"Adek... Forget it, let's not talk about this irresponsible guy, what did Mikri do? Didn't even make the list?"

Dawu complained.

Mikri: Meow Meow Head Tears.jpg


The screen turns.

Kojiro, who left the family, joined the Rockets.

Although he lived a life of luxury and good food since he was a child, it doesn't mean that Kojiro can't live a hard life.

Teaming up with Musashi and Miaomiao, the three of them often ate their last meal without stopping, but Kojiro still had a vivid expression on his face that didn't exist in the family.

What is even more surprising is Kojiro's subjugation of Pokémon.

Almost all of Kojiro's Pokémon are taken over by friendship, there is no battle, no damage, and all damage is voluntary to follow Kojiro.

Prickly Ball Cactus, Manini, Campanula, Good and Bad Star...

Kojiro is also very fond of his Pokémon.

Every time Kudaihua is released, he likes to swallow Kojiro in one gulp.

I like Kojiro's thorny ball cactus, every time it is released, it is full of thorns and I have to hug Kojiro.

Fang Cage always swallows Kojiro's head.

Good and bad stars like to poison Kojiro.

The super bad star senior who obviously wanted to take away the good and bad stars also fell in love with Kojiro in the end, and even actively wanted to become Kojiro's Pokémon.

Still Kojiro took the initiative to refuse.

All the pictures flashed by, countless.

Kojiro was in a hurry every time, but he always had a smile on his face.


"Kojiro is really good to Pokémon, but every time he wants to catch Pikachu..."

Even Xiaozhi felt that such a Kojiro really didn't look like a bad guy!

People who are good to their Pokémon are not bad people!

"So people are complicated. Kojiro is very good to his Pokmon, but it doesn't mean he won't catch Pokmon."

"It's not his Pokmon that was taken away, why should he care?"

Xiao Gang didn't find it strange when he arrived.

Does Kojiro have a conflict between being nice to Pokémon and trying to catch them?


Xiaozhi puffed his cheeks.

"Well...you're right! As long as he wants to take Pikachu, he's my enemy!"

Having said that, Xiaozhi still vaguely had a different idea in his heart.


Fairy Union meeting room.

"It's really good that this guy has more Pokémon of his own!"

"This is the real doting Pokémon!"

Even Yulongdu couldn't help but smacked his lips and said.

"All his Pokmon like him very much, so they are expressing their love in their own way, but this method is on humans..."

It might be a little overwhelming.

Sheba nodded too.

"It's a man! It's amazing that such a small body can bear so much love!"

Yulongdu and Xiba are not surprised why Kojiro is on the list now.

It depends on how much he loves this Pokémon!


The screen turns again.

"Double Bomb Gas, Appa Monster! Take them and run! Don't look back! We are here!"

It was Team Rocket's trio who met the Pokémon Hunters and caught a bunch of Gas Bombs and Apa Snakes.

Team Rocket stopped the Pokémon Hunters, giving the Pokémon time to escape.

The camera turns again.

It became Kojiro and the spiny cactus.

"He has great arm strength for learning to draw punches."

The main dish of the gymnasium of EMI Taoist Temple looked at Kojiro's spiny ball cactus and said.

Kojiro was caught in a tangle, he had to keep the prickly prickly prickly prickly pear cactus to learn new tricks.


"Are you really happy being with me like this? I'm the badass Team Rocket, and she's the gym trainer."

"It's not just about learning how to draw punches, you can become a more powerful Pokémon if you go to her place?"

Kojiro finally decided to keep the spiny ball cactus.

To make spiny cactus even better.


"Wow! I think I'm convinced I lost!"

Mikri touched his chin and said in amazement.

"This guy doesn't seem to have ever let Pokmon use a trick that is harmful to them, right? Obviously in that environment, the double-bomb gas can use the self-explosion skill."

"And in order to allow Pokémon to have a better future, I reluctantly separated from Pokémon..."

He is really a guy who loves and even dotes on Pokémon very much!

Mikri felt that he had nothing to say.

"That guy is actually a member of Team Rocket!"

"Even if he is just an ordinary Pokémon trainer, I won't be so unwilling!"

At any rate, they are members of the Elf Alliance!


The screen turns again.

It became a picture of Kojiro, Musashi and Meow Meow getting along.

When Miaomiao was mistaken for the God of Miaomiao and was forced to use the Treasure Gathering Technique and got bruised all over his body, Kojiro and Musashi secretly donated pocket money and the most precious bottle caps to help him lie.

During the Doll's Day, Musashi lost to Xiaoxia and did not get a prize.

Kojiro took the initiative to dress himself up as a Doll's Day doll, but he emphasized that Musashi should be wronged and accepted.

When Musashi decided to quit the Rockets to pursue happiness, Kojiro even said to Meow.

"Shouldn't we bless her? This is the real partner!"

"At this time, I will leave Meow silently like a man."

"You must be happy! Goodbye!"

The camera turned again, as if returning to the beginning.

"As a result, Kojiro still hasn't come back."

"No matter how much you complain, the life of the rich is still more attractive, meow."

"makes sense."

Musashi and Miaomiao lowered their heads in frustration.

At this time, a voice came from the sky, it was Kojiro in the Rockets uniform who was chasing after him in a hot air balloon!

"Since you asked the question sincerely!"

Musashi and Meow Meow's eyes widened.

"Then we will tell you mercifully!"

Musashi immediately followed Kojiro's words.

The two of them held each other tightly, Musashi turned over and jumped onto the hot air balloon, Team Rocket reunited again!

"The job that suits us best is the Rockets!"

Accompanied by the launch of the hot air balloon, it seems that they can still hear the cries of the forgotten mews on the ground.

Chapter 98 Damarangi's flag

[Carona: He's a good man!Whether it's for your Pokémon or your partner. 】

【Xiaoxia: Well... a bit complicated. 】

[Adek: This kid obviously looks like a guy who can only keep escaping. He is not as good as Uncle! 】


Adek let out a long sigh.

"It can't be done, I'm getting older, and now the little girls like young boys!"

In fact, Adek didn't really care about the fact that he wasn't on the list.

After all, he is indeed old, and gradually he doesn't care much.

Judging from the video, the crisis in the Hezhong area was solved by those children and the Rockets teaming up?

"Things like good and evil don't depend on what they say or where they are, but what they do."

Musashi and Kojiro, along with Team Rocket, the talking Pokémon Meow, always seem to be up to no good.

But in the eyes of Adek, an experienced champion, they actually did a lot of good things.

And these three guys are not really bad guys, their hearts are also soft.

"If it weren't for the fact that this leaderboard is a leaderboard for trainers, then Miaomiao, who can only talk, should also be on the list!"


"Wooooow! Meow!"

"Both Musashi and Kojiro are on the list meow! Only I don't have meow!"

Meow Meow's tears burst out directly.

"We agreed that we are all Rockets, why are there only two of you meow!"

"You guys ran away together, leaving me behind meow!"

Meow Meow is talking about the last scene of Kojiro's video, at this time, Meow Meow's memory is surprisingly good.

He can find out every time Musashi and Kojiro neglected him in his memory.

Both Musashi and Kojiro had headaches.

Kojiro didn't even have time to be happy about being on the list, so he could only flirt with Musashi desperately.

Hurry up and think of a way!

Not my problem!Meow Meow cried because I saw you on the list!Meow Meow was just envious when I was before, so it's all your fault!

Kojiro, Kojiro were shocked by Musashi's thick skin.

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