

-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The screen turns.

Xiao Zhi, who had just set off from Zhenxin Town with Pikachu, had successive battles on Route 1 and downtown Viridian.

Blow up Kasumi's bike and Pokémon Center directly with Pikachu.

Xiaozhi, who has one more companion, tamed a green caterpillar, because girls don't like bugs, in order to prove the green caterpillar's strength to Xiaoxia.

After encountering a wild Bibi bird passing by, Xiaozhi decisively ruled out the green caterpillar.

The green caterpillar was beaten to the ground, and it was Pikachu who managed to subdue the Bibi bird.

Just when Xiaozhi was trembling with excitement, Xiaoxia slapped him hard.

Facing the unconvinced Xiaozhi, Xiaoxia put her hips on her hips and did not show any weakness.

"Then you should know more about Pokémon!"

"Pokémon have mutual restraints! Bibi Bird is a bird, and a green caterpillar is a bug! Don't you even have the common sense that birds eat bugs!"

Faced with Xiaoxia's questioning, Xiaozhi finally felt guilty.

"Common sense... I thought fighting spirit was enough."

Xiaoxia became even more angry.

"Pokémon doesn't depend on what you say you want to win, the most important thing is to rely on the trainer's judgment! It's useless to rely on how much you like Pokémon!"


Xiaozhi looked at this passage and touched his nose in embarrassment.

Xiaoxia rolled her eyes at Xiaozhi.

"I think I said all these words for nothing! This guy Xiaozhi didn't remember at all!"

"Otherwise, when we were in the Nibi Gym, why would we want to use Pikachu and the others to fight the big rock snake?"

Xiaogang nodded to Xiaoxia's words.

Well, from this point of view, it is indeed the case!

Xiaozhi's expression became more embarrassing, Pikachu was still lying in Xiaozhi's arms, and kept "Picka Pika", as if he was laughing at Xiaozhi.

"Okay, okay! Didn't I win too!"

Xiaozhi knew that he was not doing well enough.

"I also listened to Xiaoxia's words! Isn't this what I have been working hard all the time!"

The three of them had bid farewell to the Hualan Gym, and were continuing to walk forward, arguing while watching the video noisily.

Xiaozhi said that he has really made progress!

Xiaoxia snorted, she didn't believe it!


"This girl is quite good, she seems to be Xiaozhi's companion?"

"She's right. You can't let the Pokémon around you get hurt because of your ignorance. Fighting is not just about having love."

"It's good to have someone to guide him once in a while."

Although Xiaoxia in the picture looks a bit fierce, Mi Keli feels that it is not easy for a newcomer like Xiaozhi who knows nothing to be surrounded by a senior who can teach him like this!

"This is the fate!"


The screen turns.

Xiaozhi seems to have listened to Xiaoxia's words. After fighting all the way, the green caterpillar evolved into an armored chrysalis, and finally evolved into Ba Dahu.

But in the battle in the Nibi Gym, Xiaozhi once again fought against the attribute of the restraint attribute.

A last-minute boost to Pikachu's hundred-thousand-volt power via a puddle in the ground sealed the victory.

After the narrow victory, Xiao Zhi obviously drifted away.

Then in the battle against Xiao Ming, who had won 98 victories from the local trainer, Xiao Zhi lost very quickly.

It's just kneeling in seconds.

"Why is he so powerful?"

Puzzled, Xiao Zhi found the answer in Xiao Ming's tent, that is, Xiao Ming will set a strict training plan for all Pokémon!

Including forcing the rat to face the water he fears.

"You are abusing Pokémon!"

"If you want to be strong, you have to work hard!"

Xiao Ming and Xiao Zhi wrestled together, and finally Xiao Ming convinced Xiao Zhi.

Seeing that the Pokémon was "abused" but had an extremely close relationship with Xiao Ming, Xiao Zhi seemed to finally understand something.

"It's not enough to simply love Pokémon. I never thought about how to make them stronger, nor did I think about Pokmon's tactics."

"I also want to use my own method to command Pokémon and make Pokémon stronger!"


Fairy Union meeting room.

"Xiaozhi's youth is still growing, and this is a process of slowly experiencing and accumulating."

Yulongdu laughed when he saw this.

"The meaning of embarking on a journey is just like this. Only when you have seen different people and different scenery can you know where your shortcomings are!"

Xiba also nodded, agreeing with Yulongdu's opinion.

At the same time, Shiba's doubts deepened.

"But this alone is not enough, right? He still looks a little too weak like this!"

"It's impossible to make him the most popular trainer just by growing up! Strength is also a very important part!"

Kona agrees with Shiba's statement.

"So the next step should be his growth."


Shots of screen cuts are getting faster and faster.

Xiaozhi's Pokémon training has achieved some results, and he has more ideas when fighting against various Pokémon trainers.

Although there are still shortcomings, although he is still a little young and frivolous, the light on his body is getting more and more dazzling.

Facing the disobedient charizard after evolution, there is also Kona's warning.

"You don't understand the heart of the fire-breathing dragon at all. If you want to continuously improve in battle, you can never succeed only by the command of the trainer, nor by the strength of Pokmon alone. You must combine the two !"

Xiaozhi seems to understand but not understand, the fire-breathing dragon still does not cooperate, and even passively sabotages in the competition.

But in the end Xiaozhi got the approval of the fire-breathing dragon!

And the picture flashed by, it was Xiaozhi and Koga Ninja, whose expressions became more resolute, fighting against Carunai, the Carlos regional champion, and her Shanaido!

He was facing a champion who was stronger than the original Four Heavenly Kings, but Xiaozhi did not fall behind!

Xiaozhi and Koga Ninja's heart and command, combined together, exploded with powerful power!


Caroline:? ? ?

"Why am I always the one who's hurt?"

Carunai's head was covered with small question marks.


You grow when you grow up, why do you take the video of me being defeated by a newcomer as an example?

"...Is this the pain you have to suffer as a champion?"

Carunai wiped away her non-existent tears, but still felt that she was kind of stuffed!

"Xanaiduo, we will lose to this boy in the future?"

"Did I date him before?"

"I still don't think it's true! No matter how weak I am, I'm still the champion of the Carlos region!"

How could we be defeated by a newcomer!


Xanadu said that the video is here, and the video will not be fake.

Caroline was even more frustrated.


-------------Chapter Dividing Line---------------

The live broadcast of Karuna's death is broadcast directly to the whole world.

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