Xiaozhi was full of question marks.

"Mr. Chiri really looks like a nice guy!"

Could this be the boss of an evil organization?

The famous behind-the-scenes man on the leaderboard?

Chapter 49 People Who Do Great Things

Not only Xiaozhi and the others were surprised.

Sirona, who had heard of Mr. Chiri, was even more shocked and speechless.

"This... Most of the buildings and libraries in the Sinnoh area were built with his investment, so he is also the boss of the evil organization?"

It was really hard for Sirona to accept this gap.


The scene in the video is still going on.

After learning that Ash and Hikari had met Arkonos and Emrido, Chihi made a suggestion.

"Can you let them take a look at the white jade orb, maybe there will be some other discoveries?"

Kale and Sirona both thought they could give it a try.

After all, whether it is Yaknom, Emridor or the White Jade Orb, they are all part of the legends in the Sinnoh area.

Then after seeing the White Jade Orb, they ran into Team Galaxy again who had already snatched the Diamond Orb!

Chiri acted like he had nothing to do with the Galaxy team, acting like an incompetent ordinary rich businessman the whole time.

It even needs Sirona's protection.

Mustard Lan also said arrogantly.

"Sirona is the champion, she is enough!"


Fairy Union meeting room.

"This guy... is not a little good at pretending!"

Yulongdu was also confused by the red sun in the picture.

"This way, how can you tell that he is a bad guy!"

Kona was also very emotional.

Don't be afraid of evil organizations coming rashly, such as the boss of the Water Fleet and Lava Team in the Hoenn area.

The identities of Shuiwutong and Chiyansong are clearly there.

I'm afraid of a villain with brains like Chi Ri!

If you just don't take the initiative to come forward like Quecchis, it's fine.

But Chiri came up with a completely different routine!

Pretending to be an ordinary trainer?

Gym master?

No, no!

They have invested heavily in the infrastructure construction of the Sinnoh area, perfectly creating a rich businessman's identity that will not easily be suspected by others.

Damaranch: ...

The person is dead, please burn the paper if you have something to do!


The lens turns.

In the case that Chiri didn't make a move at all, the Galaxy team still got the white jade orb.

Although Sirona was a little suspicious of Chi Ri, she had no evidence.

He could only look at the back of Chi Ri leaving.

Until Chiri collected all the gods of the lake in the Sinnoh region!

"My dream is about to come true!"

"Yaknom, Emrido, and Yukshi, combine their power with the Diamond Orb and the White Jade Orb!"

"You can summon Diyaluka, the god of time, and Palkiya, the god of space!"


"This guy's mobility..."

Mikri's eyes widened in surprise.

Really awesome!


Dawu also discovered that Chiri is really calm.

It's also really well planned!

Everything is going in the direction Chiri planned!

"This person's ambition is not really possible, is it?"

"In addition, he now knows the identity of the real creator god in advance."


Dawu felt a headache when he thought of this.


Team Galactic headquarters office.


"It's not that I haven't thought about it."

"But it's still different, I can't control Arceus."

"Dialga and Palkya, as long as there are no problems with my plan, it is possible to realize it."

Even at this time, Chi Ri remained calm.


The lens turns.

As Chiri said.

He can't control Arceus, but he is sure to control other beasts!

"I found out that these meteorites are actually fragments of the power of the Creator God!"

"With this, I can get them to do what I want!"

Facing Xiaozhi, Xiaoyao and Xiaogang who were summoned by the gods in the lake, Chiri prevented his subordinates from attacking them with Pokmon.

Fighting with Pokémon has always been the thing Chiri hates the most.

"What I have to do now is to summon Diyaluka, the God of Time, and Palkya, the God of Space, in Tianmiao Mountain!"

"Then I can create a perfect, heartless world!"

Chiri's actions were very decisive.

Take all the things you have prepared and start summoning at the Pillar of the Gun!

Dialga and Palkiya really appeared!

It was also controlled by Chiri with the power of the Creator God!

Both Diyaluka and Palkiya have become Chiri's grasp!


Hualan Taoist Hall.

"He really did it?"

Xiaoxia raised a question mark.

The leader of this evil organization really summoned the beast?

Is the future about to be destroyed?

"The shackles on them are like the symbol on Arceus!"

Xiaozhi was still talking stupidly.

Xiao Gang shook his head.

no solution anymore.

My own child can't be saved!

"Arzeus is the legendary God of Creation in the Sinnoh region!"

"So the power crystal in Chiri's hand should really be the power of Arceus!"

The Galaxy team can actually do this.


on the screen.

With the help of Xiaozhi and Xiaoyao Xiaogang, the gods in the lake regained their sanity.

But Diya Luka and Palkiya are still under Chiri's control.

The new world did not directly replace the current world.

But Chiri threw himself into that brand new world full of ominousness at first glance without hesitation!

"This is my world!"

"My dream has come true!"

The final scene.

It was the scene where Chiri plunged into the universe that had just appeared with a happy smile.


When the video ended, everyone fell into silence.


How should we describe this ending?

[Xiaozhi: The anger of Diya Luka and Palkiya still seems to have not been eliminated, is there nothing going on? 】

[Xiao Mao: The real villains are all gone, so it's impossible for you not to take action next, right?There are other legendary Pokémon around, so it shouldn't be a problem to get rid of the latter. 】

[Xiaozhi: Haha, it seems to be the same!So in the future, will I save the world? 】

What Xiaozhi said was unintentional, but more people couldn't ignore it.


Fairy Union meeting room.


"Xiaozhi boy saved the world!"

Damalan said with emotion.

How about the final ending?

Better than he imagined!

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