Therefore, many divine beasts were not moved by this reward.

Their purpose of watching this video is just to know if they are among the top ten strongest beasts!

After the Phoenix King's reward comes out, it will be different!

The enthusiasm of the beasts was all stimulated by Feng Wang's description!

So the reward is so good?

To make the gentle Phoenix King so excited, he must be right!

Whether it's not being able to become stronger or living more comfortably, different mythical beasts have their interests!

The beasts stared at the white screen in front of them one by one.

Hurry up to the next one, it must be their name!

[Flame Bird: Let's share it together!We are all birds and beasts! 】

[Frozen Bird: Support! 】

[Lightning Bird: Support! 】

【Feng Wang: No appointment, goodbye. 】

No one can compete with him for the ten thousand year sycamore tree!

Feng Wang rubbed against the Wannian sycamore wood twice.

It's really comfortable!

Find a place where you can rest well!

The kind that will never be found!

Reluctantly, King Feng took the Wannian sycamore wood into the space provided by the Wanjie Dimension website.

Then fly high!

Goodbye friends!

Today I'm going on a voyage!

The chat room, which was noisy just now, also fell silent.

"It feels like everyone has become so excited."

Xiaozhi looked at the gods and beasts who appeared in the chat room one after another, and said with emotion.

"It's normal! They are all legendary Pokémon!"

Xiaoxia is also very excited!

With so many beasts appearing, it's like dreaming!

It's not just Xiaozhi who thinks so.

The people in the evil organization also felt that these beasts were completely different from what they imagined after they could communicate normally!

[Musashi: ... Is this still a divine beast! 】

[Kojiro: Divine beasts are also wise, the rewards are indeed very attractive! 】

[Meow: It seems to be meow! 】

[Xiaozhi: Phoenix King is right!Otherwise, still waiting for you to come to the door! 】

Xiaozhi waved his fist happily.

"Fengwang should do this! Team Rocket and those evil organizations don't even think about it!"

【Dr. Oki: I wonder if I can ask Feng Wang to give me some research.The sycamore wood itself is very rare and has special abilities, why is that? 】

Dr. Oki immediately deviated from the painting style of the chat room.

Worthy of being a doctor who specializes in Pokémon!

The white screen lit up again, drawing everyone's attention!

Are you going to start again?

What captures the Phoenix King, what Wannian sycamore wood, watching the video is the most important!

"It's just that the reward for No.9 is so attractive, what about No.8?"

Everyone is watching intently!

The beasts are even more crazy.

"This time it must be me! The reward must also be mine!"

Gulardo roared to the sky.

"I will definitely be on the list! That guy Gulardo is not necessarily!"

Gaioya is also secretly competing in his heart!

Not only does he want to be on the list, it's best that Gulardo is still unnamed on the list!

Looking at Gulardo in this way, how can he compare with him in the future!

The rewards from this video site made both humans and beasts feel excited, and they also paid more attention to the upcoming video.

The white screen lit up.

The video that will be played soon is the inventory of No.8 mythical beasts in the world of elves...

Chapter 9 No.8 Divine Beast: Although it is a replica, it is comparable to a divine beast

【Dawu: I'm a little curious about who No.8 will be! 】

[Adek: Hahaha!Yes!We are also an eye opener!Let's keep playing the video! 】


"Hurry up and record it! These videos are more important than I thought!"

Dr. Oki on the other side has found out the characteristics and habits of these mythical beasts that have been played on the pen and paper recording video!

These are divine beasts that ordinary people will never see in their lifetime!

Maybe you can find some of the habitats of the beasts through these!

"It's a pity that this video cannot be re-shot him with electronic equipment!"

"Otherwise, it should be photographed and preserved!"

Dr. Oki, who tried to shoot, got a blank picture, so he had no choice but to give up.

Although Dr. Oki is also very curious about the rewards, he still cares more about the beasts!

He wants to see more Pokémon!


Many beasts also paid attention to this chat room and the white screen.


Gulardo was very dissatisfied.

Why is he the one who was summoned!

It's too embarrassing for him!


Just as everyone expected, the screen finally lit up!

Accompanied by this burst of intense music, two sentences sounded in the dim picture.

"The Strongest Pokémon Trainer"

"It's about to come here!"

All eyes were drawn to it.


Xiao Gang squinted his eyes and touched his chin strangely.

"I always feel that this voice is a bit familiar!"

"It seems to be Miss Joy's voice!"

In the future, Xiao Gang, who can accurately recognize every Miss Joy and Miss Junsha, has already demonstrated his ability initially.

Others did not recognize the voice.


However, both Sakagi and Xia Bo also narrowed their eyes.

"This description..."

Sakagi turned the big ring on his hand.

It feels a little bad!

It's obviously still in the experiment...

Before Sakagi sent someone to check, the video continued to play.


Three lines of text appeared on the white screen again.

【He comes from the dream gene】

【He is the product of human ambition】

[Although it is a replica, it is not a natural creation, but it is comparable to a beast! 】


"It's Mewtwo!"

Now Xia Bo and Sakagi reacted immediately!

It must be Mewtwo!

"Let Niijima's researchers check Mewtwo's status immediately!"

"There must be no problems!"

Sakagi sat up straight.

How could the producer of this video know about his acquisition of the dream gene?

And Chaomeng doesn't have consciousness yet. Is the Chaomeng he studied so powerful?

Sakagi was excited and anxious.

This is No.8!

He must control Chaomeng, and absolutely nothing will go wrong!


Fairy Union meeting room.

"Someone dares to use dreamy genes to create Pokémon without permission! It's really abominable!"

Yulongdu is about to explode!

Kona and Shiba's faces were also not good-looking.

As Pokémon trainers, they all love Pokémon.

"Keep watching!"

"This matter will not be left alone!"

Damalanchi stared at the white screen and said.

As the president of the Elf Alliance, Damalanchi knows the importance of this matter!

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