"This is Boss Sakagi's voice!"

"But what is Team Rainbow Rocket? Meow, do you know?"

"Rainbow Rockets just... don't know meow."

Miaomiao licked her paws, and then was taught by Musashi and Kojiro together.

Today's Rockets trio is another day of harmony and friendship!


Team Rocket Headquarters Office.


"I knew I must be No.1!"

Seeing his name appearing, Sakagi burst out laughing, touching the smooth fur of the cat boss, his mood became better.

"Boss Sakagi, didn't you still worry about..."

Amado next to him didn't finish his words, but he received Sakagi's death stare,

She silently shut her mouth.

The real bird smiled disdainfully in his heart.


Amado and Musashi are the same idiots, she is the most reliable in the entire Rocket team!


Three lines of text appeared on the white screen.

【He is the boss of the evil organization in the Kanto area. 】

[He is the owner of the Viridian Gym! 】

【He, the boss of all evil organizations assembled! 】


Fairy Union meeting room.

Damalanchi didn't even want to type a question mark anymore.


No matter how many times you say it, there are only those two words.


"...Um, President, this is really not entirely your fault!"

Yu Longdu racked his brains to comfort Damalanqi, but it didn't work at all.

Some people are dead, but he is still alive.

Some people are alive, he thinks he might as well be dead!

This is the portrayal of Damaranqi's true mood now!

"Although, the number of behind-the-scenes masterminds and evil organizations in the gymnasium owner is a little bit beyond the standard."

Shiba couldn't help but also said.

It is one thing for them to work conscientiously and cover up their identities.

And the people of the Elf Alliance failed to find out, this is another matter!

"Changpan Gym, Kaji Gym, Red Lotus Gym...Huh? These three seem to belong to Team Rocket!"

Kona successfully discovered Huadian.

Is it the traditional art of the Rockets to use the identity of the gymnasium owner to cover up their true identity?


screen transition.

"Melloietta, sing!"

"Project Storm will definitely succeed!"

"The Hezhong region will be ruled by me!"

Sakagi stood in the center of the underwater ruins.

Above the head is Meloetta captured by the Rockets. With Meloetta singing, the mirror appears on the altar.

Whether Sakagi summoned the Three Saint Clouds through Meloetta and the Appearance Mirror, or used the Appearance Mirror to transform the Three Saint Clouds into the form of spirit beasts and control them.

It's all over the top!


Union area.

Sirona stared blankly.

She saw nothing, knew nothing.

She's just a baby!


Escaping from failure, Sirona still has to face this cruel reality!

Wiping away the tears that didn't exist at all, Sirona was not a little tired.

"Isn't the Rockets an evil organization in the Kanto area? Why did they come to the Hezhong area?"

"And it seems that the attempt is not small!"

This can almost directly fight the plasma group.

Sirona suddenly felt that this was a good idea.

"If the Rockets really come over, you can consider provoking the plasma group. This way I can relax a bit."

When they lose both sides in the fight, contact the Interpol directly and have a one-shot!


Team Rocket Headquarters Office.

There was a smug smile on Sakaki's face.

"Compared to those trash, I am the strongest!"

Sakagi summed up everyone in one sentence.

Including other behind-the-scenes players, not limited to Team Rocket's dopey trio.

"As long as I make a move, is there anything I can't do?"

The cadres of the Rockets were all applauding "chirp, chirp".

Boss Sakagi is right!

Boss Sakagi is right!

Boss Sakagi is the strongest!

Members of the Rockets, today is also a day of loyalty to Sakagi.


The camera rolls again.

Surprisingly, the picture changed.

Even the Rockets uniform that Sakagi is wearing has changed.

"The bosses of all our evil organizations are the strongest!"

"The name of Team Rainbow Rocket will surely be heard all over the world!"

Sakagi raised his hands high.

Beside him are Team Lava Chi Yansong, Water Fleet Water Indus, Galactic Team Red Sun, Plasma Team Quecchis and Flash Team Fradari!

"In Team Rainbow Rocket, all the bosses of evil organizations come from worlds that fulfill their ambitions!"

"Otherwise you are not eligible to join Team Rainbow Rocket!"


Even Sakagi himself was shocked.

"Rainbow Rockets?"

"Is there still such an operation?"

Sakagi called it awesome!

"The future me is really too talented!"

Although cooperating with the bosses of other evil organizations made Sakagi feel a little uncomfortable.

But think about it, you are still the boss.

And through this Rainbow Rocket Team, which has assembled the bosses of the strongest evil organizations in history, he can definitely get more wealth and resources!

"Let me take a good look at how I will do it in the future, I have to study hard!"


Fairy faces conference room.

The atmosphere became even more gloomy.

"It was still said before that it was impossible for them to form an alliance because of their mutual infighting."

"It turns out that the face slap is waiting for me here."

Damalan's sorrow flowed like a river.

Can you stop hitting him like this?

"Rainbow Rockets, is there really no problem with such a group of abnormal-minded guys united together?"

Anxiety was also written on Yulongdu's face.

I'm really worried!

"And from another world? Does our world already have such abilities?"

Yulongdu looked at Dama Lanqi.

Damalanchi nodded, shattering Yulongdu's last illusion.

"Yes, it's already under development."

"According to the original progress, it will be within a year or two."

Who would have thought that once it was researched, it would become a prop for the Rockets to expand themselves?

Chapter 68 The Road Not Imagined

Hualan Taoist Hall.

Ash and Pikachu both opened their eyes wide.

"No way!"

"Is the boss of Team Rocket so powerful?"

Team Rainbow Rocket?

From different worlds where each has fulfilled their respective ambitions?

There was too much information, and Xiaozhi couldn't react at once.

"Pickup pickup!"

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